Roles - Developed for a Different MUD - Opinions?

Ideas we've discussed and decided not to implement.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:10 am

This is an idea I developed for a Roman-based RP Mud that I was building (and may still develop), but I'm genuinely not sure how well it would work on TI. Opinions?

Code: Select all

Syntax: Role Purchase [ID] [Primary|Secondary]
	Role List <all>|<active>|<inactive>|<free>
	Role Search <keyword>
        Role Requires <requirement type> <value>
	Role Watch [ID]
	Role Request [ID] <message>

Roles describe what it is that your character does in game. They are flexible, 
and your character can hold two purchased roles at any given time.

Roles are purchased in-game and kept until:

1) A player goes inactive, the role becomes available, AND another player purchases it off the inactive player.
2) A player loses the pre-reqs to retain the role.

Role Purchase # Primary will pay out the requisite XP and make the selected role your primary role provided that it is available, and that your character meets the requirements. Role Purchase # Secondary will do the same, but make the role a hidden, secondary role that only appears in your score.

Role list all will show all roles available in game. Role list active will show you all roles that are currently assigned to active players in the game (a sort of census). Role list inactive will show you all roles in the game in which are currently held by inactive players. Role list free will show you all roles in the game that no one is playing.

Role Search <keyword> will search role titles for the keywords supplied. Role Requires <requirement type> <value> will show you all roles that are available given a certain criteria, such as followers or purchase cost.

Finally, Role Watch # will tell you when a role you have marked for your interest has become vacant, and Role Request # <message> will allow you to purchase a role off an inactive player and leave them a message.


[ID#]: The ID number is a unique, 5-digit number automatically generated by Fortuna

Name: What appears on the who list as the player title. Max 19 characters

Titles: Does this role confer some level of official title? Default is "None"

Tier: 1-3 (where 1 is restricted - similar to GLs, nobles, etc on TI)
	Tier 1 roles are unique roles - only 1 can exist in-play on any character, active or inactive.
	Tier 2 roles provide special benefits to the player.
	Tier 3 roles are non-unique and the same role ID can belong to as many players as choose to take it.

Desc: This is a bit of text regarding the history of the role. It may be a few 
     paragraphs long. Max 3200 characters long.

RRPP : (Responsibilities, Rights, Powers & Privileges) Explains the IC benefits of the role. Also a description field. Max 3200 characters long.

Faction: Which group the role belongs to. One or more of the following list: 
	A: Optimate            G: Legion        M: Augur              S: Senator
	B: Populare            H: Equite        N: Slum Brotherhood   
	C: Independent         I: Citizen       O: Patrician          
	D: Enlisted Military   J: Non-citizen   P: Plebian             
	E: Auxilary Military   K: Slave         Q: Epicurean          
	F: Officers Military   L: Flamen        R: Stoic

Requirements: Requirements a player must meet before the role can be purchased. 
              Whenever a player logs into the game, the game will check to 
              ensure they still meet the necessary requirements. If the player
              does not, a timer will start, and they have two OOC weeks to meet
              the requirements before the timer hits zero, and the role is 
              removed. They will receive a login message telling them how many
              days they have left on their role, or to inform them that their
              role has been stripped from their character.
		Types of requirements may include one or many of the following:
		- Number of Followers (may be a calculation based on the census)
		- Base skill rank.
		- A minimum age
		- Prestige (Family, Personal, Faction)
		- Money in the bank
		- Social Class
		- A specific type of patron
		- A specific level of patron
		- A specific current role or historical role ID.
		- A minimum amount of time in a given role ID.
		- Not be excluded by specific previous roles.
		- Certain roles may only be available during specific seasons/months/days in-game ('election' periods).
		- A specific tribe.
Commands: Any special commands conferred by having the role.
Cost: Base XP outlay to purchase the role.
Wage: Wages added once an OOC week before upkeep deductions
Availability: # of this role available in game between all active/inactive players. 1 means it is a unique role. This may be a calculation based on how many active players of this role exist in-game relative to the active pbase.

Role Requesting and Losing Roles

- It is possible to "steal" someone else's role. Typically, this requires only that 
  you meet the requirements if they are RP inactive for 4 consecutive OOC weeks.
- If you take another player's role, you and the other player are responsible to work 
  out what happened ICly and the player who gained the role shall enter the changeover 
  into the master timeline. If the other player is not available to discuss it, you
  may enter a proposed scenario to be approved by a staff member. The staff member will
  send a final, approved scenario to both players that must be taken as historical fact.
- A player may lose a role while active if they fail to maintain the requirements to 
  hold that role. They will receive a warning, then have 1 week to regain the
  requirements, or the role is freed for someone else to purchase. 
- Roles are purchased on a first-come, first-serve basis.


- Tier 1: unique, powerful positions. Typically senatorial.
- Tier 2: non-unique roles that confers game benefits such as privilages and/or powers.
- Tier 3: non-unique roles that do not confer any special benefits and/or commands.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:22 am

I could see it working, but in a more limited manner due to the entrenched feudal system as opposed to the yearly (or sometimes longer) rotation of power associated with Republic-era Rome. It would certainly work pretty well for guilds that are actual guilds for their members (such as merchants, troubs & possibly mercenaries/some of the coverts), but less well for those with a strict heirarchy. (Nobs, Knights, Order, Reeves, etc. More organisation/military/bureacracy in style) Also, TI's system is built very much around GLs and GL authority, so that would be something of a culture shift to move away to promotions, etc, happening due to the world around rather than (and perhaps in spite of) particular personalities within it.

That said, I'm not overly keen on the limitations and some of the constructs of the current guild system, and this could be a good step towards sloughing that off.

I'l probably come back with some more solid ideas when I've had a chance to think it over a bit further.

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