Influence Points

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Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:28 pm

I am really excited about this! When can we expect to see these ideas implemented?

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Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:01 am

I also think this sounds very interesting, especially the mention of how to use the points - using these points to launch IC events sounds fascinating! How is such IC effects to be implemented technically though? Will there only be a select few to pay for, or will these things basically be instilling RP staff to run events?

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:54 am

It won't be RP Staff, alas, but I'm hoping it will be done well enough that there's a reasonable variety of options as well as a good balance between them.

The problem with RP Staff is, frankly, that it gets exhausting to continuously "Storytell" for a game. TI has never been about that and wasn't built to be, with the system awarding RPxp automatically. There's a lot more creativity and energy at the grassroots level in the pbase, so what I would like to do is look to ways to harness that for the benefit of the game instead of relying on four people to consistently supply a great RP setup.

The other problem is "subjectivity". That is, a staff member invoking influence points on a player and arbitrating the results is far less consistent in results than if the code does it. If the code decides whose armies win a battle, for example, with a reasonable standard deviation to keep some spice in the mix, there's no question in people's minds that it is fair. We know everyone is being held to the same rules as everyone else by the system.

We have RPA though, and I did take your point about reduced and/or free RPA when one has a great deal of influence in the requisite area.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:57 am

Some things influence point expenditure MIGHT allow/affect (comments and further ideas deeply wanted)

- armies marching on a domain to attack, siege, or fortify
- initiating a 'vote of no confidence'/takeover of a GLrole
- blocking another player's use of messengers?
- blocking another player's use of banks?
- blocking another player's use of shops?
- blocking another player's use of retool?
- blocking another player's use of the courier?
- laying down a player-specific xblock in owned rooms?
- adding/deducting silver from another player's back account (not to be granted to the influencer, but to reflect damaged or bolstered income by the influencer's activities)
- viewing another player's support score
- causing events in domains
- reducing/bolstering another player's earned influence from appropriate sources?

I'm also thinking players should be able to 'gift' influence points to other players for use in various commands/ways, to signify those players working together towards an end goal.

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Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:52 pm

Personally I'd prefer that the emphasis be on positive things for yourself rather than negative things for your enemies. Especially if things could degenerated into everyone "kicking the dog" so to speak.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:52 pm

Any suggestions?

I got a 'I really don't like those things' vibe, but no suggetions/solutions to improve it. :) In honesty, I've been struggling with the influence points and what they might do, so as much help as the pbase would be willing to give would be deeply appreciated.

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Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:52 pm

Here is a list of some of things that I think might be interesting to see (gathered from previous posts and a few of my own idea peppered in):

-Reduced/Free Rumors
-Use points to decrease xp cost for a wealth or class upgrade
-one time removal of an xblock
-One time protection from Southside/law enforcement mobs
-Reduced messenger cost
-Spy on other's support
-Close the ability to see who supports/subverts and use points to be able to view it for a limited time
-Raise costs for courier/rumor/messengers on others
-City Lore skill
-Be able to bypass the approval on a rumor and approve it yourself?

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Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:01 am

I'm very out of ideas this evening I'm afraid. I don't see anything wrong with rolling out influence in phases though, and adding new things to spend them on one at a time.

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Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:38 am

I think this looks really awesome. I especially like the different Spheres of Influence, and can see how a wide variety of characters might get involved in one or more spheres based on their IC goals.

As far as how to spend IC--I don't have a problem with using influence to injure someone's wealth/reputation/whatever, though I would recommend that it be decided early on whether the overall trend should be an increase of ability, or a steady drain--whichever is meant to hold sway should cost less to influence: I.e., it might take xIP to bolster someone's bank account by a small amount, but 1.5x to damage their income. Or vice versa.

Quite excited to see what the finished version of this will look like!

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:43 am

I'd like to see it too! Alas, my wheels are spinning a bit on actual implementation. Send me a tell and we can chat about it?

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