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Make training rooms public

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:57 pm
by Puciek
Hi there,

Given the influx of population we have a small, but recurring, problem with training rooms - people run into one another in there after paying. Which creates... a rather sub optimal situation, and with the ongoing trend of sleeping in trading rooms, the chances are really high to just run into someone there which means that one will either have to wait there in a corner in rather odd RP moment (for which neither players may have time, a lot of training happens when people have to time/will/force to RP) or just forfeit the 25 silvers and try another time.

I think that coded blocking solution would be an overkill and potentially some issues? But maybe a simpler solution would be to just make those rooms public so we will always see on whererp if someone is currently using the room we are after?

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:05 pm
by Zorak
I'm not a combat character, but this definitely sounds bad for those that are. Twenty five silver can be a lot to new players -- they don't have xp to just toss around for it. I agree that blocking it is a bad idea. If RP can flourish there, let it!

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:08 pm
by Puciek
Zorak wrote:I'm not a combat character, but this definitely sounds bad for those that are. Twenty five silver can be a lot to new players -- they don't have xp to just toss around for it. I agree that blocking it is a bad idea. If RP can flourish there, let it!
Well not necessarily flourish there (yet to see someone RP in training room, but guess could be an expensive hideout), but if it is forced as public room then you can avoid the situation where you wind up there with someone else already occupying it.

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:41 am
by Applesauce
The training rooms all have doors, you can open the door and just look in there BEFORE paying. No need to bring whererp into it.

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:34 pm
by Kinaed
I'm disappointed that people are sleeping in training rooms. :(

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:58 pm
by Puciek
Kinaed wrote:I'm disappointed that people are sleeping in training rooms. :(
This actually was suggested by one staffer to me (and I guess other players, as I see no other reason to sit in training room for as long as they are occupied nowadays) when I've mentioned on vis that I thought the instant-healing on trainer (when it beats you into the pulp) was a bug.
If it is not a valid way to get more training for your silver then it would be good to let people know, as so far the info was to contrary.

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:43 am
by Kinaed
I'll have to discuss it with other staff, but if it's creating issues with other players trying to enter and finding them occupied by someone who is sleeping off their wounds, that's a bit of pressure to say it's not okay. In my mind, I'd think 25 silver is reasonable to pay for a training session, and three OOC days of training is not a 'training session' ICly, but an OOC mechanism. So, generally, I'm opposed, but if a staff member's said this was intended, etc, I'll speak with them before I make a ruling on it to figure out why they've suggested it ought to be okay, etc. So, I guess I'll get back to you!

Re: Make training rooms public

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:23 am
by Applesauce
Those who sleep in public rooms might want to take a little peek at HELP TAKE :P