Poll: Mages in Cells

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Should mage cells be no-magic?

Total votes: 20
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Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:32 pm

If it just a case wherein the knights have a funding issue that they can't afford what I think is basic equipment like manacles, they have IC means of rectifying that situation.

As for magic, I'm not very au fait at all, but I'd say that anything with obvious magickness (preparing spells) is going to get the attention of the VNPC guards who'd put a stop to it. Natural mages, however, may be the exception here. But I'd support pre-prepared spells being usable.

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Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:03 pm

Prepared should be usable, imho. The dancing and the swaying and yelling and finger pointing is all done. Invoking is just targetting and thinking about it for a minute. If you prepared something, you should be able to use it. *shrug*

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Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:49 pm

I agree completely. I believe the issue rose when the Knight GL and I were discussing a prisoner not being restrained code-wise, and she said they couldn't afford to use one set of manacles each. I told her that the restraints were done to prevent people from evoking when they are ICly bound, and that where good players may not do so, bad players might be tempted to and it is a helluva lot of trouble to trace back if we suspect it happening. I am pretty confident Raidon, for example, would have been all too happy to ignore the fact that he cannot cast rituals while ICly bound. At least, that's just my opinion of how it came about - it might have stemmed from a completely different issue.

I agree that invoking is okay but not evoking. Thus solving the issue, really, by restraining people codely in cells? *boggles*

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:27 pm

I was always told on OtherTI that cells were proofed against magic. I have no idea if that was just rumor, or what have you, it probably was.

Anyway, I'm pretty against mages being able to cast at all while in cells, unless the spells require absolutely no movement, or unless they've been unrestrained, (codely and/or RP-wise).

Any chanting, dancing, rituals, and so on should be noticed by the VNPC guards, purely and simply, and I feel like preparing spells that require movement, cause a lot of noise, etc is just twinking out by ignoring the presence of vNPCs.

For spells that don't require movement and work at just a thought, I'm more okay with those being castable if they were pre-prepared.

That being said, since there are certain notable locations that are no-magic, I would -think- the Order would have the foresight to no-magic their cells. This might be something for the Order/Knights to spend guild coin on from time to time to keep up, or what have you.

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:13 pm


Invoking a spell almost never implies IC movement.

Evoking is the stuff that takes rituals, dancing etc and that is code-prevented by restraints.

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Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:53 pm

Just a note:

The Order has no ability to make rooms no-magic. ICly, something happened to River Square done by the mages themselves that caused the no-magic.

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