[Poll] Should the think command use the same syntax as emote?

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Should the think command use the same syntax as emote?

Poll ended at Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:53 pm

Maybe, comments below
Total votes: 19
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Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:53 pm

Some players have requested that the think command use the same syntax and set up as emote. Another player told us they prefer that think remains "say-like as they primarily use think for dialogue, and feel the emote syntax is too complex for the value added.

What do you think?

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:56 pm

Very much in favor of a new command, like tmote, that can think with the full flexibility of emote - but keeping think like say.


Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:57 pm

I like being able to emote in thinks, and I like the idea of being able to use /self tags in them, but I primarily think in dialogue - if we can't make 'think' default to "Mika thinks, "thoughts."" when there's no /self tag present (ie, think /self thinks about things ; think mulling over this, /self decides the boy must perish), maybe a tmote?

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Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:08 pm

I think that people who use think-emotes would end up using them for things like subtle changes in facial expression and the like - things that would be better served in a hemote. My vote's for 'no'.

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Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:31 am

I am always fudging my thinks into things like emotes with * * because a lot of thoughts aren't just stream of consciousness, but flashes of emotions, flashes of images rather than just direct words. I think it is better rp (especially for those thought listeners) to have those other things.

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Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:23 pm

I'm a little confused as to what's being proposed exactly. Change "think ," so that you can do things like:

temote Fear has dominated /self's mind for the past couple of hours as he wonders, "Where did I leave my keys?"

instead of:

think ,'s mind has been dominated by fear for the past couple of hours as he wonders, "Where did I leave my keys?"


If so, sure? Though of course, /name shouldn't turn into the intro for people who haven't remembered said person since it's a thought. I'm not sure how needed this is compared to other things, but if it's easy to do, why not?

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:43 am

Tremere wrote:I am always fudging my thinks into things like emotes with * * because a lot of thoughts aren't just stream of consciousness, but flashes of emotions, flashes of images rather than just direct words. I think it is better rp (especially for those thought listeners) to have those other things.
+1, and also agreed with Dice. A command like "tmote" would be brilliant--I'm very strongly in favour of it. I don't think that anyone will use it for subtle changes of facial expression--not good RPers, anyone. But they could do the same thing with the current system as-is, so why not just give people the capability to start a think without "A person" attached to the beginning?

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:37 am

I really, extremely dislike the idea of creating tmote in addition to think.

I think it comes because I dislike the say command in general; it's a holdover from muds in general and there to support new players coming in, but generally makes for poor RP. I also don't like the idea of having multiple commands to use 'think'.

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:57 pm

Personally, I think this would be a very minor improvement. I almost always think in dialogue. And from what I understand, it's to help staff get a feel for your character's goals/thoughts. I think putting it into an emote would lessen the message.

Zorak is filled sense of dread. "Space Ghost," he thinks. "You've returned."


What!? Space Ghost is back already? I thought I sent him with Moltar to investigate the pipes. I need to hide the saxophone!

You could be just as or more telling with a thought emote, but I think a lot of people may just end up being more vague with their thoughts if it were implemented. Vagueness is nice when it's us roleplaying together as players, but when a command exists to help get the Staff in the know, I think we should be as direct as possible.

But hey, if people really want it -- and it isn't too much of a pain to code in -- let them eat cake!

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:53 pm

Kinaed wrote:I think it comes because I dislike the say command in general; it's a holdover from muds in general and there to support new players coming in, but generally makes for poor RP. I also don't like the idea of having multiple commands to use 'think'.
You're saying that you don't want two separate think commands because you don't like how there's both emote and say?

That makes sense, though if using say is frowned upon, perhaps get rid of it? I had no idea it was frowned upon, so I've been using it a lot in conversations where my character wouldn't move her hands, or nod her head, and instead be just continuing a conversation. I know lots of people are very animate when they talk, but some people just discuss things without moving much. Or if it is frowned upon, perhaps say so in a helpfile?

Ideally think could be merged into emote as a tag? Like, emote bites her lip. *I wonder where she's gone...*. with everything in asterisks being unformatted, so you'd type it exactly how you want it seen. Then you could get rid of say too, and if new players try to say something, pop up a message saying, 'This MUD uses the emote command for all roleplay. Please see 'help emote'."

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