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Southside Revamp

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:39 pm
by Kinaed
Here are the things currently being contemplated for our focus on revamping South Side. Please give us additional ideas or comment on current ones? Anything amusing or interesting to add to what we do have? A specific take on anything you'd like to see?


Code: Select all

 Night Market (Part of Tubortown?)
- Former arsenal/sweathshop/factory
- burned out houses
- slaughter yard/massacre site/pit arena
- Tubortown
- Playhouse
- Pawnshop
- Laundry/Whorehouse (already done. Got a deal with Elaesha on it to do what I promised Az. Will handle meself)
- Alleyways
- depreciated lookout tower/guard tower
- shantytown shacks
- rubble/makeshift paths (want to make this a bit like a Brazilian favela)
- Old Ironside Forge (public forge)
- Docks in the NE?
- Boathouse/Boating Club 
- Soup Kitchen
- Firestation/Public Well
- Post Office
- Woodworker
- Poorman's Bank
- Leatherworker
- Tanner
- Chandeler
- Rooftop Maze
- Brotherhood/Collegia head quarters
- Meeting Hall/Dance Hall (maybe combined with the playhouse?)
- Undercity or Underworks (Sewer-esque)
- Bolt holes/smuggler holes
- REMOVE Gewinn River

Re: Southside Revamp

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:31 pm
by Estelle
I love those! Especially the rubble paths.

Some sort of 'southern' church square would be nice also, perhaps just near the Bear and Boar as a central place for gathering (with the bank and post office on either side to mark it as such, and maybe the well and public board). Not nearly so fancy, not so many guards, no lawn etc... Not sure what it would be called though.

Why is the Genhwin being removed?

Re: Southside Revamp

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:25 pm
by Kinaed
Because Lithmore isn't in the middle of the Tigris and Euphrates. It's not on a tributary either, it's a bit in-land according to the maps. In short, it doesn't make geographical sense, and we think that the River Bren is more established.

Re: Southside Revamp

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:53 am
by Enix
Was this already done or still in the works. I think this would be real cool, might even spur alot people to create a lower life form for an alt or something. Just curious

Re: Southside Revamp

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:04 am
by Estelle
I think it got stuck in the works. :( I understand imms are really busy, but I also think it'd be really cool if this could be done. :)