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The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:41 pm
by Kinaed
The staff have been pondering adding in a new, elective role on TI that would, once every OOC 4 months, be re-elected... the Mayor of Lithmore. This role would have a few perks for the duration of office:

- income of 500 silver every active, OOC week
- +1 influence point an OOC week
- de facto "nobility" in the eyes of the law (ie, granted noble rights)
- an office in the Town Hall
- the IC role as Mayor of Lithmore City
- a seat on the Royal Council (have to clear this with the PC monarchs)

Players seeking this role would have to be nominated by another player or opt-in to take part in the election.
Non-covert GLs and Titled Nobles cannot run (as they have their own guilds or domains to govern which would be seen as a conflict of interest).

At the beginning of each election period, people can opt-in/be nominated in. At the end of the period, the player with the most support points (as determined by current support code) would be elected mayor. In the case of a tie, the staff would do something to elect one or the other winner (maybe extend the election with just the two candidates who were winning in question or something?)

Anyway, opinions? Would you like to see this in play, or not? Anything you'd add, clarify or change about it?

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:43 pm
by beatrix
Need someone to clean up the horse manure on the street.

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:36 pm
by Zeita
I'm for it, and I think it would add for some nice flavour and minor politicking.

I guess my only question would be, what do they do and what responsibilities do they have? City planning tends to be done at the staff level, so there is probably no need for that. But perhaps something of a 'discretionary budget'. Without legislative duties (which is covered quite well by the Crown and Reeves already), I would expect that it largely comes down to ceremonial duties, as well as perhaps organising city-based events (secular festivals, etc.)

My other point is the question of eligibility; I'd say that not everybody would qualify to be mayor. I'd have a few instant exclusions; anyone that is titled nobility has a clear conflict of interest vs. their 'home' territory, and I'd be inclined to also exclude guildleaders (perhaps primaries only?) and those that have particularly firm vows such as Orderites and Knights. I'd also be tempted to exclude freemen as well, and make the mayoral race a gentry-focused thing. Another thought, is should it be Lithmorrans only? This is the middle of Lithmorran empire, afterall. Perhaps with the new foreign areas, each one could have their own elected member chosen by the people from their own duchy/residents of the particular foreign area.


Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:28 pm
by Thymonthan
Herazade wrote:
My other point is the question of eligibility; I'd say that not everybody would qualify to be mayor. I'd have a few instant exclusions; anyone that is titled nobility has a clear conflict of interest vs. their 'home' territory, and I'd be inclined to also exclude guildleaders (perhaps primaries only?) and those that have particularly firm vows such as Orderites and Knights. I'd also be tempted to exclude freemen as well, and make the mayoral race a gentry-focused thing.
I disagree with this completely. Freemen shouldn't be excluded, everyone should have a shot at this position doesn't matter faction. That is what would make this position so fun if it gets corrupted by each faction. Trying to bend the mayor spot to their will and calling.

but that is just my thoughts on this. Its a way to create confrontation IG which is what everyone is looking at getting by the survey.

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:16 pm
by Kinaed
I don't think we'd limit freemen from this role. I think that it's elected would open it to some democracy.

As for duties, I think the mayor would be able to, with authority, put on city events, be responsible for cleaning up the messes you lot make whilst RPing, stuff like that. Any suggestions as to what duties he or she might have?

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:16 pm
by ScottyEnvy
I think that is a great Idea, and could put cause for quite a few rumors =]

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:17 pm
by Geras
YES!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3!!!!!ELEVEN

Ok I'm a bit excited.

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:18 pm
by Brent
I think it would be a great idea although I also agree that it should be restricted so that those characters with overt conflicts of interest should be disallowed (Order, Knights, Etc).


Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:48 am
by Kinaed
I wonder why the two people thought it was bad voted against. Anyone care to raise the issue/concerns? Thanks!

Re: The Mayor of Lithmore

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:00 pm
by Geras
... I so want to vote Yves in as mayor.