GLA events

Ideas that have been discussed, approved, and are awaiting implementation.

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Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:41 pm

It's a commonly held belief that Rank plays into it, but currently it doesn't at all based upon what I was told by staff. And I don't believe guild members have any more say, not based upon the ooc meeting.

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Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:38 am

I think giving people more support slots, having passive support affect Guildleader approval ratings, and making the GLA events more costly would help mitigate the problem, as would more uses for IP. I also think it'd be useful for players to be able to find out who supports them and who subverts them (perhaps by spending IP?) so they can respond in kind through RP rather than the event-based mudslinging that's currently going on.

I think making the passive support / subvert system more comprehensive might take some of the load off of the GLA events in terms of politicking. In fact, I think getting rid of the GLA events and tying supporting / ousting GLs to the passive support / subert system might be a good measure to make it more RP-focused - that is, finding out who supports certain people you have beef with and actually seeking to convince them to withdraw their support through RP, rather than just hitting up all your friends for IP to fire off another event.

EDIT: Perhaps instead of posting events, IP could be used to bolster the effect of one of your support slots for the week? That way, there's still a way to add a bit of oomph to it if someone's REALLY made your shit-list.

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