Log of OOC Meeting 2023-07-22

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:23 pm
Discord Handle: Seert#3092

Sat Jul 22, 2023 5:52 pm

Ghed has transferred Rambling.
A Comfortable Room
A plethora of gaily coloured silk pillows with fringes and tassels
completely conceal the floor. A large pillow in the corner stands out, a
brooding black mass of velvet and fringeless. Screens of nature scenes
painted with the spare strokes of a brush that hint at and outline the
subjects, leaving much to the imagination. Behind the screens, silk
curtains and sheets painted with bright patterns hide the walls, pulled
back only around the windows that pierce the southern and western walls to
look out over a lush garden filled with an untamed riot of plants and

[ Exits: down ] [ Air exits: none ]
Gunn is here.
Paprika is here.
Arthur is here.
Konaa is here.
Temi is here.
Ghed is here.
(WARNING: This is an OOC room. No rpxp is earned in this room, and nothing said or done here is IC.)

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Gunn.

Paprika declaims, "Ooooh!"

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Rambling.

Konaa claims, "Good for keeping warm"

Paprika drinks from a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men.

Temi drops a round earth-tone glazed clay kettle of drinking chocolate.

Arthur says, "This is nice"

Ghed has transferred PositronicJune. [OOC]

Eurus claws his way out of the codebase. [OOC]

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to PositronicJune.

Ghed has transferred Amaranth. [OOC]

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Amaranth.

PositronicJune SCREAMS.

Ghed has transferred Cal. [OOC]

You will no longer see prompts.

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Cal.

Rambling claims, "Oh, look, the snowmen are happy :)"

Temi grins.

Ghed queries, "How's everybody?"

Konaa claims, "RPing Christmas while it's been like 90f outside is giving me some interesting

Rambling claims, "They must be new :)"

Cal declares, "Literally Christmas in July!"

Temi nods in agreement with Cal.

PositronicJune says, "It being autumn in TI makes me think it's autumn in real life"

Ghed says, "Imagine celebrating Christmas in winter"

Arthur declares, "Everything good with me, hosting dnd though so I wont be able to talk too much..
know I'm watching! :)"

Ghed chuckles

Rambling claims, "I WISH it was Autumn irl"

Paprika says OOCly, "I think I celebrated yule right around christmas when i first started playing"

Cal trails off, "Listen here you little...."

[OOC] Paprika: "Oops"

PositronicJune states, "The ID of this room is 69, nice"

PositronicJune claims, "Vnum rather"

Temi nods in agreement with PositronicJune.

Temi states, "I'm guessing someone did that on purpose, a long time ago."

Rambling claims, "Half regret not being around for the last meeting because I would have said
something in response but idk, probably better to let it go."

Particles of light coalesce to form Leta. [OOC]

PositronicJune claims, "How'd a horse get in here"

Leta pets the horse.

PositronicJune pets the horse.

Rambling claims, "Imprisoned for manslaughter and arms trafficking."

Konaa muses, "You know how Caligula made his senator a horse? It's like that"

Ghed has transferred Winifred. [OOC]

Konaa claims, "Or. Other way around. I can talk"

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Winifred.

Temi states, "That's Eurus's horse. It can do whatever it wants."

PositronicJune questions, "How A horse made Caligula his senator?"

Temi nods.

Ghed pontificates, "Alright!"

Rambling wonders, "Calgiula turned a senator into a horse? Magey ngl"

Ghed states, "Sorry I'm cooking"

Ghed asks, "Before we begin, folks, here's a reminder of the OOC Chat Pact: Everyone on TI does the
best they can, given what they know at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources
available, and the situation at hand. We will be respectful of this and each other at all times."

Today's Agenda is:
- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics

Is there anything anyone would like to add to the agenda to make certain we discuss it today? If you
register a topic, please pre-write it so you're ready to present it when called upon.

Finally, who wants to scribe for today?"

Rambling claims, "I'll scribe"

PositronicJune exclaims, "Let this Ghed cook!"

Ghed nods at Rambling.

Ghed claims to Rambling, "Thank you"

Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed says, "If you have a topic, let me know and pre write it please"

Ghed has transferred Elias. [OOC]

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Elias.

Elias says, "Oh, Yuletime, happy Yule, TI players"

Ghed declaims, "Alright!"

Leta waves.

Ghed waves to Elias.

PositronicJune claims, "Happy fictional christmas"

Ghed claims, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed declaims, "This week I workshopped a total overhaul for Ahalin. We're still fine tuning it but
it should correct the known issues and make it fair for both sides once it's out. Can't give details

Ghed states, "An overhaul of the policy and rescue systems, not the building itself"

Temi nods in agreement.

Ghed exclaims, "I'm sorry that this took so long. Sometimes things aren't as obvious for those on
the other side!"

Temi claims, "Building is fine, for now."

Ghed declares, "Other than that -- no policy this week! Yay!"

PositronicJune asks, "Rescue as in, escaping from Ahalin?"

Ghed declares, "And no recommends either! Boo!"

Ghed nods at PositronicJune.

PositronicJune muses, "No recommends?"

Ghed asks, "Like... 1 maybe?"

Konaa states, "I am behind on my recs it's true. A lot of stuff's been slipping my mind"

Rambling claims, "Ahalin's days as a funny tower are numbered."

Leta declaims, "People recommended after last night's reminder!"

PositronicJune claims, "Hey I submitted some recommends"

Leta says, "Now there's some in the queue"

Ghed states, "Basic requests, approved a new book, answered some player concerns, and that's pretty
much it"

Ghed states, "Oh oh oh good"

Winifred exclaims, "Reminder that you can recommend staff, too!"

Ghed states, "Goes to show you I didn't check, lol"

Winifred declaims, "I learned this myself by doing it!"

Ghed exclaims, "And you can recommend yourself!"

PositronicJune says, "Why would I recommend staff they suk >:("

Winifred declares, "Narcissus was very fond of that one!"

Ghed says, "Lol it's fine to rec oneself"

Ghed asks of Temi, "And how about you?"

Rambling states, "I recommend myself for being real cool. Staff rejects it. They need more evidence.

Temi states, "No big process myself. A little bit of requests and typos and such, but majority of
my time has been on RL and IC"

Temi nods at Ghed.

Ghed nods.

Ghed states, "That's alright, we're having a slower week"

Ghed queries to Leta, "Do you want to add anything?"

Ghed says, "Maybe she's busy, no biggie"

Leta says, "I was pretty broadly useless, I'm afraid. Mostly helping with leftover policy and specs,
answering a few questions, implementing some burnout recovery after a few hectic weeks both IRL and
in-game. I did add the holiday hawker to grid in time for Yule, however! And I have lots on my to-do

Ghed declaims, "Oh oh sorry!"

Ghed claims, "You're never useless"
Leta pontificates to Ghed, "RUDE!"

Ghed cowers

Leta grins.

Leta claims, "That's all"

Ghed questions to Eurus, "What about you, big guy?"

Eurus claims, "I coded things in help news"

Ghed declaims, "That's right! very light injuries no longer bleed!"

Ghed declaims, "And you can get drunk more easily at last!"

Temi says, "The real quality of life changes"

Ghed fingerguns Temi

PositronicJune muses, "For how long did backstabbing do nothing of value?"

Leta states, "Just in time for Yule"

Winifred states, "Clearly, the new injury mechanics require testing. Let's nuke Lawfulness so the
Reeves can be our focus group."

Winifred nods.

Ghed clears his throat

Cal states, "I will be conducting UAT on the drink code at the Yule"

Ghed wonders to PositronicJune, "Do you really want to know?"

Leta claims to PositronicJune, "As far as I know it wasn't USELESS, just... not that useful. Now
it's way useful"

PositronicJune states to Ghed, "Yes"

Ghed claims, "What leta said"

Ghed states to Eurus, "Thanks for your work, mate, as usual =)"

PositronicJune says, "Stab time"

Winifred queries, "I was told at one point that backstabs pierced armor-- Was that not true?"

Ghed looks at Eurus at that.

Eurus states, "Doesnt sound true"

Konaa states, "You say that like I'm not playing a character who would backstab"

PositronicJune says, "Someone make a silk-wearing tabac-smoking Vavardi gentleman who sneaks around
and backstabs people"

Rambling says, "That IS a character and he's busy elsewhere afaik."

Winifred declaims, "I have been misinformed! Armor is impenetrable!!"

Ghed wonders, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

Leta claims to Winifred, "At least not by MUNDANE means"

Paprika claims, "Weird"

PositronicJune claims, "I don't know how I'm in the top ten activity on two characters"

Winifred states, "I am currently in the middle of a move, on an OOC and IC level! It has somewhat
shot my availability over the past few days, and that hasn't been helped with my SSD going kaput and
taking all my string data with it."

Temi comforts Winifred.

Rambling claims, "There was a moment there where I wanted to come on and backhand people but the
moment has passed. Now I'm just vibing and discovering the joys of"

Rambling checks script...

Rambling says, "Wintergreens"

PositronicJune says, "Whom"

Leta grins at Rambling.

Konaa says, "Still trying to cut back on hours just to get into better habits. Been having some
stuff going on IRL that makes it a bit hard to get motivated here and there, but you can always
message me at konaa on Discord if you need Fynn for anything, or if you just want to say hey, I'm
very open to that.

As for in game stuff, small things. Got to 700 rph. Reached Master artwork. tooled a lot of

Leta questions, "You like my wintergreens???"

Leta nods at Konaa.

Paprika says, "I like the wintergreens."

Rambling says, "I have already crammed them into something that may show up soon."

Temi grins.

PositronicJune asks, "The people you wanted to backhand??"

Rambling claims, "Don't worry about it."

Amaranth says, "Lol"

PositronicJune wonders, "You crammed them into what?"

Cal claims, "The people who needed back handing "

Rambling says, "The time has passed and things have probably been handled, last couple weeks before
this one were agonizing. And I'm talking about Wintergreens June."

Rambling states, "Funny little item, get yours today."

Ghed has transferred Clood. [OOC]

Leta waves to Clood.

PositronicJune says, "Lol I know :p"

Leta states to Paprika, "<3"

Clood declaims, "Hi!"

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to Clood.

Ghed nodsnodsnods

Ghed questions, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

PositronicJune drinks from a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men.

Clood drinks from a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men.

PositronicJune drinks from a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men.

Rambling says, "Well, as I said, the bothersome stuff is passed so... no, nothing bothering me
except actually, one question."

Ghed questions, "Yep?"

Amaranth says, "Repeatedly bringing it up is not helping :)"

Amaranth says OOCly, "Just saying."

Rambling asks, "Do things just despawn sometimes come rollover? In rooms where street sweepers can't

Ghed says, "Not if they have no IC decay, no"

Ghed says, "There are some off grid rooms with items from like 15 years ago"

Winifred drinks from a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men.

Clood wonders, "Do ~people~ have IC decay?"

Winifred says, "That's called getting old."

Cal drinks from a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men.

Rambling claims, "Interesting. I may need to complain about this then."

Ghed states, "There's code for aging yes"

Ghed nods.

Ghed states to Rambling, "Please let us know if something is wrong"

Ghed states, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Amaranth declares, "I actually have a topic! If I can be added with time :)"

Ghed queries, "I have no topics registered! Anyone wish to talk about anything? I'll send you back
if not"

Ghed pontificates to Amaranth, "Woudln't you know, you're up!"

Amaranth muses, "Give me a second to type it if you would? :D"

Clood raises a hand, they have a topic too.

Ghed says, "Of course"

Ghed nods at Clood.

Ghed declaims to Clood, "Noted!"

Amaranth says, "This is more of a PSA, but I just want to remind everyone that people on the other
side of the computer screen have feelings! Sometimes someone might not have all the necessary
information to make a judgement on situations. I have read a lot of hurtful things about other
players, myself, friends, and others -- just remember we're all human beings and maybe there is some
critical information that is lacking. This week has been particularly stressful for me, and I just
want to encourage people to be kind to one another. That is all :)"

Ghed nods.

Temi says, "A good reminder"

Winifred nodnods!

Ghed states, "Yes. Kindness and understanding is a good thing, Moving on"

Ghed states, "Bc there's not much else to add to that statement"

Ghed says to Amaranth, "(thanks for bringing it up)"

Ghed queries to Clood, "You had a topic?"

Clood asks, "Considering recent events, if I as a player am trying to do things within a guild but
my playtimes rarely line up with the guildleader- What can I do? Is that just something that calls
for staff help?"

Ghed states, "A good Q"

Ghed claims, "Ideally first try to coordinate OOC through pboards"

Ghed states, "You can also send mail and ask for orders"

Temi nods in agreement with Ghed.

Temi states, "A lot can be done asynchronously"

Winifred claims, "The Order's orders: keep order"

Clood claims, "Ah okay."

Ghed says, "Always remember (not addressing Clood's case in particular) that sometimes guildies are
very active but not when you're online"

Ghed says, "It's so so so easy to think someone is inactive just bc you never see them online"

Ghed exclaims, "I've been guilty of that myself!"

(visnet) Player Anya: Is OOC meeting still happening? Can I come?

Konaa says, "You can mail entire guilds and also address pboards to entire guilds, very helpful"

Clood says, "I know my guildleader is active- I'm just typically home after they get off I think."

Leta has transferred AlleyGirl. [OOC]

Temi gives a ceramic cocoa mug, decorated with snowflakes and snow men to AlleyGirl.

Ghed nods at Clood.

AlleyGirl states, "Thanks."

Ghed declaims to AlleyGirl, "Welcome!"

Clood trails off, "123 miles straight until home..."

Ghed wonders to Clood, "Did we answer your Q?"

Clood declares, "Yep!"

PositronicJune questions, "I got a question. If one of my characters sells something generic to
someone, then another alt buys it from them (and both characters would be doing that anyway), is
that an alt crossover policy violation?"

AlleyGirl asks, "You would be using a go-between to buy from your alt. So, I would say yes?"

Winifred questions, "So, for instance, if you sold leather, and then bought an item made of

Leta states, "We consider purchasing items directly from an alt crossover"

Temi claims, "If it's at standard prices and not pushing for it's availability or anything, should
be fine."

Temi nods at Leta.

Ghed nods.

Ghed queries to PositronicJune, "Did that answer your question?"

Leta states, "Here's the relevant clause from help multilogging:

4. Alts may not financially impact each other. A character may not receive
coins from their alt, even through another character. A character may not
buy items that their alt has created or procured. A character cannot use
items that their alt has donated. A character (or player) may not ask, hint
or encourage another character to purchase items from their alt. In cases of
shared shops, a character may buy items that their alt did not have a hand in
creating, pricing or approving and does not financially benefit from."

PositronicJune says, "I believe so"

Ghed states, "Okay"

Ghed queries, "Do we have any other topics?"

Konaa muses, "I have a thing I'm curious about moreso than a question. Do we know ooc when we're
kicking off Edessa stuff? Or will that be spoiling the surprise?"

Temi claims, "We don't have more solid plans yet than that we are going to do more in that
direction, probably this year"

Konaa states, "Good enough for me, sorry if that was an odd thing to ask"

Konaa says, "Ty"

Ghed says, "It's not, don't worry, it's reasonable to ask"

Arthur states, "I do have a somewhat of a lore question"

Ghed wonders, "But if that's all I can just send you all -- yes? provided it's not a game secret?"

Arthur declares, "Ah no secret, I was wondering about how prevalent flaggulation was within Lithmore
throughout history, a little grim!"

Rambling asks, "You mean self-flagellation or getting whipped in general?"

Arthur states, "Self, sorry."

Ghed states, "Rare and dying out"

Ghed claims, "But not unheard of"

Temi nods at Ghed.

Temi says, "Sounds about right."

Arthur states, "Alrigh that's good to know, thanks."

Winifred declaims, "Heard!"

Ghed nods.

Ghed declaims, "If that's all I'll send you all back to enjoy Yule Faire!"

Rambling claims, "Closing remark."

Ghed muses to Rambling, "Yep?"

Rambling states, "Very general, just your usual shtick."

Rambling claims, "Remember to keep everything IC even if it's tough (including if your character
gets threatened, rejected, or ganked). Be NICE when you are doing the ganking (come on, it's only
polite). Leave moods when you take stuff that isn't yours. Cnote discoveries. Partake in rumors.
Recommend people when they're cool. Tell staff when people are NOT cool. Lower your expectations, we
live in the universe of a novel (kinda) and not a true video game, you can and WILL get owned for
doing goofy stuff.

But most of all go outside sometimes? Take half a day off? Maybe more? idk, be invested enough but
not too much that it's a problem."

Ghed asks, "Stole my thunder didn't ya? Well spoken"

Leta states, "<3 Love y'all. Take care of yourselves. Your IRL health comes first."

Clood says, "Go to a zoo."

Clood says, "They are very fun."

Konaa claims, "I can't, they might try to keep me"

Ghed says, "I haven't gone to a zoo in decades"

Rambling claims, "Play Ultrakill that'll lower your blood pressure (I'm not a doctor)."

Ghed states, "Play Synthetik"

Clood claims, "I have... Many pictures from my trip today."

Ghed sagenods

Rambling says, "Damn, Ghed coming in with Synthetik, I stood no chance."

PositronicJune states, "But Rambliiiiing I can't go outside"

Ghed grins.

Ghed says, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
meaningful RP =)"

Ghed engaging warp drive in 3...

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Eurus is idle.

Ghed trails off, "1..."

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