Log of OOC Meeting - 2020-11-7

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Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:21 pm

Kinaed states, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Kinaed says, "Today's Agenda is:

   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

PraiseTheBolt states, "Chainmailgown, the newest craze"

Temi questions, "Instead of the Bolt?"

PraiseTheBolt says, "The bolt is our god"

Kinaed has transferred Kuzco.  [OOC]

Sylvre nods to Kinaed with understanding

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed muses, "Any topics?"

Temi gives a ribbon wedding knot, tying together blue and gold strands to Kuzco.

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'll take silence as not yet - if anyone thinks of anything, please send me a tell and I'll add you to the queue."

Temi grins.

Kinaed states, "Kicking off Staff Updates, this week I met with Staff and worked through about 75 percent of our Talking Points list ... sorry we didn't get to everything on the list yet. We've also hired two new programmers. Welcome Salem and Eos! And... I think I did some work on the Turf Wars specification."

Kinaed rolled 1d3 for a pool of: 3.

Kinaed muses to Salem, "Would you like to go next?"

Kinaed states, "We usually just say what we're working on this week, and any plans we have for next week."

Raspberries states, "Welcome welcome"

Eos claims, "Sure"

Eos declaims, "Very excited to be here! Me and Salem have been working on dual guilding for covert guilds, that's looking pretty good. Also we're gonna work on an event that'll be nice for mages. Yey!"

Salem states, "I'm glad to be here. Eos and I worked on dual guilding. It's looking well. Also we are planning a fun little ST, with magic and fireworks."

Kinaed has transferred Anonymous.  [OOC]

Kinaed smiles.

Temi gives a ribbon wedding knot, tying together blue and gold strands to Anonymous.

Kinaed states, "Thanks :)"

Anonymous says, "Very fancy"

Deedee muses, "Will the QPing into guilds include covert guilds by the way?"

Kinaed says, "No."

Kinaed states, "And it's manual at the moment, so to get it, you need to Request Board."

Deedee nods.

Kinaed claims, "We'll automate it when we can."

Kinaed claims to Temi, "You're up :)"

Temi pontificates, "Okay!  I have been busily at work"

Temi finishes abruptly, "We have the royal wedding after the OOC chat today - we'll send all the announcements out and such once we've got things in place"

Anonymous says, "I, sadly, cannot attend the royal wedding event. OOC commitments"
Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Anonymous states, "Which makes me feel like a bit of an ass"

Temi finishes abruptly, "And then next weekend, we've got the battle weekend at the Farin border - plenty of time still to sign up for that"

Kinaed states to Anonymous, "It happens :)"

Anonymous states, "But what can you do"

Kinaed states to Anonymous, "No one is going to think so."

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Temi states, "OOC comes first.  We won't bring attention to you not being there"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Anonymous states, "Okay thank you"

Kitty states, "RL definitely comes first."

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Temi claims, "But anyway, yes, please get signed up for the battle weekend if you are interested in coming"

Kinaed smiles.

Deedee starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Temi finishes abruptly, "You don't have to be there the whole weekend, and signing up in advance will help me be ready with everyone, but I'll try to be flexible with some last minutes too - maybe without your own troops"

Temi states, "But those things should keep me busy through next weekend."

Temi grins.

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed smiles.

Kinaed states, "Thanks, Temi. It's been a lot of work for you the last two weeks, and we deeply appreciate it."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, any questions for staff before we move on?"

Cat wears a ribbon wedding knot, tying together blue and gold strands on his torso.

Kinaed has transferred Yinadele.  [OOC]

Temi gives a ribbon wedding knot, tying together blue and gold strands to Yinadele.

PraiseTheBolt claims, "Knot kidding, this is a pretty nice gift"

Kinaed grins.

Temi grins.

Temi claims, "A momento to remember the wedding going fowards."

Kinaed says, "Okay, if there are no questions about anything - happe to take questions about the Staff Decisions post too - we can move on. :)"

Temi says, "Everyone's been doing a ton of work getting ready for that, so thanks to all the players who have contributed"

Sparkles states, "I have something."

Kinaed wonders to Sparkles, "Sure :) What's up?"

Deedee finishes her note.

Sparkles states, "Well, maybe two somethings. One might be the possibility of a 'gourmet chopped veg' for avocados (I don't know any other veg that might quality) so of like pineapple or pomegrantes get. But at present it's used 1 to 1 with say ... carrots. That might allow it to be 'worth' more for crafting with minimal change."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Kinaed questions, "I'll make a note of that suggestion. What's the other?"

Kinaed has transferred phoenixdoll.  [OOC]

Temi gives a ribbon wedding knot, tying together blue and gold strands to phoenixdoll.

Deedee queries, "That reminds me, I had an idea for vegetable juice. Don't think that's been put in yet?"

Kitty trails off, "Teeechnically, avacados are a fruit..."

Kitty claims, "Avocados, rather."

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "We didn't get through the whole list, but I'll make sure vengetable juice is there."

Temi claims, "Culinarily, they fit more in the vegetable category, but yes, botanically."

Temi grins.

Raspberries states, "Would be odd in a fruit salad, yes"

Sparkles states, "Talking about liquidations, can I request that part of the checklist for liquidations be returning Guild items and folks being deguilded. Presently there is no way for a GL to deguild liquidated people as they no longer 'exist'."

Kinaed queries, "Maybe we could have 'exotic produce' for things like avocados, dragon fruit, whatever?"

Temi claims, "Not really the way recipes are set up now"

Sparkles states, "The infamous are we using pumpkin as a fruit or veg debate."

Kinaed states to Sparkles, "I'll add it to the list - the logistics may be a problem."

Thaos is idle.

Anonymous says, "Pumpkins are fruits"

Anonymous says, "They have seeds"

Sparkles says, "So does a tomato."

Anonymous states, "Tomatoes are also fruits"

Kinaed is far from a gourmond.

Thaos is no longer idle.

Thaos has returned from AFK.

NotNaomi says, "Pumpkin, avocado, tomato salad"

Kinaed says, "If someone puts it in front of me, and it doesn't look like it'll kill me, I eat it."

Sparkles states, "Botany and culinary use of terms doesn't always equate."

Kitty states, "They do eventually fall off."

Raspberries claims, "I lost a bunch of stuff on Prisca because the Proconsul liquidated before returning her things"

Kinaed says to Raspberries, "It's possible the staff can retrieve things if you ask quickly enough"

Sparkles states, "There's a lot of stuff that seems to disappear into the void because people liquidate with them."

Kinaed says to Raspberries, "When liquidations occur, I believe we have a bag dropped in the rubbish room that will last for a few days before it's auto-purged."

Raspberries says, "I requested it, but it was before the new system warning about it went into place"

Raspberries says, "So was too late"

Kinaed nods at Raspberries.

Phoenixdoll muses, "The rubbish room Southside?"

Kinaed claims, "In the meantime - anyone... if someone dies or liquidates, and had something particularly special or important on them, like a holy artifact - staff can probably retrieve it if we're alerted."

Temi says, "No, an OOC room"

PraiseTheBolt asks, "You mean every room southside?"

Kuzco snickers

Deedee chuckles.

Kinaed says, "I might update the dead room to ask that question too 'Do you have anything thematically important on your person, etc'"

Phoenixdoll states, "...walked into that one. "

Kuzco says, "Yeah I am looking for my Seneschal log books and I wonder if Cassilda ran off with them"

Yinadele wonders, "Is it possible to maybe flush items from liquidations to somewhere separate from the junk room, that needs a manual purge?"

Temi claims, "They used to and none of it ever got needed"

Temi claims, "No liquidations, but all deaths"

Kinaed states, "I might write a reminder to ask staff to players too"

Kinaed states, "Also, if you have anything special like that in game, it may be a good idea to register it with staff."

Kinaed claims, "We make copies of it in an OOC Archive room so that when things disappear, we can reinstate them"

Sylvre is idle.

Kinaed says, "In particular, if you're handing something over to someone that you don't trust to be around tomorrow, just drop us a Request Board and we can quietly backup those items."

Temi says, "We do have plans for a new system to mark things as special artifacts that won't disappear when people die"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed asks, "Aaand on that - Player Heartbeat anyone? How was the game for everyone in this past week?"

Phoenixdoll queries, "I mean, feel free to shout me down / correct me, but would it work having items appear in the dump or the corpse pit, Southside?"

Kinaed states to phoenixdoll, "It might :)"

Kuzco says, "It's been alright. Sad that Aukanaii liquidated."

Kitty says, "Not if they liquidate."

Kuzco states, "Got Silver Horde tomorrow."

Anonymous states, "I was also sad of no more aukanaii"

Kitty claims to Kuzco, "And ditto."

Kinaed comforts Kuzco.

Anonymous claims, "However, I did have a VERY fun time leading the council meeting"
Kinaed comforts Anonymous.

Anonymous says, "Even though I screwed up several times with turn order"

Anonymous claims, "Because I am a bonehead"

Deedee states, "Had a bit more time to scene this week, so was good :)"

Yinadele exclaims, "It's okay, I think you did great!"

PraiseTheBolt says, "I finally came back from an extended break, got back into playing, been good. "

Phoenixdoll states, "Oh! Well, I've really been enjoying playing. :)"

Kitty says, "Yeah, liquidation sucked. Otherwise, RP that I have found has been pretty good."

Deedee claims to Anonymous, "No one cares about merchants anyway, it's okay. ;)"

Phoenixdoll claims, "Ooof"

Cat states, "Oof."

Temi grins.

Anonymous pontificates, "Do not disrespect chavez-I mean naomi!"

Kinaed claims, "Glad to hear people are enjoying themselves :)"

Temi asks, "Feels like things have picked up a bit again from the low point?"

Kinaed states, "With regards to turn order, I think that it's courteous to generally follow it, but I also find if I'm waiting for more than 5 minutes for someone to emote, I don't feel like people should have to abide by it. :/"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "I hope we can continue the trend."

Kuzco nods.

Sparkles says, "I think we just need to get into the habit of the idea that if there's a lot of people in a room, folks might move on and folks can interject as they can."

Phoenixdoll claims, "I've met a few new (for me) characters, which I really enjoy."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Kinaed states to phoenixdoll, "Good stuff :)"

Temi nods at Sparkles.

Temi states, "Yeah, for large groups, polite would be let a couple other people emote before you do again"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Sparkles states, "Also the downtime in between can be a good time for thinks/hemotes etc."

Kinaed asks, "Is there anything shitting anyone that they want staff to know about?"

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Crickets chirp. [Raspberries]

Phoenixdoll states, "Um, well, I had one thing that I noticed that was amusing"

Kinaed muses, "Well, that's good, I suppose? :)"

Kinaed asks of phoenixdoll, "?"

Phoenixdoll claims, "When you're mounted and following someone, if they keep moving while you're dismounting you'll never dismount"

Phoenixdoll claims, "But there's no message for the dismounting failing"

Kinaed claims, "Interesting."

Kinaed questions, "Maybe bug report that with a log?"

Temi nods.

Phoenixdoll states, "Will recreate and do. :)"

Temi states, "Seems like a bug"

Kinaed claims, "Merits a peek."

Kinaed exclaims, "Thanks!"

Sparkles states, "Like when you run into the race xblocks and you get yeeted but your horse doesn't."

phoenixdoll says OOCly, "Oh my god xD"

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

PraiseTheBolt declares, "Run free, horsey!"

Kinaed muses, "Does that happen? "

Raspberries says, "The mount code could probably use some looking at in general"

NotNaomi says, "Haha"

Sparkles states, "Yes"

Raspberries says, "Still would like double-riding too"

Sparkles states, "Particularly in the Vavardi Quarter"

Kinaed questions, "... can we get a bug with a log? (If not already reported, that list is over 200 items long atm)"

Raspberries states, "Especially since the carry workaround was removed"

Kuzco states, "Yep"

Kuzco peers at Sparkle

Kinaed says, "Meanwhile... I don't have any registered topics."

Phoenixdoll says, "Haaaah."

Kuzco states, "I'm good this week though at some point I wanna polish ST commands"

Salem trails off, "I guess I will look at the bug board this week..."

Kinaed says, "So I guess we could discuss things on the forums, or we could wrap up early to give Temi and the players helping with the wedding."

Kinaed muses to Kuzco, "If you're finding things that need polish, could you make a list as you find them and let me know?"

Deedee muses, "What's on the forums?"

Kuzco nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "I have no idea, I haven't looked for awhile"

Kuzco claims, "Yes boss"

Sparkles states, "It isn't a 'shitting' thing but I do have a query on something that I'm going to work on ICly that eventually I might want to chat with staff about that I think could be fun/exciting."

Kinaed says, "But it's often a good convo starter"

NotNaomi says, "I have a quick topic/question"

Kinaed queries to Sparkles, "Sure! What is it?"

Kinaed queries to NotNaomi, "Absolutely, right after Sparkles?"

NotNaomi nods.

Sylvre is no longer idle.

Sylvre has returned from AFK.

Sparkles says, "Starting a project/plot/IC effort to finally add descriptions to the pictures of the Saints in the Cathedral. "

Kinaed states, "Oh, cool."

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Sparkles says, "So at some point I might need a moment to double check that the info I've gathered jams with staff's lore vision."

Deedee claims, "Reminds me I need to finish my little project on prime medici"

Sparkles claims, "But I think it could be nice having a common source of info everyone can RP based on."

Kinaed states, "Sure can. If you want to post what you have on the typos board from the room you want it in, we can go over them individually there OR you can pboard us the vision, confirm it, then do the individuals, depending on which one has the least risk of rework."

Sparkles nods.

Temi says, "I imagine that's not really necessarily ICly doing anything, just fleshing out what's there, so likely good for a typo just for staff to confirm and update"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Deedee says, "Some of the saints likely have statues/fountains with descriptions you can look at for an idea"

Deedee claims, "Scattered around here and there"

Sparkles says, "Ah there's some stained glass window objects in the Cathedral that have never been finalized with descrips, that's what started the brain ticking."

Kinaed exclaims to Deedee, "I hope so, but ... quite possibly not too, particularly if it's my work! *scuff*"

Temi states, "Probably any paintings of them would be 'modern' imaginings of what they look like anyway"

Kinaed nods at Sparkles.

Raspberries nods in agreement with Temi.

Anonymous trails off, "Pretty sure the saints are all like... from 350~ish years ago, since they were during Dav's lifetime too. So... people probably forgot what they look like"

Raspberries says, "Some are more recent"

Sparkles says, "I don't know that's true ... I mean we still have Rennaisance paintings of Jesus."

Kinaed nods at Raspberries.

Temi nods at Sparkles.

Sparkles says, "Art tends to endure."

Temi says, "And they all look like white European guys"

Phoenixdoll claims, "Interestingly, paintings of Jesus actually change depending on the culture which created them"

Temi nods in agreement.

Kinaed nods at phoenixdoll.

Sparkles says, "True enough ... I just imagine everyone looks well ... more Lithmorran in the Lithmorran Cathedral at least."

Temi claims, "I imagine that's what we'd get.  There may be some cultural zeitgeist of what the saints look like and how people represent that one"

Kinaed states, "Saying that, when we work on this project, it's important to know that the Five Duchies has quite a broad swath of mainstream appearances, etc."

Temi states, "But likely not terribly related to how they actually looked"

Sparkles nods.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Phoenixdoll claims, "I mean, Lithmore is the Holy City, and Lithmorrans are obviously superior in that regard "

Temi states, "But more 'I saw a painting done by someone else who had also seen a painting'"

Kitty says, "'artistic license' is real - people adjust things to what they feel they should look like, accurate or not."

Sparkles claims, "Like how people used to paint giraffes when they'd never seen a giraffe."

Phoenixdoll declares, "Or lions!"

Temi nods in agreement with Sparkles.

Kinaed trails off, "Sounds like the way I do my make-up..."

NotNaomi grins.

Kitty claims, "Like a giraffe? Awkward."

Phoenixdoll says, "Aaaha"

Kinaed nods at Kitty.

Kinaed says, "Definitely awkward."

Temi queries, "Like a medieval giraffe painted by someone who had never seen a giraffe?"

Temi grins.

Kinaed queries, "Anything else people would like to discuss before I let everyone go?"

NotNaomi raises her hand!

Kinaed exclaims to NotNaomi, "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Kinaed wonders to NotNaomi, "Introduce us? :)"

NotNaomi wonders, "MXP! We talked about this a few months ago, but I'm not sure where we ended up. Can we get an update on whether or not we'll eventually have all the pretty colors?"

Salem looks to Kinaed "Didn't we ave another topic?" He looks to NotNaomi. 

Deedee wonders, "Think I heard the code was crashy still?"

Kinaed states, "We spoke to AE staff about it and were told it's broken on AE, and Az says it's problematic for us."

Temi nods.

Kinaed declares to Salem, "Yes, thanks! (I'm forgetful, even though I literally wrote it down)"

NotNaomi queries, "Aww. :( So my dreams of orange and less horrible blues are dashed?"

Temi says, "Wouldn't say never, but... not going to be easy."

Kinaed states to NotNaomi, "I wouldn't say never either, but it's not only not easy - we have some bigger fish at the moment, particularly covert dual guilding and some adjustments to sneak and steal into the Stealth skill."

Phoenixdoll says, "Oooh. "

NotNaomi nods.

Temi nods.

NotNaomi claims, "I'm patient! Also looking forward to those changes. :)"

Temi claims, "Yeah, I don't think we can prioritize it when it will be so big"

Kinaed nods.

Sparkles muses, "Maybe the compromise is the 'carrot' colors without the full 256?"

Raspberries questions, "Is steal being re-written?"

NotNaomi claims, "I'd be happy with just like... 16 more colors, even."

Kinaed states to Raspberries, "It's one of the key priorities on Eos and Salem's plate - but please be patient as they've just gotten code access this week, and learning a new system takes time."

Raspberries states, "Of course. Just wondering if how it works will change. Because how it works doesn't work very well"

Sylvre listens carefully

Temi says, "I think we want all of it to be more user friendly and actually useful"

Salem says, "I'm reading so much code, but I'm on it."

Temi states, "But I have better recollection of the hide/sneak updates than the steal ones"

Raspberries nods.

Raspberries says, "I think being able to snoop/steal from carried/worn open containers would be a big help too. but a bit of coding"

Kinaed nods at Raspberries.

Kitty says, "I think being able to steal from the inside of a worn container is a little unrealistic."

Kitty states, "Because that would have to require knowing what's in it, and... yeah."

Temi says, "Not necessarily.  Could be grab one random thing from it"

Raspberries says, "Try carrying an open purse in Rome"

Kinaed claims, "I don't think it is; I've been in irl situations where someone has had a passport pinched right out of a bag."

Phoenixdoll claims, "Having been robbed /pickpocketed irl"
NotNaomi nods.

Sparkles says, "I think there needs to be a balance of 'this being fun' and 'people will be afraid to go out and RP'"

NotNaomi claims, "Having known some thieves.. it's not that uncommon"

Phoenixdoll states, "They don't need to "see" into it. OR rather, they just wait and see you pulling stuff in and out of your bag and then they know where to go for it."

Phoenixdoll says, "I'll be really honest, stealing sucks for a thief RN"

Kinaed nods at phoenixdoll.

Phoenixdoll says, "It'll come with new policy I am sure to make sure the game is a fun game for everyone"

Kinaed muses, "On that, I might open or resurrect a zombie thread on the forums about steal and hiding?"

Kinaed says, "Might be good to get our thoughts together and compare it against our current steal spec"

Phoenixdoll claims, "But like, I have been told IC on a different character "oh just carry your 1000s of gold coins in a bag""

Phoenixdoll states, "I have witnessed people just carrying about large amounts of money inside a pouch"

NotNaomi states, "It's easy enough to just drop your stuff off somewhere it (presumably) won't be stolen before you go out"

Phoenixdoll claims, "ANd thieves can't touch them for being stupid"

Deedee muses, "Do you think it'd be a good idea to make coins not placable in containers?"

Deedee asks, "Except maybe safes?"

Phoenixdoll says, "It would encourage people to use the pay system, rather than putting in bags. "

NotNaomi trails off, "I think it would negate the need for beltpouches/coinpurses..."

Phoenixdoll states, "I don't think so, no. I think people should not have safe containers -- from a skilled thief. "

Anonymous says, "What about the bank"

Cat states, "But should we be able to hide 20 coin in our socks. I'm not talking about a hundred here, but you know."

Sylvre states, "Yeah I kind of like the whole belt pouch/coinpurse/sash, to me that feels very medieval "

Deedee claims, "Perhaps coinpurses could just allow you to carry more coins on you, but remain in the general on your person thing when you type worth"

Anonymous says, "If you steal from me, I will make a coinpurse out of your face"

Phoenixdoll claims, "Bring it."

Phoenixdoll grins.

Kinaed has transferred Apathy.  [OOC]

Sparkles states, "IMHO ... making buying things more complicated tends to encourage against random purchases. Which fixes one problem but doesn't do the best things to the player economy."

Kuzco is idle.

NotNaomi states, "Coinpurse made from human skin, there's an idea"
Temi gives a ribbon wedding knot, tying together blue and gold strands to Apathy.

Kuzco is no longer idle.

Kuzco has returned from AFK.

Temi claims, "We do want to improve things for steal but we'll try to make sure we don't go too far in the other direction either"

Raspberries nods.

Phoenixdoll says, "To be clear, I briefly looked away and so I missed part of the discussion -- but as far as I am aware it won't just be people who have the steal skill able to easily reach into containers. It's a progression thing."

Kinaed claims, "It might be a hard thing to balance though, so it'd be good to see what that could look like best from both sides - stealing and being stolen from."

Raspberries claims, "I think coin purses and such are fine as they are, just need a way to steal from them"

Temi nods in agreement with Kinaed.

NotNaomi nods.

Sparkles states, "I think a major improvement would be some ability to interact with the environement or vNPCs so that all negative actions don't always have to be targeting other players."

Sylvre states, "That's fair enough "

Anonymous trails off, "I want to say that I'm fine with petty theft and think it could generate conflict, but I DONT think the bank should be robbable... then again I'm half paying attention because of OOC"

NotNaomi says, "I agree with Raspberries. Of course don't make it -easy-, but possible."

Phoenixdoll claims, "The bank isn't typically robbable."

Raspberries states, "It's probably robbable via plot and lots of QP"

Anonymous states, "Pls"

NotNaomi muses, "One other quick question, when is the wedding? Right after this meeting?"

Temi claims, "Roughly"

Temi says, "With some 'we still have to get everything together'"

Kinaed claims, "I think invitations will go out right after this, and then probably a bit of time for people to arrive, etc"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Phoenixdoll says, "Cool. I'm super excited."

NotNaomi states, "Oh good, I have time to toss dinner in the oven"

Phoenixdoll claims, "Thanks everyone who has been organising this. :)"

Kinaed claims, "On that, it means we probably ought to wrap up to give people some time to get sorted."

Deedee starts editing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed says, "Yes, thank you everyone who has been working so hard on this for the pbase."

Temi says, "I may take a little extra time for a quick walk for the dog too, so everyone can have a little breathing room"

Temi claims, "But we don't want to push it too late for our Europeans"

Kinaed states, "Okay, I might wrap us up now - appreciate everyone's attendance. I'll make a steal and stealth thread on the forums or try to resurrect an existing one."

Kinaed declaims, "Thanks for coming everyone!"

Raspberries waves.

Sylvre states, "Thank you"

Apathy waves.

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