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Who List by OOC

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:42 am
by Kinaed
Do you think we ought to change the wholist to show OOC names that players can set (and send tells to)?

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:58 am
by Eris
Yes, but I think it should be by account name, not by OOC name, to provide players with a stable idea of who's available for RP!

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:26 pm
by Empheba
No, I think it's a good thing that one can see which characters are online, for RP-finding reasons. Consistency is needed, and using the freely changeable ooc name is potentially making the wholist worthless for that reason. But nor is using the account name ideal in my view - that connects character to player in a way I prefer not to see.

The wholist name should be able to be changed from the real name, but I think this should be a rare, permanent change, something staff needs to approve from case to case.

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:00 pm
by Geras
Perhaps it could be optional and default to no?

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:02 pm
by Geras
Alternatively, one could be allowed to have whoinvis on at the same time as OOC.

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:45 am
by Enix
There is a whoinvis option....if people dont want people knowing a true name.

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:57 am
by Jei
I selected no, because of two reasons. 1) I expect people to understand the who list is OOC and meant to help facilitate RP. It helps you know when people are on for RP, be it friendly or negative. That might sound like twinking in regards to the negative RP, but RP is RP and you can't do it if people aren't around. Knowing people are online just gives you the opportunity to find and RP them, whether it's friendly or aggressive RP. Abuse of whererp is a much worse factor in this kind of thing. Obviously, if people have whererp on, they're inviting RP, though people should use their better judgement if the room on whererp is somewhere private.

2) Whoinvis is always an option. If you don't want people to know you're online, because of either being pursued, or just plain not wanting to RP with certain or any folks, well, there's whoinvis and whererp off. Whoinvis also solves the issue of people using the who list for finding out real names. However, with this whole 'real names' issue, I really expect people to judge, you know, not be so lame as to use the who list to discover full names, or to determine that someone is hiding something, IC. OOC, you obviously can't help but notice that the fake name given doesn't match the OOC ones on who list, but if you're even a novice RPer, you should know to overlook this and not let it affect your RP.

I use the who list/where rp to find and locate people for RP. Though generally only for non-aggressive RP. Our pbase is small, and sometimes you just need to know when people are around so you can RP with them, especially if you're after someone in particular for some reason. So.. eh, that's why I said no. If you think people are treating you unfairly from the who list, go whoinvis, who cares? =/ And if people are using the who list unfairly... well, punish them. But I trust the majority of the players on this mud to be better RPers than that, so.. yeah.

Re: Who List by OOC

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:29 pm
by Kinaed
*grin* Okay, I'll leave it as it is... mostly.

I've noted of late that the wholist is taking up multiple screens (yay!), but for simplicity of seeing/finding people, I may alter the wholist to be two columns instead of one in the future - but only if we keep having so many players on at once. :)