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[Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:31 pm
by Kinaed
Please respond to this poll to give staff an idea of how you'd like to experience diseases on TI.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:43 pm
by Zeita
I selected:
Diseases should happen, but stop at characters dying.

I don't think death by disease is a great RP way to go out, personally. I would be okay with lasting negative impacts from serious disease, however.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:12 am
by Rothgar
Agreeing with Zeita on this one. Disease should occur, but should stop at pdeath.

It gives the RP reason to seek out doctors, and having it do stat/skill damage means that it's dangerous if anyone finds out. Like in real life - you get something as simple as the flu, you feel like death. Even the most badass of criminals has to take a breather when he's got it. And that means that it's prime time for someone else to step up and do something about his weakness. I think that it'd add a crazy amount of RP to combat and unlawful characters.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:22 am
by Snefru
When there is no coded effect, death or otherwise, people can just ignore it and will do so when it's inconvenient. I'm definitely in favor of effects: permanent or temporary but with (relatively) long-term, debilitating coded effect on characters.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:43 am
by Voxumo
I went with diseases should happen, but be a minor inconvenience. However I chose this only due to the permanent aspect. I would be fine with diseases affecting the character in ways such as skill/stat reductions, so that they become a hinderance, but I would not be fine with permanent hindrances, mainly because I play this game for fun and to partially escape some of the more trivial aspects of our reality, permanent effects from diseases being one of those.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:10 am
by Dice
I don't see prevalence coming up yet in these discussions. Serious disease effects should be extremely rare - you should never get your PC sick more than once every few OOC months (as it gets old to play) and you should have a much higher chance of getting a minor cold than a potentially permanent illness. Moreover, you should only risk permanent or serious effects if you don't go to a doctor within a week or so (a week to allow for time to -find- a Physician/schedule RP). Given those kind of factors, I'm a-ok with serious disease that stops short of death. Death with disease would contradict every design philosophy we have about the world never killing you.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:07 pm
by chronodbu
I wish there was an option for diseases that can get to the point short of death but with effects that can be worked through as a player. I don't like the idea of them having a permanent, non-curable, ailment.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:21 pm
by Kinaed
Here's the basic disease premises that I have thus far:

- constitution prevents diseases
- getting a disease makes you immune to diseases for 3 OOC months
- if a person is displaying a disease, it's after the incubation period, so you can't catch it
- the way diseases are presented should not cause the RP around them to be extremely repetitive
- all diseases are curable, but some of the cures may be hard to access (magic?)

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:29 pm
by Tremere
I don't think there should be any disease that can only be cured by magic. I do think that magic should be an easier and quicker way to cure disease, but not the only way to cure some.

Re: [Poll] Impact of Disease

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:57 pm
by Voxumo
Tremere wrote:I don't think there should be any disease that can only be cured by magic. I do think that magic should be an easier and quicker way to cure disease, but not the only way to cure some.
Got to agree with Tremere on this. No disease should be curable only by magic, because if for some reason you get said disease and cure it, everyone's going to know you had the assistance of magic, making you suspicious as all heck.