Order Policy FAQ

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:48 pm

I've fielded quite a few policy questions lately around how Order investigation, warrant, arrest, burn policies work. So, just to make sure everyone is on the same page:

When does the Order need cnotes?

As individual players, whenever a player normally needs cnotes, so do Orderites. These are the normal standards in HELP CNOTES. However, cnotes do not need to exist before the incident except in cases of Pkill. We generally expect players to have their cnotes updated a day after an event that requires them.

In the case of a PKill, all players must have cnotes BEFORE the incident.

How long before a Burning (PK) do Orderites need cnotes?

4 hours for an official burning, EXCEPT if it's being done as a personal PKill (ie, a burning that would not be deemed legal and sanctioned by the Order ICly - an abuse of power). All personal PKills for all players require cnotes 24 hours prior.

The 4 hour rule applies to Reeves executions also.

Can an Orderite burn a character for personal reasons?

Yes, of course. They just need to follow HELP PKILL and have cnotes 24 hours in advance. Abuse of power is NOT A POLICY ISSUE, it's an IC morality issue. There may or may not be IC repercussions for them, but staff only care that we see appropriate cnotes.

When can a Knight arrest someone?

Legally, when they have a warrant for that person's arrest. Doing so illegally would normally come under abuse of power, however, due to extreme, categorical misbehavior on this item, staff have ruled that this *IS* a policy issue to enforce theme. IE, if too many people do this as personal abuses of power, it actually becomes normalized behavior and theme goes out the window. Therefore, for a knight to arrest someone without a warrant requires either:

1) imminent danger (putting down a casting mage, for example)
2) approval from staff (ask a staff member if it is okay and cnote their response if yes)

Can Orderites investigate nobles?

Yes. The GI can authorize the investigation of a noble. In general, if the GI supports an investigation, it's fine. If the GI doesn't, then it's not ICly legal or sanctioned.

For comparison, the Justiciar can also authorize the investigation of a noble for secular crime.

NOTE: This is not a policy issue, it's an IC legality issue.

Okay, but when can a Knight actually arrest a noble?

Anytime a Knight wants so long as they're ready to handle the IC repercussions. The GI must write or endorse the warrant for a noble for the arrest to be ICly legal.

For comparison, the Justiciar can also authorize the arrest of a noble for secular crime.

Note: This is not a policy issue, it's an IC legality issue.

Can an Inquisitor arrest someone?

Only Knights can legally arrest on behalf of the Order. Again, due to extreme, categorical misbehavior on this item, staff have ruled that this *IS* a policy issue to enforce theme. Therefore, for an Inquisitor to arrest someone requires staff pre-approval. Even with staff pre-approval, it's technically kidnapping as opposed to a legal arrest.

Can a Knight investigate someone?

Not legally, no - but they work closely with Inquisitors and can act under their direction. It depends on the view of The Inquisition.

Note: This is not a policy issue at the moment, but has the potential to become one.

Can a character be both an Inquisitor and a Knight?

No, this is deemed unthemely and a policy issue because most Order arrests result in PK. Thus, there's a separation of power to make sure that Knights and Inquisitors are vetting one another's behavior.

Can a character be both a Reeve and a Knight?

Yes, provided the GLs of both guilds are happy to have members of their guilds with split loyalties.

Note: This is not a policy issue.

What is the difference between an IC issue and a policy issue?

People are allowed to do things ICly that will get them in trouble. They can make terrible mistakes of judgment or behave poorly. They can abuse their power, be petty, and act in ways counter to morality, law, etc. These things are the plots to the stories of our characters, like reading a book. Policy issues are things where people are not following the rules of the game.

Examples of IC Issues: Breaking the law, abusing power, acting like a dick
Examples of Policy Issues: not following PK rules, RPing unthematically, breaking required OOC etiquette

Did I miss anything? Ask below!

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Sun Mar 24, 2019 11:01 am

This needs to be updated to remove the dual guild question, second to last.

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