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Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:43 pm
by Kinaed
I've gotten the sense lately that perhaps we should consider wrapping the Monarch Quest up earlier rather than awaiting a finite conclusion.... or am I wrong? Can we get a vote?

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:49 pm
by RabbleRouser
I have expressed sooner rather than later in every opinion and feedback requested on this that I have bothered to reply to.

I am ALL for calling this thing over as soon as possible, being one who has characters that simply spend most of their time idle because everyone else is politicking. Even my politically active character is spending a lot of their time idle they shouldn't because almost everything is taking place in private/semi-private areas and no real public RP is happening anywhere to speak of.

This all said, I think ending it one challenge will cheat everyone that has been assuming they have weeks to play this game, so this week? No.. Next week, maybe... Week after that? Why the hell not?

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:13 pm
by Kinaed
Ending it based on today's map won't happen UNLESS someone has a very clear majority. Rather, we'd prepare to wrap it up in the next week. That could be by sayung "highest points wins" or we could speed up the timeline and do a daily or every-other-day submission/drop sequence... or other ideas? Let us know!

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:16 pm
by Kinaed
Ending it based on today's map won't happen UNLESS someone has a very clear majority. Rather, we'd prepare to wrap it up in the next week. That could be by sayung "highest points wins" or we could speed up the timeline and do a daily or every-other-day submission/drop sequence... or other ideas? Let us know!

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:27 pm
by Dice
I'm in favor of ending it next week with a 'highest total wins', rather than holding out for the majority map. Maybe the Royal Council said 'screw it, it's bad for us to be without a monarch, let's choose one' or something - any handwave works for me.

It might be ideal to do this upcoming cycle a little more short - end on Thurs/Fri instead of next Mon.

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:39 pm
by Clockwork
I'm already having scheduling issues because the Quest is rolling over Christmas vacation, a period during which I'm travelling cross country and spending time with the folks. I'm going to be on vacation with very limited time to RP during a period which is already fairly critical to the quest. Accelerating things will make things significantly tougher for me.

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:56 pm
by Temi
Clockwork wrote:I'm already having scheduling issues because the Quest is rolling over Christmas vacation, a period during which I'm travelling cross country and spending time with the folks. I'm going to be on vacation with very limited time to RP during a period which is already fairly critical to the quest. Accelerating things will make things significantly tougher for me.
What would you guys think of having just one more round of submissions (after tonight, of course), but extending it a bit to be more over the holidays and have it be the final one, due next Weds or Thurs or so? Does that help or hurt the fatigue?

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:59 pm
by Eris
I originally went with the first response for the poll, but upon reflection, I'd probably change it to a "maybe".

Honestly, the quest is very intense, particularly on the contenders.

I'd advocate a break from it over the Christmas period, at least, and restart it in early Jan. I think it's only fair that it should be seen through to the end, and that all contenders, regardless of their Christmas plans, shouldn't be at a disadvantage for not having opportunity to roleplay.

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:07 pm
by Caria
Honestly, I'm all for getting it done. Lets dispense with it this week. It was a fun concept, but frankly very tiring at this point, esp since I think we all expected eliminations to begin last week. Even with 7 contenders at the time it was going to run a long time and our fatigue has only gotten worse I feel. We have 4 going up for it so either we dispense with it this week or have a early elimination next week to wrap it up.

Re: Quest Fatigue

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:28 pm
by Kinaed
Just a note: Jonus WAS eliminated last week. :)