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Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:07 pm
by Kinaed

Code: Select all

In general, the definition of a twink is someone who uses the rules of a
system to undermine the spirit of the system.  Explicitly, The Inqisition
is NOT a high fantasy game.  For the most part, what is physically likely
is the bounds of acceptable RP, not what might be physically possible
according to various urban legends, mythology, and so on.  
For the purposes of TI's policy, the following is considered to be 
twinking, twinkage, etc:
1) Use of code to trump theme or policy. For example, just because 
something can be done with code doesn't mean that it should be done
and considered acceptable RP. The only physical difference between 
the realities of Urth and Earth's physics is that of magic. Gravity,
the relative ability of a person, etc, are the same.

Thus, players should not assume that grandmastering an ability is giving
them mythological super skills, or that lots of practice turns them into an
impervious god that can spam cemotes, bend realism, etc.
2) Rules-lawyering.  Eg, quoting specific lines of policy in isolation to
support a case instead of observing the desired effect of the entire policy
as a whole.
Common Examples of Twinkage Against Policy
- RPing that injuries don't exist or hinder a character.
- Miraculously healing brands or crippling injuries inflicted
  in RP with flimsy excuses.
- Using hide and sneak to disappear while someone is directly
  interacting with a player.
- Casting magic spells one after the other without emoting.
- Running away upon seeing other players without emoting.
- Losing link whilst in RP to avoid RP.
- pre-writing and spamming combat emotes.
- walking out of combat without RPing an attempt to flee
- Attacking/Arresting/Casting a spell on someone without prior, substantiating rp
- fleeing attack/arrest without rping withour prior RP

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:48 pm
by Estelle
I think this is great.

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:16 pm
by Zeita
Quick question, just on one specific that isn't explicitly covered; and that is attacking/arresting without prior rping with the person in the room. On the flip side, leaving/fleeing (not directly from combat, as that is mentioned in the policy) when someone wants to RP an attack/arrest with you. I personally put out at least one emote when entering a room with other PCs that I don't intend to stay in, to give them that opportunity. (That doesn't include crossing a room containing PCs as part of travel/journey.)

Besides that, I'm happy to sign onto this, as it looks good.

I think it generally comes down to: Be reasonable and respect your fellow players and their characters.

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:31 pm
by Kinaed
Adding these examples provided. Thank you!

Other possibilities for support?

Code: Select all

- Casting a spell to invoke self-defense PK policy
- Revealing yourself OOCly as a mage to others to prevent IC reprocussions
- Using OOC information gleaned from logic devised by game knowledge ICly, such as figuring out who a mage is by using remember lists, then RPing about it to others
- ICly guessing information a character knows OOCly 
- A player ICly setting up a situation to discover what their character doesn't know
- OOCly telling other players who the mages and other coverts are in-game
- OOCly telling other players when you have been secretly PKilled
- Hiding evidence of a crime with IC radio silence; eg, not putting up moods, rumors, and appropriate IC evidence that a crime has occured

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:17 am
by Estelle
I think these are great as well. However, I think it hasn't been stated what is going to be done about such things? ie does performing such actions allow staff the right to step in and dictate the consequences of RP instead of leaving it to code? Or are there other, stiffer penalties for doing such?

With regards to some of them, such as OOC sharing of information, I regret to say that there really is not much strict policy can do about such stuff, with all the private messenger clients available. But I suppose it is good to make it a rule nevertheless.

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:45 am
by Estelle
Oh, one more thing I think might be added.

-Assuming VNPCs don't exist

I think we haven't actually reached a consensus re: to what degree exactly VNPCs should affect RP, but I think at the very LEAST people should not expect to murder, cast magic, or do blatantly unacceptable things in certain areas (Church Square, River Square, Cityguard HQ, and each of their immediately adjacent rooms), and expect to get away with it unscathed without taking proper precautions or leaving the crime scene very quickly?

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:51 am
by Zeita
Perhaps these certain uber-public rooms could be flagged as such, and if a spell is cast or an attack is made there, it automatically posts to the ic_event board (may be too spammy, for ex, if someone dumps 80 spells in a row), or mail autosent to the law guilds with the short/cloak desc of the perp? It is hard to make the VNPCs take direct actions, but they can at least inform the PCs responsible for policing those things?

Just a thought.

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:53 am
by Kinaed
I know it's a bit childish, but I was going to ask Az to make a Twink dunce cap-like flag for the who list and anyone who does it gets flagged with [Twink] for a couple of days.

Obviously, I like public ridicule as a punishment. *cough*

On Charm's post, I wanted to add a security flag to rooms, and do something like a 'law' channel that's a like a wiznet for PCs:

LAW> A city guardsman reports: Someone wearing a cloak with the Twink badge written on it has picked the door north at the Palace Gate!

Security would show up near the temperature/weather info and essentially be safe, average, and poor. Safe reports 100% of trouble, average 50%, and poor none. Or something like that.

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:59 am
by Jei
I actually like both of your suggestions, Kinaed. The twink dunce cap thing and the law thing as well. I was pushing for something similar on other ti when I was in a 'law' guild. =p

Re: Policy Twink File for Review/Question/Comment

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:12 am
by Lei
I'd be pretty hesitant to cast a vote for the dunce hat suggestion (assuming I even had one :P ). Seems to me it would have a huge potential for escalating poor feelings between players. I don't think that's very beneficial for the game as a whole, even if it did have some benefits.