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Return to Monarchy

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:31 pm
by Kinaed
Hi Folks,

Rather than say this all a million times, here's a log. For those of you who would like to raise any concerns, feel free to respond or write here.
1:11 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Hey guys, I want to address an honest criticism that I've been getting from a few players around choosing Cellan."
1:11 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "And that is that she's in my clique"
1:12 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "And the feeling that you have to be my friend in order to succeed on TI."
1:12 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "Choosing Cellan for what?"
1:12 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Firstly, I think it's a valid concern, and I want to thank everyone who raised it to my face instead of just whispering behind my back. There was a time on TI when the whispering would be everything."
1:12 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Seneschal.)"
1:12 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Gotta read the IC Event board!"
1:13 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "I skimmed. >.>"
1:13 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Ahh"
1:13 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Well, I think it's a valid criticism that Cellan was from my clique, so I want to explain a few things around that."
1:13 AM June 20: [OOC] Paere: "I'm perfectly fine with it, but I'm afraid my opinion doesn't matter since our characters are closely tied together."
1:13 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Firstly, if I didn't think Cellan would be good for the job, I wouldn't have selected her."
1:14 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Yes, Paere, and I'm glad you approve. Some people don't, and it's their right to feel how they do, and they've good reasons for being concerned."
1:14 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "In general, we run a very loose ship on TI with regards to who can play what role. I'm actually not picky with applications, for example."
1:15 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "I couldn't care less about the person who gets a position. It gives more flavour with whomever gets it, better or worse."
1:15 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "The only role that I've held onto is that of the monarch, and mostly because I think it's a big deal if we have the wrong person in there."
1:15 AM June 20: [OOC] Paere: "That's a good point, Zombie. Hell, I wouldn't have minded if Kaemgen got ahold of it"
1:16 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "It was suggested that we vote - to me, I think that would leave the next monarch up to a popularity contest and I felt that we'd just get someone in who had a lot of friends."
1:16 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "And that's why capitalism is bunk! =D"
1:17 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "From my perspective, I feel this role is important in upholding TI's theme and game concepts, and that takes acumen. Additionally, I did want a reasonable IC transition, which I felt only a handful of players could do."
1:18 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "I could have done it. =)"
1:18 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "I am well aware that some of our players absolutely could handle the role, but of those players, I did select one closer to me (not physically - you do not have to be in Australia, though it does help in getting to know someone)..."
1:18 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Yes, I'm sure you could!"
1:19 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Anyway, I selected someone closer to me to enable the dialogue with me that has to occur at this level, especially someone that can deal with "the bad stuff""
1:19 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "My character's a..."
1:19 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "Well, to put it bluntly, an *sshole."
1:20 AM June 20: [OOC] Paere: "It'd be logical if Olither came back from the dead and became Seneschal."
1:20 AM June 20: [OOC] Cyan-lite "Rofl"
1:21 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "That does make me biased, but I don't think it's necessarily the worst evil known to man. It is pretty par for the course on these things, even in real life - the studies have proven people get jobs through networks and so on."
1:21 AM June 20: [OOC] Cyan-lite "Zombie olither will probably be nicer than live olither)"
1:21 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "Combat genius."
1:22 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "So, I do want to say that whereas I think it is a fair criticism, it is the decision I made for reasons that I think were higher priority than bias - fundamentally, I felt we needed to move back to having one person in charge, and I think it's someone that should be 1) ICly plausible, 2) capable and interested, and 3) someone with a close relationship to staff."
1:22 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Thanks for listening, those of you who have raised concerns, and thanks again, those of you who have raised them openly to me. I appreciate that."
1:22 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "I only fit two of those. I have failed."
1:22 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky chuckles.
1:23 AM June 20: [OOC] Paere: "Well, that kind of thinking will intimidate other players, someone with a close relationship to staff. At the same time, however, Cellan ICly did have the contacts and such to take te job."
1:24 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "I don't think that I'm so unapproachable that if someone wanted to be friendly with me that they couldn'tP"
1:24 AM June 20: [OOC] Cyan-lite "I"ve tried, burned.....)"
1:24 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "But that being said, I did think about it for awhile before I chose someone."
1:24 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky sniggers at Cyan.
1:24 AM June 20: [OOC] Zombiepuffs "Maybe next time... If I don't overthrow Vinny."
1:25 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Good luck *grin*"
1:25 AM June 20: [OOC] Kinky: "Now, I'm going back to my damage tables..."

Re: Return to Monarchy

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:55 am
by Jei
Just want to say that I could care less that Cellan was an imm, or is in your clique. The selection was more than plausible ICly and really, no matter who you picked someone would have complained. I think you picked the least complain-aboutable person you could. So.. yeah, that's all.

Re: Return to Monarchy

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:25 pm
by Kinaed
Thanks, Jei. :) I appreciate the show of support.