MUSHclient Color-Grab Plugin for TI

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Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:39 pm

Credits: Plugin credit goes to Nick Gammon, and I think a few other have people poked and prodded at it over time for their various games. This one was adapted from an Aardwolf version to TI's specific colorcodes. I managed to get gray copying properly and feel totally and undeservedly accomplished.


Go into Program FIles -> MUSHclient -> worlds -> plugins

Copy this into a fresh notepad file:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>

   author="Nick Gammon"
   purpose="Copies output with colour codes"

<description trim="y">
Copies text from the output window to the clipboard, with The Inquisition: Legacy color codes.

To use: highlight text and then:

Ctrl+D copy (like Ctrl+C but different)

or: Ctrl + Left-click and select "Copy with Colour"




<!--  Script  -->


-- Thank you, Shaun Biggs, for taking your time to write the CopyScript
-- (formerly Copy2) function below. It was slightly altered by me to suit
-- my usage (wordwrapped lines and no \r\n at start of selection).

local BLACK = 1
local RED = 2
local GREEN = 3  
local YELLOW = 4 
local BLUE = 5 
local MAGENTA = 6 
local CYAN = 7 
local WHITE = 8

-- how each colour is to appear (black is not supported on Aardwolf)

local conversion = {
  [GetNormalColour (RED)]     = "{r",
  [GetNormalColour (GREEN)]   = "{g",
  [GetNormalColour (YELLOW)]  = "{y",
  [GetNormalColour (BLUE)]    = "{b",
  [GetNormalColour (MAGENTA)] = "{m",
  [GetNormalColour (CYAN)]    = "{c",
  [GetNormalColour (WHITE)]   = "{w",
  [GetNormalColour (BLACK)]   = "{D",
  [GetBoldColour   (RED)]     = "{R",
  [GetBoldColour   (GREEN)]   = "{G",
  [GetBoldColour   (YELLOW)]  = "{Y",
  [GetBoldColour   (BLUE)]    = "{B",
  [GetBoldColour   (MAGENTA)] = "{M",
  [GetBoldColour   (CYAN)]    = "{C",
  [GetBoldColour   (WHITE)]   = "{W",
  [GetBoldColour   (BLACK)]   = "{D",
  }  -- end conversion table
function DoOneLine (styles, startcol, endcol)

  -- remove unneeded style runs at the start
  while next (styles) and startcol > styles [1].length do
    startcol = startcol - styles [1].length
    endcol = endcol - styles [1].length
    table.remove (styles, 1)
  end -- do
  -- nothing left? uh oh
  if not next (styles) then return end
  -- discard unwanted part of first good style
  if startcol > 1 then
    styles [1].length = styles [1].length - startcol
    endcol = endcol - startcol + 1
    styles [1].text =  styles [1].text:sub (startcol)   
    startcol = 1
  end -- if
  -- copy appropriate styles and codes into the output
  while next (styles) do
    local len = endcol - startcol + 1
    if len < 0 or endcol < 1 then
    end -- done
    -- last style?
    if len < styles [1].length then
      styles [1].length = len
      styles [1].text = styles [1].text:sub (1, len)
    end -- if last style
    -- fixup string first - change { to {{ and ~ to {-
    local text = string.gsub (styles [1].text, "{", "{{")
    text = string.gsub (styles [1].text, "~", "{-")
    -- put code in front, if we can find one
    local code = conversion [styles [1].textcolour]
    if code then
      copystring = copystring .. code
    end -- if code found
    -- now the text
    copystring = copystring .. text
    -- less to go now
    endcol = endcol - styles [1].length
    -- done this style
    table.remove (styles, 1)
  end -- while
end -- DoOneLine

function CopyScript(name, line, wildcs)

  -- find selection in output window, if any
  local first_line, last_line = GetSelectionStartLine(), 
                                math.min (GetSelectionEndLine(), GetLinesInBufferCount ())

  local first_column, last_column = GetSelectionStartColumn(), GetSelectionEndColumn()
  -- nothing selected, do normal copy
  if first_line <= 0 then
  end -- if nothing to copy from output window
  copystring = ""
  -- iterate to build up copy text
  for line = first_line, last_line do
    if line < last_line then
      DoOneLine (GetStyleInfo(line), first_column, GetLineInfo(line).length) 
      first_column = 1
      -- Is this a new line or merely the continuation of a paragraph?
      if GetLineInfo (line, 3) then
        copystring = copystring .. "\r\n"
      end  -- new line
      DoOneLine (GetStyleInfo(line), first_column, last_column)
    end -- if
  end  -- for loop
  -- Get rid of a spurious extra new line at the start.
  if copystring:sub (1, 2) == "\r\n" then
    copystring = copystring:sub (3)
  end   -- if newline at start

  if copystring:sub (-2) ~= "{w" then
    copystring = copystring .. "{w"
  end   -- if newline at start

  -- finally can set clipboard contents
end -- function CopyScript

AcceleratorTo ("Ctrl+D", "CallPlugin ('04d9e64f835452b045b427a7', 'CopyScript', '')", sendto.script)


Do "save as" and enter "Color_Copy.xml". Close it. Place the file into the plugins folder.

Open up TI in MUSHclient. Go up to File -> Plugins. Click add, locate the plugin and open. The Color_Copy plugin should now be listed there. Highlight it and install/enable.

Using the Plugin: Highlight some colored text in your TI window, hold Ctrl and left click. It'll pop up asking if you want to Copy with Color. Do it! Can now be pasted to wherever with the colorcodes included.

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Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:03 pm

CMUD can grab colors too, but if you're on something that can't for whatever reason, there's also the option of editing either a note or mail with the strings and typing @{ to have the game spit out the color codes. I thought it was in help ansi but now I don't see it so... Typo QP for meee! \o/

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Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:37 am

It's in the editor help if you type @h whilst in the editor. :)

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