Log of OOC Meeeting 2023-03-04

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:07 am

Sat Mar 04, 2023 7:13 pm

Log session starting at 18:05:36 on Saturday, 4 March 2023.
Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed nods at Bishaar.

Edison claims, "Okay let's roll"

Ghed claims to Bishaar, "Noted"

Bishaar exclaims, "Let me, uhh, go pretype those!!"

Titania declaims, "I have a topic, myself!"

Ghed nods at Titania.

Ghed states, "Okay"

Ghed has transferred Charmin. [OOC]

Crownling waves to Charmin.

Ghed states, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Nameless claims, "I have a topic too"

Crownling states, "I too have a topic"

Ghed says, "Just a week of lots of request boards, a lot of recommends and stuff. Been meaning to do
some more script updates."

Ghed nods at Nameless.

Ghed nods at Nameless.

Ghed nods at Crownling.

Ghed says, "Temi's unavailable but I know she's advanced the staff plot with some players"

Ghed states, "Leta's almost ready and she'll come when she can to toss her update"

Ghed has transferred RamblingSeert. [OOC]

Deedee twiddles.

Ghed declaims to RamblingSeert, "Sorry!"

RamblingSeert dies on the floor

Ghed says, "Some thoughts for this week from me. It's good to go over some of the basics given our
influx of new players of the last couple weeks. Please remember:
-to keep help technology in mind and keep your crafts firmly rooted in a late medieval theme.
-that Lithmore is a very conservative society and what you do in public can make or break you.
-that virtual NPCs are always around in public spaces and may report unlawful or undavite actions to
the authorities if prompted.
-that violating sumptuary laws and noble address is a big no-no and Reeves are empowered to act on
-that lawful types are just players like you looking to have a good time.
-that it's great to just be a pious davite or a lawful citizen, it's a game!
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach staff. It's important to uphold the
game's theme and we can't do it without you."

Ghed has transferred Yinadele. [OOC]

Ruby claims, "Alright, who's making computers? And if you're selling them I want them."

Deedee states, "The helpfile on sumptuary underplays it in that case."

Particles of light coalesce to form Leta. [OOC]

Leta waves.

Himbopotamus waves.

Ruby waves.

Brando waves at Leta

Woodes throws away their invention for black powder.

Ghed exclaims to Leta, "Welcome!"

RamblingSeert questions, "What, no medieval microscopes?"

Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Yinadele.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to RamblingSeert.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Himbopotamus.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Ruby.

Ghed states, "I just gave my staff update, and Temi's"

Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Charmin.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Nameless.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Motherof.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Sue.

Himbopotamus eats a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

Bishaar says, "Daw it's adorable"

Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Ikeala.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Woodes.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Brando.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Bishaar.

Motherof states, "Eee."

Ruby muses, "How wrong would it be to eat a sweetmeat corpse at a hanging?"

Bishaar states, "Well now I have to save mine for that."


Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Serket.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Crownling.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Nebula.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Titania.

Sue states, "AUUUUGHHHH"

RamblingSeert claims, "Ah, I've always wanted to roleplay Saturn Devouring his Child"

Nameless states, "..."

Edison says, "I hear people's attitude towards eating humans varies from person to person :V"

Nameless claims, "Just"

Nameless claims, "Why"

Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Edison.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Deedee.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Tomato.
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Ghed.

Ghed claims to RamblingSeert, "Dude xD"

Himbopotamus says, "Deep cut seert"

Deedee lifts a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to her nose and sniffs at

Ruby claims, "I'm going to report a corpse and drop this item in the Reeves Courtyard."

Leta questions, "Did I msis anyone?"

Leta declares, "It has uses!"

Crownling claims, "Im going to eat this infront of my friends in character"

Ghed declares, "Cute!"

Himbopotamus claims, "Which corpse are we commemorating"

Crownling holds a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling in her hand.
Ruby holds a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling in his hand.

Crownling takes a kitchen knife and begins to perform a sweetmeat-autopsy on their treat.

Ruby gnaws at their sweetmeat, trying to decapitate its delicious head.

Deedee flips a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling into the air, and catches
it as it begins its descent.
Titania holds a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling in her hand.

Titania takes a kitchen knife and begins to perform a sweetmeat-autopsy on their treat.

Crownling takes a kitchen knife and begins to perform a sweetmeat-autopsy on their treat.

Leta says, "Bit of a last minute job as I forgot Temi was on vacay"

Ghed states to Himbopotamus, "Only one way to find out"

Crownling gnaws at their sweetmeat, trying to decapitate its delicious head.

Titania says, "SO MANY CORPSES"

Crownling stops using a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

Edison queries, "If I get caught with this in public, can Yvette arrest me?"

Tomato claims, "Maybe all of them lol"

Ruby drops a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.


Ruby gets a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

Titania claims to Edison, "Yes."

Motherof says, "Omg that echo. It's glory."

Brando states, "You might come down with corpse rot disease if you eat it at a hanging etc. sarcasm

Yinadele holds his gray-cloaked doll by its middle, giving it a good shake that flops its hooded
head from side to side.

Edison eats a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.
Honey-maple sweetmeat with a wobbly, gooey exterior gives way to a burst of
dark red strawberry filling. The saccharine fruit dessert stains the lips
and tongue when consumed.

There are 3 bites left of a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

Edison carefully considers a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

It seems to be priced at less than a gold.
This 'a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling' is a kind of food.
It has 3 bites remaining.
It appears to be made of food.
It looks to be in excellent condition.
It weighs less than 10 pounds.
It can be worn as follows: take
It could be easily held in one hand.
It seems to be worth less than a gold.
This can be embellished.

Himbopotamus eats a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

Ghed wonders to Leta, "Thanks a lot! Do you have an update for us?"

Leta pontificates, "Update! I handled a lot of building, as well as helping with the usual requests,
recommends, questions"

Crownling eats a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling.

Leta claims, "Difficult week for me IRL but I am also helping with a mini-plot and some (hopefully)
RP-generating RPA."

Ghed nods.

Leta states, "That's about it, I think"

Ghed states, "Thanks for all the work you do, it has a huge impact"

Motherof says, "Agreed."

Sue lifts a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to her nose and sniffs at it.

Ruby lifts a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to his nose and sniffs at it.

Brando lifts a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to her nose and sniffs at

Ghed muses, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

Ikeala claims, "The Muggles are scaring me, send help."

Crownling has lost link.

Titania says, "Please help I have so many corpses"

Nameless states, "The muggles are awful"

Crownling has reconnected.

They aren't here.


Titania claims, "I BEG YOU,"

They aren't here.

Charmin states, "Ohhh, there's some thiiiiings happening"


Ruby claims, "This week has been pretty good! Getting RP, finding out that getting Mercantilism to
grandmaster is probably a bad idea, the works."

Ruby states, "Lots of death. :D"

Titania wails. She cries.

Leta claims, "Murders are the best. I like murders."

RamblingSeert states, "The week has been alright - gotta fix my sleep schedule to show up at better
times. INCly though?

Come and see how hard I cry."

Sue states, "Someone splashed water on the moon and it pissed on us"

Tomato states, "Rough spot IC with some sadboi hours, difficult for me to RP the characters in a
down spot but it does make some interesting RP"

Sue states, "Little fucked up"

Himbopotamus claims, "Every day we drift further from god's light"

Yinadele declaims, "So, IRL and friends have been very very busy lately!"

Ghed says, "Mercantilism is a great skill to gm if you know what you're doing"

Yinadele claims, "I'm VERY sorry for being absent a bit."

Ghed nodsnodsnods

Himbopotamus states, "So a plus, is what I'm saying"

Ghed claims to Yinadele, "It's all good, but thanks for letting us know"

Ghed nods at Tomato.

Titania says to Yinadele, "It's okay, the streets have just ran with blood while you've been away,
no biggie c:"

Ghed states to Himbopotamus, "Lol"

Ghed claims to Yinadele, "It's like the third act of les mis"

Ruby muses, "Is there even a benefit to GMing mecantilism?"

Ghed states, "Yes, there is"

Leta says to Ruby, "Yes"

Serket claims, "Good RP when I can grab it, been busy lately"

Deedee says, "I've been busy with RL, but should be more free for the rest of the month at last"

Ghed states, "But it's, ah, a bit of a secret"

Crownling states to Ruby, "You can charm the pants off people"

Himbopotamus claims, "That shiny champion on your ab sheet"

Ghed says, "Also crazy bragging rights"

Ghed states, "Bling-bling all the way to the Springs"

Ruby states, "Honestly debating grandmastering Mercantilism just to try and get champion to flash it

Ghed queries, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

Crownling claims, "There's also a level 50 mercantilism craft apparently"

Leta says to Ruby, "Unfortunately it is one of those things that telling kinda ruins the fun of. But
Champion is ALWAYS worth it, regardless =)"

Crownling states, "'a plan to sell a tunic'"

Brando trails off, "@ ruby no ... mastering is good enough unless you want to be champion at it"

Ghed asks, "No complaints? Alrighty"

Bishaar declares, "Both of my topics are complaints. Sorry! "

Tomato claims, "Stop making me sad i want to play a habby bard who plays music >:("

Ruby claims, "TI is a depressing game I feel like it's a part of the whole fantasy."

Motherof states, "Yeah. Oh man. Every character makes me cry."

Leta pontificates to Bishaar, "That's what we're here for, as long as it's reasonably constructive!"

RamblingSeert says, "Damn, TI has been traumacore the whole time"

Tomato states, "Oh of course, it was mostly a jest haha, emotional investment is good"

Crownling questions, "Even me?"

Ruby questions, "If I don't run around with the looming threat of all of my loved ones being
miserable because of society is it really RP?"

Ghed wonders, "Before we begin topics, a brief Q for all of you, from me. I've been thinking to
supplement OOC Chat with some Office Hours. Like 1 hour per week where I bring a player to an ooc
room, or over discord, and we chat for a small amount of time (15/20 min). And 3 slots per week or
so. Would this be appealing to you all?"

Bishaar claims, "It is! I do not complain without offering a solution, if I can."

Motherof states, "Onion tears."

Titania claims, "My characters exist to inflict trauma on others."

Titania says, "The methods they use to do this vary."

Ruby says, "Ghed, that sounds like a great idea."

Ghed has transferred trogdor. [OOC]

Himbopotamus muses, "Whatcha see that time as being for, ghed?"

Edison says, "A gameplay review of faith"

Himbopotamus declares, "Forgive phone typing!"

Brando says, "@ ghed ... yes that would be awesome, thanks."

Crownling states, "Sounds good to me."

Ruby trails off, "Ghed assigns us penance..."

Bishaar claims to Ghed, "I like this concept, if only to know what times your schedule generally has
open time to chat and stuff. I sometimes feel like I'm being a bother when I ask things so it'd be
good to know when that's not the case."

Tomato muses, "I imagine that would be to cut down on 24/7 hoppin in ghed DMs and be a bit more
organized about it?"

Ghed states to Himbopotamus, "Make it pretty open: storytelling ideas, proposals about secret
things, just venting a little"

Himbopotamus declares, "Gotcha!"

Trogdor says, "I like the idea, but tbh thats a HUGE time suck"

Sue states, "Tell ghed give me the button to kill all the dark cloaks or else"

Ruby says, "I definitely have questions for admins that loll around in my head but I don't want to
be a bother LMAO."

Sue says, "Shit mischan"

Ghed says to Tomato, "It helps to have a time-constrained, limited format"

Ghed claims, "To enhance productivity"

Ghed nods at Ruby.

Bishaar trails off, "Ah, I can give my elevator pitch for why merchants should be allowed to make
multi-use items like the OOC chat toys, good, very good..."

Himbopotamus says, "Yeah I have a hundred dumb questions abd I write notes which must be annoying"

Ghed states, "One sec"

Ghed says, "I just hurled a player into teh air by accident"

Himbopotamus claims, "And two hundred dumb ideas"

Leta claims, "I'll handle it"

Ikeala ponders.

Leta waves.

Leta slowly dissipates, her form flickering away in tiny mites of stardust. [OOC]

Crownling states, "As you do"

Ruby states, "Whenever somebody writes a note in the middle of a scene I start getting nervous LMAO"

Ghed has transferred Grasshopper. [OOC]

Titania states to Ruby, "Good."

Deedee asks, "What's in room 96?"

Ghed has transferred plague. [OOC]

Crownling states to Ruby, "Sometimes ill just be staring at someone waiting for me to emote and ill
be like "let me respond to this note from last week first""

Particles of light coalesce to form Leta. [OOC]

Motherof says, "PLAGUE IS HERE"

Ghed claims to Deedee, "The demons"

Ruby questions, "What's in room 69?"

Deedee states, "We are."

Ghed muses, "Okay, so it sounds like there's more or less support for Office Hours?"

Leta claims, "Us, we are here. Right now =)"

plague states, "I'm back from my small trip into the asphalt, boys and girls and others applicable"

Motherof says, "Good to see you, buddy"

Ruby wonders, "Into the asphalt...?"

RamblingSeert states, "Get back in the ground, plague"

plague says, "Ah, well, you see, I had a small fall. In-game."

Nameless states, "Most unfortunate"

plague exclaims, "Anyways, that office hours thing sounds cool!"

Nameless questions, "Did you have a nice trip?"

Ruby trails off, "Does asphalt exist in TI..."

plague claims, "It does now."

Ruby claims, "Plague is the reason why we need help technology."

Ikeala claims, "I think you might have to decide how often someone can claim a spot."

Deedee says, "It's his ass fault."

Ghed says, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed claims to Bishaar, "You're first, your second topic will come last"

Bishaar pontificates, "Okay!"

Bishaar claims, "Both of my topics today are mild complaints about some old code stuff. I'm a newer
player, so maybe these have been brought up before.

The first one is about the scribe command.

Scribe consumes the silver from your person immediately. Canceling the threaded task with clrcmd
does not return the silver it consumed, so if you realize you do not want to spend that much money
scribing that particular book, and you panic and try to cancel it, you lose the money anyway and
then have no book.

I would like the scribe command to inform you of its cost when you begin scribing it and only
consume that amount when the task completes.

I know Appraise is meant to show you the scribing cost, but the cost displayed does not seem to
factor in the discount from high Artwork and, besides that, doesn't seem accurate to begin with, and
in any case, I think you should be allowed to back out of scribing something safely, especially if
you make a mistake."

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "Scribe is ancient"

Ghed says, "Antediluvian accent"

Ghed claims, "Ancient"

Crownling has lost link.

Ghed states, "It's a reasonable request, unfortunately we might not be able to get to it soon"

Deedee states, "I believe you can try to scribe with no coin on you and it'll say how much it will
cost, meanwhile"

Motherof says, "Ahh. Good call, Dee."

Nameless states, "When i hear antediluvian accent, i think of that tsmizi from vampire bloodlines"

Leta says, "Deedee is correct about the short-term workaround"

Tomato states, "Appraise is hooked to mercantilism too so even if you get a cost its not always

Leta says, "Same if you're not certain the retooling cost"

Deedee nods.

Ruby says, "It's a good work around but it's definitely something that you forget about."

Ghed claims, "Something like scribe check <item> wouldn't hurt, some day"

Ruby says, "I also wish I knew the retooling cost because sometimes something is 1 silver to retool
and sometimes 20 silver."

Bishaar claims, "I would appreciate especially if the function to check the scribing cost was made
into scribe appraise <keyword>, as I think an artist should be able to determine how much the ink
costs that he is about to use.

I guess that works. I thought when I tried it, it just told me I didn't have enough, though. Yeah,

Ghed nods.

Ghed claims, "Noted and written down, it's reasonable"

Deedee states, "Scribe appraise would be nice. using appraise doesn't take into account the discount
if you have a high artwork skill"

Bishaar says, "Retooling items costs their coded value in silver if you don't know how to make it,
usually, Ruby, or 1 silver if you do know how."

Tomato claims, "I support this if only because of the amount of times I've accidentally spent
several gold on a scribe"

Titania says to Ruby, "Things you made are 1 silver, things you could make are 3 silver, and things
you can't make are their cost, iirc"

Ghed claims, "It's 1 silver if you made it yourself"

Bishaar states, "O"

Bishaar claims, "Weird, I can retool paper I forage for 1 silver."

Deedee says, "That's because the value is 1 silver."

Leta trails off to Bishaar, "Foraged paper is just... quite cheap"

Ikeala states, "Because something you forage you technically created."

Deedee states, "Oh"

Crownling has reconnected.

Deedee states, "Actually yeah, forage counts as making"

Leta nods.

Ghed claims, "Which would be a totally meta bullshit of finding out who made something: have them
drop their silver, give them 1 silver, order them to retool"

Ghed states, "If you try this I will kill you myslef"

Bishaar states, "Maybe that's just because it's only worth 1 silver. Anwyay, tangent, sorry. Yes,
that's this whole topic, please make scribe less suck, I would like to be able to tell the Reeves
how much it'll cost to copy their procedure manual and stuff like that."

Nameless claims, "Thank you ghed i will now see this in practice now that we nkow of it"

Titania trails off to Ghed, "Noting that down for interrogation tactics..."

Ghed nods at Bishaar.

Ghed queries to Bishaar, "We good to move on meanwhole?"

Bishaar says, "That is all I have for this topic! Thank you! I will keep the "put money away" tactic
in mind for now."

Ghed nods.

Bishaar states, "Yeah."

Ghed claims to Titania, "You're up next"

Yinadele says, "Ghed teleports behind you, eyes glowing 'perish'"

Titania exclaims, "Yepyep! Give me oooone moment"

Nameless says, "Omae wa mu"

Nameless states, "Shinderu"

Ghed laughs.

Ghed says, "NANI"

Titania says, "Given recent events that there's been a bit of confusion on the separation between
moral and secular crimes in regards to the use of controlled substances (specifically, in this case,
birth control). While there is, indeed, a moral component to the use of birth control in setting
(see help mugwort), their policing falls squarely within the authority of the Reeves, with the Order
serving to pressure people on a moral level not to use them.

Additionally, I'd like to remind people that within the city of Lithmore, to use an abortive is
equivalent to murder. There is a moral and secular aspect about this-- morally speaking, if there is
no stigma on such substances, it implicitly encourages fornication and to take part in them in order
to evade the consequences of the sin. Legally speaking, it is seen as killing an unborn child in the
womb, as once the womb has quickened, Lithmorran law recognizes it as a living being.

Holding a position that using an abortive is not an action worthy of treatment as a murder is an
extremely, extremely liberal position, and I simply wish to remind people to treat it as such. I do
not think it is necessarily bad to hold such a stance, and I myself in real life absolutely do not
disagree, but within the world of The Inquisition, things are different.

Thank you."

RamblingSeert claims, "I throw Nameless into the forever box"

Nameless states, "Excuse me what"

Nameless claims, "It is not my fault"

Charmin squints.

Grasshopper queries, "What's in the forever box?"

Nameless claims, "DONT ASK"

Ghed claims, "Guys, let's focus on titania's topic"

Nebula is idle.

Tomato says, "My IC actions are more because the character is fucked up about it but also patently
dishonest, but there is an aspect of 'womens health' always having been quietly about that sort of
stuff. That absolutely wasn't my angle though"

Deedee states, "Let's not discuss ongoing RP."

Titania says to Tomato, "And that's fine! IC actions are IC actions, I just wanted to make things

Ghed says, "To be clear, we have always reserved the right to interpret and enforce canonical and
secular law as they see fit. There is room for discussion and struggle, here and in many cases."

Nebula is no longer idle.
Nebula has returned from AFK.

Sue says, "Oh I also have a topic i just remembered after everyone else"

Ghed states to Sue, "Lol, noted, ok"

Titania says, "It's just something I noted brought up repeatedly, and felt quite odd given the

Tomato states, "Sometimes people make stupid arguments not because they believe it but because they
struggle to admit that they're in the wrong "

The worst of the itching seems to be over with.

Ghed listens for a bit.

Ikeala states, "I think that's great as long as it stays IC."

Himbopotamus claims, "I don't think davism has a specific 'life begins at conception' belief but it
likeky shoukd."

Nameless states, "I will just say that any quibbling about law can be argued with a knife to the

Nameless claims, "Any time I had a legal problem and I pulled a knife, all of a sudden, I had a
different problem"

Leta nods at Himbopotamus.

Ruby states, "IIRC the Erra says that killing babies is bad but I don't know about life beginning at
Ghed nods at Ikeala.

Deedee says, "I believe for TI, it would be at the quickening"

Titania states to Nameless, "That is, in fact, a way to make your problems worse."

Tomato says, "Davism specifically doesn't notate anything about at what point the unborn have a
soul, but it DOES notate abortion as being wrong because it removes the 'consequences' of immortal

plague says, "I don't know what a quickening is tbh"

Himbopotamus claims, "That is where this could become vonfusing imo. Davism is vague on souks."

Deedee states, "Quickening is movement"

Leta states, "It's an interesting issue IC. There is no staff-encoded theme stance at this point"

Ghed whispers to Jae's ear

Sue says, "Pregonantnaot"

Edison says, "It's probably open to a bit of interpretation ic - laws aren't really firm in TI and
they're broadly written for a reason."

Himbopotamus states, "Oh god phone typing"

Ruby says, "Vague is great, I need priests arguing about this shit just like how they argue IRL."

Nameless claims, "Quickening = pregnant enough that a physician can diagnose it or the woman is
reasonably certain she's pregnant"

Nameless states, "Afaik"

plague says, "Okay so it's the point where you've failed to hide it"

plague says, "Gotcha"

plague laughs.

Charmin claims, "I'm just glad everyone getting this in-game opportunity to hash this out. rofl."

Leta states, "But we also (as staff) understand this is a pretty rational interpretation of Davite
values and enforcement in a hyper-religious society"

RamblingSeert sneezes loudly.

RamblingSeert states, "HOW DARE--"

Nameless claims, "Hyper religious + conservative = any type of abortion is a big evil no no, pretty
much always"

Titania states, "Either way, I mostly just wanted to point at help mugwort and touch base on the
topic in general. I don't, like, intend to make a callout post on my Twitter Dot Com, and I have
enjoyed all the controversy and debate on it."

Titania declaims, "Thank you! <3"

Leta nods at Titania.

Bishaar states, "I will try to be as tactful about this as possible here, but please forgive me if I
blunder. This isn't a topic I find especially comfortable.

Abortion is a sexual assault-related topic, and I think this doesn't come up as often as it
otherwise might IC directly because that kind of RP is not permitted here, which I am thankful for,
and otherwise people probably keep it secret where they can."

Ghed claims to Titania, "Thanks for bringing it up. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Being a
lawful type is never easy! Unless you're blatantly abusing your power and taking mad bribes.."

plague states, "I'm just going to say that pyring a mage baby means double ashes."

Titania states to Ghed, "Speaking of, for 50 gold I'll-- Wait, wrong chat"

Titania claims, ":p"

Deedee claims, "It also repels moths."

Ruby says, "Yeah, I think the fact that SA is non-existent here helps the abortion debate not become
incredibly uncomfortable IC. It's one of the things I'm thankful for and it does mean that abortion
as a topic rarely comes up."

Crownling states, "I dont know about you guys but im eating an omelet right now"

Crownling claims, "Mushrooms and cheddar in it too"

Deedee queries, "Anything else on this topic?"

Nameless says, "Crownling is blissfully immune to all ironic uncomfortablness, more news at 8"

Leta claims to Bishaar, "Sexual RP is entirely OOC-consent based here, so the use of abortive agents
IC and on-grid should lack that level of thematic poignancy."

plague pontificates, "I know we have a topic coming after this so I'm slipping it in - I imagine
that I've missed like 3 weeks of Exciting Entertainment but I will be around to RP today everybody!
I've finished my 2nd week of work and I'm off tomorrow so I'm gonna hang w/ everyone"

plague does a little dance.

Motherof dances with the plague

Nameless states, "Dancing is magery"

Nameless says, "Arrest them all"

Leta claims, "These topics are hard. People have varying comfort levels with issues we sometimes
engage with on grid (miscarriage, racism, abortion, violence, torture). Please, remember your mental
health comes first"

Deedee nods.

Leta states, "Help sandwich and help graphic exist, I also think our pbase is mostly good eggs"

Ghed nods at Leta.

Bishaar muses, "Right. Except, that is an OOC policy preventing player behavior, and so it does not
necessarily omit it as a possibility within the world - but OOC policy also prevents discussion of
it, largely, so... Eh. It's an inconsistency, but one I would rather exist this way than permit any
sort of that behavior in the game?"

Brando nods at Leta

plague says, "I wanted to RP last week but I was just super exhausted"

Ruby states, "I'm a bad egg."

Ruby says, "Corrupting everyone around me."

Ghed states to plague, "Great to have you back at your own pace"

Tomato says, "I'd rather handwave any non-consensual stuff entirely than make it somewhat more
realistic, personally"

Grasshopper states, "I'm an eggshell boat."

Leta states, "If you want to 'osay I'm uncomfortable RPing around this, can we change the topic' or
'I'm going to recuse myself' I would hope your fellow players would be v understanding."

Himbopotamus states, "Yuuuup love living in a world where SA doesn't happen, to hell with realism"

Leta nods.

Leta says, "Yes."

Ghed claims, "I mean you can craft a sword in a minute so"

Bishaar states, "Not addressing it whatsoever is the better option in any case, I just find the
topic uncomfortable and, yes, when it comes up, I usually just leave the room."

Ruby states, "But i need realism in my game where someone can make it moist 5 times in a row."

Charmin claims, "Definitely, Leta."

Moist. [Woodes]

Nameless claims, "Moist"

RamblingSeert trails off, "Moist......"

Bishaar trails off, "The Moistman Cometh..."

Titania trails off, "Moist..."

Brando states, "I recommend that everybody reread the help mudsex file ok. "

Tomato states, "I did enjoy the very good timing on the rain last night as I was dying from staying
up too late"

Ruby claims, "I love making my friends read the help breed file when they create."

Tomato wonders, "Anywho i think we've exhausted this topic...?"

Deedee nods in agreement.

Titania pontificates, "Mmhm!"

Bishaar claims, "I don't have anything else to add, yeah."

Crownling states to Tomato, "Ive trained my body to stay awake for two days without feeling it
thanks to my last minute assignment crams"

Ghed claims, "Just a sec, guys, leta's typing"

Crownling says, "But then i have to go into a recovery coma"

Leta states, "Last thing is simply: if ANYTHING comes up in this arena that makes you feel uncomfy
or unsafe on this game, please don't hesitate to reach out to us"

Nameless sits down and rests.

Brando nods at Leta and Ghed

Leta states, "Policy was designed to prevent players from RPing SA or introducing it to grid, not
keep players from reporting or seeking just recourse for shitty behavior from others."

Ghed nods at Leta.

Ghed says, "Thanks for reminding us of that, it's crucial for a good time"

Ghed states, "With that said -- I think we can move on"

Leta says, "(also happy to discuss over tells)"

Leta claims, "Moving on is good"

Ghed states to Nameless, "You're up next"

Nameless says, "I would like to know what the procedure and intention is behind older mage
characters in returning to activity in the game, because we've been trying to get Tasker back into
the game for a bit now and it's basically been impossible. Slots are never open and when one is, a
mage character is immediately created, and sometimes they abandon the character in under a week but
it takes much much longer for that mage to turn inactive and stop counting towards the slot cap."

Leta claims, "We have been consistently at capacity for the last few weeks"

Motherof shivers.

RamblingSeert states, "Sounds like a job for them Dav boys"

Deedee nods.

Brando states, "@ mages ... do more mage stuff ok please. "

Titania says, "Listen, it's not my problem if you're a filthy mage"

Leta says, "There's some fluctuation and activity numbers shift over the course of a week, but the
mage population has been between 95-110 percent of cap since we adjusted things."

Serket says, "Sounds like mage hunting season"

Nameless claims, "I liquidated a character explicitly to free one of those slots when they turned
out to be latent and another mage was made like... a few hours after."

plague muses, "Maybe there could be an active queue for returning mage players that they have to
renew every now and again?"

Serket claims, "I think that's difficult because you're asking for existing characters who have gone
inactive to be prioritized over new characters, which sorta directly goes against every other cry of
'but established characters have it so much better'"

Leta says to Nameless, "You were also informed that liquidating would not guarantee an open slot"

Yinadele claims, "I think it ultimately means there are a lot of active and new players interested
in mage RP."

Leta says, "Not all mage cap changes are from new mages, either. We've had awakenings recently"

Motherof shivers again.

Leta nods at Serket.

Serket says, "I personally waited like, three or four months to make a mage character, and just
like, waited for my turn"

Serket states, "Thats IRL months"

Leta wonders, "How do we balance new players who really desire to play a mage vs. players who want
to return?"

Leta says, "We've discussed an application system for mages in the past, but that seemed pretty
unpopular at the time"

Ghed states, "I don't want people to go around killing or pressuring others to liquidate to try to
game the system"

Motherof nods at Ghed.

plague says, "I think a queue like I mentioned is a good idea in terms of the logistics of them
coming back."

Brando nods @ ghed

Yinadele queries, "I mean, what's usually done for nobles?"

Ruby claims, "I feel like new players playing a mage should be a priority over older ones returning,
and that older ones should consider playing a non-mage alt for the time if they really do want to
come back."

Yinadele states, "Since it's basically the same thing."

Ruby claims, "That's a bit of a controversial take though."

Serket states, "I might not mind an application system since there has been a lot of discontent
about 'mages doing mage things'"

Bishaar states, "Noble slots stay open much longer than mage slots."

Nameless claims, "I only remember a few times when there were full noble slots tbf"

Leta claims to Yinadele, "Nobles are usually given one chance to return from inactivity as long as
there are open slots"

Ghed says to plague, "The problem with a queue is that it makes it hard for new players to play a

plague says, "I kind of hate the 'hope a slot is open and check every few hours' type interaction, I
don't think that Works"

Titania says, "Hello, I'd like to say I am a new player who really desires to play a mage, I've only
been here for a little while in the grand scheme of things"

Titania states, "And that, uhm"

Ghed states, "But I admit the system needs some polishing"

Titania says, "I'd feel a bit bad if I got stiffed by an older character returning"

Leta nods at Titania.

Ghed claims, "Many old players also just come back for a week or two and pop out for 5-6 months too"

Leta queries to plague, "How would we handle new players in the context of the queue?"

plague wonders to Ghed, "Yeah, I just figure you can fudge the numbers correctly such that it's
'this person Does In Fact Want to Play', what you really want to avoid is someone coming back for 2
days and then there's a slot taken up for a month, right?"
Deedee nods.

Ghed nods at plague.

plague says, "My idea is just, they say 'I am looking to return in the near future', it times out
after a few days or so"

Ikeala says, "The issue is there's no way to guarantee that no matter what."

Ruby says, "I definitely think an older playing showing up and playing an alt for a bit would show a
commitment to coming back."

Bishaar says, "This is a callous sort of view on it, but the inactivity timer is very generous and
exists for a reason. If you wanted to play that character, maybe you should have spent the time and
effort to upkeep it. That time and effort is very minimal to begin with."

Ghed states, "Yeah we can't force old people to play, or anyone for that matter"
Leta nods at Ruby.

Ghed nods at Ruby.

plague queries, "Maybe if the issue is returners... put them on a probational inactive timer? Lower
than others?"

Leta states, "We often ask players who want to return to a limited role (mage or noble) to
demonstrate consistent activity on an alt before we allow a return."

Yinadele says, "Yeah, hard agree"

Nameless says, "You don't know the circumstances that led to that inactivity though bishaar"

Ruby states, "You know, I thought Yvette was a mage, because she made me moist."

plague states to Leta, "This sounds reasonable"

Titania blushes at Ruby

Nameless claims, "We're back to moist uh oh"

Serket claims, "I feel like extenuating circumstances can be taken into account but it like, super
depends also"

Bishaar says, "I don't, but there are very few circumstances IRL that would lead to a person being
physically uncapable of making contact with staff for more than two IRL months consecutively."

plague claims, "I admit I just don't know the current processes, that's just what came to mind as a
possible solution"

RamblingSeert throws Ruby into the sometimes box.

Leta nods at plague.

Bishaar says, "And those circumstances are always more important than the game."

Ruby muses, "Has the player in question made an alt and shown activity, Nameless?"

Leta states, "It's good to hear everyone's thoughts. It's a complicated issue, and one we've been
discussing a lot staff-side."

Ghed claims to Bishaar, "I admit that we have had all sorts of things, from RL injury to death of a
loved one or even military service in an active area"

Yinadele claims, "I do want to posit that as someone who hates alting it would be a huge turn-off
for me to be told 'just play an alt'."

Serket claims, "I think we should avoid trying to call out specific players at this time, Ruby"

Nameless states, "I know that he wants to return and has a -lot- of RP he wants to get into for a
fact. and I trust him beyond nearly all others"

Ghed states, "Let's not go over the player in particular, who has been respectful and polite"

Nameless claims, "That said i dont think he's made a mundane alt"

Ruby states, "Good point Serket."

Leta nods.

Leta claims, "Let's keep this discussion general."

Serket says, "The issue in general DOES exist, but I think that we should be trying to encourage
existing characters to take more risks leading to higher turnaround maybe"

plague says, "Similarly, I would probably not make a throwaway character for the purpose of proving
I want to play"

Bishaar says to Ghed, "I understand all of these concerns, I do, but I am uninterested in the
precedent set by making exceptions."

Yinadele claims, "On any RP game I play I really dislike alting, and if someone told me 'be active
on an alt' I would stare blankly at them in any game."

plague says, "But I'm especially allergic to alting"

Ghed has lost link.
Ghed has reconnected.

Ghed coughs

plague states, "I've suffered it and it ruins me"

Leta nods at Bishaar.

Nameless claims, "I tend not to alt either. Usually. WIth some exceptions"

Ruby claims, "I thought Eiphraem was your alt, plague."

Crownling has lost link.

Yinadele claims, "No that's titania's alt"

Crownling has reconnected.

Deedee claims, "Let's not call out alts."

plague claims, "I'd never play a male character shorter than 5'6""

Yinadele says, "It is a joke"

Bishaar claims, "Like I said, there are very few circumstances that physically prevent sending a
tell or a Discord PM to Ghed about a period of inactivity, and in those situations, this game does
not matter."

Ruby claims, "It's a joke, I would never intentionally call out someone's alt."

Titania claims, "I am, in fact, every character in the game except the person reading this."

Tomato claims, "Heard it here first, plague doesn't worship short kings"

Nameless says, "The point is that for returning players, there's no system in place beyond 'post a
note and hope there's a slot open when someone on staff reads it. And with mages being very popular,
the likelihood of that being the case is very very slim"

Ghed claims, "Regardless we don't have policy to 'hold up slots' to someone who may never come back"

Crownling muses, "5'6? boy you built like a reese's packet"

Serket says, "I am sympathetic to the issue itself, but I really don't think that there's a better
way to do 'first come first serve'. Even if we do it applications like nobles, we still get nobles
who vanish all the time"

Titania claims, "Y'all need to drink your milk how's a Vavardi girl making you all look like

Ruby says, "I'm tall for my race."

Serket states, "At least FCFS gets someone on grid and playing, and if they go inactive, its just a

plague states, "I think Sue had a topic btw, we are coming up on time"

Nameless says, "We do yes but that's because nobles are, let's face it, much more boring to play
than mages for most players"

plague says, "I don't mean to rush this convo though, it's important. Just making note of it"

Titania claims, "Yeah, let's get to Sue"

Deedee states, "Anyway, I think it's ultimately up to staff. I'm sure they can make exceptions if
warranted to return a character even if that puts it over the mage cap. Case by case. I don't mind."

Deedee claims, "Yeah, good to move on."

Brando says, "I see nothing wrong with the first come first served process when it comes to
acquiring mage status ok"

Crownling says, "Hey im up after nameless dorks"

plague says, "I can see the arguments for first come first serve at the end of the day. Someone
misses out, and it might well be me"

Serket states, "I have heard that codedly its actually hard to put someone as a mage if there's not
slots, it breaks it"

Deedee claims, "If there's time"
Edison is now idling.

Edison is no longer idle.
(AFK) mode removed.

Motherof states, ",is taking notes."

Bishaar states, "The advantage of the seal items is you can give them to someone else without giving
them your mail profile."

Deedee states, "You actually can edit them in the POLCA to add your name and such if needed."

Ghed claims to Crownling, "It doesn't seem like it's the right move right now, but a GM
jeweler/artist could make a killing if they advertised this service"

Deedee claims, "And remains free"

Bishaar claims, "Guild seals, treasury seals, etc."

Crownling nods.

Ghed queries to Sue, "You had a topic? quickity-quick?"

Leta says, "Maybe this can serve as a reminder to seek out your local GM jewelers for seals"

Nameless states, "Artists also make a killing by copying books for cheap"

Sue claims, "It's a short one; Ghed I know the dark cloaks are a little mad I slapped their peepees
so easily last time but I think they might be a little overtuned. If I am correct they have like 90
in all stats and 75 in all combat skills, and while I understand not wanting me to Doom 64 them (I
am going to do this anyway) when they get bad enough we've formed a posse to go clear them out and a
guy 1v4ing the Grand Master of the Knights (gm sword), the Earl Marshall (gm sword), me (champion of
axe) and the the Lady Justiciar (m sword)... they're pretty tanky... constant misses or light hits."

Deedee nods at Leta.

Ghed nods at Nameless.

Sue claims, "Tl;dr darkcloaks more like Skyrim Thieves' Guild Super Assassins Terminator 1984 and
not yokels with rusty maces. 75 in combat skills and 90 in stats seems a overtuned when they can
easily handle 1v3s and 1v4s. "

Ghed claims, "At last"

Ruby muses, "Here's a question, could you run an RPA plot to get more Reeves NPCs on the grid that
fight the darkcloaks?"

Ghed states, "The hillbeast defeated"

Titania claims, "My god"

Sue claims, "I arrested 21 of them"

Sue states, "Don't test me"

Leta grins.

Sue trails off, "21 this time...."

plague asks, "Excuse me - can we make the darkcloaks stronger?"

Nameless says, "Sue next time you fight one i will be watching cuz i wanna see the misses"

Ruby states, "When are we getting a boss darkcloak named Ghedd."

Titania states, "100 in all stats."

Nameless claims, "And yes lets make them hit harder and do like, 50 damage a hit instead of 20
against plate"

Tomato claims, "I've walked past them without incident so they are really only dangerous if you walk
in on them"


plague states, "110 in all stats, really"

Titania claims, "Champion of all combat."

Woodes says, "They are evolving."

Nameless says, "Honestly I TRIED to get a dark cloak to harass me but he just would not do it"

Tomato states, "Like ABW always be walkin, no issues, full purse"

Deedee nods.

Sue says, "They focus on people who are visually wealthy"

Sue claims, "Wizards wear potato sacks"

Deedee says, "I've never had one cause me trouble"

Nameless claims, "I was wearing very wealthy stuff"

Sue says, "What money you got"

Nameless states, "And a prestige item"

Ghed :

Nameless claims, "And had a BUNCH of money on me"

Titania states, "I have literally never been stopped by one and I rock around in gold and glamour"

Ghed claims, "That's my life bar"

Ikeala queries, "How many QP to get a custom insult from them like the Hillbeast?"

Nameless says, "Uhhh"

Nameless states, "I cast lightning bolt at ghed"

Ghed states to Sue, "I'll take a look at their stats but no promises"

Bishaar says, "That's kind of a short life bar."

Titania states to Ghed, "First mistake of DMing-- if you give it a life bar, the players will kill

Tomato wonders, "I think Bishaar had a second topic, no?"

Himbopotamus is idle.

Ghed states to Ikeala, "Go arrest 50 like Sue did"

Sue states, "That's fine I'm going to keep beating them senseless anyway"

Woodes states, "They beat me up in my chargen gear, which is by design amorphous."

Sue says, "But they're just really tanky"

Tomato says, "Do we have time to touch on that before sending back"

Bishaar declaims, "I do!"

Sue trails off, "I've now arrested 71 of them..."

Ikeala ponders.

Deedee claims, "Time's up"

Ghed nods.

Nameless trails off, "Them being tanky but not really being able to significantly damage you
seems... a bit off"

Titania wonders, "At 100 do they just run away from her?"

Ghed says to Bishaar, "Closing arguments, your second topic, anyone who wants to leave, send me a

Deedee claims, "Dunno, sounds about the same as southside reeves."

Sue claims, "They do significant damgae unless ur in plate"

Nameless says, "Especially cuz you cant make them hit harder or they'd slap non combat players
aroudn hard"

Bishaar exclaims, "Okay!"

Deedee claims, "Err"

Trogdor is idle.

Deedee says, "Southside thugs"

Nameless states, "Yeah but what combat pc ISNT in plate amirite"

Bishaar states, "My second topic of the day is the @f command. I am a merchant! I do merchant

I would like to be able to put my fancy, xterm-colored strings into board notes, extended
descriptions (like smells), mail 'sketches' to patrons, and include colored strings in plot messages
without me (or, more typically, someone else) using @f and breaking it.

See, @f respects the OG 16-bit colors, but it treats the xterm color code characters as text for the
purposes of snipping at 80-character lines, so you end up with very weird-looking empty spaces on
lines that have them."

Deedee claims, "(same thing)"

Leta says to Bishaar, "Known bug, on the list."

Bishaar states, "Okay! That's all, we can all go home."

Deedee nods at Leta.

Leta grins.

Ghed declares, "Okay!"

Woodes declares, "I didn't know this!"

Tomato says, "That is an annoying bug"

Titania declaims, "Send me back, scottie!"

Crownling trails off, "Before we go..."

Ghed wonders to Crownling, "Yeah?"


Titania declaims, "Also: Everyone, don't log off quite yet!"

Deedee claims, "Workaround meanwhile"

Ikeala says, "Otherwise if you put things in the ASCII art brackets it won't @f them."

Crownling stands up.

Crownling holds an aerodynamic banana-cream hand pie, with extra heavy whip in her hand.

Leta claims, "We've tried like 2 different fixes already, for some reason some systems are still
counting xxterm values as characters"
Motherof waves.

Titania states, "OH NO"

Crownling states, "Aw"

Nameless says, "If you're about to throw another grenade im out of here."

Leta says, "Makes me sad"

Titania claims, "OH GOD"

Deedee claims, "Do your @f before adding color codes, and then add them."

Crownling claims, "I couldnt throw it"

Crownling stops using an aerodynamic banana-cream hand pie, with extra heavy whip.

Titania says, "Flip it at ghed"

Crownling gives an aerodynamic banana-cream hand pie, with extra heavy whip to Ghed.

Ghed claims, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
meaningful RP =)"

Charmin muses, "Event upcoming???"

Ghed claims, "PLEASE CNOTE"

Ikeala says, "Yeah I've realized that also seems to cause some folks names to break in the OOC

plague states, "Oh"

plague declaims, "Item!"

plague claims, "Gimme ITEM"

Sue says, "Cnote quick i have killed every dark cloak in lithmore city"

Crownling gives an aerodynamic banana-cream hand pie, with extra heavy whip to plague.

plague says, "Ty"

Leta has created a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling[10].

Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to plague.

Nameless says, "Cnote quick i have sent 100 dark cloak assassins to kill sue"

Grasshopper trails off, "Item..."

Sue claims, "I've already beaten 71 of them"

Ghed says, "Have a lovely weekend and week folks"

plague states, "Ty"

Deedee waves.

Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."

Crownling waves to Ghed.

Nameless claims, "100 on top of the other 71"

Titania says, "Cnote quick I have hired 500 Knights of the Rock to arrest all wizards"

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to Grasshopper.

trogdor is no longer idle.
Trogdor has returned from AFK.

Grasshopper states, "Thank you.."

Ghed trails off, "1..."
Leta gives a gooey wee sweetmeat corpse with sticky strawberry filling to trogdor.

Nameless says, "Cnote quick i have dominated the king and he is now subservient to me"

Brando waves

Leta states, "If I missed anyone lmk via tell"

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