Log of OOC Meeting - 2022-02-26

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:12 pm

Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:46 pm

Temi claims, "Alright, Kin had some things come up and wasn't going to be able to join us today, so looks like just us."

Temi states, "Agenda for today: 1) Staff updates from, well, me. 2) Player Heartbeat, and 3) Player Topics."

Temi muses, "Does anyone want to get onto the list for player topics today?"

Temi gives a small sweat towel decorated with bright red chili peppers to Trajen.

Trajen sits down and rests.

Temi claims, "Alright, well, if we wrap up early, we can just send you all back to the circus. But please feel free to let me know if any topics occur to you"
Brando sits down and rests.

Brando says, "I do have a single topic id like to bring up Temi"

Temi gives a small sweat towel decorated with bright red chili peppers to Alenta.

Temi nods at Brando.

Temi states, "Okay, got Brando on the list"

Trogdor says, "I don't really have anything to talk about, but i want to be on a list"

Temi says, "So, update from me. The big thing that I did was wrap up the Tubori Succession plot. Hopefully everyone enjoyed that"

Trajen claims, "It was great."

Temi grins at trogdor.

Temi states, "We hit some bad patches with scheduling, which dragged things out longer than possible, but would be interested in any feedback beyond that."

Temi says, "Feel free to let us know if anything comes to you, but we can move on if no one has anything else at the moment."

Temi grins.

Deedee nods.

Temi states, "In addition to that, I'm also trying to keep at the skill mini quests. So we have a new addition here, in the crowd.. Um, maybe keep an eye on your purses."

Brando begins to count their money.

Trogdor begins to count their money.

Temi gives a small sweat towel decorated with bright red chili peppers to Jasmine.

Temi gives a small sweat towel decorated with bright red chili peppers to Jasmine.

Trajen begins to count their money.

Temi grins.

Anonymous watches the boy cautiously for a bit, following his movements and actions, as the rapscallion separates a few coins from their previous owner.

Anonymous moves to intercept the boy, putting himself into his path and preparing a grabbing hand.

The boy attempts to squirm away from Anonymous as his hand catches at the boy's clothing and attempts to get a better hold.

Anonymous struggles with the pickpocket for a few moments, losing his grasp on him, but bringing his other hand in to get a good grab at the boy's wrist.

Anonymous grasps his hand firmly around the pickpocket's wrist, causing him to drop a pilfered purse. With a tug, he pulls the boy's gaze up to match his own. "Enough of this," he scolds. "Get out of here, and no more pickpocketing!" As he drops the pickpocket's hand, the boy makes a run for it without scrambling for the coins. [Success]

Anonymous states, "You were saying"

Temi claims, "The code doesn't actually allow him to steal, but hopefully should provide some fun for Reevely sorts and similar"

Deedee claims, "That's no fun"

Temi queries, "So, moving on to player heartbeat! How's RP been this week for everyone?"

Brando says, "Thats awesome .. me likey very much ;) well done who ever coded that ok"

Temi grins.

Deedee claims, "Deadlines keeping me from playing, hope no one's missing me too bad"

Trajen claims, "Pretty good. I've been pretty busy too."

Temi states to Brando, "He uses the crafting code, repurposed a little."

Elise claims, "Both ups and down, but mostly positive on my end :)"

Temi nods at Deedee.

Jasmine claims, "I took a break to deal with some burnout, feeling more excited to hop back into thing"

Deedee says, "I should have more time from next week"

Alenta claims, "Hi im going to go back afk so just going to put my feedback and probably get back to work"

Temi pontificates to Deedee, "Real life does that at times! As long as it's not extended should be good"

Deedee claims, "As in, a week from now. still a lot going on this coming week"

Temi nods.

Brando states, "I have been sadly absent from the game ..its been a couple of months i think since i last had the time to dedicate to it properly. I am worried about my character dropping off the out of date user list. "

Temi claims to Brando, "They shouldn't disappear if you log them in at least every 6 months, unless they are a noble, which has higher requirements"

Deedee asks, "As long as you log on once every ... 3 months? your character doesn't get dropped"

Brando trails off, "Cool and thanks forthat info ... much appreciated ;)"

Alenta states, "Had a lot of fun this week unlile last week people were online to rp with, lots of fun scenes, temi as usual was awesome when the only person on and zarif elise and theodora especially cudos amd thanks for all the scenes. for changes can i suggest letting people plant items on another person also if its not bad then the help file for drugs is wrong as rp it was implied doesnt matter but help file says its really really not good"

Temi questions to Alenta, "Don't quite follow that last line?"

Deedee claims, "Yeah, planting items would be nice. Meanwhile, you could do so via RPA if you have some QP to spend"

Jasmine says, "I have run into, in RP, the help drug list helpfile not matching up with what the Reeves RP'd"

Jasmine states, "If that's what it meant"

Trajen says, "I think she was saying having drugs on you is bad."

Jasmine states, "When I suggested they reach out to staff to try to update it it got a very negative reaction so I never brought it up again"

Trajen says, "Oh yeah that too"

Temi questions, "Do you know what particular ones the problem was?"

Deedee says, "I think drug laws were lessened than from before, which some might not be familiar with"

Elise wonders, "Some drugs are illegal while others are frowned upon, some are legal. I think it says in the helpfile which ones are illegal right?"

Jasmine states, "In my experience the helpfile says some things are 'looked upon with suspicion' where the RP was that it was illegal"

Deedee says, "Like, coamjar used to be illegal and was turned into frowned on"

Elise claims, "There are many more drugs that fall into the 'frowned upon' category is what I have found, rather than illegal."

Temi claims, "We have had times that the Reeves wanted to push at more things being illegal than we wanted to encourage. We do want to leave the Reeves room to be corrupt, but we definitely don't want to add a lot more cut and dry illegal things"

Trajen says, "I probably caused confusion, one time because at least one drug is illegal to sell, but not really that bad to be caught with."

Alenta claims, "It says even the legal ones are social suicide "

Alenta states, "Fefinitely got rped as we all do it thats our job"

Anonymous asks, "HMMM I seem to see some red dust ther eon your sleeves. I SURE HOPE you aren't messing around with illegal drugs, citizen. Maybe I can be convinced to not remember seeing that huh?"

Alenta claims, "At leadt once married"

MUDnoob says, "In this case it was an aphrodisiac, and the person who said that comment was defending a friend. Don't take that as gospel :)"

Jasmine says, "Oh, in the setting the aphrodisiacs are associated with the Cult, which is a heresy"

Jasmine states, "You CAN use it without being a member of the cult, of course, but it can look suspicious"

Trogdor states, "Sus"

Anonymous claims, "I promise that its for medicinal purposes trogdor"

Jasmine claims, "Sugarcubes are less associated than Sweet Night, but they're also just like party drugs, it says 'lusty' but you can interpret that in a variety of ways, its not magic boner juice"

Anonymous claims, "You can trust me"

Anonymous states, "Im a doctor"

Brando says, "The spice must flow eh"

Temi states, "We'd encourage the Reeves to use the helpfile to recalibrate their opinions on what's illegal, but feel free to enjoy corruption and influence beyond that"

Temi grins.

Deedee nods.

Trajen states, "Lol"

Elise pontificates, "It wasn't Sweet Night however! :)"

Jasmine states, "With the setting, anything sexual would be 'frowned upon' because in this setting, sex before marriage is VERY BAD and sinful, you sort of need the ability to read the larger picture"

Sparkles is no longer idle.

Jasmine states, "If you're a single person, why do you need sex drugs? Having sex, obviously, would be the general assumption."

MUDnoob claims, "Agreed, Jasmine. Which is why the comment was made in the context of 'she is married and trying to start a family'."

Temi says to Jasmine, "And talking about it even in married situations would be very uncomfortable for Lithmorrans"

Anonymous states, "However bad aphrodesiacs are, contraceptives are looked at even worse"

Deedee nods.

Jasmine hides her Strumpets tea

Deedee states, "Contraceptives would be an Order issue rather than a Reeve one though"

Trogdor says, "Remember eye contact during sexual relations with your spouse is frowned upon. ensure there is quiet contemplation for it to be entirely kosher with the Holy Order"

Temi says, "But if there's certain problematic things, we can definitely discuss if we have the right clarity and state in the files"

Anonymous says, "Lol trogdor"

Anonymous says, "Really making it out to be an annoying necessary task rather than something to be wanted"

Temi muses, "Any other comments on how RP was feeling this week then?"

Temi questions, "Anything bothering anyone that staff ought to know about?"

Trogdor says, "Just a kudos to a bratty teenager running around making live havoc for the worlds best grand inquisitor"

Deedee says, "Reply is still broken"

Temi nods at Deedee.

Sparkles says, "I sent in a bug on some reply discoveries this week."

Temi states, "I'll remind about reply. Definitely annoying, though I think there's some trickiness to it."

Brando muses, "What id like to bring up seems to me to be a bug ... shall i detail it here now Temi ? "

Sparkles states, "From what I've seen it has trouble with folks you don't have remembered and/or you remember them by something other than their coded name."

Sparkles states, "Just as an FYI"

Temi claims, "Alright. Let's move onto topics. Go ahead, Brando"

Temi nods at Brando.

Deedee states, "One I have constant issues with is remembered as their name"

Deedee claims, "So, no idea"

Brando queries, "Currently my charcter suffers from nausea and they cant eat anything and are now exhausted/enervated ... i went and bought a large, brownish pill of an oval shape, stamped with a 'G' to rectify the nausea but the game wont let me eat the pill. Me a sad panda ok. Is this normal or is there something i am missing outon in the game code awareness stakes pls?"

Temi states, "Hm."

Sparkles says, "There are other things that might be needed to fix that."

Anonymous claims, "So"

Deedee claims, "Should see a Physician, that's a RP issue"

Anonymous says, "Typically speaking, if something prevents you from eating, it doesn't stop you from DRINKING. Just a little hint."

Temi states, "Yeah, I'd think if you can't get something down, that's something to RP and not actually preventing the real fix from it"

Jasmine claims, "If you're progressed past the portion of the disease where you can eat the pill, that's probably the reasons and not a bug. Your ooc knowledge of the disease and cure might only be for one stage"

Temi claims, "Diseases can progress and need a different cure later on."

Temi nods.

Brando says, "I shall try drinking the G pill after the meeting and if that doesnt work./.. expect to see my character at the madison eh"

MUDnoob says, "Or the Ocarian, if you're a Freeman :D"

MUDnoob really should rumour that.

Deedee states, "That reminds me"

Jasmine says, "As an aside, unless your character is a medic of some sort, medical knowledge would be abominable at best, best to RP it out"

Jasmine states, "Tummy hurts because humors are off"

Deedee states, "Feel free to use 'notify guild' at any of the clinics if you want treatment somewhere besides the Madison"

Temi says to Jasmine, "Goodwife's draught. For everything."

Brando says, "Noted andthanks everybody who answered ..,. much appreciated ;0"

Temi nods sagely.

Jasmine says, "Goodwife's also makes the tummy hurt, strangely enough xD"

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Some prayer too, then."

Trogdor says, "Also vigerous prayer works"

Trogdor says, "Gmta"

Anonymous claims, "Eww prayer"

Deedee nods.

Trajen claims, "And tree panning if you need to be put out of your misery."

Anonymous claims, "Trepanning is great fun."

Temi states, "Alright. I think that covers that topic."

Temi asks, "Trogdor, you're on the list! Still no topic?"

Brando says, "LOL i actually am a member of areal world amateur trepanners guild ...afterthe end of the world ..you'll need us just like you'll need a hole in your head eh. :)"

Temi grins at Brando.

Trogdor exclaims, "Oh. i'm happy being on the list. remember to pray the pain away!"

Temi states, "Alright. Anything else anyone wants to discuss while we're here? Or I can send you back to the circus."

Sparkles claims, "I have one thought but I want to bring it up a bit carefully."

Temi nods at Sparkles.

Sparkles states, "Hi, hello! First of all thank you to everyone who has stopped by so far to things going on this weekend. There will be more stuff tomorrow."

Temi states, "Thanks much for helping hold something big like this for folks."

Temi claims, "Everything I've heard so far has been happy"

Trogdor claims, "Yeah, sorry if it got off the intended rails earlier on, tots my bad"

Sparkles claims, "Just as a general thought/reminder ... planned events can rely on a lot of coordination/time/effort etc from folks. Which folks who organize them do so we can all have fun. But sometimes it can feel a bit rough if planned stuff gets co-opted."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Definitely keep in mind if an idea will disrupt or add to something someone has put in work to make available for others"

Sparkles states, "That was it, honestly."

Sparkles declaims, "Didn't have anything deeper than that but thanks for listening!"

Brando states, "Situational awareness iskey to all having a great time ..aka fun .. pls consider that deeply when RPing with others eh "

Temi muses, "Alright. Anything else folks want to discuss today?"

Alenta says, "Sorry again sparkles"

Alenta claims, "Wont happen again"

Temi pontificates, "Okay! Sounds like folks are out of discussions, so I will go ahead and send folks back"

Deedee waves.

Brando says, "Yes pls and thanx temi "

Temi claims, "Enjoy the circus, sounds like there's more planned for it tomorrow too"

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