GL Approval Ratings

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:23 pm

The staff have been struggling with ways to make the game as political as possible, to make leadership less black and white and terminal as being handed a role. For example, we're uncomfortable that GLs cannot be ousted by their guilds except on OOC grounds, and we're definitely concerned about roles such as the Monarch, now in player hands, being without player recourse or consequence of removal for bad judgment except on staff whim. We want players who are dissatisfied with the activities of their leaders to have a say, not so much as a punishment, but more as a "it is important for a leader to consider the effect of their actions on their personal power." So, we've come up with the GL Approval Rating.

This barometer is a numerical beast that goes from 0-100 pts, divided into the following categories:

Code: Select all

Descriptor      Numbers      Personal Effect        vNPC Effect
Entrenched      91-100      +2 IP per week          The world at large adores this GL and will fight for them.
Approved         51-90       +1 IP per week         The world at large approves of this GL and will express disapproval in rumors and IC event posts of opposition
Neutral          31-50       no effect              The world at large doesn't care yet.
Disapproved      11-30       -1 IP per week         The world at large disapproves of this GL and will express approval in rumors and IC events that oppose the leader
Ousted            0-10       GL Ousted              The world events will support the removal of the GL
... or something like that.

New GLs will start with an approval rating of 70 on day 1 as their default.

Every player in the game will be able to spend Influence Points to either APPROVE (bump up the barometer towards 100) or DISAPPROVE (bump down a GL's barometer). The higher the player's faction approval (for example, if you're entrenched in the Order, and you are making a statement about the Order GL) will magnify the affect of your IP use, either in favor or against, the GL. Also, there will be a modifier for if a player actually is a member of the faction. GLs can use their own IP to bolster their position with the same rules of magnification of support applied). GLs will be rewarded or hampered by their "approval rating" as above.

Faction approval and disapproval reasons will be logged to staff only, and no one player's approval or disapproval in a single use of IP, in a single week, can affect a GL's barometer by greater than 20 in either direction, though multiple players can either perform a coup together, etc.

Please, give us some feedback! Also, remember that IP points will be used for a slew of things.

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Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:33 pm

How will this work for covert guilds? Or will it?

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:37 pm

Ahh, good point. I hadn't thought of them. Any suggestions?

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Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:38 pm

Maybe it shouldn't apply to them. The covert guilds keep people in line through force in theory. If you don't like Tenebrae or Rubeus, stab 'em to death?

I dunno.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:42 pm

I'd probably be inclined to make it work, because I like giving people options for recourse without blood. Rather, I think if you don't know who to use your IP on, you're ineffective in the space, so coverts will have the benefit of only being in danger by people in the know. However, we do have covert guilds where the GL doesn't let out their IC identity even to their own members - I reckon in that case we ought to allow people to direct their approval/disapproval to Tenebrae and Rubeus respectively.

Should we bother with 2nd GLs?

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Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:00 pm

That'd work I think. (IE letting guild members just vote for/against Rubeus/Tenebrae).

In terms of the 2nd GLs... maybe start with them not included, and if there's a demand for it at that functionality? The first GLs can already remove them if there's an issue so.

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Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:25 pm

One thing I would like to see... Covert Guilds should not be able to significantly affect a lawful GL's approval rating and vice versa. I would be extremely ticked to have Manus and Thieves team up to knock off my approval rating to oust Caria when technically only her Knights, the Nobles, and the King's approval really matter in her regard.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:02 pm

Provided your own guild supports you, anyone outside of the guild should have trouble affecting you as you can up your own rating with their backing based on modifiers. They do have a say, but it's not as big of a say as people who are ICly in the right position to "do something about Caria if they don't like her".

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