Log of OOC Meeting - 2022-04-09

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:56 pm

Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:56 pm

Temi muses, "So, agenda for today, as per normal:  1)  Staff updates, 2)  Player heartbeat, and 3) Player topics.  Does anyone have topics that wants to get on the list for player topics now?"

Ikeala claims, "I have a topic or a question at least when the time comes."

Ghed nods at Ikeala.

Temi says, "Thank you, got you."

Temi muses, "Anyone else?"

Temi claims, "Okay, well, if anyone comes up with anything else, please let us know, and we'll add you to the list."

Temi declaims, "So, staff updates!"

Temi says, "For myself, I finished up writing up the spec for moving the skill quest loading to its own system, to reward for waiting in public, and added that to the discussion points for staff to review."

Temi says, "Not a whole lot beyond that, and I'll be probably mostly gone next weekend, so do let me know if you need me for anything."

Temi questions, "Salem, you here for an update?"

Salem says, "Yeah. I programmed a bunch."

Temi questions, "Excellent!  Any highlights to call out?"

Ghed states, "The understatement of the year."

Temi queries, "Alright, will take that as a no, but feel free to interject if you do.  Ghed?"

Salem claims, "Yeah"

Ghed says, "This week I did the usual sleuth of requests (so many recommends!) and I moved forward with one of the plots I've been nurturing. You'll hear news very soon.


Earthworm squints at Ghed. 

Temi claims, "Lots of anticipation there!  I think people will like it."

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Looking forwards to the news."

Temi asks of Leta, "Do we have you here for an update?"

Leta nods.

Leta claims, "It's been a busy RL week! I handled the usual player questions, requests and recommends alongside Ghed and Temi. I played Easter Bunny and redeemed some eggs for prizes."

Temi nods.

Temi claims, "Still lots of eggs out there for those who haven't met their turn in limit."

Leta states, "I'm looking forward to lending a hand with the next plot =) Otherwise just working on helpfiles and a few specs this weekend"

Temi exclaims, "And some of them have even better rewards, too!"

MUDnoob did actually eat one of the eggs >.>

Temi states, "Alright, I think staff did have one thing we wanted to ask about."

Hawali has lost link.

Temi queries, "How are languages feeling this week?  Anyone have any experience with them, especially at the learning levels?"

Anonymous claims, "I've been flubbing worlds like 'complicated' and 'understood' as a native lithmorran speaker."

Ghed nods.

Jasmine wonders, "You need to make sure you uncap Lithmorran, too, it starts capped at... I think 65?"

Lans says, "I have struggled with extermination."

Anonymous claims, "Truly a terrible word for Lans to be unable to utter."

Lans nods.

Jasmine states, "You shouldn't be considered a masterful speaker unless you're at 75"

Anonymous claims, "Its capped at 61 by default"

Temi nods.

MUDnoob states, "I've got 'master' at 61."

Temi muses, "Was it a big pain, or just occasionally noticed?"

Anonymous claims, "I'd think that something like antidisestablishmentarianism is the word that I should have trouble producing unless i'm 75."

Anonymous says, "Not 'extermination'. But htat's my opinion."

Jasmine wonders, "Might be prudent to not have Lithmorran start auto-capped?"

Lans says to Anonymous, "I concur"

Jasmine claims, "Also literally no one uses at word, it would skew the difficulty of other languages"

Ikeala says, "It seems some of the changes have also affected certain spells as well, not sure if all of that was intended or just a result."

Salem trails off, "Staff Welp. It's a free GM slot, so he should train that up. Also understood and complicated are also working 61 so..."

Jasmine states, "The point of this I thought was to make getting 36 in every language not instantly fluent to make learn slotting a language worthwhile"

Temi questions, "We'll keep all that in mind.  Any results at those lower levels?"

Deedee states, "36 has never been very fluent"

Jasmine states, "A previous character I was able to pass perfectly as 'fluent' with 36, and many people scoot by with it. higher intelligence made you able to understand more words than you could say"

Ghed states to Jasmine, "It's why we fiddled with it"

Jasmine states, "So I support making languages harder"

Temi nods.

Temi asks, "Anyone had any experience at lower levels this week, or we need more time to get those datapoints?"

Lans says, "I can try, I have not"

Lans states, "Extermination"

Lans says, "Oh it's ooc chat"

Deedee says, "I've only had a couple of scenes this week, but haven't noticed any change at rank 58"

Earthworm states, "I have noticed my writing being worse than usual using a language at 36."

Temi says, "Alright, keep it in mind over the next week or so, whenever you have a chance for languages."

Jasmine claims, "I'll test a bit, don't have a lot of languages on this one"

Temi nods at Earthworm.

Earthworm states, "So much so that my recipient commented on it and found it very funny."

Temi says to Earthworm, "Well, funny sounds like a good result."

Temi grins.

Temi asks, "Okay, player heartbeat then!  How's RP been for folks this week?"

Lans says, "We had Yule Faire, which was good, very good"

Temi nods in agreement.

Temi states, "Heard good things about Yule Faire"

Jasmine says, "Had a nice handful of good scenes"

Deedee states, "Had a few good scenes, but haven't had much time to play with RL going on at the moment. Will be scarce for a while longer as I get used to the job"

Temi asks, "Sounds pretty good in general.  Anyone else?"

Ikeala states, "I had a few interesting scenes this week. Thanks for anyone who put up with being spooped on."

Temi grins.

Temi queries, "Anything bothering anyone, besides topics, that staff ought to know about?"

Flower has lost link.

Temi wonders, "Sounds like a no and everything is great.  Anyone else before we move on to topics?"

Lans states, "Let's do that"

Temi muses, "Okay, player topics then.  Ikeala?"

Ikeala asks, "Currently role purchasing doesn't seem to require helpfiles or matchmaking hooks like 'Seeking' used to. Will that be something implemented at some point?"

Lans states, "Such a funny word. Spoop."

Temi says, "That's probably a bug.  Should still be required."

Leta declares, "Is a bug, and is being fixed, I believe!"

Salem states, "That is a bug, that I am working on."

Temi declares, "Easy topic then - in progress!"

Temi wonders, "Ikeala was the only one on the list.  Did anyone else have topics?"

MUDnoob says OOCly, "Kindasorta"

Temi nods at MUDnoob.

Temi questions, "Yep, MUDnoob?"

MUDnoob questions, "It's a small thing. One of my goals IC is to do a study of something that requires interviewing a bunch of people, particularly southsiders. Only... there are so few southsiders that I ever see on. Are there any guidelines for people playing NPC folk who could be interviewed, similar to when Deedee put out the ad for NPC physicians for a judging panel?"

Ghed hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Jasmine claims, "You can always try to hit up people for scheduled scenes via pboard, but yes there aren't a plethora of Southies"

Lans says, "Thank Dav"

Temi claims, "You could definitely put up a jobs posting to recruit."

Ikeala says, "You could also expand to include former Freemen/Southsiders."

Ghed claims, "To answer your question, no I don't think there are guidelines"

Anonymous says, "Dav save us from the southies."

Ghed nods at Ikeala.

Jasmine muses, "I'd say if you absolutely can't get ahold of anyone, maybe just a general plot to get info to RP about, if its a job for your guild?"

Ghed states, "For example we have savages who don't live in Southside"

MUDnoob says, "Probably something I'll bug a staffer about with more detail for context, I think. It might just not be doable."

Temi says, "If you want to do OOC recruiting for characters to be played, we've allowed that on the OOC board, but probably not a big draw for them to come in to be interviewed."

Temi states, "Or if you wanted to run a story, you may be able to get volunteers for that, but that's probably more than being interviewed."

MUDnoob says, "It's more trying to figure out if it's possible to somehow simulate the vast pool of southies who exist, just aren't PCs."

Jasmine states, "Sounds like a plot would be perfect for that"

Leta asks of MUDnoob, "Happy to talk with you about the specifics. Shoot me a tell or a pboard? =)"

Deedee claims, "A plot might be good for that, then"

Ghed says, "Well plots are good for it -- ditto Yas"

Jasmine states, "That sounds, in very fact, like exactly what RPA, aka RP Assistance, was made for"

Ghed nods at Jasmine.

Hawali is idle.
Felryn is idle.

Temi nods.

Deedee says, "If it's guild related, let the Prime or Epion know, and they can apply a gpoint for it instead of needing QP"

Temi states, "Or if it's just general knowledge stuff, can be fine to just write up observations"

Temi claims, "You don't necessarily need staff sign-off if it's about generic lore on what's going on with the different classes"

MUDnoob claims, "Awesome, thank you. I will bend the ear of the immortals and figure something out. :D"

Temi queries, "Okay.  Any other people with topics?"

Temi questions, "Not hearing anything.  Shall we send folks back on grid, or do you want to have a dance party or just hang?"

Felryn is no longer idle.

Lans claims, "Dancing leads to heresy"

Anonymous says, "And yet, I saw you dancing like a week and a half ago"

Deedee gets down with it.

Lans claims, "You people and your voltas"

MUDnoob dances like a proper Fariner should.

Anonymous states, "I'm hosting a story after OOC chat is over, fyi."

Ikeala claims, "I mean if dancing encourages heresy, I feel obligated."

Koukakala muses, "I mean... are you gonna arrest every dancer? raid the Farin quarters? XD"

Jasmine says, "Ah, I can't remember if I've brought this up before"

Lans growls at Ike

Temi nods at Jasmine.

Anonymous claims, "THe Farin Quarter: you will never find a bigger hive of scum and villainy."

Jasmine states, "But stealing seems to weight against letters and mostly pulls useless garbage items"

Ghed declaims to Anonymous, "Oh taht's right you have a story!"

Anonymous states, "Yes I do"

Temi nods at Jasmine.

Temi says, "I feel like that may have been mentioned before."

Leta states to Jasmine, "You brought it up and I believe it's on our list =)"

Jasmine states, "Perfect. I was just testing it further"

Lans claims to Anonymous, "I'd love to attend, it just begins too late for me"

Temi claims, "I don't recall any code for that in the list, but general covert life improvements is definitely somethign we want."

Deedee states, "Last I knew, steal just pulled from the bit of items of peoples inventory."

Anonymous nods at Lans.

MUDnoob shakes fist at Anon.

Deedee says, "So not too helpful"

Deedee claims, "Top bit of*"

Jasmine claims, "Steal is weighted based on how 'big' the item is and since most items are codedly quite large, it doesn't pull them"

Anonymous claims, "I mean. I don't know what kind of turnout is impending, but if I get no one or only one or two people, I might delay it until tomorrow some time, probably about mid-day."

Anonymous claims, "But its open to any who want to come, no pre-reqs required."

Jasmine says, "Oh I had one other thing as well--the steal helpfile mentions you can 'bump' someone, but the only actual options are pat, hug, kiss, or shake"

Ghed states to Jasmine, "Omg that was the same thing on Morrowind"

Jasmine says, "It might be prudent to change these to things someone might actually do in a scene"

Lans claims, "Like pyre"

Temi nods at Jasmine.

Temi claims, "Probably needs more love."

Deedee says, "Yeah, that's a bit awkward since it encourages closed emotes too"

Jasmine states, "Even hugging seems a bit too touchy for the setting as it stands"

Anonymous states, "I forsee a new social custom: it is incredibly rude to touch a noble in any way, unless invited to."

Deedee nods.

Jasmine states, "And if someone sees you, it'll print out 'character kisses character' or something from what I've been told"

Deedee claims, "Haha"

Jasmine claims, "Bumping into them is good, maybe sidling up to them, tripping them, patting and handshake are good, but hugging and kissing aren't very probably since most people are robbing strangers or acquaintances"

Deedee says, "I have a feeling the bump code is a relic from when we had more social commands"

Ghed nods at Deedee.

Flower is idle.

Ghed says, "Maybe more innocuous things can be devised"

Temi says, "Probably worked better then."

Salem claims, "My next item is the stealth/steal rework. Shoot suggestion to me. I will get on it when the refactoring hole, that I am digging, has released me."

Jasmine states, "I feel like as long as it doesn't directly state 'you see Yasmina pickpocketing <target>' it would be fine"

Temi states, "Any social style message is probably pretty obvious."

Deedee nods.

Temi muses, "Alright, well, shall we wrap up and send folks off to play with the story?"

Deedee claims, "Some sort of bump would be useful I think, but needs to be based on emotes. and policy to only use it if the victim doesn't emote to prevent it"

Deedee states, "Like you go in for a hug->victim backs away/holds up a hand->abort attempt"

Temi exclaims, "Alright, sending folks back then.  Happy storying!"

Deedee waves.

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