Starting Point: Stats and Skills for Different Concepts

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:15 am

What stat breakdowns and skills would you recommend to new players for basic player concepts?

As lists are compiled, I’ll link here to individual posts.
Concepts (feel free to expand):

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:46 pm


DO prioritize con, strength and dex as your primary stats.
WHY? Eventually, if your PC survives long enough, you will probably end up improving your combat stats. The order that you take stats at in chargen determines their maxes. So your highest stat at chargen will have your highest maximum. Strength affects HP and damage; dex affects MV, defense, and chance to hit in certain cases; con affects HP and MV. My personal opinion is that either con or dex is a good first choice, and strength should be third - but ultimately, the order of the big three isn't crucial.

DO be prepared to train like a crazy person.
WHY? Note that at rank 75 you WILL, even as a non-combat-statted PC, kick the butt of most other people. Stats only really play into it when you're facing other players of equivalent skill.

DO try to have at least four learn master slots for combat.
WHY? Every weapon is weak to one defense and strong against another; every defense is weak to one weapon and strong against another. If you have two weapons and two defenses, you have options to switch between if you're fighting someone who is set up in a way that nerfs you.

DO find a sparring partner.
WHY? Sparring mobs is expensive (25 silver a trip to the training hall!) and if you and your friend are say, learning two different weapons and defenses? Train up with each other, then switch and teach each other. Teaching is an amazingly fast way to learn.

DO think about ranges and defenses when choosing your weapons.
WHY? If you do have two weapon skills learn-mastered, it's good to pick a pair that 1) can operate at different ranges and 2) destroy different defenses. For 1), this saves you from wasting combat turns trying to close with an enemy whose weapon is longer-reach than yours. For 2) this means that if you pull out your axe and your opponent switches to a defense that's strong against axes, you can then switch to your knife - likely strong against the same defense an axe is weak against.


Weapon and Defense skills: Really, any combo works, though as noted above it's best to take 1) at least two of each and 2) two weapons that work at different ranges/against different defenses.

Bows/Throwing: Still under construction, so don't spend the XP on these.

Backstab: Not useful unless you also take hide.

Dual wield: Only useful with two DIFFERENT weapons that work at roughly the same range, but can be very deadly in terms of tearing up somebody - especially if one weapon is strong against the defense the other is weak to. However, you will have to pay a learn master slot for the privilege and train dual wield up as well as th weapon skill, so it's a personal decision if it's worth it.

Protect: Usually very worth taking some ranks in, as it has a decent chance of working even at low ranks.

Ride: You probably want a horse if your fighter will be wearing armor, because armor = massive MV drain. So drop some ranks into this.

Sharpen: I don't know if PCs can still buy this, but if they can, don't. It sounds relevant, but it doesn't work.

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Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:02 pm

Dice wrote:The order that you take stats at in chargen determines their maxes. So your highest stat at chargen will have your highest maximum.
Is this actually true? I thought the max was just a random number between the starting value and 100. Meaning if you start with STR 80 and INT 40, depending on how the dice roll you could have max STR 81 and max INT 99.

Does it actually order the maximums the same way you order your starting stats? If so, what does it do with stats that are identical? For example, my character has one 80, one 40, and the rest are equal at 60. How would it determine the 2nd highest maximum?

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Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:25 am

Is this actually true? I thought the max was just a random number between the starting value and 100. Meaning if you start with STR 80 and INT 40, depending on how the dice roll you could have max STR 81 and max INT 99.
Yes, it's true! It used to be the way that you mentioned, and we determined that people liked it better if they were in the rough order that they'd chosen them. If they pick 40 int and 80 str, they'd much rather 99 strength than 99 int. It's less random now, which can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it, but there's still a random factor.

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Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:47 am

If you select two skills (or more) at the same exact value, then the game will randomly order them in the position they are. For example:

80 str
60 int
60 wis
60 dex
60 con
40 cha

Str would be the first, cha would be the last, and int, wis, dex and con would be randomly ordered, then rolled within tolerances for their order placement. The first stat is almost always between 88-100, the last stat almost always maxes around 70, and the rest somewhere in between. (I -think- I'm right on that, but might be slightly off).

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