RPXP Bonus for Emote Speed

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Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:50 am

To be fair, that goes both ways. While turns are not required, most people feel it is polite to allow it, so longer/slower posing styles can significantly impact scenes in the same fashion. That pressures people to take part in the longer style and/or have less interaction. I have found myself writing out paragraph emotes in scenes like that, not because it's particularly my thing, but because I'm only getting one pose in a half hour span of time and I'm trying to respond to the other 2-3 people's paragraph poses as well.

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Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:48 pm

I feel like 5 minutes is a fine incentive. I'm rarely going to hit it given than Farra is most often in weighty scenes involving a lot of pointed speech nowadays, but I think the goal here it to encourage people to be a bit more engaged and a bit quicker with their poses. Maybe upping it a minute or two, but 10 minutes feels a bit too much like a "We're just increasing RPXP pretty much across the board" change, rather than an incentive to be more prompt with your poses.

There comes a time, imho, that if you're trying to maximize your RPXP gain at the expense of your RP then you're maybe missing the point of these types of incentives.
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Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:27 pm

I think that this change hurts the MUD. The Inquisition's strength is the depth and quality of its RP, not its speed. People will change their styles to cater to rewards, and I'm not sure that the ideal scene involves everyone emoting every five minutes.

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Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:28 am

I dislike this short span of time. In a scene with 2 people this is normally doable. Normally, however you get someone who isn't paying attention and you get the short end of the stick. Do we just repeat pose even though they have said not a darn thing? Giving them more to respond to and taking longer?
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Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:35 am

Giftherz wrote:I dislike this short span of time. In a scene with 2 people this is normally doable. Normally, however you get someone who isn't paying attention and you get the short end of the stick. Do we just repeat pose even though they have said not a darn thing? Giving them more to respond to and taking longer?
If someone isn't paying attention, why are you in a scene with them? Unless of course you are talking about a scene with more than two people, and if so then frankly I'd just pose around them.
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Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:33 am

This has been a very interesting thread to read.

Can someone describe the affect this has had on RP for people? Are people actually seeing more engagement or faster responses? Are more people paying attention at the keyboard, or are the same old same old still off with the fairies while everyone waits for them?

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Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:20 pm

Kinaed wrote:This has been a very interesting thread to read.

Can someone describe the affect this has had on RP for people? Are people actually seeing more engagement or faster responses? Are more people paying attention at the keyboard, or are the same old same old still off with the fairies while everyone waits for them?
Personally, I have seen a definite uptick in active RP partners. When people have had to step away they've mentioned it ahead of time or been much better about getting settled back in on the occasional longer break. I do not get the impression that this change has caused that and I've very, very infrequently gotten the bonus. I think the combination of the serial idler being banned along with the conversation about the "problem" have helped keep people more determined to be excellent.
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Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:27 pm

I think it's very difficult to answer that question given that the player causing all these complaints about idling out was banned just recently. What I have noticed is an increase in 1-2 liners - a little less detail and a little less to respond to. Which is fine if that's what my RP partners prefer, but it troubles me there's a tangible incentive to RP a certain way.

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Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:29 pm

I've limited my availability significantly insofar as TI is concerned after this change. If I can't guarantee I can pay attention should RP find me, I don't log in. This means I'm logged in significantly less from work (I logged in once, briefly, at like 3:00 AM system time this morning), and haven't logged in from home since sometime last week. Playing while I'm working comes with the inherent risk that I won't be as apt to pay quick attention to a scene. Rather than fall into the category of one of those players this change was intended to target, because I'm quite aware my play habbits while I'm working may land me in that category, I've mitigated that possibility.

Also, as I'll be spending the weekend at a friend's place and her internet is spotty at best, I'll probably end up ticking over to inactive if I haven't already. I can guarantee disconnections, but I can't guarantee how long, and cell reception in the area's worse than her net connectivity.

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Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:11 pm

I never really RP'd much with the banned player, but did have frustration over wait time in scenes. My experience has generally been that players that tend to take a long time, still take a minute, but the couple of scenes I've had tended to move along at a slightly quicker pace (not within the 5 min mark, but faster than normal). Anytime I've done tavern RP with cyans, I've generally had folks (cyans) either vacillating between idling out or giving lots of super short poses, but that seemed to be a 'new to the mud' sort of issue and not a 'trying to get lots of RPXP' issue. Positive was that I have had some people reach out for short scenes (only have an hour to play, etc.) and been able to do those and have them be meaningful scenes, even with folks that generally like to do longer poses. I was off work last week so didn't have to worry about time, but I'm hopeful now that I'm back at work I can actually have some short scenes on the occasional evening and have them be character building encounters because I get more than 2-3 poses in.

I'll also note that with all this discussion around time/posing, I've personally just stopped trying to match my partner's style - if a short response suits, I'll give one, if I want to do a paragraph response too, then great. It's less because of the incentive and more because I'm just tired of the self-pressure to match suit.

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