PK Debriefing?

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After a PK, should the victim be informed of what happened "behind the scenes"?

Poll ended at Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:15 pm

Yes, enlighten the PK victim
No, protect the secrets of RP
Maybe, comments on the particulars below
Total votes: 15
Posts: 180
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 am

Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:34 am

Players -should- be able to do those things. It's a great ideal. But I think it's fairly obvious that a segment of the player base doesn't feel things are quite to that ideal yet (or else you'd have more baddies with blogs). I personally have OOC relationships like that with some players and not with others; just depends.

I see this backfiring with contested deaths. Contested deaths were enough a drain and drama that I left a character. They're already very tense situations. Ten to one, you're going to have more people involved with OOC/IC separation issues. Debriefing them in detail, when things are still OOCly crazy for parties involved and when someone who is upset is in the throes of creating a new character just seems like a bad idea to me. It has the potential to make things even more drama-filled OOCly.

Even in cases where players have good OOC/IC separation, losing a character can be a disappointment. It won't be retained to one player; we have a pretty friendly OOC community on the game and it's guaranteed that whatever is said is probably going to spread around. It just isn't something that is going to stay private and can lead to all kinds of messy OOC/IC questionable actions by other characters.

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Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:09 pm

Whereas I can certainly understand the will to know the back story of why a character died (for closure if nothing else), I think it's probably not a good idea to do this as a rule.

Rather, if the dead char's player asks for info, I would suggest the PK:er(s) must be asked what should be conveyed or not. It's only fair they get a say in such OOC matters.

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