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Log of OOC Meeting 12/14/13

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:13 pm
by Argider
Kinaed says, "Today's Agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Kinaed muses, "Does anyone want to add anything to the agenda?"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, hearing nothing in particular... oh, I forgot. Dolls."

[Action: Beronica von Bellatos is sitting down upon her rocking chair.]

Kinaed has created a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth[30].

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to a sylphlike, sable-haired gamine.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to Beronica von Bellatos.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to a tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to Edward Darson.

Beronica von Bellatos holds a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth in her hand.

Beronica von Bellatos turns a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth over, baring its bum.

In blazing crimson embroidery, the words "The Lord of Chaos" appear, stitched into its tender nethers.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to Maxwell Wattkil.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair holds a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth in his hand.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to Nayiv de Reymes.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair turns a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth over, baring its bum.

In blazing crimson embroidery, the words "The Lord of Chaos" appear, stitched into its tender nethers.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to a thin man with blond hair.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to Cira von Nivara.

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to Oriane Linere.

Kinaed gives you a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth.

Maxwell Wattkil says, "Oh man."

Maxwell Wattkil muses, "You ready to see the BEST puppet show?"

Kinaed scuffs.

Maxwell Wattkil gets a stuffed pig made of pink cotton and dressed in Reeve garb from a spacious black linen backpack, with several large pockets.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair is confused about this reference.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair stops using a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth.

Beronica von Bellatos breaks out with a bit of laughter as she plays with the doll.

Kinaed claims to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Ask around, it'd be common knowledge ICly."

Maxwell Wattkil With swift speed and power, a stuffed pig made of pink cotton and dressed in Reeve garb moves to ram into rag, sending the poor thing flying.

Beronica von Bellatos stops using a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth.

Kinaed claims, "Okay, so... back to the meeting. I'll kick off the Staff Updates."

Nayiv de Reymes giggles.

Kinaed trails off, "Last week I... set up an ad campaign. I really did. Finally. And paid $3 for $3 clicks over 2,700 or so impressions. Not sure if it netted us anyone. I've also explored MudPortal..."

Kinaed claims, "Http://"

Kinaed states, "I'm thinking their client will replace FMUD on our site soon."

Kinaed states, "I've approved reports, and I did not do that thing that I said would, review Places Code."

Kinaed states, "But it remains on my agenda. I'm sort of not highly prioritizing it because I have very little time with work (I worked from 4:30am to 9:15pm on Thursday, so... haven't had much time irl) and it's not really high priority until Herbalism is finished."

Kinaed states, "And that's me. Az, you're up."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair muses, "Will combat mapping work onmud portal?"

Azarial states, "Some bugs, finished the planting system, wokring on the affects portion for herbalism"

Kinaed says to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "I'm not sure. Maybe give the client a try and let me know? Might want to let the developer know too. Plamzi seems to be very responsive and got some requested changes in damn quick."

Kinaed queries, "That wrap it up, Az?"

Azarial says, "Pretty much. as far as the client goes, it needs to handle background colours."

Kinaed loves Azarial's ability to summarize.

Kinaed states to Temi, "You're up, chica."

Temi grins.

Temi states, "Okay! I worked this week with Az on releasing part one of herbalism: plants."

Temi says, "I know some of you have definitely been playing with them, and hopefully enjoying it. Would glad to hear any thoughts. But there's still more plants to come when the rest of herbalism comes out."

Temi states, "I didn't release anything that requires affect code to be useful, as that will require more work from Az and a bunch of filling in work from me before it's usable, so the current plants have things like food, flowers, brewing and cooking supplies, and some treat objects."

Kinaed smiles.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair stands up.

Temi says, "As a note on plant difficulties for tending them, none of the plants should be more difficult to handle than the easiest concoct recipe that uses it."

Beronica von Bellatos queries, "Are all the old plants still available for gardens?"

Temi states, "Oh, yes, I also put in all the herbs with existing affects on their objects, since they aren't transferred over to the new system yet."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair states to Temi, "What happens to the old herbs? *may have an alt with a locker or two full of old herbs."

Azarial says, "One major bug fix was that all objcts should be in the room proper, not at weird corrdinates. these means that the uprooted plants for the old system should be collectable."

Temi says, "Except some are noted as 'special' acquirement methods, so no going and buying a temijul seed or anything."

Azarial claims, "All old herbs are, at this time, functional as per the old system."

Kinaed nods.

Temi states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "You can't plant them, but you will be able to use them as ingredients in the concoct recipes when I open those up."

Temi claims, "So, you can use them, but you can't use them to grow more."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair did notice that part grin*

Temi claims, "Hopefully they should automatically update to the new system when the affects are in."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi says, "I may be changing the strings for some of those still, but they should work the same, even if that doesn't update."

Temi states, "So.. that's my week."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed says, "Okay, I'm going to interject some staff topics... if that's okay."

Kinaed says, "I'll be brief."

Beronica von Bellatos says, "I figured that stuff like Temijul and maybe a few others would be restricted to 'special' cases."

Temi nods at Beronica von Bellatos.

Kinaed states, "The first one is that anyone who wants to contribute to Az's Christmas present, please use the donate button on the upper left hand corner of the website."

Kinaed claims, "If I have enough left over from that, I will also put something together for Temi & Delilah."

Kinaed states, "Next, I want to thank Lei for starting people down the voting path, even though she's not here."

Azarial asks, "....whut?"

Kinaed states, "It's done wonders for the game."

A tall brown-eyed lass with long inky black hair is idle.

Kinaed clamps a hoof over Azarial's mouth and keeps going, "In that vein, I'd like to ask anyone who isn't voting to please take the time to do so on a daily basis as it's getting us more exposure that we can measure - we've seen a lot of connections from Mudconnector and it's great to advertise."

Temi states to Azarial, "Apparently she's ploting."

A thin man with blond hair is idle.

Azarial states to Temi, "Seems so. <_<"

A thin man with blond hair is no longer idle.

A thin man with blond hair has returned from AFK.

Edward Darson queries, "Can we get a link for voting in the wholist? One of the imms or something"

Edward Darson claims, "Or, alternatively, I can put it on my who title."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair says, "It's on the website if you go to play from there."

Kinaed muses, "Finally, as we're focusing on advertising right now, anyone who has any skill with graphics, please do post an ad like Voxy did here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=722"

Kinaed claims, "My photoshop, etc, skills are negligble at best."

Kinaed says, "Help vote also has the voting links."

Edward Darson nods.

Beronica von Bellatos states to Edward Darson, "Also the command 'motd' gives the links."

Kinaed states, "Might put a 'vote for us' link in the who list that will land you on a website page with nothing but voting links."

Kinaed states, "A good idea, thanks Edward."

Kinaed muses, "Okay, that's my Staff Topics list of things to plug. Next: Player Heartbeat! How was RP this week? Anything staff could or should be doing to help out?"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair hasn't been able to rp much this week :(

Kinaed comforts a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair.

Beronica von Bellatos trails off to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "Yeah, we need to keep going on making that baby..."

Kinaed 's eyes widen and she blushes. Ever seen a unicorn blush?

Edward Darson claims, "Well. Reeve and Knight presence is lacking a bit. I hear that the Orderites are getting people - that's good! I'll have to confess. And, uh. Well. Brotherhood is quiet."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair muses to Kinaed, "See what I have to deel with?"

Edward Darson claims, "Like... You guys are super quiet."

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a rag doll wearing a cloak of ragged black and white cloth to a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes.

Temi drops a unicorn shaped topiary.

Cira von Nivara claims, "Working on getting the Trobadours more active :)"

Kinaed preens at the topiary.

Beronica von Bellatos grins widely. "RP has been great this week. I had my wedding on Sunday. Plus there are more seekers for the Physicians.

Kinaed muses to Cira von Nivara, "Awesome. Any plans or anything you'd care to share?"

Edward Darson says to Cira von Nivara, "I saw! Good on you, I've got an alt, actually, that is starved for Troub RP."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair points out that just because the Brotherhood is quiet, that doesn't mean they aren't up to things. (OOC Emote)

Oriane Linere claims, "I've seen quite a lot of Reeves"

Azarial states to Temi, "Must be shrooms again? she;s making the moves on the bush."

Kinaed states, "The BH seems particularly active of late, to staff view, anyway."

Temi says to Azarial, "Well, it is a very lifelike trim job."

Argider claims, "Finalizing Knights' rules and procedures and an orientation guide before I begin an ad campaign."

Maxwell Wattkil is idle.

Kinaed nods at Argider.

Edward Darson says, "Well. You can be -very- active in Southside and it'll never get noticed in Northside. Just pointing that out."

Maxwell Wattkil is no longer idle.
Maxwell Wattkil has returned from AFK.

A sylphlike, sable-haired gamine cheers Cira von Nivara on, nodding her approval. "Playing a bard on a mud is extra, extra hard. Kudos to Trobadours."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "Reeves are awesome."

Nayiv de Reymes trails off, "I agree with Eddie there, I haven't seen much Brotherhood stuff..."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "Everyone be a Reeve. Reeves is mega fun. One of us."

Kinaed claims, "Btw, anyone who should be gentry and has a genuine IC cause for class change - post a note on the request board. The staff will evaluate it and handle it."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "One of us. OOONE OF US."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair doesn't have a reeve.

Maxwell Wattkil asks of Kinaed, "Heeeey. My magistrates should technically be Gentry, I suppose?"

Kinaed wonders to Maxwell Wattkil, "How much do you pay 'em?"

A sylphlike, sable-haired gamine stands up.

Argider claims, "From a BCG perspective, I don't necessarily consider it my job to entertain the Reeves or get 'noticed' Northside."

Edward Darson wonders to Argider, "So what're we supposed to do? You can only have 'training' as RP for so long. XP Whatever happened to us doing that CTF type stuff?"

Kinaed states, "I've seen the Thieves be active and know they're doing stuff, that's fine with me."

Azarial 'accidentally' knocks the horn branch from the topiary.

Kinaed wonders what 'CTF' stands for.

Edward Darson states, "I thought we were working that out, OOC'ly."

Edward Darson says to Kinaed, "Capture the flag."

Kinaed pouts at Azarial, "Foxes. Can't trust them with shrubbery."

Azarial grins.

Azarial claims, "Ahem."

Kinaed claims, "That'd be a fun metagame. I think we dropped it without an idea of how to implement it."

Argider claims to Edward Darson, "I don't know. Too many complications I think."

Argider nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed wonders, "If anyone has ideas for that, maybe post them on the forums?"

Kinaed says, "If we can hash something out, we can definitely install that kind of game."

Kinaed states, "I sort of like laying down influence to claim territory, for all guilds."

Edward Darson claims, "Certainly. It'd make robberies more fun, that's for sure."

Kinaed claims, "But I wonder what having the most influence in a room/area should net people."

Kinaed has a few ideas just pop up.

A sylphlike, sable-haired gamine has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes muses, "You mean, drawing upon the support command?"

Kinaed says, "Like, if we had in OLC the ability to bias a room or area towards a certain guild, then the ability of players to spend IP to lay down influence. Once influence thresholds reach certain points, giving new commands, etc."

Edward Darson says, "So, I don't know. All I know is that, personally, Reeve's were getting a little boring for my taste. A lot of training for something that doesn't seem to be coming."

Kinaed nods at a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes.

Maxwell Wattkil says, "I pay my Reeves as good as they be wantin' to be paid."

Maxwell Wattkil states to Edward Darson, "Yeah. We do seem to have a lack of actual things to do, which kinda sucks."

Kinaed says, "Maybe guilds can get money for rooms they influence as a base point to give a reason to want to have more influence."

Maxwell Wattkil says, "No criminals. We're really buff, but got no crime to stop that isn't Knight territory."

Argider states, "I'd be interested in stuff like that. I think some thieves haven't been very active lately due to RL, but I've been finding RP just fine and having a good time."

Kinaed states, "Then later on be able to build some sort of system or match IC events to shifts in power."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "I think that's a bit strange/orderly complicated... I do want a way to RP more with Thieves, but influencing individual rooms sounds tricky."

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes trails off to Maxwell Wattkil, "Queenie can help brainstorm Reeves stuff, if you want..."

Maxwell Wattkil claims to a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes, "Would like that~."

Beronica von Bellatos states, "I can now imagine having patients being restrained at the Hospital."

Kinaed claims, "Yeah, it's also a bit wierd in the sense that all zone's aren't created equal or as strategically important as, for example, the north side or the southside."

Kinaed starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed finishes her note.

Kinaed wonders, "Any other thoughts or anything on that, otherwise, we can move on to player topics?"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes queries, "Could there be circumstantial concerns that would change whether one character would support another?"

"What about just... -events-? Like... every OOC week or two, something happens. For example: A shipment of spices comes in from Farin or something. Both sides react accordingly, Reeves trying to prevent them from being stolen, Thieves stealing or sabotaging... It gives us something to work on. [Nayiv de Reymes]

Kinaed muses to a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes, "Possibly, I'm not sure what you mean. Elaborate a bit? Maybe an example?"

Kinaed states, "I like the idea of Events too, but I wouldn't want to focus on just Reeves/Thieves... but definitely possible. We might be able to set up a timetable or something of guild play-offs to see who wins each monthly guild-off."

Edward Darson pontificates to Nayiv de Reymes, "That would be hilariously awesome. Imagine running into a Brotherhood ambush halfway through!"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes queries, "What I mean is that John might support Sally, and therefore that support would 'help' Sally in a room, but if Sally were doing something at the time that John didn't agree with, he might not necessarily give her his support. If people don't remember to change it in their support, would that unbalance the power in that particular room?"

Kinaed asks, "How would things like that be resovled, though?"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes states, "But I like the idea of support counting for omething else."

Kinaed says to a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes, "I'm wondering if support should be less a network of relationships and more of a one-off pass of support to other people per agreement/incidence."

Nayiv de Reymes states, "Okay, well if the event was my example, Kinaed... then the Merchants could be trying to purchase, Troubs could be trying to loosen Farin tongues for information, Nobles could want the spices for their own Houses. Things like that... but just on a semi-regular basis, instead of only in quests or storytelling."

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes nods.

Temi claims, "I'd be concerned about any new big addition to staff time commitments."

Beronica von Bellatos trails off to Nayiv de Reymes, "Or a shipment of needed medicine to fight a plague..."

Edward Darson pontificates, "Could be ballin' to get the Merchants involved. They could be like... psuedo-legal, paying off the Reeves to protect the shipment - or paying the Brotherhood to nab it!"

Kinaed wonders, "Would people be offended if the winners were selected by something else besides direct IC action or RPA, and more around registering RP towards the goal or even the sum total of RPxp each guild has that month?"

Kinaed wonders, "Like if the troubs, per active head, earn the most rpxp that month, the event goes their way?"

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair points out that the city is in dire need of ninjas, " We're wearing the current ones out."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "The current ninjas are poised to get Scale-slapped."

Maxwell Wattkil raises the back of his hand, giving it a tense. "One o' these daaaaaaysss..."

Nayiv de Reymes claims, "Yes! Like Beronica says. Something new. It would keep RP fresh and interesting. I like that idea, Kinaed, of it being decided on RP."

Kinaed states, "I just want it to be more passive from a staff management perspective than Temi being snowed under with RPA requests, or most of the RP done on the personal board isntead of amongst you guys."

Beronica von Bellatos claims, "That would put those guilds with the more active members in the lead for these 'contests'. Plus it would encourage people to actively recruit more."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, well... I think I can work something like that out."

Kinaed asks, "What sort of rewards should the guilds get if they succeed?"

Kinaed questions, "Maybe a silver kickback ot each active member?"

Nayiv de Reymes states, "I don't think you guys would need to do too much, hopefully. If it goes the way I'm thinking, Kinaed, there's just an Announce board explaining what's happening, and then let things go kinda wild. Reward wise, I'm not sure"

Edward Darson wonders, "Money is always helpful. Christ, even good press is good. Arent we starting up a newspaper?"

Beronica von Bellatos says, "One thing, those who are duel guilded, let their contributions count for both."

Kinaed muses, "The troubs win this month's event, so are acknowledged for serenading the delegates. All troubs receive an extra 300 silver?"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes claims, "That would be pretty cool, and might promote guild membership."

Beronica von Bellatos nods at a fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes.

Nayiv de Reymes states, "I agree with Edward! Money is good, but so is people saying 'thanks to the heroic efforts of the Troubs, this was able to happen' maybe they get some silver, but for the most part it's just increased publicity."

Kinaed states, "Okay, I think we can work something out along those lines, just as long as it's mostly automated."

A thin man with blond hair is idle.

Cira von Nivara claims, "Heh."

Kinaed wonders, "Can I get someone to write this idea up on the forums for us to hash out some more?"

Cira von Nivara queries, "We did?"

Azarial states, "'help voidin' might be of interest."

Kinaed says, "I'm thinking we might have a - okay, I haven't seen it yet - monthly event. One all guilds can participate about."

Nayiv de Reymes muses, "What do you mean?"

Kinaed states, "We post an IC_Event Board as staff noting some specific event or something that is happening to help you guys RP for the month."

Edward Darson states, "We definately need -something.- You can only play internal RP so long before stuff starts to get rediculous."

Kinaed states, "At the end of the month, the game will auto-tally which guild had the most activity over the month per head."

Kinaed says, "One thing I fear is this always landing with the same 3 people because they're just more active by default though."

Kinaed claims, "Anyway, end of the month, a guild is determined the winner, and staff will post an IC Event talking about what happened that this guild rose to the top."

Azarial wonders, "Adjusted it based on activity? the really acive ones need more to balance it, encouraging quality of rp over quantity of rpxp?"

Kinaed claims, "Then post another event."

Cira von Nivara says, "That helps the guild with the most active novices"

Kinaed states to Azarial, "Gotta balance it somehow. There's no way certain people can compete with the 80 hours that some players have to spend on TI a week."

Azarial nods.

Cira von Nivara claims, "Since I can reach Heroic gain pretty easily, and others I bet can't"

Temi claims, "Maybe tally up recommends"

Kinaed states, "In the long run, right now that doesn't matter because individual character development is capped by skill caps, etc."
Azarial nods at Temi.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair says to Kinaed, "Use it based on recommen. *grins at temi*"

Kinaed says to Temi, "Now that's a good idea."

Oriane Linere is idle.

Kinaed says, "Instead of time spent RPing, base it on legitimate recommends, and maybe even cull recommends for those about RP based around the topic."

Nayiv de Reymes declares, "I like Torian and Temi's idea!"

Kinaed claims, "So we can actually ensure the RP is about the event."

Beronica von Bellatos claims, "That would also lead people to withhold recommends to help promote their own guild."

Argider queries, "Withhold recommends?"

Kinaed ponders Beronica von Bellatos's comment.

Nayiv de Reymes says, "Nah, I'm sure we can trust people to recommend fairly... That would be stupid and petty."

Kinaed claims, "I think 95% of the pbase wouldn't withhold recommends or try to sway stuff, but I think 5% might."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair also points out that Recommends are reviewed, " Imms would probably catch on."

Temi claims, "We can't catch omissions"

Beronica von Bellatos nods.

Argider states, "Yeah. Hm."

Kinaed states, "It's harder to catch on that someone is withholding than it is to catch them recommending the same people or only their guildmates, to be honest."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair missed the omission part. >.>

Temi claims, "Well.. except in that 'hey, I heard this happened' - and then I put in a recommend myself."

Temi grins.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

A thin man with blond hair is no longer idle.

A thin man with blond hair has gone IAW.

Kinaed says, "Well, maybe we can work on this idea a little more in staffland anyway. I think it's a good idea, and far better for the game than staff agreeing to run a quest per month, which is difficult for us."

Azarial questions, "Or use a combination of all of the above, kinda like a college course. x% for recomms, y% for rpxp, z% for something else, and the best total wins?"

Maxwell Wattkil asks, "...Uh?"

Azarial claims, "That way it;s not as easy to game one particular one to sway the whole victory."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair states to Kinaed, "Involves more people too, I know there are some like me that just can't handle a quest due to the number of people"

Kinaed nods at a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair.

Kinaed states, "Speaking of quests - I haven't spoken with Delilah, but we're not sure if we have enough people/time to run our quest this month."

Edward Darson asks, "Staff-wise?"

Temi nods at Edward Darson.

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair suggests a freak snowstorm, and plenty of snowballs to pick up and throw at people.

Oriane Linere is no longer idle.

Oriane Linere has returned from AFK.

Kinaed is trying to find the staff post with the quest outline to determine if we can do it with player help or not.

Beronica von Bellatos states to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "I have plenty of snow right now."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair claims to Beronica von Bellatos, "Send some to me, I'm in arizona, it's chilly in the shade and hot in the sun."

Temi states, "Well, the doomsdaying npcs you mentioned we could certainly farm out to players. Just tell them what they're freaking out about nd let them go.. they don't need to know how it fits in"

Nayiv de Reymes states, "On another, random note... I'm working on a Storytelling plot now that finals are done. And if you or the rest of the staff needs help, Kinaed, I'll have lots of time on myhands."

Kinaed says, "Staff post 122 on the staff board."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, we have 15 points to hit in the quest if we run it, we're around point 5."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair looks out the window at the sand, dirt, and rocks, " It's going to be a beige christmas."

Kinaed claims, "We need people to write dreams, moods... and to play NPCs. And individual running of the cumulation."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair declares to Kinaed, "Dreams? I can do dreams, I like writing dreams!"

Kinaed says, "No, I don't think even with player help we'll be able to run it, we need at least 1 full time staff to coordinate and handle most of the work."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "PEople give me spooky dreams."

Nayiv de Reymes wonders, "I better go, can I be transed out?"

Nayiv de Reymes has been transferred out by Azarial. [OOC]

Kinaed says to a dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair, "You'd have to understand the context of writing them and have quite a lot of OOC information about player characters that we don't htink is appropriate to disseminate to the pbase :("

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair claims to Maxwell Wattkil, "I only ever wrote 1 dream, it wasn't a bad dream either."

A dusky looking man with chestnut colored hair nods to Kinaed, " Understandable."

Edward Darson states, "I stopped doing them because people just don't react."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "I also got a dream I -never- got a follow up on. It was so wierd."

Kinaed says, "The dreams are probably the most labor intensive aspect of the work because most of the pbase would receive them."

Beronica von Bellatos says, "The reincarnation of Kain gave me a great dream."

Maxwell Wattkil states, "Well, I got like- A follow up, but no addition to it."

Kinaed says, "Anyway, I think we still intend to run this quest - it's pretty awesome. I don't think we'll be doing it this month, however."

Kinaed states, "All code required is in place to run it, I think."

Beronica von Bellatos does her best to contain a squeal of delight.

Kinaed says, "It's just a matter of staff availability. I'll check with Del. She might be able to run it."

Kinaed states, "In which case, if she is, we'll tap those players who offered to help on the shoulder to play NPCs."

Kinaed says, "If not, we'll hold out for better staff availability."

Kinaed queries, "Anyway, we're almost out of time. Anyone want to bring anything else up before we wrap up?"

Kinaed states, "Awesome. Thank you, everyone for attending."

Azarial asks, "How would a capture the flag thing fit into RP?"

Azarial shrugs eloquently with more tail than shoulders.

Kinaed wonders, "Have a think about that for next week?"

Kinaed states, "Since it was raised as a Reeve/Thief thing :)"

Temi states, "I'd still love to hear thoughts on how plants are working out for people as you try them. I understand it's a limited subset of people, but I can point out the 0 skill plants if you want."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed says, "I'm happy for the meeting to continue, but I myself have to run."

Argider exclaims to Temi, "So far I've been really impressed. Thanks for all the hard work!"

A fragile brunette lass with wide, honey-gold eyes states, "It looks freakin' awesome so far."

Azarial waves to Kinaed.

Kinaed declares, "So I'll pass the reigns to Temi and read the log our scribe puts up later. Thanks everyone!"

Re: Log of OOC Meeting 12/14/13

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:27 pm
by Leech
I kind of skimmed over the CTF bit and the minigames, but what stood out to me was the idea that people want to RP with thieves.

Why the hell would you want to RP with a potentially dangerous criminal? That aside, I completely agree - just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't doing things. I don't like the idea that there needs to be robberies and action, action. For one, robberies are nigh on impossible to solve in a medieval setting unless the outcome is premeditated by the RPers. Two, from a thief perspective it's high risk low reward, as always - and while I don't know if standards have changed, but staff didn't allow bank robberies back when. That, really (and Marissa's house) is the only target worth hitting. Even the palace vaults are high risk low reward.

On the subject of robberies, it'd be nice for mooks to be in so that we know how many guards are on a place. That way STPs can be made around them. One side tells their defenses, the other states their offenses, the former sends Darson, Ariel, and Gavin to guard separate corners, the thieves send so and so down certain paths... and if they meet up, handle each scene separately and then at the end add all the consequences up for an outcome on which side was successful.

Rambling done now!

Re: Log of OOC Meeting 12/14/13

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:56 pm
by wimple
As to the Brotherhood...

I don't know. I mean, we've had a rash of break-ins recently that have been reported to Reeves. I know -some- of those had investigation follow-up. I've had alts report them myself, never mind messengers sent to Reeves. I've seen rumors of people negotiating the Brotherhood for stuff back. I know they've made illicit purchases with other people. They've put up bounties for different things, that have been claimed. There's also been other stuff going on behind the scenes or things that have plain just not gotten a response (like the in-game tabloid). The BroHood is active and doing things.

Robberies really aren't profitable. You get cool stuff, but no one ever buys it. They probably need to get a fence north side and sell there, because their fence under the Blind Horse isn't the place to sell silks and jewels and things. I suppose they could try to sell back to the owners, when the owners are actually still active and able to purchase things back.

Are you guys wanting less BroHood members (with plots, heists, or longer arcs) or more just trouble makers (i.e. drunks getting in fights North Side, etc.)?