Old TI notes

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Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:05 am

I was digging through some backups, and found some notes I took from the Original TI. Posting it here just for the historians- nothing should be taken as canon. The notes were dated between February to April 2000.

Lithmore City Map

                  North Gate and road to Vandago
           North  <-------------------------------------Wall Road-
             |   /Up          Donation &                         |
             | /                Altar                            |
      West---+---East             |                              |
           / |                 Church of                         |
     Down/   |      Lion &     Lithmore  (see old map)           |
           South   Boar Inn       * Old /  Library               |
            ^         |           | Lithmore*        |           |
            |-----Church St-------|------------+---Church St-----|
            |         |           |            |                 |
            |      Banker    Church Square   Halfpint            |
            |                 (Fountain)       Inn               |
            |  Blacksmith         |                              |
            |       |    Bakery   |     Grocer    Weaponsmith    |
            |       |      |      |       |           |          |
 To    <---West---Main-Street---Market----Main-Street-+--------East--->Cross
 Orkin     Gate            |    Square    |                    Gate    Roads
 Wood       |           Armoury   |    Jeweler                  |
            |                     |                          Wall Road
           Wall                   |                              |
            |    Leather  Dress   |    Saxon                     |  
            |     Shop    Shop    |     Inn                      |
            |      |       |    Common   |                       |
           Wall---Poor-Alley----Square---Dark-Alley-----------Wall Road
           Road            |      |              |               |
            |            Grubby   |         (Private)  Apothecary|
            |             Inn     |                         |    |
            |                    Dump---Narrow Alley--+----------|
           Wall           Sewers/ |              |          |    Wall
           Road                   |              |    Warehouse  Road
            |                   South          Bren              | 
      <-->Bridge----------------Bridge---------River-----------Bridge <--> 
            |                     |       The Cardinal's         |
            |                     |         Choice Inn           |
            +-------The Promenade-+------------------------------|
           The                    |            |                 |
         Concourse                       Ardmoore     Jail       |
            |         Paarin             Avenue|-----------------|
            +--        Park                  --+        Courier  |
            |                                  |-Custom     | Fur|rier
            |                     |            | Clothing   |  | |
                                          South of Lithmore

Vandago City Map

.                   ---Docks---                              
         |  |          |        |      |             |          
         | Healer     Train     |     Inn            |            
         |                      |                    |
         |-------Vandago St-----|-----Viola St-------|
         |                |  Ash St            |     |
         |                |     | Mens         |Jaren|-Jaren
 Monarch-|Church  Desmond-|     |Clothing Bren-|Park |Street
   Way   | |        Alley |     |  |      Alley|     |
To       |   |  |     |     |   |   |       |        |
Lithmore | Bank |  Dress    |   | Jeweler  Fish      |
         |     Baker    Novelty |                    |
         |                      |                    |-Duxbury 
         |                   Morning                 |   Road
         |                    Glory                  |
         |                      |----Sunrise Way-----|            
         |   Private            |           |        |
         |   Estates            |         Skotston   |
         |                      |-Weapons   Row Jail |
         |                      |           |     |  |

Days of the week:

Moonbright, Waning Moon, Halfmoon, Midweek, Newmoon, Rebirth, Halfdark and Week's End.


Lithmorran Months:

Time of Snow, Time of Frost, Time of Thaw, Time of Growth, Time of Blooming, Time of the Sun, Time of Heat, Time of Rain, Time of Fall, Time of Wilting, Time of Dead Trees, Time of Chill, Time of Yule.

Vandagan Months:

Midwinter, Late Winter, Early Spring, Midspring, Late Spring, Early Summer, Midsummer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Midfall, Late Fall, Early Winter, Years End.

Charalin Months:

Height of Cold, Waning Cold, The Warming, Growing Things, All in Bloom, Growing Heat, Scorching Days, Highest Sun, Browning Grass, Losing Leaves, Autumn, Breath of Chill, Long Nights.

Vavardian Months:

Ice Flows, Frozen River, River's Thaw, Spawning Fish, Jumping Fish, Flooding River, Receding Floods, The River Flows, River Slows, Floating Leaves, River Shrinking, River Cooling, River Freezing.

Hillman Months:

Frost on Ground, Permafrost Hills, Melting Snows, Growing Grass, Mountain's Green, Heat Begins, Shimmering Heat, Heat Dying, Grasses Scorched, Grasses Brown, Hills Cooling, White Blankets, Snow Mountains. 

Farin Months:

No Passage, Falling Snow, End of Winter, Lands Bloom, Rain Time, Long Nights, Heat, Long Days, Fields End, End of Summer, Fallow Fields, Silent White, Month of Yule.

Tubori Months:

Encompassing Chill, White Melt, green's Growth, Growing Warmth, Deep Warmth, Midsummer, Waning Heat, Wilted Growth, Brownleaves, Dying Green, Barren Trees, Growing Cold

Last edited by Taunya on Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:13 pm

This is RIDICULOUSLY cool. Thank you for sharing!

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Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:56 am

Just found a map of the old Lithmore City, added it to the post. From what Az said before, it's just a made-over Midgaard from ROM?

As I recall, "Old Lithmore" across from the Half-Pint was the starting zone. If I recall correctly, it had a boarding house, a library, and a park with wondering mobs- mostly little girls and elderly men. I think it was level limited, and what you did there was OOC, so while a newbie you could do things like this without getting in hot water:

Your thwack does UNSPEAKABLE things to A little girl for 36 hp!

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Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:07 am

We had a grid of Vandago? Wow. Great work!

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Buzz K[ir]ill
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Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:53 pm

This is pretty cool, thanks for sharing!

'Cardinal's Choice Inn' sounds like a cheeky name for a medieval strip club, lol.

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