OOC Meeting 03-16-24

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:07 pm
Discord Handle: balthazarkallar

Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:52 pm

Log session starting at 18:05:07 on Saturday, 16 March 2024.
[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve wonders, "Anyone keen to be scribe this week?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say scribe time?

InvestSouthside queries, "Scribe time?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at InvestSouthside.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi asks, "Is that a volunteering?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say yeah

InvestSouthside claims, "Yeah"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert says, "InvestSouthscribe."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve declares to InvestSouthside, "Thank you!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism claims, "Hi Maeve. Welcome welcome."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve has awarded you 2 QPs: Scribe

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve says to Capitalism, "Thanks :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "Announcements."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve muses, "I don't have anything. Anyone else have anything? PSAs or Events coming to you?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve wonders, "Anyone with a topic to register?"

VivaLaVictoria pontificates, "I don't have anything, I just wanted to thank Temi for all that

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert claims, "US and Rest of World are 1 hour displaced due to US shifting to DST and rest only
following on the 31st, mind your event times if you have any."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve exclaims to Otbert, "Oh, that's a good one!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods in agreement.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi says, "Easy to forget when all our computers just do it for us, until things start conflicting"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "Okay, let's kick off staff topics or updates."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve declares, "No topics on my mind, but last week I had to relearn how to do some things (which
is why some requests are a bit slow, sorry about that but we appreciate everyone's patience), and I
did some help file updates in line with last week's OOC discussion. Processed the request queue
(where recommends and the like come) most days this week. Thank you for recommending your peers!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve muses, "That's me, so... Temi, what did you do?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi says, "Whew, well."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "I did the backlog of evictions, so there's all sorts of new houses added to the real
estate boards, and new possibilities to fill up the auction house - still randomized so we don't get
everything at once."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "And I've deleted some ones we don't think will sell so we're back up to a healthy
level of phome zone rooms left."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Meiari states, "Oh it's randomized? Cool - I was wondering about that."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert claims, "I think the echo in the actual auction house says it's ICly randomized but OOCly
static? I was there and it was confusing."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi states, "I'm still going through and making sure there's not unattached rooms that have been
forgotten, though."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism wonders, "When it comes to old shops as well, have those evictions been processed at all

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune says, "It says that for the quest shops I believe. but not the shop that sells items
from evicted houses and such for silver"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi says, "Ah, the QP shops have those messagings, and they are in teh auction house"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods at Capitalism.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism claims, "Fun times"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi states, "But yeah, the one that has the evicted house items will swap out about 10 new items a

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods at Maeve.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism trails off, "I remember talking to Ghed about one in October whose player hadn't logged
in since September and should be processed 'soon' and December rolled out... they still weren't
around but the shop wasn't for sale"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Capitalism.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "It's easy to get behind, and things can back up."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve exclaims to Eurus, "Your turn!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Eurus says, "I tried to help out Temi and Maeve a bit with some building and request etc. Also spent
some time starting on updating role stuff, with the goal of being more usable/user friendly, along
with a couple unrelated bugs and projects."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "I think that's everything for staff updates. "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve queries, "We didn't get any player topics, so how was the game for you last week?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say was weird when we went hunting there was no animals otherwise pretty relaxed week

VivaLaVictoria declares, "Super fun!"

InvestSouthside states, "Was weird when we went hunting there was no animals otherwise pretty
relaxed week"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve smiles at VivaLaVictoria.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at InvestSouthside.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism claims, "I am going home on Tuesday so my RP week will start picking up on Wednesday."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve wonders, "I wonder why there were no animals... other hunters perhaps?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve declares to Capitalism, "Nice!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods in agreement.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "That's my guess"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert says, "Blame mages by default."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism says, "It's probably the Order's fault."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve asks, "It's not fashionable to blame everything on Capitalism? :P"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say i blame capitalism yeah

InvestSouthside states, "I blame capitalism yeah"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert trails off, "Maybe it's all those deer musk glands..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Valora trails off, "I go out pretty regularly but noticed there's been a down tick in animals
especially deer and birds... more wolves and dogs than anything else..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve trails off to Otbert, "Attracts the hunters, yeah..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Meiari states, "While I'd agree with blaming the order: she brings me furs so when she's getting
jipped I'm getting jipped"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve has transferred Souless. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Sparkles says, "Seems like a number of folks have a bit of RL at the moment, but have seen some
public scenes flock some folks together this week."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism states, "It is very fashionable to blame Capitalism... However only need to remember one

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi gives a set of polished wooden beads branded with little chalices to Souless.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism always wins in the end.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Sparkles.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve chuckles.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless queries, "Who invited Capitalism?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "Er, I think that was me."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve scuffs.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless gags.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism claims, "That's where you're mistaken... I've always been here... at least since 2016."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism coughs.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say you gotta chose a side maeve you cant just being like boo capitalism then invite them back geez

InvestSouthside says, "You gotta chose a side maeve you cant just being like boo capitalism then
invite them back geez"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi says to InvestSouthside, "Y'know, apparently she can."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi grins.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Sparkles claims, "I have a question actually about the new helpfile updates, if that's okay to go
back to."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Jiraiya coughs in 2000.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "It does seem to be working for me."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless trails off, "I heard Capitalism was a Mage..."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "Besides this form of capitalism is my favorite."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve winks at Capitalism.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune claims, "I joined in 2023, y'all are old"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune states, "You especially Jiraiya"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi states, "I do owe an update for help liquidate still."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve has transferred Aldrich. [OOC]

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi gives a set of polished wooden beads branded with little chalices to Aldrich.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism says, "Capitalism has been a mage in the past. The most recent incarnation is still
waiting to be seen."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Valora asks, "The god eater?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless claims, "Burn Capitalism for witchcraft."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Aldrich claims, "God Devourer thank you.]"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say i think sparkles had something to say and we are very waylaid

InvestSouthside claims, "I think sparkles had something to say and we are very waylaid"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Valora states, "Lol based"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "Oh, sorry Sparkles."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

ThatBard queries, "What about the helpfiles Sparkles?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Capitalism nods to Maeve, "I like this incarnation of Capitalism the most too... I could be biased

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
PositronicJune has returned from AFK.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "The help files updated were: RP Avoidance, Activity, and Wrap Up"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "We were trying to implement the decisions from OOC Chat the week prior."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Sparkles muses, "Oh it's okay, however, I know that for a temporary period of time following some
... IC goings on, the wrap up policies/helpfiles in question were a touch more complex. There were a
limited number of test cases involving that set of more complex rules. Given the change over again,
should folks involved in those situations reach out?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "Yes please."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune says, "Personally I was wondering what changed in the helpfiles"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Sparkles nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT asks, "Oh, is the minigame gone now? D:"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "I think we did go for a simplification, especially over spending QP to kill, capture,
or rob someone."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi states, "We'll have the possibility of contested liquidations instead of contested absentia

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune muses, "The minigame in 'help captivity'?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve states to PositronicJune, "We removed a 10 QP spend to kill, capture, or rob inactive players,
and we stated that if people idle out of "strong RP" then people can request a wrap up, including a
return of items, but need evidence of the RP in their cnotes. If a player idles out of RP and staff
wrap them up, death XP is forfeit."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "No, I think that remains. We didn't touch anything in HELP CAPTIVITY, and captives
still have protections around receiving RP if they go inactive."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "Because they're in a different position than people who can RP freely."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods in agreement.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune claims, "Ahh"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT says, "Ah, well, as long as responding to IC consequences brought on by IC action isn't
to hide from them by logging out for long periods of time, it's fine either way"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi states, "Absolutely. We've tried to lean further in the direction of rewarding people for
either wrapping up their RP on grid or at least giving some closure, rather than disappearing"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "Theoretically, someone can just go inactive, but if you have proof of IC action that
someone is avoiding, then Staff can wrapup."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi says, "So if you want control over what happens to your character, definitely make sure to
handle that proactively."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT asks, "Is there still a 6-month wait time on doing that, or is that different now?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "I think there's still a weakness in the system that staff won't just know who those
people are, but we've suggested writing a Request Board and CCing important people who were involved
to provide supporting evidence."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "So players still need to alert staff if a wrap up is required."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "4 OOC weeks."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT says, "Whew, that's pretty short, okay"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "It can be extended if a player alerts staff that they're away."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "If you'll be gone longer, just let staff know, yeah."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "But general consensus is that we usually know in 4 OOC weeks if someone is coming

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT says, "That system was intended to resolve that in a manner made equitable or "fair" by
assigning numerical weights to different factors, but it was imperfect and was only to my knowledge
used one time (and failed) so no big loss I suppose"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "Yeah, we decided that we didn't need to be as fair to people that abandoned their RP

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT says, "Based"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT wonders, "This puts it back on staff judgment, so maybe consider keeping the list of
modifiers handy, if only to aid in that judgment?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT says, "Sneaky people should probably have a sneaker sort of resolution, wrapping up mages
or Knights or Reeves or other combat-capable people should probably injure the party wrapping them
up, that sort of thing"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "I don't think the judgment is necessarily the problem, I think it's not bringing
staff in when people are feeling dissatisfied, and staff not knowing whether the pbase desires us to
take action or not."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "We will have rolls for contested liquidations, if a person wants to liquidate but
others want to catch them or something"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT states, "Making it clear that AFKing out of responsibility isn't acceptable from the get
-go and communicating staff willingness to help out with it is fantastic :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "We defined wrap up as an attempt to provide 'story closure', so it should fit the RP
and just tell people 'what happened'."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "And it comes with an XP penalty for failing to uphold your side of RP."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "But if you're hunting someone, definitely make sure that's cnoted proactively. We'll
want to see evidence of that sort of thing before they have disappeared."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "I'd also like some evidence that the person in question is avoiding."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "Like, I can hunt someone but have literally no reason that other person knows they're
being hunted."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT claims, "That part can be hard to prove, since it's proving a negative"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "But I'll be more condemning of someone who is clearly trying to avoid consequences for
their IC actions"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "I think most cases are pretty obvious, esp if the cnotes have mroe than one party
involved and the like."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Aldrich questions, "Is it wrong to feel lost in all of this?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "I'm just saying - we will take the relative 'strength' of the argument into

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert claims, "There's some rough ones I can think of where it's hard to tell if something is an IC
avoid or OOC avoid."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert questions, "Forge a letter from a close friend, put it in a package with a tasty
treat/cake/whatever, with a bit of Sea Rover's Bite in it. Do thery avoid eating it because they
ICly sniffed it out or do they OOCly avoid it out of paranoia?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve says to Aldrich, "Nah, it's not a moral thing. You can read HELP RP AVOIDANCE, HELP ACTIVITY,
and HELP WRAP UP in your own time."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "If anyone has any feedback on how we've set it up, we're happy to hear it. We made
the changes processing the discussion from OOC Chat last week where we raised it because some
players had privately raised concerns about RP Avoidance via inactivity."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert claims, "You'd need the potential avoider to cnote it to know its IC on their part, but are
you gonna punish them for not Cnoting by assuming it was OOC then? Also not great."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "The avoider doesn't need cnotes, the person raising the wrap up request needs them."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert says, "The avoider's cnote is the only one that could prove the case in this one, though."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert states, "It's a deduction."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi says, "We don't need proof, just reasonable evidence to assume it"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "We don't need definitive proof, we need something that provides us enough sense that
the person is RP avoidant."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Eurus states, "As Maeve also sort of touched on, 9/10 of the situations this helpfile applies to are
blatantly obvious instances where little deductions need to be had beyond very public rage quits

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve wonders, "So say I disappear, and Temi goes to staff saying "Hey, I think Maeve left TI
because I was hunting her. See my cnotes where I've been investigating her house, etc?""

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Eurus.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune claims, "I love how staff use the names of staff in examples"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "I don't want to think Temi is taking advantage of my just being inactive because she
doesn't like me or thinks my character is in her way."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve smiles at PositronicJune.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "So cnotes are probably the best way to provide evidence"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless claims, "It's better than using actual examples and airing dirty laundry lol."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi grins at Souless.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert states, "I still believe the rumor those OOC Chat Items were store-bought."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT claims, "Yeah, or really obvious things like "This dude killed my wife, I'm gonna go get
him" and then dude in question just logs off one day. The wrapper has to have cnoted motivations for
whatever they're doing"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Jiraiya is idle.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "But we'd probably take Temi writing a Request Post, ccing the person's GL or other
parties involved and saying "Hey, Maeve disappeared. I was hunting her. Anyone have anything to add?
Check cnote 124.""

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune claims, "Naturally, I'd assume the alternative would be random names. Alice and Bob,
Foo and Bar"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
VivaLaVictoria stops using a set of polished wooden beads branded with little chalices.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless states, "The benefit is that those cnotes are super easy to write."
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "I have cat-on-keyboard disease."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "Typing ability hampered."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi says to Maeve, "Terminal."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert claims, "Try a decoy keyboard."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve claims to Otbert, "Too broke."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT asks, "It's for tying off RP threads left dangling, yeah? So it should be fine "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT says, "Doesn't have to be lethal or whatever either, from what I've read here"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

HIEROPHANT claims, "Awesome"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi says, "Can definitely wrap them up to go live in Tubor or whatever, if that's appropriate to
your RP and ensure they don't come surprise back at you when that would cause problems"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "We'd work up a story close with the people requesting a wrap up, especially spouses
and relatives."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
PositronicJune says to Maeve, "Cute"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve wonders, "Any other questions or suggestions?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
HIEROPHANT states to Temi, "Honestly, that situation is far more common than anything murder-y, at
least for me"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Otbert says, "Wrap ups sponsored by the Tubor Tourism Board."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods at HIEROPHANT.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
say jade arrow throwback?

InvestSouthside asks, "Jade arrow throwback?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "Oh, it's worth noting - we won't refuse XP return in cases that aren't RP Avoidance."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless claims, "We've got marriage."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune states, "Characters being deleted in MUDs and just going somewhere else in the world
but ICly unable to ever come back is weird, but what can you do"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Sparkles is idle.
Meiari is idle.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Temi claims, "Uncontested wrap-ups are probably the most common. Some spouse has disappeared and
people just want to move on."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "So if you wrap up your Spouse and send them to Tubor, we'd give them back their XP."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Sparkles is no longer idle.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Sparkles has returned from AFK.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Temi.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "Loss of Death XP is explicitly for people we believe are just ducking out to avoid RP
they don't like."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Meiari is no longer idle.
Meiari has returned from AFK.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve says, "So we reserve the possibility of wrap up, but returning XP if it's not clearly that
kind of case."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve muses, "What else would anyone like to talk about?"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve states, "We have 15 minutes, or I can wrap up the OOC Chat :)"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve claims, "Okay, we'll wrap up early today so staff can continue meeting."

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Sparkles waves.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve finishes abruptly, "Thank you for attending today everyone - if you have any shameless plugs,
they go here:"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
InvestSouthside waves.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

VivaLaVictoria exclaims, "Thanks for your hard work!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve pontificates, "Thank you for playing. It makes it worthwhile for us :) We love your stories!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Temi nods in agreement.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

PositronicJune declaims, "Thanks for being cool!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve smiles warmly.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Sparkles claims, "I've heard folks might be planning some upcoming stuff, don't forget to write
boards and let folks know about times. "

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless declaims, "Smell ya later!"

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve nods at Sparkles.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Maeve declares, "Rumors and recommends - messages, and feel free to Request Board IC Event posts

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

Souless boos Capitalism.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)
Maeve waves.

[RPXP Gain: none] [HP:perfect MV:fresh P:walk] (cloaked)(bathed)

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