Log of OOC Meeting 2021-10-30

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:56 pm

Sat Oct 30, 2021 8:20 pm

Ghed states, "A reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Regardless of what we discuss, we understand and truly believe that everyone on TI does the best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Ghed claims, "Today's Agenda is:
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics
Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon."

Deedee wonders, "Did we get a logger?"

Ghed wonders, "Oh yes, who wants to be a logger?"

Deedee gets a battle axe with a long wooden handle from an exceptionally roomy cloth satchel with many deep pockets.

Ghed muses, "No one?"

Deedee claims, "Guess I can."

Ghed nods.

Ghed says to Deedee, "Thank you"

Ghed says, "Soooo... no topics? Alright, let me know if anything comes to mind."

Tasker says, "Deez nuts come to mind"

Ghed states, "This week on staff updates, I'll begin with me. I didn't do all that much, just some fixes for staff, items cleanups, phome requests, a plot, uhhh... lots of recommends, setting up the Spring Awakening festival. I think that's it. I plan to work on the heretical temples at some near point."

Ghed wonders to Leta, "Want to continue?"

Leta says, "Ghed and I were both kept busy with requests and recommends this week. I payed a lot of people asset money and helped Kinaed set up our new Orderites. I also made several small helpfile changes and have larger helpfile projects in the works."

Ghed states, "OH yeah I did asset munny too"

Sparkles muses, "Work on like expand them? Destroy them? Fix them?"

Ghed asks of Sparkles, "All of the above? IDK I wanna make sure they are the best they can be"

Ghed states, "I've got an anon topic"

Ghed queries to Temi, "How about you?"

Temi claims, "I've been out since last Saturday with no computer access, but I should be back fully now and working on getting caught up this week."

Murrcognito pontificates, "Hope it was a great time! :)"

Temi says, "Definitely enjoyed myself and exhausted now after walking 10ish miles a day"

Temi grins.

Temi nods at Ghed.

Ghed pontificates, "We sure have missed you!"

Ghed muses, "Alright! Moving on to Player Heartbeats: how was the week? anything exciting?"

Leta states, "Our coders are not here, but to my knowledge they have been hard at work on bug fixes."

Ghed says, "Oh yeah absolutely"

Ghed says, "They always are, they put me to shame"

Trogdor claims, "I had a great fun week of RP"

Sparkles states, "It was an interesting week. A bit quiet at times but had some fun RP. Visiting the Faire again was nice."

Leta declares to trogdor, "Glad to hear it!"

Murrcognito asks, "The Faire space has been a fun one to play in! Am I right in believing that it'll be sticking around for longer than just this weekend?"

Deedee states, "Been pretty absent this week, between work and being sick"

Sparkles states, "Yeah I was thinking of giving it a week, considering hosting another little thingie sometime during the week after a bit of a mental recharge."

Ghed nods.

Ghed states, "We don't mind giving it a week so folks who don't log in every day can attend"

Murrcognito buys so many butterflies

Ghed muses, "Alright, anything shitting anyone that we ought to know?"

Deedee claims, "Nope, glad that the bug I was worried about was patched"

Ghed claims, "Alright, let's move on to topics"

Ghed says, "First is the anon one"

Leta claims to Deedee, "Glad to hear it =)"

Ghed claims, "Next comes Theodora"

Ghed states, "Anon says: Wondering how folks have been feeling about the magic content that's been sprinkled around."

Trogdor says, "Freakin' love it, gives some spice and an ominous tone, imho"

Ghed nods.

Ghed states, "Glad to see some magic shenanigans happening"

Deedee states, "I haven't encountered any yet, but haven't had much time to play"

Tasker queries, "MAGIC?"

Ghed muses to Tasker, "IKR?"

Tasker states, "But that is illegal "

Heretic has lost link.
Heretic has reconnected.

Murrcognito says, "Someone should probably burn."

Trogdor says, "Hopefully the orderites will protect us, i heard the new archbishop is devilishly handsome"

Leta says, "From a staff perspective it has been great to see more magic and antagonism recommends appearing in our queue"

Tasker says, "Interesting choice of WORDS there"

Heretic muses, "DEVILISHLY?"

Tasker states, "Someone alert the constabulary "

Trogdor queries, "Angelically? "

Sparkles claims, "I've watched too much Supernatural to think that's a good idea either."

Heretic states, "I don't think we have those anyways, just more demons."

Trogdor says, "I think you are all focusing on the wrong thing here, the point is he is HANDSOME"

Trogdor claims, "Let the record show no dissenting opinions"

Heretic states, "I've never met a handsome demon. Cute, maybe."

Ghed nods.

Ghed claims, "Well, good"

Ghed asks of Sparkles, "Alright, what's your topic?"

Sparkles states, "I may have brought this up at a previous meeting (if so, sorry!) however talking about more antagonism RP - I'd like to bring something up. Something that our sister game implemented was the ability for people to customize/set their Who name to something other than our coded name. While I know that Whoinvis is meant to help alleviate some concerns, using Whoinvis causes different issues with some systems and puts a lot of people instantly on the 'something is going on' train. But given Dual Guilding coming back into play I feel like it might be something to ponder."

Ghed nods.

Ghed questions, "I've wanted this for a time. What do the others think?"

Ghed asks, "What are the possible drawbacks if any?"

Temi states, "There's always the difficulty of being able to find the people you need, for things like hunting out guildleaders or usch"

Temi claims, "It could encourage more antagonistic RP, but might hurt other non-antagonistic sorts"

Deedee states, "There's a number of issues currently with using an alias instead of your coded name for things. It would be nice if less depended on coded names"

Sparkles claims, "That could be alleviate that by putting in policy that GLs have to keep their name or title up there."

Murrcognito hums. I'm curious about what that implementation would look like? ---On the antag RP front, I feel that there's already a burden of hoping that folks are there to tell stories more than to win.

Murrcognito says, "And I wonder specifically, esp when wholist isn't long, how much value obfuscation like that would actually provide"

Temi says, "I think the main blocker has been dev time rather than a problem with actually having something like it"

Ghed begins to move north.

Ghed slows to a halt.

Ghed nods.

Ghed states, "It's what I was thinking"

Sparkles states, "I can think of some scenerios where it would be useful but don't want to point out specific IC things but twas a thought."

Deedee idly flips a golden coin.
Deedee notes that it is crowns.

Salem appears in a swirling mist. [OOC]

Salem waves.

Ghed declaims to Salem, "Hello!"

Ghed states to Salem, "We were just going over the idea of allowing people to choose their own who list names at will."

Tasker states, "Seems to work totally fine on the sister game, but they do have a phone number list so you can see when your contacts are online or not"

Murrcognito states, "That would help those of us who have characters that don't go by their coded names."

Murrcognito nodsd with Tasker.

Salem claims, "Oof. It's possible, but I got so much on my plate and my head decided to explpde over the weekend. No idea when that would be in our priorities."

Temi nods.

Ghed declaims, "We were talking about you working very hard!"

Temi claims, "It's been an idea for a while, don't think it's anything that won't keep, and probably a lot of things I'd pick first over that"

Deedee exclaims to Salem, "Thanks for your hard work!"

Salem asks, "Yeah. I got some thinhs still on my board and the bugs are piling up and need attention too. We can make a spec, if people want it? Maybe and Alternative to the whoinvis command?"

Ghed claims, "Maybe. But don't worry too much for now, we really appreciate all your volunteer work."

Ghed looks at the group, "Alright. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

Salem says, "I do like fixing our dark magic spaghetti."

Murrcognito says, "I hear it comes with the best meatballs"

Salem wonders, "Did I miss anything else coderelated?"

Trogdor states, "Ghed signed you up to refactor the code base in php"

Temi states, "We've been on the quiet side this meeting, really"

Heretic claims, "I knew spaghetti was dark magic."

Tasker states, "Those damn Vavardi"

Salem asks, "Oof. Didn't touch that language in ten years. Is it still around?"

Trogdor claims, "Wordpress is still built on it, so yes"

Ghed muses, "Are there any grid changes you'd like to see?"

Salem says, "Damn. Well I got a book about it somewhere, but I'm not getting up to get it. I declare myself officially sick this weekend."

Ghed wonders, "Any mob scripts?"

Deedee states, "I know Niamh had been working on a certain expansion, would be neat if someone took that over"

Sparkles asks, "A certain expansion?"

Heretic claims, "Yeah can we get like a couple thousand giant spiders"

Sparkles wonders, "As far as mob scripts go, can mobs teach things?"

Temi says, "I don't believe so"

Ghed says to Sparkles, "No"

Murrcognito states, "I always love seeing more nooks and crannies tucked away to find and play in."

Ghed says to Sparkles, "It's not supported"

Ghed muses to Deedee, "Can you give us a pointer?"

Ghed states to Murrcognito, "Niamh added like a hundred between 2018-2019"

Deedee claims, "Haha"

Murrcognito grins toward Ghed.

Deedee claims, "Well, an entire city"

Sparkles says, "I really don't think given current play numbers we could support that."

Deedee claims, "It could still have its uses."

Deedee claims, "If someone wants to put in the effort"

Temi claims, "I don't think it will be a priority soon"

Murrcognito states, "More seriously, I love having events like the Faire coming through; having circulating events/places/things that create spaces which attract public play to bring characters together."

Sparkles states, "I agree, I do love that, I feel like you can get a lot of use/excitement out of pretty small areas like that."

Murrcognito asks, "It would be neat if there could be enduring incentives while they're present; for example, could the RP spot be relocated to faireground spaces while it is present?"

Ghed states to Murrcognito, "That's not a bad idea"

Deedee states, "Well, to a space"

Ghed says to Murrcognito, "Though the space is its own reward too, given some of the rarer items sold inside"

Murrcognito says, "Or stuff like the rooms being flagged to improve rpxp gain"

Murrcognito claims, "Of course."

Trogdor says, "Just a quick point out that sold items may not appeal to all characters :-)"

Ghed asks, "The Faire has some 'hidden' scripts, I think they are undiscovered?"

Temi claims, "I don't think anything will ever appeal to all characters."

Temi claims, "Which is why we try to do a variety of different things."

Murrcognito says, "----I do have a real dead horse to beat briefly, which is if there could be consideration of how low race relation xblocks are implemented; there are some cool playspaces that aren't seen often, and it's challenging to keep up the motivation to retain foreign quarter access when it competes with priorities like 'want infrastructure high so I don't have to eat 5 sandwiches to cross the city'"

Murrcognito nods.

Sparkles claims, "Bribe a Bard to smuggle you over the border."

Temi claims, "There are ways around a lot of them, but yeah, it is intended that there are currently choices to be made"

Trogdor asks, "Is it by design that low or high city stats are obfuscated? "

Trogdor says, "Or rather, the effects of them, is what i mean"

Trogdor states, "Cause i was this years old when i learned that low class relations means there are xblocks involved"

Temi says, "There's help metric definitions, which indicates the IC view of the limitations that come from them"

Temi says, "Should generally be sufficient without the exact code for how that's being done"

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "Alright, seems we're on top of the hour"

Sparkles places her right fist over her heart in salute.

Ghed says, "Thanks for coming everyone"

Murrcognito declaims, "Catch y'all all around!"

Ghed trails off, "Retransing in 3..."

Trogdor states, "You all are magical people and i appreciate all of you for RPing or supporting the game"

Ghed trails off, "2..."

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