Time for the Queen's Wedding

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Roughly what time would be best for you?

Poll ended at Sun May 28, 2017 10:04 am

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Thu May 25, 2017 10:04 am

I am planning to hold the Queen's wedding on this next Monday, May 29th, which is Memorial Day, which gives the full weekend for the lead-up events. This is a holiday for the US, though I know everyone won't have time off and we have folks from other countries. I don't entirely know how timing for a holiday will work out. So... for the people who are interested in being there, what times work? Reminder that system time is Eastern.

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Fri May 26, 2017 7:14 pm

Honestly 7 I think is the best time. It also seems like when we have the most players on in general.
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Sun May 28, 2017 12:04 am

Okay, looks like 7 it is!

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Tue May 30, 2017 12:17 am

I just want to give a big thank you to the staff for all the events and fun RP surrounding the wedding - from plots to intrigue to crafting things to the actual wedding/reception itself. It was a great time all around! :)
Player of that "soulless Vavardi girl" Caterina dul Decapua

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Tue May 30, 2017 10:17 am

Glad it was enjoyed! Sorry again we didn't do a great job of keeping it things on schedule to have the ceremony at the announced/voted upon time, but I hope the drama was worth it :)

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Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:08 am

I logged the event at the Cathedral and here are the parts I got from Snefru's PoV.

I also "look"-ed once during the event just so that I had an idea of who was there and all the actions/locations etc were logged.

Finally, after the queen leaves there were the beginnings of private conversations and greetings and all that which I removed as they weren't related to the wedding event itself.

OH! And I obviously don't have everyone there "remember"-ed.


With a fair-haired little Lord with long-lashed green eyes in tow, a fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets rises to her feet at the sound of the fanfare of trumpets, turning toward the aisle and a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls. She bends deeply, retaining the position of the curtsy, eyes low and head forward bowed.

As a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls passes each new posting of guards, they bow deeply at the waist, not rising again until the Queen is past them.

A storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls starts to move towards the north and west.

A fair-haired little Lord with long-lashed green eyes slants a look to a fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets and takes a knee, holding the position.

Snefru is seated quietly, back straight and eyes directed toward the altar.

Letting out a rumble as the trumpets sound, Rothgar Astartes stands from his seat and looks backwards, a smile - a real, fatherly sort of smile - rising upon his features. As she passes, Rothgar Astartes mimicks the guards at hand, bowing deeply and letting out a breath, seemingly proud as a peacock to be seated so closely to the action.

A storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls reaches the altar, and, with a regal gesture of her hand, she beckons a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair to rise. As he reaches his feet, she gives a small nod to a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows to begin.

Nadya Ferrus rises to their feet, turning to face their superiors. They back dare not turn to them as the Vandagan takes the extra mile, offering a deep, submissive bow before them, their camoflage, is the crowd. A direct mirror of their actions.

[Action: Nadya Ferrus remains at the middling pews, as close as one can be, without being within the section for Nobility. ]

At the appearance of a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls, Caterina dul Decapua rises to her feet as well, a decidedly pleased sort of smile blooming across her features when she takes in the royal person. When the queen passes, of course she sinks into a curtsey, waiting until she has moved toward the front to retake her seat at a blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes's side. Slipping the Tubori baron a sidelong glance, she offers him a little smile as well before turning her attention back to the front. [Caterina dul Decapua]

Cheena rises to her feet as the trumpets sound and dips low into a curtsy, waiting for the royal procession to pass before she rises again. She watches with a keen curiosity, not reclaiming her seat until suitable to do so.

Rimilde von Rievirkrintz rises immediately as a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls passes and curtsies in a deep respectful motion, before fanning out her skirts and settling again.

Snefru slowly gets to his feet, steadying himself on the pew's back, and bows deeply at the procession as it passes.

With a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls at the front, facing a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows, people in the crowds begin to settle back down into place once again, looking forward towards the ceremony.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows offers a slight nod of his own in response to a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls's. Clearing his throat once more, he begins, "Your Royal Majesty. Noble men and women. Gentle folk. People of Lithmore. We are here today to celebrate a great union."

A willowy, sea-green-eyed woman fiddles with ring around her finger and sighs out quietly. [Hidden]

A fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets rises only once a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls has left the pew in her wake, offering a gentled smile to a fair-haired little Lord with long-lashed green eyes that invites the child to follow her example. Likewise rising, he remains standing between Margaux le Rousselle and a fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets. They seat themselves when a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows addresses the crowd, easing back down into positions of impeccable posture.

"Spiritual and political, we bind man to woman, land to land, noble house to noble house," a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows intones, a hand lifted before him, gestured between a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair and a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls. "With the ties of marriage, we strengthen the bonds between Lithmore and Her Duchy of Farin."

A tubori man with a mop of twisted dreadlocks turns around in place at a pew among the middle rows and looks at the faces of those present, searching, and then turns back around. [Hidden]

"Beyond that," a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows continues, his voice carrying across the congregation, "The Lord of the Spring recognizes the union of man and woman as husband and wife, blessing their bond to provide heirs."

"We have here the Lord Rogelio de Montford," a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows introduces, a hand raised over a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair. "Of the House Montford, son of the Duke of Farin, Cameron de Montford the Second, in the long line of noble Montfords."

Caterina dul Decapua's attention never wavers from the ceremony itself, her pleased smile remaining throughout. Drawing in of a deep breath, the young Vavardi then exhales on a soft, happy sort of sigh. [Hidden]

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows turns towards a storm-eyed young noblewoman with golden curls, his hand moving over her in turn. "And Her Majesty Caitrin ab Samael. Daughter of King Tobin ab Samael, the first of the Samael line. Daughter of Queen Cellan ab Samael, Queen in her own right."

By the Altar
[Relatively Cool]
Bathed entirely in light from attenuated crystal chandeliers suspended
from the ceiling high above, this part of the church is wholly illuminated,
no corner left unto the shadows. In the front, directly north of the
Fountis Major, the altar seems uncharacteristically out of place--
fashioned of unadorned, white ash and reinforced around the edges with
tarnished bronze, the simple, rectangular object seems to have poorly
withstood the ages. Behind it stands a small tabernacle of solid gold, and
above it a large chalice of the same metal. Around the altar hang crimson
velvet curtains, allowing one to draw closed the area around the dais;
however, when not in use, they bunch together, tied off and securely
harnessed to the wall. On both sides of the aisle directly in front of the
room are lavish oaken pews replete with soft cushions, clearly roped off by
thick red cords. Behind them are numerous additional pews, equally
serviceable but lacking any soft comfort.

(The room is decorated in regal splendor, elegant banners and flowers adorning
it splendidly. An altar cloth of shimmering gold hangs across the altar, and
a pedestal rests a step or two below it. )

[ Exits: south ] [ Air exits: none ]
The furthermost back pews typically hold society's undesirables and unlucky latecomers. (southern edge)
The middle section of pews seats a wide variety of individuals. (center)
Pews typically reserved for the nobility line the front of the cathedral. (northern edge)
A tall Royal Guardsman is here. [App: 1]
He has a glossy iron ceremonial sword adorned with the Royal Crest drawn.
A broad Royal Guardsman is here. [App: 1]
He has a ornate stately sword, with a slender golden filigree hilt drawn.
A lanky Royal Guardswoman is here. [App: 1]
She has a glossy iron ceremonial sword adorned with the Royal Crest drawn.
Queen Caitrin ab Samael is here. [App: 4]
A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair is here.[P] [App: 4]
Nadya Ferrus remains at the middling pews, as close as one can be, without being within the section for Nobility. [App: 3]
He is sitting here.
Cheena has claimed a seat in the back corner, watching the events with interest. [App: 3]
A stocky, sandy-haired bodyguard with a square jaw is here. [App: 2]
A tall, slender manservant with light brown hair is here. [App: 2]
A lithe male chevalier with wavy blond hair is here. [App: 3]
A heavy-set Tubori guardsman with a massive russet beard is standing alongside the far wall, out of the way, watching over Caterina dul Decapua and a blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes. [App: 2]
A tubori man with a mop of twisted dreadlocks is sitting at the end of a pew among the middle rows. [App: 2]
A stocky woman with stoic features is here. [App: 2]
She smells faintly of sweet fruit.
A shy Lithmorran man with blue eyes is here. [App: 2]
A discerning auburn gentleman with defined eyebrows is here. [App: 3]
A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows stands at the front before the altar. [P][App: 2]
The middle section of pews seats a wide variety of individuals.
Snefru is seated quietly, back straight and eyes directed toward the altar. [App: 3]
He is sitting on a pew among the middle rows.
Pews typically reserved for the nobility line the front of the cathedral.
A cold-featured man with mahogany hair is here. [App: 2]
Margaux le Rousselle is here.[P] [App: 5]
A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair is here.[P] [App: 5]
She is sitting on a pew among the front rows.
She carries a rich, sweet fragrance with a sophisticated character.
Caterina dul Decapua is sitting next to a blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes in one of the pews toward the front. [App: 5]
She is sitting on a pew among the front rows.
Her face displays a pale, aristrocratic hue.
A blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes sits with Caterina dul Decapua at one of the front row pews. [P][App: 5]
He is sitting on a pew among the front rows.
Rimilde von Rievirkrintz sits with her hands folded and her attention towards the front. [App: 5]
The heady fragrance of exotic spice follows her.
A fair-haired little Lord with long-lashed green eyes is staring at Rothgar Astartes over a fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets's shoulder. [P][App: 4]
He is sitting on a pew among the front rows.
A fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets is seated beside a fair-haired little Lord with long-lashed green eyes in a front pew. [P][App: 5]
She is sitting on a pew among the front rows.
A willowy, sea-green-eyed woman sits here amidst the pews next to Rothgar Astartes, observing the goings on quietly. [P][App: 3]
She is sitting on a pew among the front rows.
Rothgar Astartes is seated alongside a willowy, sea-green-eyed woman, quietly awaiting the wedding. [App: 2]
He is sitting on a pew among the front rows.


"They have come here today to wed in the eyes of the Lord, uniting in marriage. Queen Caitrin will take Lord Rogelio as Royal Consort," a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows intones, lowering his hand down before himself. "The banns have been read. The date of the marriage has arrived. Does there yet exist any reason why these two should not wed?"

Queen Caitrin ab Samael's eyes look over the crowd, holding briefly on Margaux le Rousselle and a cold-featured man with mahogany hair.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows also casts his gaze across the congregation, eyes falling across the rows of nobles at the forefront, the many more rows behind them of common folk.

A blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes flicks his eyes about those who occupy the front pews with him as a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows asks the question to those gathered, as if such a protest would occur. [Hidden]

A fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets's neatly folded hands tighten in her lap of skirts, causing their tiers of purple and ivory scallops to nigh-inaudibly rustle. [Hidden]

Margaux le Rousselle pointedly meets a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows's eyes and shakes her head- a subtle nod is made towards Queen Caitrin ab Samael shortly thereafter.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows gives a satisfied nod, "Then let them be married, and let us hear their vows. Lord Rogelio, do you so swear yourself to marriage?" His eyes land on a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair with piercing gaze.

While a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair begins, Queen Caitrin ab Samael removes her gloves, passing them to a waiting attendant.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael stops using matching gloves of golden lace dotted with sparkling jewels.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair clears his throat, straightening up, "I, Rogelio de Montford, do swear myself in marriage to you, Caitrin ab Samael. I take you as my wife, as well as still my sovereign. I pledge my person and the ever enduring loyalty of my House, bound to yours." He removes a ring from his own hand, taking Queen Caitrin ab Samael's and slipping it onto her finger.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair stops using a heavy golden ring, bearing the Montford ducal lions sigil.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair gives a heavy golden ring, bearing the Montford ducal lions sigil to Queen Caitrin ab Samael.

A willowy, sea-green-eyed woman slides her blue-green orb over to Margaux le Rousselle a moment and then back to a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows as the look is exchanged between them.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael wears a heavy golden ring, bearing the Montford ducal lions sigil on her left finger.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows nods again, his chin dipping. His gaze shifts to Queen Caitrin ab Samael. "Queen Caitrin," he intones. "Do you so swear yourself to marriage?"

Queen Caitrin ab Samael intakes a slow breath. "I, Caitrin ab Samael," she begins, "Do swear myself to you, Rogelio de Montford, in marriage. I take you as my husband and offer the loyalty of the woman, Caitrin, and a place at the side of the Queen of Lithmore, second only to my kingdom. I accept the pledge of your person, and pledge my own in return, and accept the loyalty of your House, binding it to mine in perpetuity." She too removes a ring from her own hand, placing it on a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair's own.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael stops using a regal golden ring, sporting the emblem of the Samael Hawk.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael gives a regal golden ring, sporting the emblem of the Samael Hawk to a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair.

When a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair and Queen Caitrin ab Samael begin to say their vows, Caterina dul Decapua's smile deepens and her hands tighten in their clasp within her lap for a brief moment. Slipping a blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes a sidelong glance, she includes the Tubori lord within the sheer radiance of her smile before her peridot eyes flick back to the front. [Caterina dul Decapua] [Hidden]

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair wears a regal golden ring, sporting the emblem of the Samael Hawk on his left finger.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows turns to lift a long scroll from atop the altar, unrolling it as he moves back to face the noble pair. He raises it up, intoning, "A contract of marriage has been prepared, agreed upon by both parties. The bride and groom shall sign it now to signify their agreement to its terms. He perches it upon an ornamental pedestal raised before the altar. He lifts a quill and passes it into the hands of a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair takes a step upwards to the podium, quill in hand. He lifts it above the document, hovering for a moment before he puts ink to vellum, signing his name onto it. He descends back down and offers the quill to Queen Caitrin ab Samael.

As those vows between the monarch and her duke are exchanged, as the rings are worn, a blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes's eyes divert sideways to Caterina dul Decapua beside him. Then he's once more observing the wedding; it's time for the contractual signing now, it seems.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael accepts the quill from a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair and steps herself gracefully up, signing her name as well. She passes off the quill to the still nearby attendant, finished with it, and retakes her place.

Snefru rubs his left thumb over his right index finger, absent-mindedly whilst his eyes flit to and fro before returning to gaze upon the Queen and the Royal consort. [Hidden]

Vicannia le Serre arrives from the south.
Vicannia le Serre slows to a halt.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows takes a smaller chalice from the altar in each hand, lifting them up before the crowd. "The water of the Spring, a gift of the Lord of the Spring, holy in its purity. The chalices, symbolic of the faith, come one from each house, Samael and Montford." He raises each one as he says the name, and then hands each, respectively, to the bride and groom.

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows turns to take the last, larger gold chalice, holding it out before them. "And, as such, in the purity of the Lord of the Springs, the Houses join together, uniting in this marriage into something greater." He extends the Chalice the full length of his arms, nodding to Queen Caitrin ab Samael and a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael lifts up her chalice above a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows's, her eyes reaching across it to meet a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair's.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair meets Queen Caitrin ab Samael's eyes and nods, lifting his own chalice. At once, they begin to pour together, sparkling water from each individual chalice mixing together in the larger one, churning and mingling, until the last drop from the sources.

Sneaks into the altar room quietly, without her typical duo of guards. Not wishing to draw attention Vicannia le Serre opts to sit in one of the less-crowded back pews. [Vicannia le Serre]

Caterina dul Decapua continues to watch the proceedings with a rapt attentiveness, pale green eyes flicking between Queen Caitrin ab Samael and a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair as they pour the water from their chalices into the much larger one.

With his chalice filled, a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows lifts it up, offering to Queen Caitrin ab Samael and then a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair, allowing each to sip.

[Action: Vicannia le Serre is seated towards the back, watchful of the proceedings ]

Looking across to a willowy, sea-green-eyed woman, Rothgar Astartes gives her a very small smile, bowing his head in her direction and letting out a rumble of reassurance. [Rothgar Astartes] [Hidden]

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows retrieves one last item from the altar, a long chain of elaborately braided daisies. He lifts it up to display to the congregation, "As the ties are strong, so are they also fragile. But in coordination with one another, bride and groom shall protect them, in their budding infancy, as they do work together to prevent the breaking of the daisy chain."

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows takes a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair's hand and Queen Caitrin ab Samael's, clasping them together and binding the daisy chain several times about their wrists.

Quietly, Caterina dul Decapua indulges in another soft, happy sort of sigh when the royal couple's wrists are bound with the daisy chain. [Caterina dul Decapua] [Hidden]

A balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows steps back to view his work, nodding with satisfaction. "Noble men and women. Gentle folk. People of Lithmore. I give you Queen Caitrin ab Samael and Her Royal Consort, Rogelio de Montford."

As cheers begin to rise, Queen Caitrin ab Samael and a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair turn out to face the crowd, raising their daisy-bound hand. A joyous fanfare of trumpets sounds and they begin to walk south, promenading down the aisle as a pair, accompanied by cheers and applause.

A fragile blue-eyed beauty with champagne ringlets's delicate hands come together in the form of applause, albeit a muted, genteel variety that generates little actual noise. She rises to curtsy once more when the Royal couple pass by the front pews.

Amidst those cheers, Caterina dul Decapua sweeps to her feet, a sumptuous, sleeveless surcoat of richly patterned brocade shifting in its drape upon her svelte form upon her rise. Though she does not cry out herself, of course, her happiness is a fairly palpable sort of thing, such no doubt spied in the sheer brilliance of her smile, the dance of her pale green gaze. When catrin and a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair pass, the young Vavardi lowers herself into a respectful curtsey. [Caterina dul Decapua]

Margaux le Rousselle rises readily to her feet, lifting her hands in some ready applause as she lifts her voice to join the trumpeting and cheers, "Hail to Her Royal Majesty and hail to His Majesty. May you be blessed with long life and an enduring bloodline."

The bells begin to sound, sounding a joyous peal of ringing sounds as the pair continues walking down the aisle. [a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows]

Cheena rises to her feet at the back pew, joining those around her in genuflecting to the Royal Couple as they pass down the aisle.

Coming to his feet quickly, Snefru bows deeply to the Queen and the Royal Consort as the walk down the aisle. [Snefru]

With a deep resounding tone, the church bells across the land sound joyously, ringing in the wedding of the monarch.

Nadya Ferrus rises to their feet, their half-lidded eyes going soft, warm... Open. Thunderous applause is offered, but daring not to get too close to the aisle, not even stopping as they bow deeply, adding to the clamour, and overall jovial mood of the occasion. ... A rare, genuine smile, crosses their usually blank features.

Rimilde von Rievirkrintz stands up as the skills of her skirts flow around her, settling down with the weight of silk, while her hands come together in firm motions, a joyous exuberance of applause. As the royal couple passes, she grasps the sides of her gown and she executes a deep, fluid curtsy.

Vicannia le Serre waits until the newlyweds pass by her own pew, offering a deep curtsy with the edges of sea-silk lifting at the edges in a fluid motion. She remains low until they pass by her, gray orbs watching the duo pass through dark lashes

A curvy brown-eyed woman with curled auburn hair rises up to her feet as Queen Caitrin ab Samael and a Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair pass, joining in the applause, a pleased smile on her lips.

A blond, bronze-skinned youth with green eyes stands and looses a loud 'hurrah!' when the trumpets blare, and then he stands to join in the ovation.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael begins to move south.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael crosses the center of the room.

Queen Caitrin ab Samael leaves south.
A lanky Royal Guardswoman leaves south.
A broad Royal Guardsman leaves south.
A tall Royal Guardsman leaves south.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair crosses the center of the room.

A Farin nobleman with wavy dark-brown hair leaves south.

"The Royal couple has asked that any who wish might join in the celebrations at the palace," a balding Lithmorran man with bushy eyebrows intones out to the congregation.

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