New Mage Spell: Born Again

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:19 pm

Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:24 pm

I had an idea for a new fire spell, called, born again, requiring 100 fire and 100 arien rank to learn it lets you burst into flame and regain your youth, everyone who has you remembered forgets you and you can rewrite your desk and intro appropriately, the spell could only be cast once ever, or maybe once every 6 ooc months or something. Your age is reduced to a random number between 16 and 20.

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:02 am

O_O;; I actually like that idea, though, I think it should be something that needs to -very- earned. Like, researched, and takes like a long time to work.

100 fire, and 100 arien, while is probably hard as hell to get. A dedicated twink could reach that in under a week, or so, I think (don't quote me). So I figure it should take alot more then that. Like, catalysts, and possibly a human sacrifice, or three.

And maybe even some sort of transmutation circle-type deal. Hear me out, I'm an FMA nerd and a co-author of a webcomic that touches something like this.

The point is, that regaining youth is a very tricky thing, in many movies and other sources it's depicted in different ways. In some, it can easily backfire, and you'd end up an infant, in others it's a gradual change over the course of time, and usually tends to be subtle until it's actually noticeable. And sometimes it can't stop, or you need to find a way to make it stop. And in others it's an instant thing. I'm not sure of the details you have in mind, but it would be better to discuss those. Like how would it work in your mind? How would you be able to keep yourself from screwing yourself royally?

And if you choose to become like, MUCH younger like say from 50 to 7, how would the experience caps play into that? Personally, I think if that were the case, your character would go insane from the sheer pressure of knowledge being crammed in a pint size brain. With some severe psychological backlash.

This can come in form of losing your adult memories, or even straight out amnesia. It would need to be a VERY risky process. There -would- be SEVERE consequences no matter how powerful of a mage you are. If I wanted to go further, I could even suggest it be more a curse then a helpful spell. Something you throw at someone who's REALLY pissed you off. I've never had an actual functioning mage before, so I don't know the common consequences of such things.

Though, really, I highly suggest that if this spell is ever put in, there should be some SERIOUS RP that follows the discovery of it, mainly because of it's potency for chaos, and what it does.

That's my two cents. I can go into more detail if you want. But this is something I know alot about if there's anything you can't figure out how to explain well.

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:19 pm

Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:08 pm

As a dedicated twink I'd like to say that it's several months to get to 100/100, it's about 1 day per rank for ranks above 60 if you do nothing but grind. so that's a minimum 40 days (and ranks 80+ probably take 2 days) I'd estimate that starting at rank 60 two months to get to rank 100 (of nonstop grinding)

Posts: 84
Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:14 am

Wed May 11, 2011 2:56 am

Dont think the spells go above 75....unless it has recently changed

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