The Return of Wrapped Up Players

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Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:57 am

In response to Kinky. I don't think 'wrapped up' should equal death. I think the entire policy of 'wrapping up' people needs to be altered and ditto with whether or not they can return, as follows:

I agree that it isn't the staff's responsibility to hunt down players and that isn't what I was saying. I think when a player wants to be 'wrapped up' by another player, a personal board post should be posted to the wrap-ee asking them if they have permission. If the person never logs in, etc. or if the person says no, the person has 'disappeared, presumed dead'. And in that case they should be able to return at a later time, paying the RPA and also coming up with a reason as to why they disappeared.

In the above case, the whole 'getting other player approval' is something I disagree with entirely. I don't like the staff or other players being able to dictate what happens to characters offscreen without said character's permission. I'd like to see the 'other player approval' request removed, because really this would only serve to generate RP if the player comes back, even if their spouse or whatever has re-married. Just imagine the possibilities for RP that a long lost person coming back after everyone else has moved on. Anyway...

If the player of the wrap-ee character DOES come back on and indicate to the staff by a board post, tell, etc. that it's fine to kill their character, then that character is dead. It's as dead as a burning/finished/quarted/etc. character and no, that character cannot come back. RPA doesn't bring you back from the dead.

It sounds like at least two other people agree with me that this whole off-screen killing of characters doesn't sit well with them, so I'd ask anyone who agrees with this post to say so, or to post where they disagree or would like to see alterations made.

In summary:

If a player's character does not/cannot agree to being wrapped up, that player would be declared 'missing, presumed dead' and to return would need the 10 RPA and a story for how they disappeared and returned.

If the player's character does agree to be wrapped up, they are dead. There is no coming back.

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Discord Handle: ParaVox3#7579

Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:46 am

As stated in my previous post, asking players who go inactive permission to wrap them up is not going to happen. It bothers me that you have reiterated this request after I said no, soliciting others to oppose my stance on the issue, clearly desiring to use peer pressure to bully me. I request that we get back on topic about people coming back.

Point of fact: This way is good for the game. I have statistical proof of it, and you yourself even sought to use it because it was that burdensome for your RP. Kudos to you for seeking Nagaita out to get her permission, but we both know how you'd have felt if she refused or you couldn't reach her. And it would have been stupid to hold your happiness up on the game for someone not returning.

In general, I'd like to request that people please do not invite or solicit others to "I agree" a thread as a method of convincing staff to take your view. Only certain topics lend themselves to polling, some just don't.

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Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:56 pm

I think I misunderstood your post for imm contact as trying to find players OOCly to ask them, such as e-mail. I assumed that doing a pboard post to them wouldn't be an issue and it sounds like I was mistaken.

Also, I take back inviting people to agree with me, as that has been interpreted in a way I had not intended.

Anyway, my apologies if it came across as me trying to peer pressure you, that wasn't the intention. I thought that this thread was to get people's ideas and thoughts and present them to you and if a consensus was reached that a decision would be made based upon that consensus. I don't know exactly what this thread is for if not that, unless it's just to brainstorm which is fine.

Okay, so back on topic, should players be allowed to come back. I'm going to say 100% yes on this. I'd like to have it be that only RPA and a valid reason to come back is necessary and I'd like to see the requester-approval removed from the policy, but in all other ways for it to stay the same. I suggest this mainly because despite how jarring it is for people to come back, I'm against people being killed off-screen without their player's say in the matter. So, that's my stance on how characters coming back from being wrapped up should be dealt with.

Anyway, that's all. I have presented my thoughts on the matter plenty I think. =)

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Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:23 pm

This whole thing sounds like semantics. I'm not sure why anything needs to be changed.

Look, it's the middle ages. There isn't embalming. There is bad courier service. Saying so-and-so was murdered or died off in the middle of the hinter lands doing something else and a body is brought back for burial... Well, heck, no one is going to be able to identify the body, it'd be a bloated rotting mass by the time it got to the city. No one will know who it is. By that point, even the clothing would probably be ruined. So misidentification could happen.

And it really won't solve any problems of being presumed dead. You're presumed to have died in a ship wreck. ICly, we're still going to have a burial in-absentee for you. You're still going to be declared ICly dead, lose your house, lose your spouse, lose your position, everything else. People will mourn. So it'll still be as awkward as all get out when people return. I'd imagine it'd be exactly the same as it is now for whatever players are shocked by the current returns.

/my thoughts.

It seems like an easy compromise based off the suggestions would be:

Staff do the wrapping up of players (as-is). Instead of elaborate death situations being declared to the public when someone is 'wrapped up', the wrapping up situation is 'missing and presumed dead' or a situation that lends itself to that. This still allows everyone to move on ICly (remarry, fill the position with someone who is active, whatever) but gives an option for the player to return if they ever show up again.

THEN, if the wrapped-up person ever returns, then they have two options: (1) rename/recreate (essentially be dead - at this point new clues confirming could be found ICly) or (2) use RPA to come back (taking the presumed missing option, but they need a realistic story on how they survived and why it took so long to come back).

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