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Swearing, Blasphemy, and Racial Slurs

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:43 am
by Kinaed
Any suggestions as to what we might be able to add to our Help Swearing File (as players have requested IC swearing be filled out a bit) to fluff this out a bit for a broader circumstance?

Each suggestion of an appropriate IC curse (no IRL cuss words allowed for entries) will get a QP to a max of 10 QP per player! (Please post entries below.)

Re: Swearing, Blasphemy, and Racial Slurs

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:14 am
by Zeita
A few to get the ball rolling, but I'll keep working on these:

Swearing / Blasphemy - a few old staples.
Dav's (insert bodypart, likely genitalia related).
King's (insert bodypart, likely genitalia related).

Racial Slurs
vs Tubori - Salttits, Saltsuckers (Comes from a Vandagan saying about Tubori sucking down seawater with their mother's milk. Also from the common Tubori passtime of going topless.) Could even be shortened just to Tits or Suckers.
vs Vandago - Cantys. A reference to Vandagan canted eyes.

General Slang
(Drinking from) The Poor Man's Spring - Drinking from the Bren River directly at Lithmore city, where it is polluted, rather than where it is found more pure upstrean. Usage: Arh, I'm a poor labourer, as if I can afford the time away to go tromping up into the mountains. I make do with the Poor Man's Spring like most folks.'
Southside Scent - The smell of the cheap perfumes common amongst Southside's whores as well as a reference to a perceived low level of cleanliness. However, it is more generally attributed to the noble and gentrymen that have come back from a visit to a SS brothel. Usage: 'I can tell you've just had a bath, my good man- but you still reek of Southside Scent'.

Re: Swearing, Blasphemy, and Racial Slurs

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:27 am
by Anna
Well, I'm coming at it from the things I do on my characters. Having freeman and them being rather rough, there's a lot of potty mouthing:

Arien's teeth (to replace "Arien h-word")
Arien Celeste, Arien blog (to replace "Arien f-word")

Daravi whore, blogging trollop (similar to "son of a b-word")

Elliueh's tide! (similar to "holy s-word")

Racial slurs?

Tubori - "pearl snatchers" or "clam diggers"
Charali - "clay eaters" or "blood mares"

Re: Swearing, Blasphemy, and Racial Slurs

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:33 am
by Geras
Tubori - Bait-eaters?
Charali, Hillfolk - Dirt-eaters
Charali - Gingerballs, gingercrotch, etc? (remembers his childhood as a ginger...)