Log of OOC Meeting for 10/29/16

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:01 pm

Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:12 pm

Ismael pontificates, "Thank you!"

Ismael has awarded you 1 QP: Scribe.

Ismael has transferred Evrald. [OOC]

Ismael gives an old crumbled building walled by a decrepit wood palisade to Evrald.

Ismael has transferred Isabella. [OOC]

Ismael gives an old crumbled building walled by a decrepit wood palisade to Isabella.

Ismael waves.

Evrald holds an old crumbled building walled by a decrepit wood palisade in his hand.

Evrald ponders.

Ismael says, "ALright, guys, sorry for the silence. I am alone so I have to juggle gifts & tells and everything. Here we go."

Evrald stops using an old crumbled building walled by a decrepit wood palisade.

Ismael claims, "Today's Agenda is:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Ismael muses, "Anyone has a topic in mind that should be jotted down for when we reach player topics?"

Evrald says, "This seems like a small OOC chat."

Ismael nods at Evrald.

sayto Evrald ismael knows where the corpses are burried
Goodryke states to Evrald, "Ismael knows where the corpses are burried"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Rimilde trails off, "I might, I'll get back to you. Trying to frame it currently..."

Ismael says, "I'll take the silence as a 'no' or 'maybe later!' so I'll kick off staff updates."

Ismael says, "So, Kinaed has connectivity issues and can't make it to the OOC chat and Temi posted being inactive. Azarial couldn't make it because they're sick, I believe."

Ismael says, "Ergo, I am lonely today. I'll check the changes board for what's new but you guys can see HELP NEWS for what we have been doing code-wise."

Evrald states, "It's ok Ismael. We'll keep you company."

Ismael smiles at Evrald.

say last staff standing

Goodryke claims, "Last staff standing"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Isabella exclaims, "Yes you have us!"

Rimilde muses, "I had a question about one of the changes on news, when where should I pose it?"

Ismael queries, "Sure! We have some time -- what's the question?"

Rimilde wonders, "'shoot' should use the corrected math for combat. -- Okay, did this affect fire too, and what was incorrect with it?"

Ismael states, "I think that shoot has been made so that it works exactly like fire actually."

Ismael states, "What was wrong was that it was presumably not taking into account the equation that fire does."

Gothan declares, "Noice!"

Kinaed steps out of your shadow. [OOC]

say as the combat noob, why is there fire and shoot?

Goodryke asks, "As the combat noob, why is there fire and shoot?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed says OOCly, "Sorry, having a major internet crisis."

emote squeeks as scary person emerges

Goodryke squeeks as scary person emerges
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Ismael nods at Kinaed.

Taunya claims, "Fire's used in combat, shoot is for hitting practice target"

Rimilde says, "Shoot is for practice (so like safe attack) and fire is the real thing."
Ismael nods at Taunya.

say ah, thanks

Goodryke claims, "Ah, thanks"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Rimilde declaims, "Thanks Ismael, good to know!"

Kinaed states, "I may stop responding at any time, not appear to have lost link, and be unable to reconnect - so I'll leave the meeting in Ismael's capable hands."
Ismael wonders to Kinaed, "Can you write your staff update or is your internet being mean still?"

Ismael nods at Kinaed.

Ismael claims, "Anyways, I myself started the week with the monthly plot where the Daravi Embassy crumbled (you can check the IC_events board #20 for more information). Afterwards, I have been trying to solve some requests and mapping a bit here and there."

Ismael claims, "We've been trying hard to keep the requests board low but I haven't had the best weeks timewise. I'm excited this coming week to start planning the next plot and I might be writing a spec for statistics that will help us advertise better."

Ismael states, "I can't remember if I did anything else than that. But the plot was fun! I hope you guys had some fun from it too."

Kinaed nods at Ismael.

Kinaed states, "Ah, just to get my update out in case my link goes - I didn't do much last week, I've just started a new job at a place that blocks ports *sadface*. I handled a few player requests, one or two policy things but nothing major. I'm still focused on Jail Automation and Assets in terms of game design."

Ismael exclaims, "Gratz for the job! :)"

Ismael says, "Aww for the ports."

Kinaed says to Ismael, "Thanks."

Ismael asks, "Alright! Let's kick off Player Heartbeat. How are you guys doing this week? How has RP been?"

Kinaed claims, "Oh, I read the forum stuff about wounds and doctoring. Please comment there if you're keen to see changes or improvements to the system."

Kinaed declaims to Ismael, "Hehe, all done - Player Heartbeat!"

Gothan claims, "A few bombshells going off on my end, all very exciting. "

Gothan claims, "Although still need some more Knights q_q"

Evrald says, "I'm still really busy with being a cashier so I don't get to RP as much as I would like to."

Kinaed muses to Gothan, "Nice. Are apps open for Knights at the moment?"

Gothan pontificates, "Yep!"

Evrald claims, "I think I actually have work orders backing up due to it too."

say there has been some interesting developments in the rp for sure, and I even managed to crawl away from paperwork to do some god honest open world rp

Goodryke claims, "There has been some interesting developments in the rp for sure, and I even managed to crawl away from paperwork to do some god honest open world rp"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed has lost link.
Kinaed has reconnected.

Taunya claims, "I'm away mostly, but been checking in every few days."

Barcus declaims, "Fun and eventful for me!"

Kinaed nods at Taunya.

Ismael wonders, "That's great! Have there been any problems or anything staff can do for you guys?"

Kinaed nods at Barcus.

Isabella claims, "I'm still in creation but I'm hoping to finish that up and head in game soon. I'll be around every other day at least and I'm really hopeful that I might be able to stir up some plots or conflicts eventually."

Gothan states, "Only one thing I needed to raise, which I've put in a request about today. "

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Ismael asks of Isabella, "Welcome to our weekly meetings. :) How have you been finding chargen?"

sayto Ismael maybe announce the help mood changes once again?
Goodryke muses to Ismael, "Maybe announce the help mood changes once again?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed states to Isabella, "When you come in, you can check where to find RP or ask people on OOC, in tells, etc. It's fine to arrange RP with OOC means, provided you're not arranging what happens when you meet people. :)"

Kinaed claims to Goodryke, "Good point."

Ismael says, "Oh, right! Sorry, forgot that happened. We have had some changes on HELP MOOD's policy."

Ismael claims, "MOODs must be left when a crime has been commited and when breaking into another person's shop or phome without any exceptions. All moods for crimes need to be left for 365 OOC days."

Isabella states, "Its easy to figure out, the help files have been speeding me along really well. I think all I've got left to do is my clothing and item restrings."

Kinaed claims, "Moods must be left when a crime has been committed if there are no witnesses present. This applies to crimes both secular and non.

Moods must be left when breaking into another person's shop or phome

All moods that are placed by policy must use the 365 day option."

Rimilde saw and liked the changes, and found it to be clearly written.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Ismael smiles at Isabella.

Kinaed claims, "For those who may not know, moods are additional text to room descs to 'modify' the location's base description - so for example, if a house was broken into, the window might have broken glass added as a mood."

Ismael states, "What else do you guys want to discuss today? I think we had a poll about our wound system."

Kinaed claims, "The purpose of this is to ensure that IC activity, criminal or otherwise, actually gets noticed rather than objects suddenly disappearing and people thinking it's a crash, for example."

Ismael nods.

say I mean I really do not want to be "that guy", but when you have reports by NPCs, so something happening in middle of public place, you treck there and see nothing... It's dishartening

Goodryke trails off, "I mean I really do not want to be "that guy", but when you have reports by NPCs, so something happening in middle of public place, you treck there and see nothing... It's dishartening"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and

[ Exits: down ] [ Air exits: none ]
Kinaed is here.
Isabella is here.
Evrald is here.
Eirian is here.[P]
Rimilde is here.
Barcus is here.[P]
Taunya is here.
Gothan is here.
Ismael sits on Kinaed's throne.

Isabella wonders, "It also sounds like it could help at big events like parties?"

Isabella says, "Mood that is."

Ismael declares, "It helps set the scene, yep! For example:"

[The mood of this area is changing.]

Eirian says, "I guess I don't know what counts as a "witness." I don't recall that part before."

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Taunya claims to Isabella, "Yes, certainly. And you get an RPXP bonus when RPing in a room with one set"

Kinaed claims to Isabella, "Players can mood for any reason."

Eirian says, "I'm guessing my NPC dog doesn't count as a witness."

Kinaed nods at Taunya.

Kinaed says, "Hopefully people just set them to get some additional RPxp and help the environment feel more alive."

Ismael claims, "I just put a mood to this room so that you can see an example of how it works."

Kinaed smiles at Ismael.

Eirian claims, "So, I'd like that to be explicit, in the helpfile, please -- what counts as a witness."

Isabella asks, "I'll be sure to set them then. Is it okay to reflect general NPC reactions in them?"

Kinaed says to Eirian, "Someone who survives and isn't complicit in the crime."

Taunya says to Eirian, "I'd assume a PC witness rather than NPC or vNPC"

Eirian asks, "Does that mean NPCs? vNPCS?"

Kinaed claims, "PCs only."

Eirian states, "Doesn't seem obvious to me."

Eirian says, "Best to state it to prevent confusion."

Ismael questions to Isabella, "Help vnpcs is important when defining what is okay and what is not for NPCs. If that is helpful?"

Kinaed claims, "I'll update the help file."

Kinaed nods at Eirian.

Eirian claims, "Thank ya."

Rimilde says, "We've RPA'd NPC witnesses when there is 'guardsmen patrol this area' in look around."

Eirian states, "Best not to have to assume, where policy is concerned."

Ismael says to Isabella, "Generally, if a vNPC is not helping a specific party in their goals you can include them in a mood."

Kinaed says to Eirian, "Updated."

Rimilde states, "Er maybe that's an vNPC, I'm not sure the difference"

Eirian says to Rimilde, "Yeah, that'd be a vNPC."

Ismael says, "We even have an option for setting moods to last for 1 OOC day in the case of moods that you don't wnat to stay for ages (a crowd aging for 365 OOC days)."

Appending to log: E:\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\CMUD\TI-Legacy\2016-10-29.txt

Eirian says, "Virtual NPCs are those that don't take the form of actual mobs but are assumed to occupy public locations, locations with guards in the look around, etc."

Rimilde nods.

Kinaed has lost link.

Kinaed has reconnected.

Isabella claims, "That sounds ideal. That way she could set the mood for the area and then it would fade."

say yep! Dress for your scene and move on :)

Goodryke declaims, "Yep! Dress for your scene and move on :)"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed claims, "An NPC is a staff or player-run character, usually in a quest or storyline. A vNPC is a non-puppetted NPC or 'the crowd' that is presumed to exist in a place."

say what is the default value of mood for that? permament?

Goodryke wonders, "What is the default value of mood for that? permament?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed says, "The default value of a mood is 7 days."

Isabella wonders, "I also read the vnpc file and I'm a bit confused. Would something like (The small crowd gathered at the various tables here listens with rapt attention to the ongoing performance.) be okay without RPA as it was called in the helpfile?"

Eirian states, "That'd be fine for setting a scene in a public place."

Ismael nods at Isabella.

Ismael trails off, "That would be fine. But something like..."

Ismael says, "'The crowds are protecting Isabella from Kinaed' as a mood would not be fine."

Kinaed has lost link.

Kinaed has reconnected.

Kinaed claims, "A good example of a vNPC is a bartender or shopkeeper mob. Or when the staff says "A guildleader was ousted because 'the people' found them hard to access' (see inactivity)."

Isabella says, "So setting a scene is fine, having vnpcs intervene in RP is not."

Ismael claims to Isabella, "You can do that with RPA. Basically, you pay 10 QP for that."

Kinaed states to Isabella, "That's fine. People are encouraged to play vNPCs, actually - just provided they don't try to use them to their personal advantage, like having the barkeeper try to kick the person in the bar that they're having an argument with out."

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Ismael claims, "But without RPA, setting scenes is more than fine and encouraged as Kinaed well said."

Isabella says, "That makes sense. Thank you for explaining that."

Ismael smiles.

Kinaed has lost link.

Kinaed has reconnected.

Kinaed claims, "Well, it's okay to puppet them and have them do things in scenes - but incidental things. Nothing that takes sides."

Ismael claims, "Did we have any topics in mind? It seems like we might not get to the hour mark."

Kinaed states, "Sorry if I reiterated something unnecessary to say."

Kinaed states to Ismael, "We can all just hang out OOCly, or we can cut it short and let people get back to their RP."

say I actually wonder what is the policy on power emotes, even if just slight. I saw some, like that somoene just "bumps" into someone, is that fine of emote?

Goodryke muses, "I actually wonder what is the policy on power emotes, even if just slight. I saw some, like that somoene just "bumps" into someone, is that fine of emote?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

help power emote
Kinaed states to Goodryke, "Not allowed. HELP RP CULTURE should explain what's allowed and not in terms of power emoting."
No help on that word. Perhaps you were looking for the following:
guilds Promote policy Promotions

Rimilde states, "I had a topic, not sure how popular it will be with respect to shifting IP turn over from a week to a month."

nod Kinaed
Goodryke nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims to Goodryke, "In fact, bumping into people is a perfect example of a no-no. It needs to be worded more like 'Kinaed heads in a trajectory almost certain to bump Goodryke' as opposed to 'Kinaed bumps into Goodryke'"

Ismael states to Rimilde, "Go ahead and introduce us to your topic. :)"

Kinaed states to Rimilde, "It's fine to talk about anything."

Kinaed nods at Ismael.

Barcus states, "I've seen the bumping a few times."

sayto Kinaed how to handle it when that happens? I really would like to avoid going into some ooc brawl
Goodryke wonders to Kinaed, "How to handle it when that happens? I really would like to avoid going into some ooc brawl"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Taunya begins to count their money.

Taunya deposits silver into her account.

Kinaed states to Barcus, "Please drop a note to me about who and I'll have a polite conversation to let the person who is doing that know the rules."

Kinaed states to Goodryke, "You can let me know and I'll talk to the person in general terms, or you can point out the help file and say 'Please don't use closed emotes on my character'"

sayto Kinaed thanks, will do. Just not very good at confronting folk like that
Goodryke says to Kinaed, "Thanks, will do. Just not very good at confronting folk like that"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed claims, "I'm good at keeping such reminders congenial - I won't ban someone over something like that, but it's often best to come from an authority figure."

Kinaed nods at Goodryke.

Barcus nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims to Goodryke, "Few people are comfortable with it, but it's one of my minor talents. :)"

Isabella has lost link.
Isabella has reconnected.

Isabella claims, "I wanted to ask if any other people here would be willing to suggest social plots/scene ideas that a wannabe bard/tailor could stir up? Like is there anything people would like to see in terms of social RP that I might get involved in? Sorry if thats not the kind of questions that can be asked here."

Kinaed says, "Also, raising it in a forum like this is often enough to remind people not to do things like that."

Rimilde claims, "Well I realize the reason to shift it to a month was for people to save up IP for city metrics, but I don't know how a month makes it easier, because it doesn't change how much you can really save up. Rumours being the primary way. Basically my experience is I am less likely to use IP for anything (GLs sometimes use if guilds are low to bring people in, or playing with the rumour system, etc, to say remove something), because now there is a need to save it for the month, because if you use it, you can't really increase it. Just wondering if maybe it's not the time period that is the issue but the limited ways to obtain them (or have a higher value from the support system), not sure... just finding IP is something I need to hoard now to be effective in city metrics."

Barcus declaims to Isabella, "I would love to see the Hollow Globe alive again! :D"

Rimilde trails off, "Er sorry, I hit enter before looking if it was my turn..."

Kinaed says to Isabella, "Hmm, I used to go around with another bard and have spoon battles, then try to get people to spoon spar with us."

Isabella questions, "Well she has acting as one of her better skills! Thats certainly posible if she could find other bards to team up with for plays and someone to sponser her. Or maybe....opera anyone?"

Eirian says, "I don't know, are IP from rumors capped on a weekly basis or a monthly? I assumed they were still operating on a weekly cap."

Kinaed nods at Rimilde.

Taunya claims to Rimilde, "I agree there should be other ways to gain IP."

Isabella states, "And spoon battles sound epic but not something this lady would do...she is a bit of an elitist in terms of looking prim and proper."

Kinaed has lost link.

Kinaed has reconnected.

Kinaed claims to Rimilde, "I wasn't aware that IP shifted to monthly with the city metrics - but can I ask you to put this topic up on the forums so that we can debate it a bit in depth? As it happens, this has come up a few times, and I'm not sure we've got a solid view on what to change or where. I do know someone in my staff *cough* has a job to dig up all commands that use IP and put them in HELP IP as a starting point to understanding what they do and can be used for."

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Rimilde states, "They are on a weekly I believe, which worked fine with the weekly IP, if you used your IP in week 1, you could build in week 2. It probably encouraged people to post more. Otherwise, I think it's mostly from support."

Kinaed states, "Well, there are a lot of court bards that attach to noble houses."

Eirian wonders, "This change has only been in since last week, no?"

Kinaed nods at Rimilde.

Kinaed trails off to Eirian, "I don't think I actually saw Az change it. Speaking of changes..."

Rimilde nods to Kinaed, "I will do that, I think it's worth having a conversation about, because I think everyone uses it differently... It's also something I'm just learning so I may be wrong on a lot of things."

Ismael says, "Ah, damn, I thought I had done that already."

Kinaed queries to Ismael, "Did we go down the recent changes since Az isn't here for her update today?"

Ismael states, "A bit... but I don't know if I was in-depth enough."

Eirian says, "According to NEWS, IP resets monthly."

Unrecognized command.

Rimilde claims, "I just think it might make it easier to save up, but in turn make it less likely for people to use it for anything but city metrics. Anyhow, I'll write something up."

say It does, I am on my amount from that time

Goodryke states, "It does, I am on my amount from that time"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Eirian states, "So we've not even had a chance to see what one month looks like yet with IP this way."

Barcus says, "I think it should be multiplied by 4 if it works on a month now."

Kinaed claims, "Let's see - some work on score versus affect, so hopefully the people who were having some contradictions between the two will have a better experience. Whois now clears itself on rebirth, oops - sorry about that one, guys. We disabled @c when people are editing a note due to some, er, mobile phone accidents, and cyan characters are now immune from diseases. A few small fixes in how Places works."

Isabella states, "Thats a possibilty Kinaed. But eventually I want her to own a business, probably a high end clothing botique. Though I suppose working for a noble might actually help with that goal? She is ment to be highly social, getting involved in everybodies business."

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Eirian claims to Isabella, "I'm sure there will be some demand for whatever crafts your character pursues."

Kinaed states to Isabella, "Pshops can be purchased by anyone, but you may either want to join the Merchants or get their blessing for creating - it is possible to dual guild, or even just be a merchant with a flaire or background in barding. It seems like you have quite a lot to do. :)"

Kinaed nods at Eirian.

say Or find calling for the lord and join the order!

Goodryke declares, "Or find calling for the lord and join the order!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Isabella questions, "Sorry, I'm just excited to get everything polished and join you guys in the game. I wasn't trying to be a nag. Would it be better to just be a bard with a skill for costume design?"

say sing praises and hymns!

Goodryke pontificates, "Sing praises and hymns!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed states to Goodryke, "We do need more Knights, Priests and Inquisitors."

Kinaed nods at Goodryke.

Isabella claims, "I actually considered a drunken priest. ;)"

Kinaed says to Isabella, "You can be whatever you want to be."

Eirian claims to Isabella, "There will be a niche for you, whatever you want to do. Play what you think would be the most fun for you."

Kinaed says to Isabella, "There's several approaches to what you want. We can provide suggestions and options, but it's really up to you."

Kinaed nods at Eirian.

emote moves about the room and plasters all the walls with big "JOIN THE ORDER" tapestry

Goodryke moves about the room and plasters all the walls with big "JOIN THE ORDER" tapestry
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Ismael says, "That's our tagline. 'The only place where you can be anything.' :D"

Eirian says to Ismael, "Which isn't true, but it sounds nice. :P"

Gothan is idle.

Eirian says, ""Almost anything" would be more accurate. ^_^"

Isabella asks, "That makes sense. And Goodryke will you be appeased if I offer you my first alt?"

sayto Isabella We do not take human sacrifice!
Goodryke exclaims to Isabella, "We do not take human sacrifice!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

say but we welcome fellow davites ;)

Goodryke claims, "But we welcome fellow davites ;)"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Eirian grins at Goodryke.

Gothan is no longer idle.
Gothan has returned from AFK.

Kinaed trails off to Goodryke, "Ahem. I'm not sure I believe that... :P"

sayto Kinaed I keep my propaganda
Goodryke states to Kinaed, "I keep my propaganda"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Isabella says, "I was offering you a drunken monk to be your minion. ;)"

Kinaed grins.

emtoe grins back to Kinaed
Unrecognized command. Perhaps you meant the following:
emote emit

emote grins back to Kinaed and wink suggestively

Goodryke grins back to Kinaed and wink suggestively
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Ismael nods approvingly to Goodryke.

sayto Isabella absolutely, all in fun!
Goodryke exclaims to Isabella, "Absolutely, all in fun!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed wonders, "Is it just me, or is everyone logging into the game now that the OOC Chat is almost over? :)"

sayto Isabella and that is a great start, as characters who have flaws are fun :)
Goodryke states to Isabella, "And that is a great start, as characters who have flaws are fun :)"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Isabella pontificates, "That they are!"

Kinaed has lost link.
Kinaed has reconnected.

Kinaed asks of Ismael, "Are there any events or stories on today?"

Ismael declares, "Today... today... not any that i know of!"

Kinaed nods at Ismael.

Kinaed queries, "Any other player topics?"

say maybe some light burning of innocents in the late night, but not much

Goodryke states, "Maybe some light burning of innocents in the late night, but not much"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed states to Rimilde, "Sorry I couldn't field the IP one in this meeting."

Isabella states, "Is it possible to write IC books for others to buy and read? Since writting is considered a bardic skill in my mind."

Barcus says to Goodryke, "If you put wine on them, I would like to join in."

Rimilde states, "All good, just something on my mind, I'll try to formulate it better at a later time."

Kinaed says to Goodryke, "At least we have our priorities. :)"

Kinaed nods at Isabella.

Ismael claims to Isabella, "Absolutely! We have a Grand Library with player-written books. We actually give QP for book submissions to be added to our archives."

sayto Kinaed figured that we burn some nobles, get more respect from the rest
Goodryke says to Kinaed, "Figured that we burn some nobles, get more respect from the rest"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed says to Isabella, "We also have an IC library. If you submit copies of your books to staff, we often add them to the Grand Library."

Kinaed nods at Ismael.

sayto Barcus you are invited absolutely!
Goodryke declaims to Barcus, "You are invited absolutely!"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed states, "You can also sell them in your pshop just fine."

Kinaed has lost link.
Barcus grins at Goodryke.

Kinaed has reconnected.

Isabella states, "Okay! Thank you."

Kinaed sighs.

Kinaed pokes her modem.

sayto Kinaed I got some well trained pigeons
Goodryke claims to Kinaed, "I got some well trained pigeons"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Ismael comforts Kinaed.

Kinaed pontificates, "Only equipment failure can stop me!"

Ismael grins at Kinaed.

Isabella claims, "I think thats I have to mention right now. Plus I need to grab a bite to eat soonish."

Ismael exclaims, "It hasn't stopped you, even!"

Kinaed claims, "Anyone want to do any advertisements? I know the Brotherhood is still looking for thieves if anyone is interested."

Kinaed says to Ismael, "Just a hint of a slow down, yep"

Eirian has lost link.
Eirian has reconnected.

emote points to the "Join the Order" tapestry once again

Goodryke points to the "Join the Order" tapestry once again
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Gothan declaims, "Knightssss!"

Barcus pontificates, "My alt is joining you guys!"

say be it glory of the clerics, or grunt work of the numbskulls in knighthood

Goodryke says, "Be it glory of the clerics, or grunt work of the numbskulls in knighthood"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Gothan claims, "Could do with one or two more Knights."

Kinaed states, "Beyond shameless plugs, please do consider writing a TI review for Mudconnector or posting about us in Reddit (we get a lot more traffic from Reddit, oddly)."

Kinaed nods at Gothan.

sayto Barcus cool, clerical or knighthood?
Goodryke muses to Barcus, "Cool, clerical or knighthood?"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Eirian claims to Rimilde, "Had to switch comps. Was trying to say: I assumed people would still be getting fresh IP each week, they'd just have more time to plot how to spend it. If that's not the case, then I agree, the system needs to be revisited."

Barcus claims to Goodryke, "No idea yet! I might go for clerical."

Gothan hisses at Barcus

sayto Barcus if either way, go with knight atm
Goodryke says to Barcus, "If either way, go with knight atm"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Taunya questions to Gothan, "Oh wow, just had a flashback to aome early 90s cartoon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjbWDjzTM0A"

Kinaed claims, "If you vote, you'll help keep our profile up so people will come join us and play with you - autovote will remind you if you have the appetite for reminders."

Barcus exclaims, "Then I'll go Knighties!"

Isabella says, "Goodryke... if you keep that up you WILL get a drunken doctor monk turning up on your church steps."

Kinaed nods at Eirian.

sayto Isabella good, I will have someone to burn and review. In that order :P
Goodryke claims to Isabella, "Good, I will have someone to burn and review. In that order :P"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Rimilde states, "It doesn't look like it from my observation, but maybe that was the intent, and that would solve it."

sayto Isabella actually she may get a fun task to do ;D
Goodryke says to Isabella, "Actually she may get a fun task to do ;D"
(This is an OOC room. Nothing counts for rpxp here.)

Kinaed states to Ismael, "I think our time is almost up."

Barcus nods.

Kinaed peers around at everyone, "Any last words?"

say god save the queen!

Goodryke declares, "God save the queen!"

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