IC time - too fast?

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Posts: 137
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Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:18 am

Just wondering if I'm the only person to think that IC time passes just a wee bit too fast. There have been multiple instances where something 'urgent' needed to be addressed ICly... but we all have real lives, timezones, work, etc, and thus sometimes 1 or 2 OOC days can go by before we find time to answer correspondence. Even more can go by before we can meet up with someone whom we really need to RP with for 'urgent' matters.

Now, this puts us in a bit of a bind. Do our characters ICly address the time passed as such? IE if we are a bigwig, do we make an issue out of so-and-so not replying us for the past 12 IC days, although that has really just been 3 OOC days, not a terribly long time for someone to be away from TI? It makes sense to act as your char ICly would, but it does sometimes put people in an OOC bind.

Basically, we are in TI less than a person would be around IRL, but yet time passes 4 times faster, leading to unrealistic IC time lapses between things.


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Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:49 am

I like having time go by fast; I tend to ignore it mid-scene, but rather take it into account for the grander scheme- also, I pretty much just ignore it if people don't respond to me in <short amount of days> time. If it gets to be longer, -then- I raise a stink, but I'm not really that big on time cohesion.

I've played games where it's 1.6:1 and it DRIVES ME NUTS. Soooo slooooow, and people -still- have to ignore it mid-scene, so I figure might as well just go all out and be able to enjoy the faster passage of time, long-term.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:18 am

Ah, true. I guess it is nice to see stuff changing faster (wounds healing, aging, etc). I have always just found it hella weird to see it go from morning to afternoon after just a conversation in the tavern though. Especially since we are typing (and often multitasking >.>), a 6-hour scene would contain the same amount of content that would occur in one RL hour's span... but the ingame time would be a full day!

Also, I have had many circumstances where I did fudge my chars' responses to IC delays (even though they really would not have happily waited for 2 IC weeks for it)... but it just feels unrealistic to do so, and might be wholly preventable by an adjustment of the time speed.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:43 pm

Estelle wrote:Ah, true. I guess it is nice to see stuff changing faster (wounds healing, aging, etc). I have always just found it hella weird to see it go from morning to afternoon after just a conversation in the tavern though. Especially since we are typing (and often multitasking >.>), a 6-hour scene would contain the same amount of content that would occur in one RL hour's span... but the ingame time would be a full day!

Also, I have had many circumstances where I did fudge my chars' responses to IC delays (even though they really would not have happily waited for 2 IC weeks for it)... but it just feels unrealistic to do so, and might be wholly preventable by an adjustment of the time speed.
I've seen a few different speeds, like 4:1, 2:1, 3:2... all in all, faster > slower. It just is. A lot of people already don't have the patience to work from the bottom up (or the lifespan.) Most people just app in/buy in to Knighthood instead of going from Page - > Squire -> whatever else -> Knighthood. If we make that harder and EVEN LONGER it's just never gonna happen. Pregnancy is affected - it takes for effing ever. Aging, promotions, wound healing... it just GOES ON AND ON.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:04 pm

I've played TI at 4x speed and at like a much reduced speed and the reduced speed, frankly, sucks. I think in this case we should probably just have an unspoken understanding that things in TI take 'longer' than they should OOCly, and that that 'longer' time is actually normal, IC. If that makes sense.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:37 pm

It takes hours to cook a meal in a hearth. Mail does not arrive instantly in every single post office for every single person. Messengers have to scour the entire city for you. There are no text messages. There are no microwaves. There are no modes of 60 mph transportation (Usually). We all know that the addicts don't sleep for IC days and the people on vacation have walled themselves up on their chamber pots for a month or two. With all that said, I do not mind the ratio of time. I have played on many different rations between 4:1 and 1:1. 1:1 was difficult because some people only RPed at night, while others only during the day. However, 1:1 was pretty damn realistic in terms of getting correspondences returned. I just use a little suspension of disbelief and pretend that others have some medieval-themed ailment that they must attend to.

Posts: 137
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Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:32 pm

I think promotions are restricted by OOC time, not IC time (helpfile says 1 OOC month). But yeah, seems like most people prefer 4:1, so I'm cool with it.

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