Log of OOC Meeting 2023-09-23

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:07 am

Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:55 pm

Violet says, "I have a quick topic"

Edison states, "I will"

Edison states, "And am"

Leta grins at Edison.

Leta states, "Efficient."

Ghed claims to Edison, "Thanks"

Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed nods at Violet.

Ghed says to Violet, "Got you"

Ghed says, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed claims, "This week I focused on keeping up with player requests, monitoring the pilgrimage
plot, and otherwise relaxing a bit after my busy last week"

Ghed claims, "I'm gonna move forward with stage 3 of this plot soon. I may work a bit on some fun
for the Sanctum too."

Ghed claims, "To everyone who has been patient with staff, thank you for that. It's appreciated."

Ghed declares, "That's all from me!"

Ghed wonders to Temi, "How about you?"

Temi claims, "No big progress on things still, mainly requests, some recommends and typos and plots.
The usual stuff."

Ghed has transferred Cal. [OOC]

Temi nods at Ghed.

Temi gives some delicate tea cups painted with almond blossom and lily to Cal.

Ghed says, "All welcomed and appreciated, thanks T"

Ghed asks of Leta, "What about you?"

Leta states, "I ended up doing some player mediation, requests and building this week. New phomes
are created, so that was fun! And it was good to talk to folks. I think I did other things, but to
be honest I forget what"

Leta grins.

Leta says, "I need to remember to write things down."

LazyJackal has lost link.
LazyJackal has reconnected.

Leta says, "Oh! I contacted some of our GLs about promoting people. We turned the auto-notes off
since they were annoying, but wanted to make sure that there was still progress. It sounds like
there are new GLs in the pipeline =)"

Ghed pontificates, "Yes! New GLs is crucial and thanks for handling that"

Ghed claims, "Eurus has been gunning down bugs like a pro -- as usual. Even now he plots the murder
of more bugs in his cave."

Eurus claws his way out of the codebase. [OOC]

Ghed claims, "Speak of the devil"

Temi gives some delicate tea cups painted with almond blossom and lily to Eurus.

Dreams says, "Full pardon."

Ghed queries to Eurus, "Wanna share your staff update? It's ok if you'd rather not"

Eurus claims, "Fixed a few bugs, some plot stuff, nothing too interesting"

Ghed says, "Thanks mate"

Ghed asks, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

Dreams states, "Work has been a pain in the butt this week, but I've enjoyed the time I have had."

Paprika says, "I have returned as a Zombie."

Leta grins at Paprika.

Iaka squeaks

Ghed states, "(for those wondering, Padrika was accidentally killed by NPCs)"

Ghed claims, "Anyways"

Rambling says, "My setup has reached a final form that is a bit more comfortable than it was
previous. I've been gaming, gamers. Though I'll admit I don't linger when I hop on."

Ghed claims to Rambling, "That's ok. We'll be here missing you =)"

Viper states to Paprika, "Congrats."

Paprika trails off, "As a side note... wow I've got a lot of xp if Padrika dies again..."

Rambling claims, "Imagine dying. Can't be me."

Rambling rocks back and forth in the corner.

Ghed chuckles

Ghed says, "Not hearing a lot so it looks like it was a quiet week -- and that's alright"

Ghed questions, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

Ghed declares, "Okay, no news is good news!"

Ghed claims, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed asks of Violet, "You had something?"

Ghed claims, "Hm, maybe she's unexpectedly afk"

Rambling questions, "Probably not typed up?"

Ghed says, "Doubt it, Violet usually pre-types. But hey who knows."

Violet claims, "Sorry, family pulled me away. It's pretty straightforward.

There was a conversation about antiques and the woods they are made of between staff and the
Merchants this week. I wondered if staff might consider just removing the specific exotic woods from
the finished antiques? It's pretty boring if every single antique safe is jadewood and every single
liquour cabinet is rosewood. "

Violet states, "Even if staff says 'yeah, it's fine to string a finished antique as a different
wood', it feels like this question has come up over and over. When I was a Merchant GL, I must have
had new players ask it 4-5 times."

Ghed says, "I'm not sure I'm failiar with this issue, or rather, its significance"

Ghed wonders to Temi, "Can I ask for your opinion?"

Violet pontificates, "It's a pretty minor thing so totally now significant, but there weren't many
topics and it came up again so I thought I'd mention it!"

Temi states, "I do feel more comfortable with them being strung as those rare woods if they are
already set as them"

Temi claims, "And then we can have special appraises on them, nice things like that."

Ghed nods.

Ghed claims, "I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing, lol."

Violet says, "As far as I can tell, the special appraises aren't wood specific, right? They're
mostly about the history of the item."

Violet claims, "It definitely reduces the market and the desire for these items as high-level
woodworking bits if every antique cabinet in Lithmore is rosewood and every antique viol is

Violet declaims, "Again, not a big thing, just a silly little thing, but I figured I'd mention it!"

Temi states, "We can discuss about it"

Eurus grabs his net and jumps into the code, ready to go bughunting. [OOC]

LazyJackal queries, "I have a question about that actually if I could ask?"

Ghed nods at Violet.

Ghed declaims, "We'll talk about it then!"

Ghed questions to LazyJackal, "Yep?"

LazyJackal asks, "Were the other woods just not refined back then? I mean using the bloodwood
antique jewelry box as an example, why say can't we have antique nightpine or rosewood jewelry box?
Did the wood just .. not exist in that time period?"

Dreams wonders, "Bloodwood has a rather grisly origin in game, no?"

Rambling states, "Don't worry about it."

Rambling claims, "And please don't let Heirophant take out the folding chair at the meeting again"

Edison claims, "Back in my day we had scrapwood, softwood, and hardwood and that's the way we liked
it >:C"

LazyJackal claims, "I don't mean to argue the point or anything! I am just wondering why the antique
jewelry box couldn't be made out of another wood, just as one example."

Temi states, "It's not that it can't be, it just isn't"

LazyJackal says, "Got it, understood."

Ghed queries, "Alright! We'll discuss this further later. Does anyone have another topic?"

Viper stops using a gold tiger's head ring with an emerald secured in its maw.

Viper wears a gold tiger's head ring with an emerald secured in its maw on his right finger.

Cal says, "I would think all non-coded materials should be interchangeable "

Temi says, "Some of these are available as coded materials"

Zakalwe has lost link.

Gwyn is idle.

Gwyn is no longer idle.
Gwyn has returned from AFK.

Zakalwe has reconnected.

Ghed questions, "Okay, if there are no topics, does anyone want to talk about anything? if not I'll
send you all back to grid for MEETING THE KING"

Edison asks, "When meeting the king for the first time, how deeply should you kiss them on the

Dreams muses, "May I say something-- as gently as humanly possible?"

Leta says, "Best take a bath, put on your finest. No dirty flags in front of His Majesty"

Ghed wonders to Dreams, "Hmmmm?"

Edison makes sure he has the INDECENT flag on

Dreams claims, "Just a quick reminder that people have lives outside of the game. And those lives
can be stressful or non-stressful, full or empty. And sometimes our capacity for playing on TI (come
on now-- it does take some effort to get into character) is not as present as others. I've just been
feeling there's been a lot of activity shaming lately, whether or not things are actually going
undone. And I'd like to remind that we all sometimes need a bit of grace."

Ghed states, "Always a good reminder, yeah"

Ghed says, "I always enjoy, whenever I can't play and have an alt, to send mail to keep things

Rambling says, "I've seen less activity shaming and more what happened in the OOC channel earlier
with very direct rumors which is a topic that has been put to bed weeks and weeks ago, but I see
where you're coming from."

Dreams says, "I'm not referencing that situation at all. More, in the last three months or so,
activity shaming specifically."

Ghed nods.

[OOC] Flower: "Guess who had their time conversion messed up? That's right, me. No ooc meeting for

[OOC] PositronicJune: "Sad!"

OOC channel is now OFF.

Ghed claims, "It's a game. Let's not take it too seriously."

Dreams nods.

Dreams claims, "I am not my characters. Sometimes, after work, I simply don't have the capacity left
to come on and be someone else. And, I know I'm not the only one."

Ghed states, "Absolutely, I wish I had the availability I did when I started here"

Ghed asks, "Okay, I think that sums it up?"

Rambling says, "Yeah I get it. I freqiently don't have the fuel to RP."

Rambling states, "But what I do get in is enjoyable."

Ghed states, "Excellent"

Leta claims, "In general, be kind to one another. This game theme isn't always kind, and we welcome
antagonists and villians and conflicts IC, but we as people and players should always be kind."

Edison finishes abruptly, "Oh - I'm getting a puppy tomorrow, so my online time may decrease as a
result of you not all being puppies"

Ghed says to Edison, "Excellent, enjoy the pupper =)"

Temi states to Edison, "This is only allowed if you share puppy pictures."

LazyJackal says, "Please post puppy pictures thanks :)"

Viper claims, "I watched Strays last night. Funny movie."

Zakalwe states, "Congrats, Edison! And, following on from Leta, something someone told me on Shadows
of Isildur always a decade ago -- in MUDs, if there's two ways to take something, and one offends
you, assume the other person meant it the other way. I like what Ghed said about all of us doing our
best :)"

Ghed says, "I try"

Edison is now pretty up to date with the latest gossip.

Ghed claims, "And with that note I think it's time to go see the King. Remember that this is a high
security place"

Temi says, "There will be a little bit of time for us to get settled in, of course"

LazyJackal says, "Take a bath you're stinky."

Ghed claims, "Of coure"

Zakalwe sniffs himsef.

Over time, Edison's facial hair looks less tidy.

A comb is drawn carefully over Edison's facial hair, smoothing and tidying it.

Ghed claims, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
meaningful RP =)"

Ghed says, "Please for the love of Dav cnote your activities, especially as a GL"

Ghed trails off, "Okay, engaging warp drive in 3..."


Ghed grins at Rambling.

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Leta declares, "For those who need the reminder, help policy cnote details the times it's mandatory
to cnote!"

Ghed trails off, "1..."

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