[Poll] Opinions on Alt Disclosure

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Should players be allowed to disclose their alts to others?

Poll ended at Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:55 pm

Maybe, comments above
Total votes: 20
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Discord Handle: dreams2410

Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:08 pm

I'm going to add that... all of this would be very hard to, erm... monitor?

While we can all agree that there should be a courtesy to it all, most of this would be done in tells, I imagine, which are largely unmonitored. We already have an understanding (as far as I know?) that we are all trying to do our best. This seems to be one of those situations that goes along with that.

Just like submitting a log before an IC situation is completely done with is risky, but technically allowed (I think?), this seems like another one of those risky situations. Revealing an alt has certain risks involved which have already been discussed, so I won't repeat them. Anyone revealing their alts should know and understand those risks before revealing them, and it is ultimately up to them whether they would want to take those risks or whether they would rather not. The courtesy toward other people's preferences of gameplay should also be taken and it should be considered whether someone else would want to know the alts and deal with the consequences of knowing them. Now, will all newbies into the game consider this? I doubt it... a helpfile can be written, but there is no guarantee that a newbie would read all helpfiles. Most newbies want to jump into gameplay, not necessarily spend a lot of time reading. (Yes, I write this realizing I am a relative newbie. But, I'm a helpfile-a-holic, so I don't count. Also, even as a helpfile-a-holic, I still miss some. So, there is always the chance it will not be read.)

ANY type of OOC communication has risks involved - even OOC communication that is technically 'allowed' by the rules because it does not interfere with gameplay. That is why joining the discord channel, for example, is an option and not a requirement.

I would say, anyone who is uncomfortable with any OOC communication happening should feel justified saying, "Hey, cut it, this is too much for me and hinders my gameplay." And, hopefully the person on the receiving end should be mature enough to understand and be able to adjust their communication to make it comfortable for all involved.
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Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:39 pm

I’m probably the worst offender at this lol. :/ didn’t really it was a thing to be concerned about.

How about just a “soft” policy to kee alt disclosure to a minimum? Like for example, I posted that I was going away to Mexico and listed my alts. Maybe instead I could have just posted that Ardan’s player is away in Mexico (as a GL this would be releavant to the wider player base), but left the disclosure that Geras’ player is in Mexico to a pboard note to fellow Reeves, since likely no one other than a Reeve would be looking to RP with Geras anyways.

I’d really like for this not to go to the extreme situation where we have to start changing our forum
iDs etc to conceal who we are though. I will change my title once I’m back in town to make things less obvious.

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Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:45 pm

Thank you for your thoughts and opinions, folks. I think at this time, we'll make no changes to the current policy. However, if you've read this thread, you're now aware that a lot of people DO NOT WANT TO KNOW who your alts are, so please do consider being courteous and asking how someone feels about being made responsible for your or someone else's OOC information prior to disclosing your alts. Thanks!

On that, I'll update our RP culture help files to suggest to people that this is not desired (though it is not a matter of policy).

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