Let's end this problem forever

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:40 pm


If you begin an emote with quotes, it should append your name to the end of the emote instead of the start, even if you forget to put "/self" in it somewhere.

So if you accidentally type:

emote "Well, that solves that problem forever!" he cheers happily, clapping his hands together.

Which would normally give you:

Player "Well, that solves that problem forever!" he cheers happily, clapping his hands together.

Instead, it could give you:

"Well, that solves that problem forever!" he cheers happily, clapping his hands together. [Player]

It'd still be kind of a mistake, since it's better to include /self, but maybe not a mistake that would necessitate a repost! I don't think anyone who begins an emote with quotes means to put their name at the front of it.

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:15 am

Yes oh god yes please. I keep on forgetting that every single time
Blake Evernight tells you, "You, Sir, won my heart today. Are you single?"

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:16 am


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Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:45 am

Please!! I beg to the Lord of the Spring! xD

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:46 am

Using /self instead of "he", in this example, will get rid of your name from the beginning of the emote.

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:36 am

Right, but it's so easy to forget /self. If this is possible, I am in favor!

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:41 am

If you forget to use /self, it will naturally append your name at the beginning... this isn't changeable to allow emote style compatibility with other games, which most of our players would be coming from.

We can easily always add a tag at the end if /self isn't used, but it's totally unnecessary giving that the name is there at the beginning and a bit redundant at that.

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:05 pm

I always forget to add in /self! It'd be nice to have a safety net, sure, but I'm not sure how practical it would be to add it in on the dev side of things. From what I've seen, the mistake is usually patched up with a quick repost. And even if it isn't, I'm sure most players have been there and the typo is considered permissible.

It'd be cool if it was added. But I'm content to just keep hanging my head in shame after the fact. And who knows? Maybe the mistake was made during a performance. That's free training, folks! :lol:

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:13 pm

It used to be that emote always started with your name, and rpecho was the option not to, which is the way I still use it. I don't think we want to do special cases for figuring out which you meant to do beyond the use of /self. And like kin says, we don't want to get rid of the name start altogether because of newbies familiar with other games. Once you've figured out /self you have a bit more context to know what is going on. We actually tried removing it before and newbies were hit really hard and quite confused, while all the seasoned players who didn't like it just used the alias command to fake it.

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:22 pm

Kinaed wrote:If you forget to use /self, it will naturally append your name at the beginning...
This is exactly the issue faced by people in support of this suggestion.
Kinaed wrote:We can easily always add a tag at the end if /self isn't used, but it's totally unnecessary giving that the name is there at the beginning and a bit redundant at that.
No, it wouldn't be redundant because the suggestion is to STOP putting the name there, BUT ONLY when you don't include /self (or /WhateverYourChar'sNameIs) AND KEEP IT for all other use cases.

This would not break expectations for normal emotes, because normal emotes don't start with quotes. It's all in the OP, but here are some examples based on the suggestion as I understand it in the OP:

Input: emote jumps around like a lunatic.
Output: Applesauce jumps around like a lunatic.

Input: emote jumps around like a lunatic while shouting, "I always forget that!"
Alternate Input: emote /self jumps around like a lunatic while shouting, "I always forget that!"
Output: Applesauce jumps around like a lunatic while shouting, "I always forget that!"

Input: emote "I always forget that," he grumbles.
CURRENT frustrating output: Applesauce "I always forget that," he grumbles.
NEW better output: "I always forget that," he grumbles. [Applesauce]

Only when you literally have quotes at the START of your emote would anything at all change, this is not a backward breaking change because the grammar is always wrong. Nobody ever would expect their emote to come out like:
MyName "Some Quote here," the rest of the emote.

It's always just a forgetful thing.

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