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What rewards you most?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:32 am
by Kinaed
This is a completely anonymous poll. There is no way for me to know who said what - but please, tell us what things in the game have most value to you as rewards, and which have the least.

Did I forget anything? Let me know!

Re: What rewards you most?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:31 pm
by Jei
Stability. I like knowing when I log into a game that the policies/mechanics will not have been changed on me.

Re: What rewards you most?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:54 pm
by Kinaed
I don't know many successful muds that can claim to be all that "stable". If they don't go with the flow, they're not generally progressive because it usually means the programmer is incompetent and they're playing stock. :P What I think you're saying is that you don't agree with some of the recent changes, or that they were handled poorly - I'm sorry about that. We are doing our best and have the game (and thus the player's) interests at heart. We just look at the big picture a lot.

Stability is certainly a driver for players, and security is a priority to be considered when making changes. However, I do not believe that stability as a priority should trump progress, and I expect that even in your heart of hearts, you'd find that you prefer the TI of today to the TI of 2002.

Everyone likes change when they agree with it. No one likes change when they don't. Unfortunately, we don't have the option of pleasing everyone all of the time. We do poll to try to understand what the impacts of what we are doing might be, but even then, it's sometimes hard to say.

Re: What rewards you most?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:00 am
by Platypus
The look on a players face when they realize that, yes, that is a dagger, and I have been having relations with their sister. J/K. I enjoy exciting RP that I just happened to be online to catch.

Re: What rewards you most?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:03 am
by Eris
Well-written stories, by a mile.

Re: What rewards you most?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:41 am
by Estelle
Unearthing secrets, underhanded plots, intriguing twists. I think it was pretty cool back when we first started, there was a hidden alliance or sneaky plot anywhere you turned, you never knew who was double crossing who and what was going on in the sidelines, and you had to keep your cards really close or die. Okay, maybe an exaggeration, but you get my point. >.>

Re: What rewards you most?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:16 am
by Tribalware
personally, on the two occasions that its happened (compliments to herazade for the most recent) being awarded a QP by another player has proved to be very invigorating for me. to have an older player recognise aspects of my roleplay as opening up new possibilities or demonstrating a solid well received character concept will ensure i continue to develop those aspects in particular throughout my rp.

1 QP isnt much in practicality but to a new player receiving kudos like than from an aide is very complimentary and involving. I mean it just isnt as easy as all that to turn up and make this game happen sometimes, it takes time and energy learning the systems, stringing the kit and whatnot and at the end youre still sometimes left wondering whether anyone really accepts your concept or enjoys your presence.

I think people are very good at letting players know in a friendly way when their rp or conduct is unbecoming or unfitting for the game. but to conclude - more experienced to inexperienced player nurturing of positive facets of rp!