Whererp off by default

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Fri May 27, 2016 7:56 pm

Also agreed. To me that's the whole problem.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sat May 28, 2016 10:48 am

No offense intended, but whilst that sounds good like a company slogan, I totally disagree in practice.

People can accept responsibility for their settings and be congenial when they forget because they know what the setting is for and that they are responsible for their settings. It's simply a choice to be personally accountable. In fact, this is the textbook definition of personal accountability: "being willing to answer for the outcomes resulting from your choices, behaviors, and actions. When you're personally accountable, you take ownership of situations that you're involved in."

We do it all of the time on TI, from remembering to change our actions to sheathing our weapons after combat to swapping their Vavardi house silks to socially acceptable clothing in public. Toggling off whereRP is no different, it's just that some people don't WANT to be responsible for it because they forget a lot. That doesn't mean they ought not to be.

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Mon May 30, 2016 1:38 am

Romewhoa wrote:Although I don't really like the concept that the proposal addresses, I do see the need for it, especially since it's off putting to new players to see fourteen people, not including staff, logged in, but only four on WHERERP and a majority of those in private rooms.

I'd say make WHERERP on by default for cyans, but off for everyone else.
Would the proposed solution (either the original or modified for cyans) actually help this, though? I'm not sure it's better to come on and see 14 people on who and 0 on whererp, vs 4 on whererp who may or may not be available.

A real solution would seem to be more along the lines of reminding people to turn it ON when they're available. Not that I want egg-timer spammy prompts every minute telling me to check if I still need it off, but maybe some kind of occasional reminder. Either based on time or specific actions - like if I'm standing around or crafting then it's fine to leave it on, but if the game sees I'm clearly in RP and earning RPXP, maybe when the ticker resets it gives me a nudge. Or if I'm walking around, then ~1 min after I stop it asks me to check if I still need whererp off.

Dunno the right set of rules for the reminder, so don't take the above as hard or strict, but just saying.

Edit: Also, what about making bedrooms and most other rooms within homes forced-no-whererp (assuming the home is larger than one room)? Typically homes will be locked, so unless the owner is directly behind the locked door to let you in when you knock, it's not really helpful for their WHERERP to be on while at home. As long as at least the room behind the lock is whererp-ok, people still have the option to have sort of "open invitations".

Or is it possible to add a state to the whererp room flag or whatever? So instead of "can show up on whererp" or "cannot show up on whererp", a room might be set to "will only show on whererp if at least 2 people have rp on inside it". That way if you're having a house party and want the world to know, they can see it on whererp, but if you're logged on alone in your home then you don't have to remember to turn it on/off.

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