Log of OOC Meeting 2023-07-01

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Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:22 am

 Ghed states, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed states, "I'll begin"

Ghed states, "Slow week for me, looks like staff has taken care of most things. I fixed a glitchy
 knight script and did the usual requests and recommends, but it was a light load"

Ghed says, "Temi is gonna be away for a few days but she left everything depending on her ready or

Ghed queries to Leta, "What about you?"

Leta states, "I had a slow week. I think after 3 weeks of this plot my brain caught the Wasting and
 started trying to decay"

Ghed states, "Aw yeah, it had a lot of stuff going on"

Leta states, "Working wrap up lose ends with this plot, follow-up with people and clean up the
 story a touch. Thank you everyone for your patience with me <3"

Leta claims, "Otherwise just the usual questions, requests and the like."

Brando gasps again and worries about Leta

Ghed nods.

Ghed states, "Thanks for all the work"

Ghed muses to Ilena, "What about you?"

Borya states, "UNderstandable really. My brain has also rotted a bit."

Ikeala queries, "Are plots or boards the best way to ask about loose end stuffs?"

Ghed says, "(eurus did a million little fixes and improvements, visible under help news)"

Ilena declaims, "I went over a ton of requests and recommends, and got to approve a bunch of new
 lore players submitted for grid!"

Konaa says to Leta, "Thanks for all your hard work"

Ghed declaims, "I saw! It's great!"

Ghed has transferred HIEROPHANT.  [OOC]

Konaa trails off, "Whoa new lore...sick"

HIEROPHANT claims, "I see someone brought their horse to the meeting."

Solus says, "Love city lore. Love it."

Leta claims to Ikeala, "Plots are likely best at this juncture, but I have some outstanding RPA
 stuff I'll try to follow up with"

Ikeala nods.

Ghed nods.

Ghed wonders, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

Solus faceplants.

Konaa states, "Quiet.  Mostly just been doing rp related to character's personal life and struggles"

Tomato says, "Extremely Engaging, I only wish I had more time to talk to more peopel"

Konaa says, "Header cooldown, I suspect"

DrHimbopotamus says, "A bit blah to be honest, just... too much drama."

Sue says, "I'm old"

DrHimbopotamus states, "Yeah, need cooldown."

Leta nods.

Solus claims, "It's sure been. I've been gone for a few days while dealing with a few things IRL
 (literally EVERYTHING happened this week) and metaphorically pouring cold water on my brain."

Sue claims, "Leta sucked my youth out for her youth potions"

AlleyGirl claims, "RP has been alright."

Brando states, "I had fun becoming active again ... thanks to all those involved in the plague plot
 for helping me achieve that status. "

Ikeala says, "There's been some ups and downs on various fronts."

Solus muses, "Nothing like having somebody under your floorboards by surprise, am I right?"

Konaa says, "You just look like how you've been on the inside the whole time now"

Borya states, "I have been trying to get off the wild ride but I get pulled in on occasion anyway.
 but at least I'm not having crazy RP hours anymore and doing other things this week"

AlleyGirl states, "I let everyone else traipse behind my wall and under my floor boards. But, all i

Ghed says, "It's important to find balance"

Ghed says, "At the end of the day you can step back and take care of IRL; TI will still be here"

Ghed nods.

Brando nods

Ghed wonders, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

Brando shakes his head

Solus claims, "... I got nothing."

Ghed states, "Alrighty"

Ghed claims, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed declares, "I don't think I have any topics registered!"

HIEROPHANT claims, "I have a fairly simple one in mind."

Tomato says, "Uhhh I have something but its probably better as a bug baord lol"

Solus trails off, "Yeah, I still need to make a bug board for something I found a week or two

Ghed muses to HIEROPHANT, "Yep?"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Put simply, uh. Not having any OOC control over when a child arrives can lead
 to a bummer moment if the coded date for it is at, like, three in the morning. I was thinking it
 might be good for scheduling purposes for IC families to have like, a 24 hour buffer where the mom
 can choose when that scene happens?

Maybe it's infrequent enough to not matter, but I figured I'd bring it up."

DrHimbopotamus says, "Ooh, I like that."

Leta says, "We allow people to change the time of day the baby is born for QP"

HIEROPHANT says, "Oh, okay."

Leta declaims, "So that already exists!"

Brando states, "Thats nice"

Tomato states, "In the singular time it mattered for me, we uh, sorta rp'd the birth because the
 baby popped into inventory overnight i think"

Leta nods at Tomato.

Leta claims, "Yep. That's also a totally fine route to take things"

Sue says, "The beauty of motherhood"

Sue exclaims, "You open a chest and the Zelda music plays and it goes 'You got Baby!'"

AlleyGirl says to Tomato, "Yeah. Happened offline, did the scene later anyway with the people who
 wanted to be involved."

Borya claims, "Da baby"

Tiberius says, "Where.... where do..? nevermind."

HIEROPHANT says, "It's not a huge deal. I don't think you can codedly die instantaneously in
 childbirth here? I dunno, just a little QOL thing. If it's a QP tax then sure."

Konaa claims, "Baby as inventory item should probably not crack me up, it makes perfect sense"

Leta says, "I threw a baby away on accident once."

Konaa states, "Bruh"

Sue states, "Wh"

HIEROPHANT states, "Just be careful when junking things"

Borya states, "Babies are objects and that makes me want to throw them"

Sue states, "What"

AlleyGirl says, "Just never finalize it. >.> Have to retool it to make it older."

Sue states, "Leta"

Borya states, "Good job leta"

DrHimbopotamus states to Leta, "By 'accident' yeah"

Leta grins at DrHimbopotamus.

Solus says, "Leta revolutionizes the concept of a dumpster baby, colorized."

Tomato says, "Leta: damn this baby sucks"

Borya trails off, "Yeahhhhhh acciiiident..."

AlleyGirl claims, "Pretty sure one has been sent by messenger at least once in the past."

Ghed states to HIEROPHANT, "You can't die in childbirth"

Ghed says, "I did RP once a player who liquidated through dying in childbirth"

Borya muses, "too tired of baby? just send it to someone else by messenger"

Brando laughs and then sighs

Leta claims, "I do also have a bin full of old PC babies somewhere."

Leta states, "NOT STOLEN. I SWEAR."

Borya claims, "uh-huh"

Tiberius says, "Ahwwwww"

HIEROPHANT states, "Codedly, anyway, yeah. I mean it's a thing that happens in-setting, but."

AlleyGirl states, "Can concur that Leta hoards all of the bebes."

Brando gasps and the laughs

Ikeala states, "Leave them at the Wishing Well. We do pickups on Thursdays."

Tomato states, "You just hoard them after they go away and are remade as npc children"

Leta nods at Tomato.

Leta trails off, "I always feel really bad whenever we take the objects... like I don't want to
 UNLOAD them, they're so cute..."

Paprika queries, "So can you have someone play your kid if your character lives long enough for
 them to grow up?"

Solus states, "So THAT'S the third orphanage on the map."

Leta nods at Paprika.

Konaa states to Leta, "Is this like the equivalent of having baby pictures"

Sue claims, "Eat baby"

Sue states, "Eat baby"

Sue states, "Eat baby"

Borya says, "EAT BABY"

Borya claims, "EAT BABY"

Tiberius states, "Eat baby @taste"

Tomato trails off, "Yeah the usual staff method to delete an item is to eat it so..."

HIEROPHANT states, "Yeah. It takes, uh. Four and a half IRL years, due to the 1:4 timescale, but
 you can."

Paprika did eat a baby once on another mud. The baby was a restrung food item and I couldnt exist.

Brando says, "I intend on making my characters child a full character when they come of age. gotta
 save some RPXP for that occasion eh."

Solus is very, VERY concerned about Paprika. 

Leta eats a swaddled, pale baby boy with short, dark cocoa curls.

Borya says, "LMFAO"

Borya states, "SHE REALLY DID IT"

Leta states to Sue, "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW"

Borya states, "I'm crying"

Ghed muses to HIEROPHANT, "Okay, lol, is your concern addressed?"

Tiberius claims, "I can't unsee that"


Konaa says, "I'm.  Okay."

Borya claims, "whose baby is that"

Leta states to Tomato, "It was the prince."

Ghed claims to Leta, "Hey you just ate the prince"

Leta grins.

Ghed says, "I strung that one"

Konaa claims, "DAV SAVE US."

Sue states, "EAT THE BABY"


DrHimbopotamus states, "New plot I'm into it"

Brando laughs heartily and then sighs "i am going to the abyss for that lol"

Leta says, "Next plot who tis"

Tomato claims, "Good thing the queen's back from her tantrum, she gotta make another one"

Leta grins at DrHimbopotamus.

Ghed chuckles

Ghed asks, "Any other topics for discussion?"

Solus claims, "I have a staff question in the lighthearted sense."

Ghed states, "Go ahead"

Solus asks, "What's each of y'all's favorite strings you've ever seen?"

Brando claims, "Yes please i have a question ok"

Leta states, "Sometimes I turn the string subchannel on just to watch people make really
 yummy-appearing food."

Paprika claims, "The red butterfly one himbo did."

Sue claims, "I hope you didn't have it on when I retooled the entire Reeve HQ"

Sue claims, "Watching me spam "

Ghed claims, "I don't remember, mostly food"

Leta says, "A player also made staff valentines once"

Leta says, "That was sweet <3"

Solus claims, "I feel like staff probably has a passion for food."

Leta grins.

Borya states, "there is one single object in the game that is definitively my favourite. it's the
 cutest thing ever"

Leta states, "Probably."

HIEROPHANT states, "I like mine a lot. Ikeala over there has a pretty cool one. I'm a fan of once I
 made recentl-

Oh, wait, you mean which strings are staff's favorite, not your favorite stringing of -a staff-."

Tomato says, "Staff know my favorite item, its infamously something taken off of a prison"

Tomato states, "Prisoner"

Leta grins at Tomato.

Sue claims, "Hierophant you regularly string items that are a crime against nature"

Leta says, "AH"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Yeah I'm proud of it."

Leta claims, "I have an answer: Eiphraem's lantern."

Konaa states, "That's embarrassing, you can see me not know how the string-"


Sue states, "NO"

Konaa claims, "Leta."

Tomato states, "Nooooo"

Paprika pontificates, "AUUUUGH!"

Ghed says, "I'm bad at stringing, I let Leta do it"

Borya says, "OH M GOD"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Sue, go make the lantern I sent you."

Borya states, "THE LANTERN"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Make the wee woo lantern."

Borya says, "i need to steal it from eiphraem that lantern is a crime"

Ghed says, "It's got attitude"

Ghed claims, "I should slap an ad on the lantern"

Sue claims, "Oh you mean a Scales-handled glass lantern with red and blue-hued panes"

Borya claims, "AHGGHHGHGHGG"

HIEROPHANT states, "Yeah that one."

Ghed claims, "Ow"

Konaa claims, "Why are you so full of hate"

Brando states, "Whoever strung my characters childs outfit ... excellent work in my opinion. cheers"

Tomato says, "Awful warcrimes"

Sue claims, "THIS IS THE POLICE"

HIEROPHANT says, "Police lantern. Wee woo."

Sue says, "Turns my lantern on and off again"

Sue says, "PULL OVER"

Ghed states, "I can hear the helicopter rotor above us"

Ikeala says, "Actually, talking about things with fun strings."

Ghed claims, "In this medieval setting"

Ikeala states, "And food."

Tomato says, "Your GTA stars rating goes up to 4 as you gallop away"

Ghed laughs

Sue states, "GUN GUN GUN"

Brando laughs

Borya says, "do not give sue a musket"

Sue claims, "Firearm reeve guildskill please"

Sue says, "Thanks"

Sue states, "I want to strap 12 pistols to my chest"

Tomato states, "Thats called mattack, git gud"

Sue states, "frak you wizards you can't cast magic when I cast bullet"

Paprika says, "I just want a bandolier filled with hotdogs."

HIEROPHANT claims, "Oh yeah speaking of food. Um. Be careful you don't mix up @taste and @eat, or
 you will telepathically transmit the food's flavors into everyone else's mind when it's eaten.
 Just a little. tidbit for any aspiring chefs in here."

Solus trails off, "Psychic paprika..."

Brando states, "Hmmm spicy thoughts eh"

Brando grins wickedly

HIEROPHANT claims, "Also, I am twice as likely to buy what you make if it has @taste but also
 @smell on it. Odorless wine makes me sad."

Ikeala wonders, "But when new fun things are added for events etc, any thought about them being
 added to the random Metrics import rotation?"

HIEROPHANT queries, "Can you give a specific example?"

Ikeala states, "Talking about cool things with epic strings."

Konaa says, "This is why I can't play a cook.  I don't know how to describe taste or smell"

AlleyGirl states, "I always add a smell. >.> To like, EVERYTHING that's edible."

Konaa states, "I am straining to play a guy who does art at all"

Tomato says, "Most of the seasonal rares return with the seasonal guys"

Leta says to Ikeala, "I add some rares into rotation, but I want to keep others as specials I can
 pull from for future events"

Ikeala nods.

Tomato hoards his lavender hair powders

Leta nods.

Solus claims, "I will say, now I'm wondering if anybody's ever like. Tried to attempt the Medieval
 Food Cart."

VivaLaVictoria loves her carniverous plant.

Solus says, "That sounds really funny."

Leta claims to Solus, "Indeed."

Ikeala says, "We have someone right now who has one."

HIEROPHANT claims, "There is a character on grid that sells food out of a cart."

Leta nods at Ikeala.

Brando adds smell to cloak "dusty musty scent"

Tomato states, "You can set up a shop or you can just RP gimme money for stuff"

Ikeala muses, "Talking about there, where did random trader guy go?"

Ikeala queries, "Is he still bumming around somewhere?"

Ghed states, "Some of you make such good food strings that you make me want to try new things"

HIEROPHANT claims, "People are -still- eating Bimbly's sausages."

Borya says, "ive me sosig"

Solus claims, "Sosig"

Solus trails off, "... Sosig..."

HIEROPHANT claims, "I mean it helps that I made 250 of them and threw them all over the place but

Brando will make more blood sausages soon

Ikeala claims, "Even if no one should question why he wanted all those scorpion fish parts, for
 something wholesome I'm certain."

HIEROPHANT states, "Don't ask what's in the sausages."

Borya claims, " whats in them"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Sausages."

Tiberius claims, "Random trader became the undertaker after a midlife crisis"

Ghed states, "I'm not sure what's happened to that one"

HIEROPHANT muses, "Can NPCs who wander into nasty places die from lethal diseases?"

Ghed states, "For some reason he's not on grid"

Ghed claims, "No"

Solus says, "Very aggressive no there."

Ghed claims, "In fact the tradesman is immune to disease"

Ghed claims, "Sorry"

Ghed claims, "I was checking things"

Tomato says, "(its because your text is red)"

HIEROPHANT states, "He is too powerful for the likes of flu."

Borya states, "evil text"

Leta claims to Ghed, "Yeah Ghed, rude."

Borya claims, "no"

Ghed smiles.

Ghed says, "Sorry, long day"

Ghed questions, "Alright, looks like weeeee are out of topics, would you like to discuss anything
 else or should I send y'all back to grid?"

Brando says, "I have a small topic pls"

Brando claims, "Its a simple question"

Leta queries to Brando, "What's up?"

Ghed states to Brando, "Yeah what's up =)"

Brando states, "Can staff alter ones remember list? I accidentally remembered a fellow character as
 Mister when they are a she. * sad face * i dont know how to undo that sorry."

Solus states, "Remember rename, iirc."

HIEROPHANT states, "You can edit it yourself, though I admite help remember is a bit confusing"

Brando claims, "Ahhh ok i will try that command. cheers"

Ghed nods.

AlleyGirl claims, "You have to remember rename - if it's more than one name, you have to put quotes
 around it. So like, remember "Mister So and So" rename Miss So and So"

Tomato says, "Hate it when my misters turn into women"


Ghed claims, "In my 1st alt I remembered the same name for 3 individuals including one horse"

HIEROPHANT exclaims, "Right, I did have a complaint! I just remembered just now!"

Ghed says, "This is not an exaggeration"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Paper envelopes can't be consigned."

Tiberius claims, "Lol I made some mistakes too when I first started using remember"

Ghed states, "Containers can't be consigned no"

HIEROPHANT claims, "This makes it difficult to send ominous postage."

AlleyGirl claims, "After being used as mail, they will decay. Eventually."

AlleyGirl says, "I think 30 IC days."

Leta nods at AlleyGirl.

Tomato states, "Yeah even the non-decay stuff like canvas boxes decay I found lmao"

Sue claims, "The fleshpocket"

Brando asks, "Can one junk mail via staff help using QP to pay for it?"

Solus trails off, "Containers, maybe? Mail you can just..."

Borya wonders, "Wait canvas boxes decay....?"

Solus makes a gesture of 'whoosh'.

Tomato claims, "Only if they're sent in the mail"

Paprika claims, "They sure do"

AlleyGirl says, "Yeah, if used as a package for mail, decay will happen no matter the type."

Tomato states, "They don't decay on their own, I do believe"

Borya claims, "oh i see"

AlleyGirl states, "If not used for mail, the canvas ones last for-ev-er."

Tiberius states, "Interesting"

Ikeala says, "I think the thing is when envelopes are put in a box with something else so they are
 never technically 'used'"

Tiberius states, "Sry have to go"

Tiberius stands up.

Tiberius begins to descend.

Tiberius leaves down.

HIEROPHANT says, "Well okay. This does not solve my issue of wanting to send someone let's say, ah,
 very distinctive mail."

Tomato says, "If you send it with their name on it, yeah junking it won't work, if you send someone
 just a generic Sanctum envelope, that should be fine"

HIEROPHANT states, "But then they can't get rid of the envelope. Because it has their mail alias on
 the envelope."

AlleyGirl claims, "You could label it."

AlleyGirl states, "And then, they can remove the label."

HIEROPHANT claims, "All mail objects you send attach the alias you sent it to, onto the item."

Tomato asks, "Does it really? That's news to me"

AlleyGirl questions, "Not envelopes?"

HIEROPHANT states, "It shows up if you check it with tool show."

Brando states, "Mages should have mage mail envelopes that fly to the recipient eh? an envelope
 with wings. "

AlleyGirl claims, "Oh, I see."

HIEROPHANT states, "Which, I mean, that's what secondary mail profiles are for, but it's very
 strange you can't burn an empty envelope. There is the recycling recipe in artwork, but you need
 three envelopes for that."

Tomato says, "Could tool show be disabled for stuff sent via mail because I recall there were some
 issues with it being used ON MAIL"

Ikeala states, "Tool show working on mail also lets folks translate stuff without the language."

HIEROPHANT states, "Don't do that."

Brando gasps

Tomato states, "If this is specifically an abuse of the tool show command, it is LARGELY a policy
 issue anyways, so maybe finding a way to disable the command for specific things"

DrHimbopotamus states, "OH HEY that reminds me what I've wanted to ask for weeks"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Can tool show show you the colors of the long desc"

DrHimbopotamus claims, "Not only the short"

Paprika states, "That would be so nice"

Ikeala trails off, "I mean if you do that and show off to folks you randomly translated that letter
 in Eld, I assume eventually nature will work itself out but ... "

DrHimbopotamus claims, "If you have a bunch of items strung with the same long and it's colored,
 and you want to collapse others into it, it's a nightmare without that."

Leta claims to DrHimbopotamus, "Can add that to the list"

Leta claims, "Eurus added keywordlock and tool all.<object> clone this week."

HIEROPHANT claims, "Himbo - in the meantime I'd advise saving all your strings in a document of
 some kind. Google doc if you play on multiple devices."

HIEROPHANT states, "I have had very mixed results with autotooling. "

HIEROPHANT claims, "But keywordlock is really nice."

Ghed states, "Alright folks, Imma send y'all back"

Tomato claims, "My workaround for matching long desc is to tool clone an existing item and then
 redo the short and the keywords"

Ghed claims, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
 meaningful RP =)"

HIEROPHANT claims, "Ooh, that's smort."

Ikeala waves.

Leta waves.

Brando waves

Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Solus says, "Wee."

AlleyGirl waves.

Ghed trails off, "1..."

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