Adjusting heal rates

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:30 am

I'd like to discuss injuries and the sometimes significant amounts of time it takes to get back to a playable state. I do understand that being disabled for weeks to months is realistic, but within the scope of gameplay it can be a bit much.

Recent example: Alt fought a prarie dog. Was hit once by the aforementioned prarie dog. Went down to 45% of health with a fractured limb, and went to the Physicians. It was fully treated by a player. Spent the remainder of the evening and the next entire day of online time (literally -- had the character sleep for probably 10 hours straight, checking back every hour or so to eat something) and regained a total of 11 HP capacity.

That is a really, really long time for so little recovery -- time that could have been spent hunting, crafting, RPing, or otherwise interacting with the game, I instead spent sleeping to almost no effect. If I'm running at an 11 HP regain rate per full day spent resting/eating, it's going to be ages (OOC weeks, even, though my math skills are notoriously poor) before I can do much of anything beyond sitting around (wounds appear to be worsened by moving/work/combat, which again is very realistic, but aggravating in play).

It's realistic you wouldn't heal a broken limb "swiftly", and I don't think a serious wound should heal in a single OOC day -- I just think that progress should be considerably quicker than it is now, just for the sake of balancing realism with playability. Our current settings for heal rates can be a bit disincentivizing.

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Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:07 am

A couple things:

1) A prairie dog SHOULD have its damage capped so it only does a very small amount of damage; if it dropped you to 45% hp from 100% somehow in a single hit, that is insane and bugged, and typo-board that at once! This was intentionally done to prevent the "oh a rat killed me" problems we used to have.

2) Recovery of max HP has nothing to do with eating/sleeping anymore. You're totally free to keep on RPing and moving and etc. even when you have a fracture. Wounds are not worsened by anything except combat, though bleeding wounds which have only been bandaged and not fully treated may begin bleeding again if you move too fast. You definitely don't need to sleep all day; you'll get your HP back every day whether you do or not.

3) There may legitimately be a bug in there somewhere. A fracture is supposed to heal in 7 IRL days (9 at the absolute max if you have other wounds, but you only have the one, right?), so you should have gotten back 1/7th of the HP and you got back 11. That'd imply your wound was only 77 HP, if it's functioning correctly, which is a bit crazy - unless your PC has 35 con and 35 str, that definitely sounds buggy.

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Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:23 pm

1) Prairie dog was clearly a demon brb drinking entire Bren/simple dip won't save me (I had a preexisting arm bruise at 20ish% that the fracture just layered over the top of -- Still seems a bit much for a prairie dog at long distance, but not quite as crazy!)

2) Mind blown. WHAT?

3) I'll make a note about this.

Healing DOES seem much too slow to me, all in all, but that I don't need to sleep/eat entirely remedies the "augh I'm out of commission this suuucks" problem.

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Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:29 pm

There are enough players who get nuked to negative max HP and act like nothing happened a day later that I would not desire wound healing to be any faster than it currently is.

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Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:31 pm

Ehh. If a person is behaving as if they're wholly healed a day later they will do so regardless of their actual HP/state -- they're doing that already.

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Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:31 pm

This way, at least, people who RP-wise ignore injuries still codewise suffer them in combat!

Eating/sleeping will get back CURRENT HP to max, but the max healing should be happening every day, period, so long as you're still RP-active. And a wound should absolutely never take longer than 9 days at tops (except maybe more if you were in the negatives, but not so sure on that.) But I think some people have suggested this can be wonky, which could draw it out.

The prairie dog may still need a cap, so I'd encourage typo-boarding that too.

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:06 am

I've made a note to myself to put up a note about the prairie (evildemon) dog. It's basically turning into noteception.

The point about combat penalties is solid. If folks are going to pretend they're fine with serious wounds (and it appears they do? :( ), the code should at least reflect that they're not 100% when they get into a fight.

It ended up taking 6 RL days (wound was a minor fracture), which I can't complain about. I have -no idea- why the first max HP regain was so small, but the remainder were more in the realm of 30ish. I've become suspicious that I was just wrong about the amount on the first regain.

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:00 pm

I've had a small gain on the first heal then higher on the next ones, as well.

From what I've seen while it takes a long time -- My experience with wound healing seems reasonable. I -believe- the severity of the wound is different for each person based on their stats (correct me if I'm wrong). The same for healing. So small animals on some cause a fair bit of damage to some PCs (generally non-combat PCs). However perhaps worth looking at how much and what is reasonable for such a little critter!

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