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Log of OOC Meeting - 2022-01-01

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:19 pm
by MUDnoob
Temi asks, "Alright, so our agenda for today: 1) Staff Updates, 2) Player Heartbeat, 3) Player Topics. Does anyone have any topics to get onto the list?"

Temi wonders, "No topics for the agenda this week?"

Temi says, "Alright, well, if you come up with any, please do let us know, and we'll get you on the list"

Murrcognito states, "I've got a couple misc topics"

Temi nods at Murrcognito.

Temi declares, "Okay, Murr, got you!"

MUDnoob says OOCly, "Oh, I think I do have one small thing."

Anonymous says, "I have a question that may or may not lead into a topic later on."

Deedee states, "Now they come"

Temi nods at MUDnoob.

Temi nods at Anonymous.

Deedee claims, "No one wanted to be first I guess, haha"

Temi finishes abruptly, "So I'll start on the updates - been pretty busy for the holidays, and got stranded for a few extra days at my Dad's house due to the snow, but back now, and we're trying to handle the Tubori Succession Plot at full speed"

Deedee states, "I enjoyed your NPC, Temi"

Temi claims, "Leta and Ghed will be helping with some of the different NPCs to get more spread on time than just my schedule, and I wanted to remind everyone, that we're hoping to have people that would be interested to provide arguments at the King's court meeting, in support of your favored side"

Kipperonie pontificates, "Shoutouts to Temi for the NPCs!"

Drystan states, "Yeah the NPc has been great, enjoyed seeing them about"

Sparkles questions, "Are those scenes usually a scheduled thing or more they'll show up where/when they notice people?"

Temi says, "I'm showing up when I notice people"

Anonymous claims, "I'm a sucker for garrulous older friendly-uncle type characters."

Anonymous says, "I imagine temi will exploit that to the fullest"

Temi wonders, "But I can schedule things with the ones I'm playing, and I think Leta and Ghed would also be open to that too?"

Trogdor wonders, "I think i missed the memo, when is the King's court meeting?"

Temi states, "We haven't scheduled it yet, but I was looking at tentatively next weekend. I'll confer if we think we can have enough stuff on the ground before that"

Trogdor states, "Ah okay

Temi claims, "But yes, if you want RP on it, let us know and we'll see if we can sort things out"

Temi queries, "Okay, Leta?"

Leta claims, "These last few weeks I handled the staff-side of Salem's many bug fixes (as seen on help Dec2021 and our newest help news). Thank you to all who reported bugs. With Salem's extraordinary work, we have cut the bug board from 180+ items down by half to around 80."

MUDnoob woo!

Temi declaims, "Some super cheers for both Leta and Salem there!"

Leta says, "Additionally, I worked on the usual player plots, requests and recommends. I also updated parts of character generation that had missing or obsolete helpfiles and fixed a few typos/flags, like the council notifies and some room flags. I also puppeted our summoner to the pyre and got set up to help Temi with the Tubori plot =)"

Ghed states, "Leta and Salem have worked so hardddddd"

Ghed says, "It puts me to shame"

Anonymous states, "RIP orlov"

Deedee makes the sign of the chalice.

Temi wonders, "Thanks Leta! Salem, you want to tell us any specific details on all of that work?"

Salem states, "I'm killing bugs and testing a bunch of things. Otherwise spending time with family over the holidays."

Salem states, "Right now I'm oggling spell code, because we had some mages give us good bug reports and other cool ideas."

Trogdor states, "By good bug reports, you mean using dark magics to crash the system"

MUDnoob says OOCly, "Boo! Unclean!"

Ghed declaims, "Unclean!"

Temi declares to trogdor, "But reporting it afterwords! With enough details!"

Anonymous says, "TI cannot handle the power of these mages"

Jasmine states, "Very grateful for all the bug-squashing, had a big one that finally got resolved, could smooch yall over it"

Temi queries, "Very nice, thanks Salem! Alright, Ghed?"

Trogdor exclaims, "Fear not, all mages will be pyred. in time. then their sacrilegious abuse of code shall be cleansed for all time!"

Ghed nods.

Ghed claims, "These past 2 weeks I was busy vacationing and eating chocolate, so I didn't do much other than minor requests, fixes, recommends, etc. Oh and I wrote help famine. I'm glad to see so many rumors, recommends, and backstabbing! You're all truly mad."

Anonymous states, "Me no likey the backstabby"

Temi claims, "Ooh, eating chocolate? Excellent use of time."

Ghed claims, "Trust me it was great"

Trajen states, "Lol"

Temi questions, "Okay, thanks everyone! On to player heartbeat. How's RP been this week, folks?"

MUDnoob is eating chocolate as we speak. The log might be a little choco-fingerprinted.

Ghed claims, "Worth it"

Temi grins.

Temi nods in agreement.

Trajen states, "Lol roller coaster"

MUDnoob states, "Honestly, amazing. I've been here less than a week and pretty much never had any trouble finding play. And everyone has been super helpful and understanding when I screw up commands or ask a thousand questions ;)"

Trogdor claims, "I had a great time, but nearing the end of my PTO so will be on mostly evenings"

Deedee states, "It's been a wild few weeks"

Ghed queries to trogdor, "PTO?"

Sparkles states, "Paid time off"

Trogdor states, "Paid time off"

Drystan says, "I've been managing to RP a moderate amount during work which was nice, but probably not sustainable longterm"

Kipperonie says, "Roleplay has been simultaneously feeding my gremlinoid sensibilities while also inspiring a bit of a headache."

Drystan says, "VERY excited about the event tomorrow i believe it is, though"

Kipperonie muses, "Which event?"

Anonymous questions, "Event tomorrow?"

Temi declaims, "Very nice. Always great to see players setting up events!"

Ghed claims, "The yule faire"

Violet declaims, "Yule Fair!"

Drystan says, "Yule faire with special guest appearance of various pearls"

Temi claims, "Pearl Auction and Yule Faire, yep."

Temi nods.

Anonymous claims, "Shows how much I can keep track of these things lol"

Kipperonie says, "My braincell is on timeshare atm, I'm not too bright."

Temi grins at Kipperonie.

Temi questions, "Sounds pretty positive on the whole. Anyone have anything bothering them, that staff ought to know about?"

Trogdor says, "I think the order is going to start becoming more active in enforcing heresy speech and being more oppressive in general.. i guess that's more of an FYI"

MUDnoob says OOCly, "Is it going to start burninating the peasants?"

MUDnoob asks, "And maybe, their thatched-roof cottages?"

Temi nods.

Drystan says, "Maybe a general reminder that it is not themely to openly question the Order as a whole/ institution, and such conversations should be probably held in private and/or not directly in front of inquisitors"

Trogdor muses, "Nothing so dire... yet :-) can the warn command only be issued to cyans?"

Ghed says, "Yes"

Deedee says, "It's only required for cyans, dunno if it's usable on established or not"

Temi states, "Alright, let's continue on to topics"

Trogdor states, "I think a lot of it is a slight ooc problem, in that the order has been kinda silent for a while due to no active GI"

Kipperonie says, "Heresy is a deliciously kept secret. :D"

Temi asks, "Murrcognito, you had a topic?"

Temi nods at trogdor.

1) How would folks feel about rumor promotequash strength being affected by a character's relation to a given rumor's circles?

Either PCs in a rumor's circle having more impact, or those outside having less, as a mechanical way to support the fact that they would be insiders and thus be in the spaces where those rumors circle and be positioned to affect them best.

2) Thoughts on there being a prestige title equivalent for renowned freefolk? With how the present system calculates points, even notorious or well known freefolk essentially cannot become known figures in the game's code without shedding the freefolk identity.

3) Could plot drafts notify those they are shared with? The solution at the moment is to hand type a pboard, of course, but automatic notification would be an awesome quality of life change! [Murrcognito]

Murrcognito dumps

Kipperonie claims, "Could even be based on Charisma."

Ghed claims, "I think prestige titles are meant for 'how known you are in Court'"

Kipperonie says, "Gives dem bards more ammo in their toolbox."

Anonymous states, "I think everyone's heard my rant about how prestige makes little sense, so I shant repeat it"

Murrcognito says, "...Bards mechanically having stronger rumors would be really nice too tbh. As it is, even bards start rumors at tier 0 strength/duration."

Sparkles claims, "I think we'd have to change the way the rumor system handles Circles first in general. Given that all rumor NPCs share the same rumors."

Anonymous queries, "I thought they had an advantage..?"

Sparkles wonders, "But also ... who would determine how 'close' someone is to a certain circle?"

Anonymous states, "Or is it just that they can see the last 5 updates instead of 3"

Murrcognito thought so too Anon.

Drystan states, "Bards do have an advantage and can see more than the average bear's worth of previous rumor promotes"

Temi claims, "We do have a planned redo on some of the rumor stuff, though it had been deprioritized for a while"

Drystan says, "I don't think promotes/quashes should be changed based on PC class as per policy its not always YOUR CHARACTER doing tha tpromote"

Temi says, "But that would change some of how the bards would have impact"

Drystan states, "I do support charisma affecting the weight of it, though. Charisma could use more uses"

Ghed says, "Bards using the rumor system have massive bonuses"

Ghed questions to Drystan, "That's not... a bad idea?"

Temi says, "I'd look more at readjusting any rumor strength balances are affected after we'd done that"

Ghed peers at Salem

Murrcognito states, "Bard's rumor thing being that they can just see a couple more rumors than non-bards is a bit of a bummer to learn."

Deedee claims, "I think there were some posts on the forums about a notoriety system to balance the prestiege system"

Drystan says, "They should have more effect on a rumor than others, as well"

Ghed says to Murrcognito, "Bard rumor promotes and quashes are much, much stronger"

Sparkles says, "They also more strongly effect promotions or quashes."

Drystan claims, "It only takes 2-3 bards quashing a rumor to remove it, VS 4-5 normies"

Anonymous says, "Us weak normies"

Anonymous says, "We aren't in the know."

Ghed says to Murrcognito, "If the Troubs lean all on a rumor, you're toast"

Trajen claims, "Maybe circles could auto be calculated the way you have to be around someone to support them."

Ghed asks of Trajen, "Can you rephrase that more clearly please?"

Drystan claims, "But in my experience with being a bard is it's more useful to change the way a rumor is actively being spoken about rather than just remove it entirely"

Temi says, "The rewrite changes how circles work altogether"

Trajen trails off, "Since a player has to be around osmeone so many hours or minutes in order to support them..."

Temi claims, "It's not the circle for a rumor, but the circle for a specific promote"

Deedee says, "You can support anyone, but it won't auto-renew if you haven't RPed with them"

Temi says, "Let's try to focus a little, now."

Sparkles claims, "That said, yes, I've thought before the fact there's no way to be Notorious or the like seems ... deterimental to antagonist types wherein only positive actions are recognized by code."

Ghed nods at Temi.

Order in the hall!

Temi states, "So - let's hold off on rumors. We've got plans for that, which will definitely change things. We can revisit after that, for sure."

Drystan says, "Per policy as it stands, promoting a rumor does not need to be that specific character saying that specific thing, so that sort of function is not really in line with current expectations or actionable"

Temi states, "On the prestige titles - probably part of a bigger discussion. I don't think prestige is done as is. There might be notoriety or other adjustments"

Drystan asks, "Does prestige get you anything other than people seeing your title instead of your intro?"

Violet states, "You get a bit of bonus IP and silver"

Anonymous states, "Some vNPCs in the palace gawp at you a bit."

Temi says, "However, it is intended to be a boon for the upper crust stuff, and isn't a big impact"

Drystan says, "I'm not certain you need to fluff your vanity to be notorious, just get a reputation"

Violet says, "Not really much though"

Violet wonders, "I feel like prestige was never meant to be a 'how liked someone is' system, even though it's described as popularity in the helpfile. It's supposed to represent renown in terms of spending, wealth and resources... like all the things used to calculate it are money-related, not popularity or support or likes, right?"

Ghed trails off, "Bards can use celebrate..."

Ghed nods at Violet.

Temi nods at Violet.

Ghed states, "How popular you are in the elite"

Violet states, "I can be a mean awful annoying noble everyone hates, but if I spend a bunch of silver and have a massive house, I'm Distinguished"

Anonymous states, "You are Distinguishedly awful."

Sparkles questions, "Maybe it's just the helpfile just needs a polish then?"

Violet states, "So I feel like saying popular is a misnomer. It's really just.. wealth and connections"

Jasmine claims, "So everyone silk and nob "likes" you because they want a piece off your purse, obviously"

Ghed declaims, "Look at Duchess Violet! She bathes in milk and sleeps on a pile of gold! Disgusting! Let's talk about her nonstop!"

Trajen claims, "Lol"

Koukakala claims, "I think the misnomer comes from the titles that Presitge awards."

Violet nods.

Temi states, "So, last point, the plot notifications."

Murrcognito claims, "In light of this discussion ..... What I'm interested in then is some sort of Fame system that could accrue more slowly for characters over time, I think."

Koukakala says, "The titles sometimes don't have anything to do with noble standing and I would think even some distinguished commonor should be able to have monikers."

Ghed says, "I think lore entries and character-side marks on the world fulfill that function, Murr"

Jasmine claims, "So we just change 'popular' to 'prominent' an then the helpfile is fixed"

Koukakala muses, "What's a character-side mark?"

Sparkles says, "Yeah, but currently 'lore leaders' for example related back to Prestige."

Temi states, "Let's keep on. I know this system could use a bunch of discussion, but we have other things."

Ghed states, "Things like the De Reyme Ward, named after an actual character"

Jasmine says, "Plot notifications--I'd love if drafts gave the pboard just like submits"

Deedee queries, "Could such intros be granted as a milestone reward?"

Temi questions, "What do people think of the plot draft notifications? Drafts don't send notifications currently because there can be a lot of editing and adjusting and it could be a huge spam"

Deedee says, "I agree it could get spammy"

Trogdor claims, "Less spam is moar better"

Jasmine wonders, "Is it possible to just have a notification the first time it's drafted?"

Jasmine claims, "I'm not certain how hard or easy that would be to code"

Murrcognito nods with Jasmine.

Anonymous states, "I wouldn't mind them."

Sparkles claims, "A notification might be good only because ... sometimes something is submitted to Draft but if the person doesn't OOCly let you know, it could sit there forever."

Deedee asks, "How about something like the assist command for it?"

Jasmine says, "If people aren't online during you then that's useless"

Jasmine claims, "During the same times as you, missing a few words there lol"

Deedee says, "A in-polca command that'll post a notification only when you request one"

Jasmine says, "If it's not automated at that point just sending a pboard 'hey guys theres a plot' is less work for staff"

Sparkles questions, "Are people doing that many plots that often it's that spammy?"

Trogdor claims, "A lot of edits, i think"

Salem asks, "Okay... How about a plot notfiy command, that makes an automated pboard to everyone in the plot share that this plot has been bumbed by X for more input. Would that be good?"

Deedee says, "People can edit a lot, especially when they're learning the system"

Murrcognito states, "That sounds nice."

Temi nods at Salem.

Temi states, "Could be a functional way to go"

Jasmine says, "That sounds like it fits the bill perfectly"

Deedee nods at Salem.

Salem says, "Okay. Someone make a spec board for that for me."

Temi states, "Put it on the staff discussion points for us to hash out"

Temi asks, "Okay, next topic. MUDnoob?"

Leta is not idling, she promises!

MUDnoob asks, "As my handle suggests, I'm something of a newbie to MUDing. My observation/request is probably a little dumb, and apologies if this isn't the place to raise it. The command to see lots of useful things, including one's stats, is 'score'. I know 'score' is mentioned during chargen for things like being able to see what action you're doing, but I don't recall it being right at the beginning of chargen, as the way to see your initially rolled stats - and it's not a command I would ever have thought of for that purpose, coming from a MUSH background. Is there any way mention of 'score' could be made earlier in the chargen journey and maybe make it bold, highlighted, flashing? :D Okay, maybe not the latter. But made reference to earlier (or if it's in there and I just missed it, maybe make it more obvious?)"

Leta nods.

Ghed states, "Totally"

Leta claims, "I have been working on changes to chargen. I can definitely tweak where/how it's referenced =)"

Temi states, "Sounds good. I'll leave it to Leta to take a second look at that"

MUDnoob claims, "Thanks! That's all from me."

Deedee queries, "blinking?" (note - the first letter was blinking)

Temi questions, "Alright! That was easy. Anonymous, then?"

MUDnoob pontificates, "Aaaaaa!"

Temi says, "No blinking."

Temi grins.

Anonymous wonders, "I have a question for the playerbase: Do you feel like an angry noble is a legitimate threat? I don't mean anyone particular character, I mean, if you are playing a non-noble/non-great lord, do nobles actually seem like something threatening that you should not try to make enemies of?"

MUDnoob states, "Oh heck yes."

Jasmine says, "When I first started out, yes, as I played and nobles kept dropping off the face of the earth, no"

Temi claims, "We do have a spec planned for lashings, which may help some"

Kipperonie claims, "You can at any point order a commoner to be whipped."

Ghed states, "They are a danger that needs to be properly wielded"

Anonymous states, "I ask this because several folks I've talked to have remarked that there's not been a lashing for... a really, REALLY long time. And any noble trying to do so has to depend on PC reeves right now, who can just say no."

Jasmine claims, "It also depends on how willing that noble is to insist upon their rights"

Anonymous says, "And even if they do, that noble will probably face far greater social backlash for wielding their rights anyawy"

Anonymous claims, "Which is a deterrent"

Jasmine claims, "Nobles technically can force a lashing, order a punishment, or even challenge someone to a duel"

Ghed states, "They can also deny a duel from a social inferior with no loss of honor"

Jasmine says, "But yes people in general largely dislike other people being unpleasant to them, and will react negatively to a noble flexing their rights, regardless of theme, it seems"

Sparkles claims, "I'm not sure that's noble specific, I think in general ... people have gotten less accepting of harsher IC treatments of ill behavior."

Anonymous states, "On paper they can yes. But in practice, the social climate of the game is such that if they actually DO any of those things... most of the characters on grid will turn against them, and popularity contest will neuter them."

Jasmine says, "Clearly you should hire the brotherhood to rob the people who tick you off"

Ghed states, "Aye"

Ghed states, "No mercy for the weak"

Jasmine says, "Nobles can't be unnobled, to be fair"

Koukakala claims, "So this is how I feel about it. Nobles should be threatening, but they are not. What happens when you are mouthy as a freeman? They get huffy and that's it. There are no consequences that they can put on you, especially when you are a combat beast. And some people play it like that."

Jasmine claims, "It's not like you're going to be gambitted if you aren't popular"

MUDnoob claims, "I mean, it should be simple. You sin, you do penance. You provoke a noble, you get a paddling. I mean, a lashing."

Violet says, "They can be made gentry or freemen"

Violet declares, "Not by the general populous, but the seneschal can knock 'em down a peg or two!"

Anonymous claims, "Essentially yes, what Kou says."

Jasmine says, "Not by anyone other than the King or Seneschal, to my understanding"

Violet claims, "As far as I know"

Sparkles states, "But also ... sometimes being strong means taking the risk of being unpopular."

Anonymous states, "And the Seneschal, and I speak from my own term as seneschal, is beholden to the popularity contest."

Anonymous states, "Because if you refuse to punish a noble that the playerbase doesnt like, EVEN IF THEY ARE ACTING THEMATICALLY, then you get massive subversion."

Anonymous says, "And possibly gambited"

Jasmine says, "Theme-wise, a Seneschal who unlands a noble would gain the emnity of every landed noble, NPC or not, especially if they were also not noble"

Jasmine claims, "And that's only IF they are able to do this, which I am not even certain."

Kipperonie claims, "It's a rough balance. Because peasant riots can occur and it still make sense. But at the same time, there are some things that clash with the precedent put up by the game."

Koukakala states, "Yeah. We kind of have a problem of people going against Theme, when they want to."

Anonymous states, "But are there any actual consequences on-grid for doing so? Not that I know of."

Jasmine states, "I'm fairly certain nobles are largely above the law unless they commit a crime that would require them to be killed as a punishment"

Ghed nods.

Anonymous says, "Nobles can't be charged with a crime by anyone except the Justiciar"

Temi says, "We do think that making it easier to do that noble rights would help it become more common and expected"

Anonymous states, "Or at least they're not supposed to be."

Temi says, "With less reliance on players who may or may not like the behavior"

Ghed says, "Even if you get caught red handed, it's only up to the Justiciar"

Anonymous claims, "Yes."

Kipperonie states, "It could just be that there need to be more instances of punishment occuring to instill a level of fear to not always jump to popularity contesting."

Jasmine states, "I support nobles being able to lash or punish with a command"

Ghed says, "Of course that doesn't stop a freeman from cleaving your face with an axe if you displease them enough"

Temi claims, "We do have a spec for it, and it's one I've suggested should be a priority"

Sparkles says, "Buy more bodyguards."

Ghed tells you, "Lol sorry you have to see all this haha"

Leta states, "We de have a lashing spec, it's all written up, and it is high priority on our list."

Jasmine states, "But also general reminder, you can inflict upon people at will"

Temi nods in agreement with Leta.

Anonymous claims, "My chief concern is that a noble has to not piss off the Monarch and the Seneschal. But the Seneschal is largely forced by game systems to obey the non-noble majority."

Leta grins at Temi. "Jinx."

Ghed states to Anonymous, "I hear you"

Sparkles claims, "I feel like 'forced' is a bit strong. Is it something to keep in mind, sure. "

Temi nods.

Jasmine claims, "It is largely unheard of for a noble to be unnobled for anything other than personally letting down the king/being a terrible ruler or doing a heinous crime"

Jasmine states, "Even if a nobleman WERE unseated, largely the title would directly be inherited by their relative"

Anonymous states, "Mostly I'm bringing this up because several players have confided in me that they simply don't feel like nobles are a threat at all. They feel that they could flip them off and curse them out and not bow and generally anger them with little consequences."

Deedee claims, "Heinous crime against other nobles"

Ghed states, "Not even magery will get you unlanded"

Trogdor states, "I have noticed that the pbase wants antagonistic characters, by and large. however, they want their antagonist characters toothless and not to really inconvenience their character in a meaningful way... just the *threat* of it maybe sorta could be happening. "

MUDnoob gasp!

Temi says, "Keeping the King staff run is designed as a forcing function for him only being beholden to the themely functions"

Anonymous nods at Temi.

Ghed claims to Anonymous, "That requires some force of personality from the offended noble"

Jasmine states, "Yes, people need to deal with antagonists being antagonistic and stop taking it over the top and very personally when they get the antagonism they ask for"

Anonymous queries to Ghed, "What do you mean?"

Ghed says to Anonymous, "If a noble who gets flipped doesn't escalate, doesn't get revenge, then it will happen again"

Temi claims, "I do think people often have desire for antagonism so they can quickly smush it too oblivion"

Trogdor states, "And also, speaking as an antagonistic character, there is a real fear that i go to far, people will pquit"

Ghed nods at Temi.

Anonymous says, "I feel that to Temi"

Anonymous states to trogdor, "And I can confirm that is a thing."

Sparkles states, "I also think some folks doesn't recognize when they themselves are being antagonistic and see it only as a 'bad guy' thing."

Temi trails off, "Smushing antagonism is fun... encouraging it, maybe less so. But if you want any antagonism... it needs support"

Violet says, "Yeah. The whole 'I want antagonists until they antagonize me, then I'm going to throw a tantrum OOC, quit, <insert drama here>' is exceedingly painful"

Violet exclaims, "Or 'I want to be an antagonist, but oh no, things happened to my character I didn't plan because I antagonized people! <insert OOC drama here>'"

Jasmine claims, "At that point I wonder if perhaps those people are not doing themselves and the game a favor by removing their inability to distance themselves from the game and their characters by removing themselves"

Trajen says, "Lol"

MUDnoob agrees with Jasmine. ICA=ICC and all that

Anonymous says, "I like most antagonism, but I think people drawn to antagonist characters also tend to have problems with escalation. Oh, this guy said something mean to me, I'm going to try to murder him. Like... have a fistfight with the guy! Say something mean back. Antagonism doesn't have to mean 'murder immediately'."

Jasmine claims, "I totally understand being upset over something unexpected or unpleasant happening but as we are all adults I expect the ability to stop and breathe about it"

Kipperonie claims, "I mean, this could also simply be an issue with expectations and norms."

Temi nods.

Temi says, "But yeah, I'm interested to see how the system affects the balance, maybe makes things more expected"

Kipperonie states, "If person A doesn't encounter event B, nor does person B C or D, person A will never really see something normal as occurring."

Trogdor exclaims, "I think a lot of people have an idea of where they want their character to GO, and when that gets interrupted, they figure "oh well, may as well reroll!""

Anonymous says, "But anywho, not to devolve the subject into a general talk about antagonism, nobles right now feel generally toothless, unless you are a combat character and WILLING to ruin someone's day with combat."

Ghed states to Anonymous, "Hmmm"

Jasmine claims, "I encourage nobles to push their rights a little more, but that said, consider how the action will be taken and do try to balance it with the offense"

Temi claims, "We're running late, even though we started late, and I had one more thing people wanted included"

Ghed states to Anonymous, "The most terrifying, cruel, and brutal noble I met was a tiny female noncombatant"

Anonymous says to Ghed, "It's always the tiny pretty female ones."

Anonymous says conspiratorially "Watch them."

Sparkles states, "Can confirm."

Temi grins.

Ghed claims to Anonymous, "Didn't say she was pretty, but she was pretty"

Koukakala says, "Antagonism goes to murder imideately , because otherwise you have the whole grid to deal with. If you kill the guy, then he can not gather a response. It's incentived by us as the pbase for antagonist to kill their victims."

Ghed says to Temi, "Let's move on"

Anonymous states, "But I gotta say"

Temi nods.

Anonymous states, "The look on their face when they go too far and realize they screwed up... priceless."

Violet states, "Re: pkills... I've had a ton of characters murdered over the years, and while it was emotional, a lot of them were amazing scenes and things that I look back on and really appreciate."

Temi claims, "Okay, last thing was an anonymous comment."

Deedee looks to Anonymous.

Temi claims, "I might request a reminder that it's not themely to question the Order at large at the end of the meeting, if that's not too close to current events, there's been a ton of unthemely 'order bad' RP that im getting very tired of"

Violet claims, "If people are SO attached to their characters that the idea of murder makes them immediately want to quit the game, idk how I feel about that."

Trogdor declares, "Blackleaf noooo!"

Ghed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "So, just a follow up from the staff side, definitely, the Order should not be something people feel comfortable speaking against publicly"

Ghed claims, "Unless they have a death wish"

Ghed says, "Like the Bronson films"

Anonymous claims, "I don't feel that it's out of line to question the Order when its not on matters of faith."

Anonymous states, "Assuming you're willing to take that risk"

Trogdor declares, "You get a flog, you get a flog, you get a flog, everyone gets a flog!"

Ghed states, "You're gambling with your life."

Drystan says, "It's out of the line to question the Order as all Order business is a matter of faith"

Ghed claims, "It's much easier to nod, bow your head, and bide your time."

Ghed claims, "Same goes for reeves"

Ghed states, "The Order needs an Inquisitor and a Knight to pkill someone. A magistrate can kill you on sight."

Leta states, "The Order is considered near-infallible. Anything they involve themselves in is a matter of faith by virtue of them being involved in it"

Temi nods at Leta.

Ghed says, "If I was you guys I'd be terrified to cross a reeve."

Sparkles states, "I feel like 'not a good idea' and 'against the rules' get interwoven a lot"

Drystan says, "But also, just keep your hereticism private and it stops being an issue"

Ghed stops his car when a Reeve crosses the street.

Ghed nods at Sparkles.

Sparkles claims, "But the Order would also not have anything to do if everyone was perfect"

Anonymous states, "I've never seen a reeve just merc someone in the street."

Anonymous says, "Well"

Anonymous states, "'cept for norrig"

Temi claims, "We definitely encourage people to feel free to do things that are not a good idea, as long as they are acknowledged as such."

Anonymous says, "But he didn't pk them just smushed them with a hammer."

Temi grins.

Drystan says, "No but people acting as if it were modern times where people are not burned at the stake for questioning if the Church is really as good intentioned is not enjoyable or themely RP"

Drystan claims, "Its not modern times. The Church can and will kill you, act accordingly, be smart enough to hide your dissention."

Kipperonie says, "Just remember that if you say something that you know will get you in trouble and runs against the grain, in the dead of public, there are endless eyes and ears dedicated to reporting you. These are people who are scared into thinking that if they don't, they're sinning."

Violet states, "Or if you wanna not hide it, don't be OOCly/ICly astounded you get persecuted"

Trogdor trails off, "So with all that in mind, bear in mind what i said earlier, the order is going to take a more active role in punishing those who talk heresy... this is kind of an oocly warning so people don't get surprised ICly"

Drystan says, "Inquisitors use a torture room for a reason, and that is to make everyone else who might agree with you more scared of them than you"

MUDnoob says, "Well, they are. It is the duty of every pious Davite to report sin. :D"

Kipperonie claims, "But here's a fun idea."

Deedee claims, "Report Moral Threats"

Kipperonie claims, "Subvert piety endlessly."

Sparkles claims, "There's plenty of RP that isn't always enjoyable for others but that doesn't mean it doesn't contribute something."

Kipperonie claims, "(Inb4 white flame part 2)"

Murrcognito rattles for white flame 2 electric boogaloo

A male voice states, "Oh god no"

Temi questions, "Alright. Well, shall we go ahead and send folks back on grid now then?"

MUDnoob dusts the chocolate fingerprints off the log and prepares to post.

Temi declares, "Thanks folks! To the RP!"