PK Debriefing?

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After a PK, should the victim be informed of what happened "behind the scenes"?

Poll ended at Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:15 pm

Yes, enlighten the PK victim
No, protect the secrets of RP
Maybe, comments on the particulars below
Total votes: 15
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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:15 pm

After a PK has been approved, should the person who got killed be informed of what "really" happened?

If so, how?
If no, what are the issues?


EDIT: This post is from a continuation of the topic raised here.

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:30 pm

I'll post this here instead of the other thread:

I think there'd have to be some ability either for the Imms or the Pking player to withhold any OOC info that would screw the PKer over. IE if you were murdered by Tenebrae, you don't get told who Tenebrae is as a result.

But the game is about telling stories, and I think we'd all like to find out how and why our own character's story ended eventually.

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:53 pm

What about a staff writeup and a set period of time before it's released to the player?

If we did that, should it bare 'all' so to speak, or be sensitive about certain topics? What would be the acid test to determine if something is sensitive enough to hide?

Are the other ways to handle it that might be better than a debriefing?

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:21 pm

As much as I like this idea in the abstract, I can't agree in actuality.

It has waaaay too much potential for people choosing to get revenge on people who led to their death, thanks to being OOCly informed of the full story.

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:32 pm

Well the simplest way would be to let the PKer choose what should be withheld. Though that may mean the debrief does nothing...

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:35 pm

I agree with Dice. Honestly, if it's looked into by staff, staff saying there was IC cause should be enough. "The Desc Notes for your case/death were complete and don't show signs of OOC interference." Done.

If that doesn't fly with everyone, then if anything is told, especially as it relates to other players, it should be as vague as possible in how it relates to other players.
You were informed on by X number of players and such and such evidence was found (if a specific item was found on their person or in their house, etc.)

They should absolutely not be told which players were involved. Even if people are mature enough not to take OOC revenge on other players, it's going to draw those players into the OOC drama surrounding the (possibly) contested PK which just makes the whole mess that much messier.

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:45 pm

I say no. I think it violates IC/OOC separateness and it isn't cool. I'd be in favor of the staff getting a PK debriefing and then saying to the pk'd, "Yep, it's all kosher'. But divulging the specifics, desc notes, reasonings, thoughts, etc. as to how exactly they were caught and killed is just a bad idea. Suppose the person was caught by a spy and the pk'd wasn't aware there even was a spy who screwed him/her over. It's not fair to the spy to divulge all of that. Granted, that's a more extreme case, but still.

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:01 pm

I should note I might be okay with this given the caveat Geras mentioned, except: sometimes multiple people are involved, and I wouldn't want someone to have the choice to divulge anyone else's role. So it might get really iffy.

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Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:11 am

Yah, I think a bit of thinking needs to be done on this either way.

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Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:42 am

Odd... lots of no-s, but the poll is split.

Makes me feel a bit bad for telling Leto's player what happened though.

Imho, there comes a time when it's appropriate to tell - ie , when things are passed enough that it doesn't make any difference.

Generally, I am not of the opinion that a PKer's wants and needs come ahead of a victim's, only that the RP should remain pure. OOCly, if a person can't handle being questioned about why their charavter did something 5 years on, then they probably have no business getting up to that anyway. My main concern would be issues of impact to RP. Imho, players should be OOCly capable of having a beer and chat with their IC arch-nemesis because what happens IC isn't related. Like Takta's title, we all are here for the lulz.

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