Why Are Assets Limited to Chargen?

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Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:43 pm

I then snagged a Tier 3 asset as those don't cost anything.
Wait, since when are T3 assets free? According to the official thread post:
Tier 3 silver - 150 silver per week unmodified, cost 25,000 RPXP
So was there a way to get a free one somehow that I/probably other people weren't aware of?

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Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:54 pm

Starstarfish wrote:
I then snagged a Tier 3 asset as those don't cost anything.
Wait, since when are T3 assets free? According to the official thread post:
Tier 3 silver - 150 silver per week unmodified, cost 25,000 RPXP
So was there a way to get a free one somehow that I/probably other people weren't aware of?
Did I confuse it with a Tier 1? Whichever asset is the lowest tier that only gives you 50 silver per week unmodified and cost 0 RPXP to purchase. It's the little assets like a family stipend, etc.

I have no extra knowledge that no one else would have. I probably have even less knowledge as I believe assets were being talked about long before I got here. I just looked at everything I could under ? types when in asset creation to see what all there was that I could purchase.
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:11 pm

First tier 1 is the only free one :)
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:17 pm

Well, it was free for old existing chars, is it free in chargen now? Or is it 5000 xp for all new starting characters?

I'd personally argue it should be free, otherwise, that's really gimping people's beginning character creation.

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Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:32 pm

Starstarfish wrote:Well, it was free for old existing chars, is it free in chargen now? Or is it 5000 xp for all new starting characters?

I'd personally argue it should be free, otherwise, that's really gimping people's beginning character creation.
it's either free or it costs the 500 silver you receive as a new player, unsure which one it is atm. But either way, every newbie gets the 50silver/week baseline without added cost compared to before.
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:01 pm

The first tier 1 asset on any character is free, at least in chargen now.
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Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:34 pm

Delphine wrote:Okay, I've kinda skimmed this thread and I feel like the original questions being asked are ones that can only be answered by staff. Temi seems to be the staff mainly doing the assets (just from what I've observed) and she's been on vacation. So maybe OP could send her a pboard or a request board, bringing up some of these concerns when she gets back tomorrow?
Sorry, yes, I'm back now and will be working on creating some assets for the market! It's intended there will be some IC purchases available from NPCs for people that want the save up RP or don't have the xp available in chargen (or during the open period).

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Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:52 am

Sweet! I was hoping that would be the case. Thanks a bunch!

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Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:32 am

Now that the change has been made that allows folks with alts to vote in metrics (as long as they are different ones) - is there any consideration of opening a period of time for folk another buy with RPXP period? I know for myself that at the time the inability to do that made me hold off on some choices, as it didn't seem like a good investment if that char wasn't going to get to participate, so I'm guessing some other folks might have been in the same boat.

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Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:08 am

Hmm. Looks like today is 'catch up on threads day'.

Contrary to an earlier statement, I am unaware of any person who asked for help or an extension on their RPxp purchase of assets being turned away (that doesn't mean it didn't happen, it just means another staff member may have handled it as opposed to myself and it never made its way to me). That said, I believe I approved one person who did ask for an extension, but I don't remember who they were.

A note on earlier - I didn't notice some of Rabek's commentary towards Puciek, my apologies for not stepping in there. Rabek, statements like "You're being dishonest here, as well as purposefully misinterpreting my statement" are personal attacks in my view because this involves both publicly judging someone (You're being dishonest) and interpreting someone else's intentions (purposefully misinterpreting). Please refrain from this in the future.

That said - to solve the outstanding question - is there consideration of opening a period of time for folk another buy with RPxp?

No. That defeats the purpose of a cut off period. That said, we are always willing to read individual requests on the Request Board to waive policies, assist with problems, or anything at all really, based on individual circumstances. We weigh up Request Board requests based on individual circumstances and merit. Obviously, the more reasonable an individual's reason for the request, the more receptive staff are. The less reasonable, the less receptive.

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