Log of OOC Meeting (23-11-2023)

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

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Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:07 am

Sat Dec 23, 2023 6:39 pm

Edison says, "I'll do if no one else wants the QP"

Edison says, "Also it's a civil service >:O"

Ghed nods.

Ghed says, "Thanks"

Ghed has awarded you 2 QPs: scribe

Ghed claims, "Okay, time to start this week's Staff Update."

Ghed claims, "This week I wrote and deployed the Sanctum minigame, to give them stuff to do, and
tools to spoop with. It was a lot of work, it's not fully finished, and I owe it to the Archmage and
the Augur for their patience, input, patience, support, and patience. Other than that I've been
helping Temi get the Crusade going at last! That's all. I'm happy to see growing player activity
this week too."

Ghed declares, "That's all! Otherwise things have been busy IRL for me"

Ghed asks, "Alright people, let's move on to Player Heartbeat: how has the week been for y'all?"

Edison finishes abruptly, "Busy irl - both my room mates got covid so I've been hiding from it"

Jiraiya claims, "Good. I was on less and found more rp. Pleased to see things more active"

Ghed pontificates, "Yay!"

Ghed claims to Edison, "Boo"

Sparkles claims, "Was an amusing time the other night."

PositronicJune says, "I've been doin fine"

Ghed claims, "Excellent"

Ghed queries, "Alright, is there anything bothering anyone about TI that can be shared here and

Edison says, "I wanna send everyone to war"

Eeel claims, "I've been a little worried about player count and knowing whats up with the crusade."

Edison states, "I think these two things may be related"

Ghed queries, "I think we're all more than ready to begin eh?"

Edison says, "But player count has been like this every holiday season :O"

Edison says, "Let's kick ass and take names, and then be confused because none of us speak Daravi"

Eeel claims, "Ah this is my first holiday season playing, so I didn't know if this was typical or
something to be concerned about."

PositronicJune claims, "Also my first holiday season playing"

Ghed has transferred Viper. [OOC]

Ghed pontificates to Eeel, "Yeah holidays are always a slump! But we're recovering from last month
which was unrelated"

Ghed says to Viper, "Hey mate"

Ghed gives Viper some coins.

Ghed says to Viper, "Buy yourself something pretty"

Viper invests it into marijuana not yet invented.

PositronicJune says, "Hemproot is just weed"

Viper finishes abruptly, "I know but - marijuana sounds mor heretical"

PositronicJune claims, "Spanish is heretical"

Ghed says, "Alright, time to move on to Player Topics."

Ghed states, "It's 'marihuana' in spanish, without the J"

PositronicJune states, "I believe marijuana comes from spanish tho"

Sparkles ponders.

Edison says, "Canadians spell it marijuanna but in all our legal docus it's spelt marihuana"

Viper says, "It does. Called Kush in middle east."

PositronicJune says, "Blame canada"

Ghed declares, "I've no topics registered!"

PositronicJune states, "Is Farin Mexican coded"

Ghed questions, "Would anyone like to raise anything?"

Viper says, "Oh, you know I did wonder if there was a way to see the language in way others do not -
as in is there a way to differentiate like - we will use Dvi name as an example, which is a word in

Viper asks, "Like I see it fluent, but is there a way to see what a word would not be spelled
correctly as?"

Ghed states, "Use effort to lower your language"

Viper states, "Incorrectly that is"

PositronicJune states, "You could try setting effort- yeah"

Ghed states, "I'd say just make shit up"

Ghed claims, "And don't think of it too hard"

Viper says, "Ahhh - what? Oh... wow. I feel stupid."

Ghed states, "You're not"

Eeel claims, "I didn't realise this was a command, awesome"

Ghed nods at Eeel.

Viper claims, "I did not even think to effort down language haha"

Ghed says, "That's how you fake it to the Order"

Ghed winks winks

Sparkles ponders.

Ghed queries, "Okay, any other Qs?"

Sparkles states, "I have a few thoughts/questions but they are likely things that require Temi, so
might need to be asked later."

Ghed declaims, "Okay!"

Gwenda claims, "Oh actually I have a moderate thought"

Gwenda claims, "I was looking through recipes and I might not be looking hard enough but I noticed
there's no way to use any ore but that of iron"

PositronicJune asks, "What other ores exist? I don't recall seeing any"

Ghed says, "Yeah ore is obsolete"

Ghed questions, "Where did you get any?"

Gwenda states, "I might be hallucinating but I remember seeing silver ore being sold at Galleach"

Jiraiya says, "You can forage/mine iron ore"

Jiraiya claims, "It"

Jiraiya states, "It's just not worth anything"

Ghed states, "You can refine iron ore into ore ingots or bars yeah"

Ghed has transferred Musketeer. [OOC]

Ghed gives Musketeer some coins.

Musketeer states, "That is honestly just what the doc ordered. Lol"

Ghed claims, "Lol"

Sparkles says, "I might be totally wrong, but I think ore might be one of the things there's a prog
at the Market Square tents for exchanging between old items and new items."

Ghed states to Gwenda, "We removed refining gold ore into stuff"

Ghed claims, "Many years ago"

Gwenda states, "So is the only way to access metals other than iron to go through that shop at some

Jiraiya states, "Or an asset i'd imagine"

Eeel opens a medical bag cut from black dyed oilskin with a wide strap.

PositronicJune claims, "Yeah, or an asset"

Eeel closes a medical bag cut from black dyed oilskin with a wide strap.

Gwenda says, "Hm. Well, I don't really think I need THAT much metal, but good to know."

Jiraiya says, "Some kind of mining skill/minigame would be awesome but I have no ideas how that
would work without unbalancing the game. especially since i think it's one of our major gold sinks

[OOC] Dalton: "Beam me up scotty... i mean Ghed"

Ghed claims, "You can also turn worn horseshoes into ingots"

Ghed says to Jiraiya, "Yeah I need you guys to spend money"

PositronicJune asks, "Do horseshoes do anything?"

Ghed has transferred Dalton. [OOC]

Ghed gives Dalton some coins.

Dalton declaims, "... im rich!"

Ghed says to PositronicJune, "The craftable ones are just horse... shoes. Lol. And they decay! But
the ones you forage can be turned into iron."

Ghed says, "I did double the craftable types' duration some time back."

PositronicJune claims, "Yeee. the craftable ones decay into the forageable oens actually"

Ghed nods.

[OOC] Eeel: "I have such a good idea now."

[OOC] Eeel: "I won't share it but it's going to be awesome."

Jiraiya questions, "Do we have metrics on what our gold sinks are actually?"

Ghed states, "I do but some players offset the averages"

Jiraiya nods.

Ghed claims, "I can't remember the command lol"

Ghed states, "But yeah it gives a lot of info"

Ghed is trying many commands

Ghed declaims, "Ahh anyways! I think we're done here if no one has anything else"

Jiraiya shakes his head.

Ghed declares, "Okay!"

Sparkles waves.

Ghed states, "Please remember to post rumors, cnote discoveries, and recommend each other for
meaningful RP =)"

Eeel says, "I had a question but I'm not sure if it's appropriately ooc or needs to be answered ic.
I'll ask later privately."

Viper declaims, "ASK!"

Viper says, "...Unless it involves an RP arc going on."

Ghed states to Eeel, "ASK"

PositronicJune says, "Or your secret role, probably"

Sparkles queries, "Are we all yelling in the foreign languages?"

Eeel says, "It does involve the crusade, like Viper says thats sort of an ongoing thing, which is
why I had second thoughts about asking it publicly. You won't get it outta me."

Viper says, "Oh - you can ask about that."

Ghed claims, "If it makes you feel more comfortable just send me a tell after I dismiss you"

Eeel claims, "I'll do that"

Ghed nods.

Ghed trails off, "Engaging warp drive in 3..."

Eeel exclaims, "Captain the core is overloading!"

Ghed trails off, "2..."

Ghed trails off, "1..."

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