Arresting Guide

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Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:23 pm

Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:14 am

BS, Wimple.. You gagged someone that had done nothing but cooperate with you.. You stripped them naked, but you let another, clearly higher risk character keep everything all they way up to the pyre.. There's nothing accurate about your claim of extreme threat.. You chose to torment my character and myself as a player despite having turned themselves in and cooperated EVERY step of the way.. NO extremeness to it. It was YOUR call and you decided that despite cooperation and everything else that the character was torture bait.. No one has ever told me (including staff) that my character deserved half of what YOU gave them, so YOU are contradicting yourself in your apology that it was not clear that it was extreme cases only... You made the call.. You decided to take torment a benign character that had never threatened anyone. You gagged them. You even went so far as to see them buried anonymously, as the only anonymous grave in the graveyard while another, who tried to run at the Pyre got a name on their grave... No.. Any liking I had for you as a player or a character was gone in the way you treated me because it was extreme, over the top and excessively cruel - especially the gagging, and I don't care what you claim your justification was.

I believe and accurate OOC paraphrasing from you was, "Oh, just deal with it. You are gagged and you RPed just fine gagged with me. Live with it." when I protested OOCly. Now you make it sound like someone else broke your rules?.. You did.

Gags are torturous in OOC ways.. I stand by my statement. Next time a character of mine gets gagged for ANY reason, they are dead and I stop playing them, period.. There is NO excuse for it in my book OOCly unless in solitary and my character never was.
Mages (will always be medium or high level of danger on the warrant): Generally should be gagged and stripped of all items, including clothing. They should also be restrained. They will be housed in the fortified communal cells, solitary cells, hanging cage, or deep below.
That looks pretty cut and dry to me.. If they might be a mage, they are to be gagged.. No misinterpretation to it.. No anti-magic code to it.. No exceptions. Don't talk about anything being misinterpreted.. You decided the Gags are the norm, not the exception.

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Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 am

Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:43 pm

I disagree, but I'm not going to get into a back and forth over specific IC events. If this thread can't stay on point, I'd appreciate if the mods could lock it.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:55 pm

Locked as requested.

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