Log of OOC Meeting 2021-10-16

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:56 pm

Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:07 pm

Kinaed claims, "Today's Agenda is:

   - Staff Updates
   - Player Heartbeat
   - Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Anonymous stops using a pair of dark velvet gloves with wide, corded garnet cuffs.

Anonymous stops using a shining, layered ring shaped with small, adjustable peaks.

Anonymous wears a pair of dark velvet gloves with wide, corded garnet cuffs on his hands.

Kinaed muses, "No one?"

Dreams wears a shining, layered ring shaped with small, adjustable peaks on her left finger.

Deedee states, "I'll let you know if anything pops to mind"

Dreams stops using a pair of soft wool gloves embroidered with silky magnolias.

Dreams stops using a shining, layered ring shaped with small, adjustable peaks.

Kinaed states, "Okay, kicking off staff updates - I did some minor housekeeping, managed a request or two, have a policy case in the wings I need to follow up on."

Kinaed says, "Ran a staff meeting today, it was good."

Sparkles questions, "Any super noted decisions come out of it?"

Ghed states, "I'm apparently not very funny today"

Kinaed states, "That's it from me. On Eos' behalf: They fixed some bugs around the daily locale, removed the reminder, and we can manually set the locale now for events"

Dreams states to Ghed, "It happens to all of us."

Ghed nods at Dreams.

Trajen says, "Being able to set the locale was a cool idea I htought"

Deedee claims, "That's good."

Kinaed claims to Sparkles, "Not at the moment, no. Nothing major impact, more spreading out action items and following up on things we were supposed to do ages ago, but were blocked on from a coding standpoint."

Leta claims, "Locale how shows up on whereRP, which is nice."

Enoha claims, "I notice that, I really like that"

Deedee says, "Yeah, that's a nice addition"

Dreams states, "I also noticed that today."

Sparkles wonders, "Can folks request spots of the day for events then?"

Kinaed claims, "Very thrilled the base refactor is done, sorry that we have some stability issues and weird bugs - this will continue for awhile as is often the case after a refactor, but in the coming weeks we should become more and more stable, and we are now able to do things we never could before thanks to a higher order programming language."

Ghed claims, "Salem has been working like CRAZY"

Kinaed says to Sparkles, "We will do it for public events, but generally won't for private RP."

Ghed states, "Like, seriously, salem is insane and deserves major praise"

Kinaed states to Sparkles, "So if it's something we'd give free RPA out for, yes, if not, no."

Kinaed nods at Ghed.

Kinaed says, "Yes, she killed it."

Deedee asks, "Any plans for non-mobprog scripting?"

Kinaed states, "The amount of work that goes into something like this is hard to explain."

Deedee asks, "Like being able to interact with objects?"

Temi states, "No, not soon, at least."

Ghed states, "A paid programmer working full time wouldn't accomplish this level of badassery"

Kinaed claims to Deedee, "For the moment, we're looking at stability first and actually holding off on anything that wasn't identified as a priority. I'll post some stuff later on the forums with the top staff agreed priorities."

Temi states, "That is a major project, which won't be covered by the sorts of changes being made"

Deedee nods.

Murrcognito asks, "Do let us know if there's anything more we can do than thank Salem. Tip jar?"

Ghed says, "Maybe patting her in the back"

Leta claims, "Do not forget that you can recommend staffers if you think they are doing a good job."

Dreams asks, "Personalized memes?"

Dreams says, "Or that."

Kinaed says to Ghed, "Okay, you're up. :)"

Ghed says, "Nod"

Ghed claims, "This week I was a little more organised to get some new things rolling here.

Other than the usual sleuth of requests, recommends, and some plots, I wrote the Jade Arrow helpfile. Then I slapped a few new features to the royal palace, such as npcs and scripts. I intend for it to have things for all classes, but with a bit of an edge for nobles.

I also did my first test of a script being conditional on prestige levels. So I may make some things only trigger if you're popular enough like that -- thus making prestige levels a more desirable thing to strife for."

Kinaed claims, "Please have a look at HELP PRESTIGE if you want to know how to improve your prestige"

Kinaed questions to Ghed, "Where do players go if they want to check out some of your new stuff? The palace mainly, or...?"

Ghed states, "Palace mainly, yeah"

Kinaed states, "Sweet"

Deedee asks, "Any changes to the barrier of entry for prestige?"

Anonymous muses, "Any plans to tweak how points are gained? Because some guilds get bonuses to prestige based on their metric and others dont"

Anonymous claims, "I dont think anyway"

Ghed states, "The Aureate Stag also has this prestige script"

Salem appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

Ghed claims, "I haven't touched the prestige system"

Trajen claps for Salem

Kinaed claims to Leta, "You're up :)"

Ghed states, "Plans are considered"

Leta smiles.

Leta claims, "I had a busy week in real life, but I did my normal docket of player questions, requests and recommends with Ghed. I also tested bugs and rewarded players who served as my guinea pigs. Then I served as a guinea pig on the test server for our illustrious coders. Squeak squeak."

Leta claims, "I am still working on helpfiles. If you think a helpfile is confusing or outdated, tell me. If you think we are missing an important helpfile, tell me. I provide QP for that help."

Kinaed queries, "Sorry, I missed a question about plans to tweak how Prestige points are gained - at the moment no, but if you have thoughts or ideas, please create a forum post or raise them in OOC Chat as a topic?"

Kinaed states to Salem, "I hope we didn't steal your thunder earlier singing your praises, but you're up :)"

Ghed claims, "Leta and helpfiles are a match made in the Springs"

Salem claims, "I fixed lots of bugs. I'm gonna play in more fixes later this evening for dual-guilding and other assortments."

Salem claims, "Plot contribute being on of those."

Deedee claims, "Oh, that's good."

Kinaed claims, "Nice :)"

Kinaed claims, "Thank you sincerely, Salem."

Salem says, "If Anything of the magic is malfunctioning than come scream in tells at me. XD"

Ghed states, "Polite screams"

Dreams questions, "Or... mage channel?"

Ghed says to Salem, "Seriously Sal, kickass job"

Murrcognito muses, "Screams can be polite?"

Temi says, "That's probably not the best for getting a hold of Salem"

Dreams nods.

Ghed states to Murrcognito, "If you're wearing a bow wtie"

Temi says, "Feel free to put things in bug reports and we'll try to get urgent things passed across"

Kinaed nods.

Leta claims, "Bug board is good. It will also result in QP."

Leta claims, "Everyone likes QP."

Salem says, "Yeah bug boards with text logs are good. It makes things faster to debug."

Kinaed asks, "The good thing about the bug board is that we also have a record just in case. Still, maybe a bug board and a tell? :)"

Kinaed states, "Okay, we probably need to keep moving."

Kinaed says to Temi, "You're up :)"

Drystan is idle.

Temi states, "I have had a busy week, and will be gone starting next Saturday for a week- so please reach out before then if you've needs of me for stuff.  It has not been super productive for TI - no new additions to the crafts or skill mini-quests.  Do feel free to put your craft requests on the forums if you would like us to consider them for adding.  They won't be immediate, but if they are sitting there when I have time, that's the best chance for me to be able to include them.  Main accomplishment this week though was updating some ennoblement-related stuff, and still have some more to get our new nobs sorted out tonight."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

StormyBoi cheers for new nobs

Kinaed says, "Ahh yes, congratulations new nobles. :)"

Deedee queries, "Has the limit for ennoblements per tenure been increased? removed?"

Temi states, "The domain helpfiles for the related ones should be updated now"

Temi states, "In general, no"

Murrcognito welcomes the new nob crowd

Temi claims, "This is a special case for the palace revitalization project"

Deedee says, "I see"

GeeBee claps for the revitalization!

Anonymous claims, "Thank ye"

Dreams states, "My apologies, may I be returned? I need to poof."

Kinaed says, "We're hopeful that by improving the baseline and getting some active, existing characters in, that new nobles will have more 'rp traction'"

Dreams has been transferred out by Kinaed.  [OOC]

Anonymous claims to Temi, "I will be annoying you with many plots about Iglisrich shortly"

Temi states to Anonymous, "You have sway over Iglisrich.  You don't need staff to dictate general stuff."

Temi states, "Don't give yourself new powers or doing anything unbalancing and you don't need staff to moderate it"

Souless is idle.

Anonymous says, "Oh its pretty specific stuff. And investimagation of NPC opinions and such."

Temi claims, "Please feel free to rp that out"

Ghed has transferred Tasker.  [OOC]

Temi gives a shining, layered ring shaped with small, adjustable peaks to Tasker.

Tasker eats a shining, layered ring shaped with small, adjustable peaks 

Anonymous says, "Omg"

Tasker claims, "Nutrients "

Anonymous says, "You must not have enough bronze in your diet"

Trajen stares at his ring and pets it whispering, "Pre-cious." to keep from going idle. "Oh, they're edible?"

Temi states, "That was an emote."

Ghed laughs.

Ghed claims, "Clever"

Souless is no longer idle.
Souless has returned from AFK.

Kinaed says, "Okay, next up :)"

Trajen says, "Oh sorry."

Kinaed questions, "Player Heartbeat - how was the game this week, folks?"

Salem wears a shining, layered ring shaped with small, adjustable peaks on his left finger.

Deedee says, "Haven't had enough time, but did have a rare scene with a fellow busy guildmember which was nice"

StormyBoi claims, "Establishing this noble, my first one and I'm so very happy to be playing and doing stuff"

Violet claims, "It's been fun and eventful :)"

Murrcognito says, "Had the opportunity to make some good trouble, maybe put a couple new pots on the fire."

StormyBoi claims, "Especially happy that there's a new crop of nobles to interact with as well and enjoying all the opportunities"

Kinaed claims, "That's great to hear :)"

Anonymous claims, "I did many fun things."

Anonymous claims, "As one might expect."

Temi states, "We do still have noble applications open, if others want to join in on the pending excitement"

Kinaed states, "Sounds fairly good feedback."

Sparkles is idle.

Sparkles is no longer idle.

Sparkles says, "I think I said it last week, but had fun with the little Palace event last week. "

Kinaed smiles.

Tasker claims, "Time to start robbing the rich "

Kinaed claims, "Glad to hear it."

Deedee questions, "Do they have to be landed nobles?"

Tasker states, "And then keeping it "

Tasker claims, "Because I'm not stupid like robin hood"

Anonymous says, "Pls"

Anonymous says, "Nu"

Temi claims, "We have a preference towards titled nobles, but we've been prepared to accept others, if they don't expect to inherit, since we have no mechanisms for that"

Deedee nods.

Temi says, "We know some people like the marriage market rp instead though."

Temi grins.

StormyBoi will be looking for marriage market 2nd daughters once he is established

Anonymous says, "I have a query"

Kinaed cocks her head curiously at Anonymous. 

Anonymous claims, "Spouses of titled nobles are considered social nobility themselves, but do they have the 'noble' class codedly? I ask because we noticed that my character's spouse didn't have the coded class."

Ghed states, "Nope"

Anonymous claims, "Ah, okay"

Kinaed states, "They should have the noble class codedly yes, BUT"

Murrcognito queries, "I was wondering on that; are spouses expected to be lord/lady'd, or are they more 'consorts' who retain their own class?"

Murrcognito says, "For titling ICly"

Deedee asks, "But?"

Temi claims, "They are ICly extended courtesies"

StormyBoi states, "Socially by their direct tie to the title they should get the same treatment, until their spouse dies"

Kinaed says, "They won't show up on nobility as titled nobles, they'll show up as social nobles. If they become a GL, code may overwrite their social class to the guild's social class."

Ghed states, "They are meant to be treated as nobility in-game"

Ghed nods at StormyBoi.

Murrcognito nodnods

StormyBoi claims, "THEN they would have social status due to their direct tie to the heir--such as their son"

Kinaed claims, "They would socially be lord-lady'd"

Kinaed states, "They are social nobility."

Deedee nods.

Kinaed claims, "Emphasis on the 'social'"

StormyBoi claims, "Notedly, titled nobles don't typically marry other titled nobles so that social nobility is mainly attractive for wedding bait"

Temi nods.

Ghed nods.

Kinaed states, "It is acceptable with dispensation to marry gentry, but you'd definitely be seeking royal permission and stuff like that."

Ghed asks of Anonymous, "Does that answer your question?"

Anonymous states, "Yes"

StormyBoi states, "It's also ICly looked down upon though, to marry a lesser status"

Kinaed nods at StormyBoi.

Temi states, "Title to title marriages are generally a big exception.  Usually one would give up a title, or sometimes they would keep separate inheritance lines - ie needs heirs for both.  No combining titles."

Ghed states, "It's like drinking champagne with pizza"

Kinaed states, "In some cases, titled nobles have been asked to abdicate to marry down."

Anonymous states, "I guess my only concern is if NPC reeves will harass my IC wife fore wearing sumptuary stuff"

Ghed claims, "Sushi with beer"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Anonymous says, "Because of code class"

Sparkles states, "I recommend champagne with pizza, personally."

StormyBoi says, "No, she is SOCIALLY a noble"

Anonymous says, "Mkay"

Sparkles states, "I mean if they do, have them whipped."

StormyBoi says, "As a noble's wife she is a lady, she's just not titled. When Andorig dies, she'll be a noble still because she's your son's mom, but she'll never be the baroness"

Kinaed claims, "Marriage when you're noble is generally quite complicated."

Anonymous nods.

Anonymous claims, "Yep"

Deedee notes StormyBoi said WHEN and not IF...

StormyBoi shiftyeyes

Temi grins.

Murrcognito says, "Death is a certainty tbh"

Temi states, "He will definitely die.  But he might or might not die before his wife."

Temi claims, "Or before 100."

Anonymous claims, "I want you to know right now"

Anonymous says, "That he is -quite- difficult to kill"

Murrcognito questions, "Does age code eventually just kill a character?"

Anonymous peers at stormboi.

Deedee says, "It doesn't"

Ghed states to Murrcognito, "Nope"

Temi states, "We've left that up to players to decide when they should die of old age."

Kinaed claims, "Code doesn't, but it does make you more decrepit."

Ghed claims to Murrcognito, "It will just make you super duper weak"

Temi says, "If you get to a point where you think you should, we can discuss with enabling it."

Kinaed asks, "And if you're 105, at some stage I'm sure the Order's gonna be like 'what sorcery is this?'"

Temi claims, "It's never actually come up."

Ghed nods at Kinaed.

GeeBee says, "In StormBoi's defense, men do have shorter average lifespans than women. xD"

StormyBoi claims, "For legal purposes I must state at this time I have no plans of noblecide"

Tasker says, "Would be awesome if there was a magical way to reduce character age, maybe just on a temporary basis so you keep having to re-up it like voldemort and unicorn blood"

Ghed states, "Who says there isn't"

Anonymous claims, "For legal purposes"

Deedee asks, "I thought there was?"

Kinaed questions, "Are we keen to move onto Player Topics?"

Kinaed pontificates, "We have one!"

Ghed nods.

Deedee pontificates, "Sure!"

Kinaed wonders to StormyBoi, "If you wouldn't mind introducing us to your topic please? :)"

INFO: Cedric has just created!

StormyBoi states, "Ok its mostly just a CONCEPT but i recall player gold-hoarding being brought up so"

StormyBoi says, "I would like to suggest a late-game money-sink to help combat the wealth-hoarding issues we have with long-standing characters, when they gather up thousands of silver: small events that require you to pay to repair/upkeep your phome outside of the normal taxes system. For example: There is a storm and you need to replace your phome's roof. Perhaps a PC could fix it for cheaper than an NPC. If you don't there's a small mood added to your home, 'there is the occasional sound of dripping from the ceiling'. No actual negative benefit to not doing it, but socially you'd want your roof to not be leaking and those moods gone."

StormyBoi claims, "Other example: Your outside garden room has moles and there's holes everywhere. Husbandry PC or NPC can fix. Your Hothouse's glass has cracked, jeweler or NPC can fix. This would both a) serve as a gold-sink and b) maybe have people reach out to PCs to solve these problems and c) give you something to RP about also 'man that storm last night' etc."

Ghed claims, "Hmm"

Ghed wonders, "How would you implement that with your knowledge of how we do things here?"

Murrcognito claims, "In a wealth-aside, there is still a fairly significant gap that's existed post wealth-purchase-change which has made large stone phomes generally unattainable."

Deedee says, "I had a similar thought actually, that pests could get in"

StormyBoi trails off, "I would add an opt-in in exchange for QP like we have for infect, ATM, and just have it be like... maybe a once an OOC/2 OOC month random roll based off of the rooms in your phome"

Kinaed claims, "I do think we need more money sinks, but I'm hopeful to see positive ones."

StormyBoi says, "No negative to not doing it other than social expectations"

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Leta claims, "I really like this idea."

Sparkles says, "I feel like a better 'money sink' is investing on new players/characters. "

StormyBoi says, "Definitely, but it's better than a flat tax increase or something similar"

StormyBoi states, "And makes more RP opportunities"

Sparkles says, "Money that disappears off-grid doesn't tend to kind of keep things rolling."

StormyBoi states, "Could go to a PC instead of an NPC"

StormyBoi states, "If coded that way, of course"

Kinaed claims to Sparkles, "I think we have an economic problem though - we give people money on a weekly basis, and we don't have enough going on to drain it out of the system. We don't have enough going on because everyone's getting money regularly that far exceeds their needs, so there's no reason to hussle for it. Thus, it's a bit of a self feeding cycle."

StormyBoi claims, "It was a thought I had--I don't think it should happen VERY OFTEN if staff is in favor, but it is just a concept"

Deedee states, "Yeah, I would like more services in the hands of PCs"

Tasker Perhaps armour requires maintenance from a blacksmith, something they can charge for

Tasker states, "Not sure why that was an emote, sleepy brain"

Deedee says, "That is a thing already"

Ghed states, "We were considering clothes to degrade and food to expire"

Kinaed nods at Ghed.

Anonymous says, "Weapons need maintenance but honestly they're used so infrequently as to be a rare thing"

Tasker claims, "Once armour gets damaged, sure, but I mean regular touch-ups"

StormyBoi claims, "Originally I was against clothes degrading but I feel like as long as there is an NPC also if playres aren't available I am very much in favor of"

Drystan has left the game.

Kinaed claims, "I was thinking more like things need to be laundered as opposed to degrading to being ruined, for example."

Kinaed nods.

StormyBoi states, "Particularly as tailors are a fairweather lot"

Violet states, "I think wearing new items should give IP or prestige or app boosts"

Deedee says, "That's a better idea, Kin."

Violet claims, "In a way that old clothes don't"

Kinaed claims, "But once I think money starts to become important, then we'll start to see people RPing about getting money, and I think that'll create IC stimuluous for things going on."

Kinaed says to Violet, "I like that idea."

Murrcognito states, "Some other games use modeling systems where recently produced clothing affords more prestige"

StormyBoi muses, "Another suggestion from the sister game--maybe allow app boosts past 5, only gettable through add-on items?"

Kinaed claims to Violet, "Jotting it down in my notes about new clothes giving a prestige bonus"

StormyBoi states, "If you're app 5 there's no reason to buy/use/wear makeup etc"

Kinaed claims to StormyBoi, "Good point, jotting that down too"

StormyBoi states, "People like being sexy, they'll absolutely waste money on it"

Anonymous claims, "If we make new clothes give IP or prestige bonuses, please give us some summary of where we are getting IP or prestige points from so we can keep track of it."

Sparkles states, "Maybe being higher app should be more expensive and/or class locked. "

Kinaed nods at Anonymous.

Kinaed claims to Anonymous, "Making a note"

Kinaed states, "I think there is a command for it though. Let me see"

Kinaed queries, "Please type 'prestige check'?"

Kinaed questions, "Do you see what I see?"

Anonymous claims, "Doesnt work for me"

StormyBoi claims, "Doesn't seem to work for players"

Ghed states, "It's staff only"

Kinaed states, "Okay, we can probably easily make that available to players for their own character."

Kinaed makes a note.

Deedee says, "I think prestige is currently pretty black boxed"

Kinaed states, "Meanwhile, if anyone wants to see where their prestige is coming from, Request Board, and we'll show you yours."

Ghed claims, "Remember to do bardic celebrations"

Ghed claims, "That has weight"

Kinaed nods.

Ghed claims, "Meaning the celebrate bardic command"

Deedee questions, "Is there a negative version to that?"

Kinaed claims, "Bards can directly give you prestige with celebrations."

Kinaed states, "Yes, they can also directly give negative prestige."

Trajen says, "Oh, wow."

Ghed states to Deedee, "It's called finish"

Deedee grins at Ghed.

Anonymous claims, "Lol"

Anonymous says, "Murderous bards"

Kinaed states, "So be careful about upsetting your bards lest they write a limmerick."

Anonymous claims, "Already got one of those"

Anonymous states, "It was not very fun"

Anonymous claims, "The whole council got it in fact."
Kinaed comforts Anonymous.

StormyBoi states, "Maybe add a bardic 'besmirch' or something to anti-celebrate lol"

Temi grins.

StormyBoi claims, "'slander'"

Kinaed says, "Celebrate can be used to give negative prestige as well right now."

Anonymous states, "I have an answer to that: whip"

Deedee exclaims, "I celebrate how awfully bad this guy is!"

Ghed says, "Let's toast to this inbred"

Deedee claims, "I wonder if giving the brotherhood a way to smear might not be a good idea though"

Ghed states, "Thieves use finish, for real"

StormyBoi claims, "Largely the brotherhood has been suffering from irrelevance. I do think it might be worthwhile to let Bhood GL do a project or something cooler than picketh thine pocket or commit mail fraud could be cool, but might upset the social order a bit"

Deedee nods in agreement.

Murrcognito trails off, "Install the furniture, finish the Reeve..."

Trajen trails off, "Hey..."

StormyBoi claims, "A grassroots social project could be fun but very hard to do without outside guild help, since freemen get so little ip"

Murrcognito says, "Freemen finding ways to reasonably plug into the IP system is a perennial challenge."

StormyBoi states, "My freeman just hitched his carriage to a noble doing a project but nobles most likely won't subvert lawfulness, for example"

Kinaed questions, "Isn't it easy to just join a guild and all agree to support one another?"

StormyBoi says, "Oocly that is against policy"

Kinaed asks, "Why not do it ICly, I mean?"

StormyBoi states, "It has to be done using the support request command or via other IC requests, and largely most GL's don't tend to ask for support"

Kinaed says, "There's an emote that asks for support, and I've seen it used to ICly make agremeents and pacts"

Anonymous states, "I always asked for support as a GL"

Kinaed states, "Doesn't need to be a GL character asking either."

StormyBoi says, "Since IP is mostly useful for city metrics most freemen don't really benefit from support"

Kinaed says, "Anyone can ask for support."

StormyBoi claims, "Source: my freeman"

Kinaed states, "And make IC pacts"

StormyBoi states, "I needed my GL to give me consistent IP every 2 weeks to be able to adjust city metrics"

Sparkles claims, "One thing is there's no way to actually guarantee that the other person follows through and asking about it is against policy (or interpretted that way.)"

Anonymous says, "I was always able to consistently get to at least 5 IP"

Anonymous states, "Without being GL"

Murrcognito states, "It's a system that requires much more effort on the part of Freeman characters/players in order to affect action with IP, and at the end of the day, there isn't really the freeman population actively around to make those grassroots-movement plots happen."

StormyBoi says, "Freemen get less IP than gentry, gentry get more just for being gentry"

Anonymous says, "True. I think I get 1 just for being gent-"

Anonymous says, "Oh wait"

Anonymous states, "I -did- get 1 just for being gentry"

Souless states, "Freeman have such a huge uphill battle to do anything involving the city metrics, that it isn't worth the time for them to try."

StormyBoi says, "I make these suggestions with the hope the freemen rabble will return to me eventually"

StormyBoi claims, "IDK these are mostly anecdotal, freemen might care more if they could ask the brotherhood to do something instead of a noble"

Deedee queries, "How long has the projects system been in place?"

StormyBoi queries, "Since the beginning? "

Kinaed says, "Well, in general, most things are intended to be harder for freemen. That said, I can see three ways to get IP as a freeman with relative ease: 1) ask someone to give it to me, 2) make a support pact, 3) buy it with silver"

Kinaed states, "And it's not even me straining my brain"

Deedee states, "No, it's not that old"

Sparkles questions, "Like 2018?"

Kinaed says, "Our change logs should say"

Kinaed says, "Also, there's jobs as well as mail to ask the Brotherhood to do stuff, so please do consider it. :)"

Deedee questions, "Sounds about right. and in that time, not a single inverted metric project has been done, right?"

Kinaed claims, "Alas, we're coming up to the top of the hour :)"

StormyBoi states, "Yes please ask the brotherhood to do stuff"

Kinaed states, "Nope, but we've had a good deal of unermining by individuals who have assets linked to inverted metrics :)"

Kinaed claims, "*undermining."

Ghed states, "Hire the bards, hire the thieves, make rumors, get sick, commission merchants, recommend each other"

StormyBoi states, "I'll steal your neighbor's dog, I'll break his window, I'll put a love letter on your lady's pillow for money"

Trajen says, "Lol"

Kinaed states, "I want to thank everyone for coming to OOC Chat today. :) We appreciate your time discussing these topics, and your patience as we work through the stability issues with our new, improved codebase :)"

Anonymous claims, "Do not do these things"

Souless says, "It's just such a fight though lol."

Deedee waves.

StormyBoi says, "...not on this character though"

Kinaed claims, "A big thanks to staff as well for all of their hard work."

Souless says, "Silver is far too scarse for freeman to begin with."

Tasker says, "Shout out for Salem for being a literal machine spirit "

Souless declaims, "But yes, thanks Salem! :D"

StormyBoi states, "Big round of applause for staff"

Temi cheers for Salem! 

Kinaed says to Souless, "Try asking for it or offering to do stuff like teaching languages or combat skills."

GeeBee declares, "Let's definitely do those things! And yes, thank you staff!"

Trajen says, "Hip hip hooray"

Kinaed pontificates, "Good night everyone!"

Kinaed trails off, "Retrans in 3..."

Kinaed trails off, "2..."

Kinaed trails off, "1..."

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