Escort FTW

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:04 pm

Syntax: Escort <name> <message> / <room message>

If a player owns a room, the escort command becomes available. It will, by default, escort the person off the premesis to the vnumber specified in the room. The @owner room desc will state where escorts from that room resolve.

This will be available to guilds, private owners, and so forth. It will not be available to escort someone to jail, just to kick them out of the vicinity.

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:06 pm

Will there be a way to resist being escorted? For example if I'm robbing someone or murdering them?

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:09 pm

Wasn't planning on it, no.

It cracks me up how, whenever you post something, it's got examples using you doing naughty things, like murder, Wilderop. :P

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:28 pm

I'm in general favor of this, but have some questions.

Could this apply to some places like river square or church square as well? (places where people shouldn't be messing around.) Escort to jail to account for the large numbers of knights and reeves, etc?

Will this be available to all members of a guild in their guild areas, or just to the GLs?

Also, what if a knight bursts down the door of a mage's house... can the mage simply escort them out?

Does the Order's escort command still exist? How will this interact with that? Supercede it? In addition to?


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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:41 pm

It can apply to anywhere an owner is in play as I wrote it.

It would be available to all guild members as I wrote it.

If a knight or anyone bursts into a players house, the mage could escort them out, as I wrote it.

As I wrote it can be changed. This is just an idea thrown up for players to review/comment on.

So, what I'm gathering - perhaps nobility, Reeves, and Knights cannot be escorted? I'd think it'd depend a bit on dynamics that we may not be able to represent, however. Could just trash the idea?

I think there's a grain of something good there, but I'm not sure how to isolate it.

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:11 am

I really really like the concept, but I think it could be used for seriously bad stuff. In all of the examples mentioned previously, it makes it incredibly easy to deny access to someone attempting harm, thus creating a very powerful sanctuary. In each case, though, it would have serious IC consequences. The only problem? How are the Reeves or Knights going to go in and arrest them if they just get escorted out?

The solution: Keep escort for Guildhalls, especially when the xblocks are removed. It makes a whole lot of sense for a guild to be able to escort someone out. Have it be an option to purchase to very large estates that would have a staff of guards capable of keeping someone out (Physically carry them, no matter how large and aggressive). It does not necessarily cover the bases of avoiding legal confrontation, but at least it makes sense. They would have the manpower to bar access to a person or group of people.

Naturally, these are just suggestions and not demands, no matter how it might sound.

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:53 am

So keep it for guildhalls, but not for private residences?

Would it make it acceptable to remove guildhall xblocks if this were available? Personally, I'd like to see it possible for people to enter other guildhalls if only to RP with the people outside.

With regards to the private homes and lawmakers - it could simply be that people in certain guilds could be immune to being escorted? Maybe escort takes both the player and the escortee out? Meaning they are physically escorting the person, and this prevents them from 'hiding' using it?

Any other suggestions?

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:54 am

I personally think if applied, it should be a threaded command like decloak which cuts off with combat. I disagree completely with making it instant, even if people in certain guilds are given immunity. What if someone breaks into a person's house to murder (I don't always give naughty examples! ^^) the person? If that person owns no IC guards, it does not make sense for him/her to have sufficient manpower to definitely escort the person out. And if he is doing it himself, the other person should be able to resist by fighting, since being in your own home gives you no special superpowers (that I know of!).

Ditto with GHs. In fact, I really do not much agree with removing the xblock for GHs; if someone needs to get into a GH badly enough without permission, he should attempt to get a mole, or use magical means, or pay imm assistance. This forces strategizing and RP, instead of just allowing him to wander in, which would not be ICly viable, especially if there is no guild member online to escort him out.

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:37 pm

I like escort. It could be presented as a modification of carried or dragged?

You should be able to escort anyone from anywhere. Maybe if you're in a public room you need to pay for it like a messenger. Ex., Fynn and Nagaita are in Church Square. Fynn farts. Nagaita pays the closest authority 5 silver to 'escort' him out. In the case of a public place, it should be only one cardinal direction.

Nagaita is hanging out in the bluebird. Someone <gentry is there making a fuss. Nagaita pays 5 silver for the existing door guard to 'escort' them onto church street.

Nagaita is at home. Kaemgen comes to visit with his entourage. Nagaita gets in verbal tiff and asks to have him escorted out. This should be free since it's her phome/private area. Maybe escort asks for a 'submit' or 'decline' which could result in combat (but not automatically.) This can allow for RP of the struggle. Maybe Kaemgen's manservant refuses and steps in the way of my guard. We can RP a while about the outcome. Push come to shove, combat might result, but it shouldn't auto-combat if the escort is not submitted to. Make sense?

You shouldn't be able to 'escort' someone to jail. That's too much +++ to the lawful side. Any private citizen paying to escort people to prison is a bit much. It's a lot easier to say 'get them out of my sight' than 'get them into the tower at once!' Maybe that VNPC doesn't have ahalin keys.

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