Log of OOC Meeting 8/24/13

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 180
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 am

Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:40 pm

Kinaed claims, "Okay, the other players who didn't respond are sure to another time."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes questions, "Character notes?"

Kinaed claims, "We have desc notes."

Kinaed states, "This will replace them."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "Ooooooo. :D"

Kinaed asks, "I've heard Burning Post uses 'cnotes', so maybe you remember them from there?"
Arynon claims to a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes, "We have desc notes, cnotes will be alot easier to organize."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods in agreement with Kinaed.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes claims, "I played BP for like two days, I remember them."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods in agreement with Arynon.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "This seems awesome."

Earl claims, "I honestly don't see the difference, but maybe it'll come together later for me."

Kinaed says, "The policies around desc notes won't change when they become cnotes. I hear Burning Post's version is quite hardline and a requirement to record everything. We just have specific things that need to be noted."

Arynon says to Earl, "Right now, desc notes are like a run on sentence, with cnotes, you can set up categories and edit them"

Ronnie questions, "So this is just you guys streamlining desc notes?"

Kinaed nods at Ronnie.

Virtue has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings to Virtue.

Virtue loves you all.

Arynon hugs Virtue.

Arynon also thinks Virtue will say that as she's boiling you into a stew.....

Kinaed says, "Okay, 2 more minutes for you guys to socialize, then we'll get started."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes claims, "SOCIALIZING "

Virtue was thinking of saying I loved you all... except the mages. But that's exclusion, and that's mean.

Beth pontificates, "Play tonight! Come see piratical acrobatics in person!"

Arynon runs a systems check on La-z-boy.

Virtue declares, "So sad I'm missing that, btw. Sorry Ary, Beth!"

Kinaed states to Virtue, "I just replied to a post about clique exclusion on RP games on the Mudconnector forums. :)"

Ronnie disposes of Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes asks, "Clique exclusion? "

Arynon looks to Virtue, showing large sad puppy dog eyes, " Awwww."

Beth exclaims, "You're the one missing out!"

[Action: a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes floats here in the air, looking board.]

[Action: a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes floats here in the air, looking bored.]

[Action: a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes floats here in the air on a cloud, sipping jack and coke.]

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says OOCly, "Oh god mady that codpiece whyy"

Virtue sniffles and hugs Arynon.

Kinaed claims, "Whoops, lost my train of thought"

Kinaed claims to a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes, "If cliques are good or bad for a game, and why."

Arynon hugs Virtue, then lets her go, so he can run off with her glasses.

Arynon queries to Kinaed, "Don't we call those guilds?"

Kinaed claims, "I hyphothesized that if they are good or bad is based on behavior."

Virtue has an extra bonus pair in her inventory. First an extremely thick, lensed pair of bronze framed spectacles, then a pair of delicate glass spectacles with bronze wire frames.

Kinaed nods at Arynon.

Kinaed states, "Amongst other forms."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, let's get started, shall we?"

Arynon nods.

Madyriel says to a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes, "Azarial gave it to me, and I keep all of Az's gifts. Even the misspelled ones."
Madyriel grins.

Kinaed says, "Today's agenda:

- Staff updates
- Staff Topics
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Kinaed wonders, "Anyone have anything they want to make sure we talk about?"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, I'll take the silence as a no. :)"

Kinaed claims, "Staff updates. I'll start"

Kinaed states, "In this past week, I worked on the cnote spec, which is dropped in the middle of the room for anyone interested in reading it who didn't already get a chance."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed has awarded you 1 QP: Ontime attendance of the OOC Chat

Kinaed claims, "Crap, I did all instead of room."

Kinaed states, "Oh well, my mistake is everyone else's gain. Enjoy."

Kinaed says, "This coming week, I intend to finish off the quest for next Friday."

Kinaed claims, "I've decided that it is going to be the kick off to a "re-opening" of the Sable Masque, though I'm trying to decide if we'll set it up codewise or not."

Kinaed states, "In the meantime, I'm sorting out how it'll play out because I like the political kinda quests."

Kinaed states, "That's it for me. Please grab and read the cnote spec, and if you have any ideas to include, let me know. I want cnotes to come either before or after herbs, depending on what Az is up to."
Kinaed declaims to Temi, "You're up!"

Temi declaims, "Well, I have good news!"

Temi pontificates, "I have a laptop... yay!"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes declares, "Yay!"

Kinaed cheers.

Virtue applauds.

Temi says, "Ended up having to replace it altogether with a brand new one, but they covered it on the warranty."
Virtue gets Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

Arynon steals said laptop.

Virtue studies Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.
Virtue studies Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman gets Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

Ronnie queries, "Bad news is that you have to reload everything?"

Temi claims, "So, with a laptop again, I have spent yesterday and today finishing up the rest of the magic helpfiles as I promised I would."

Kinaed wonders, "Wow, all done?"

Temi declaims, "So, magic helpfiles are now done, to the best of my knowledge!

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Arynon cheers.

Kinaed beams.

Temi states, "In other news... I'm still working on herbs."

Temi says, "I think I have a basic list of components and concoctions that I can start coding up.

Arynon isn't salivating over herbs, nope not at all.

Temi says, "Actually putting them into play will depend on some development from Az."

Kinaed nods at Temi

Ronnie quickly wipes away the drool that seems to have collected on her chin.

Temi says, "But I can start ahead on some parts of it, to enable it to be less time once stuff is in."

Kinaed says, "That's awesome."

Temi states, "The current task is going to be -naming concoctions-. Whew."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "I can help with that."

Temi says, "So if anyone wants to help with that, and is feeling creative, I'd be glad to pull a few people in."

Kinaed muses, "I'd like to be a part of that, or we can discuss stuff on OOC?"

Temi nods.

Edward has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Arynon is up for helping with that. (OOC Emote)

Kinaed gives a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings to Edward.

Edward studies Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

Edward looks at a book in his hands.

Edward studies Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

Kinaed gives a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings to a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman.
A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes puts a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings in a box with a malachite and black men's outfit (look malach).

Temi states, "We could do that. Let me get through the easy ones, and then I'll see if OOC or such would be a better choice for the hard ones,"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods at Temi.

Temi asks, "And that's been my week... Shall I throw in a Takta update too?"

Kinaed nods at Temi.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "I kinda do herbalism IRL a bit. ^^;"

Kinaed says, "We might be able to do prizes for potions contests or something."

Ronnie nods at Temi.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Temi nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed claims to Temi, "If You know Takta's update, that'd be great."

Temi says, "Yeah, she gave it to me in case she couldn't make it."

Kinaed states, "Sweet"

Arynon hands Temi a Takta mask and a bass guitar.

Temi states, "So.. she did cask to bottle recipes, so those are now available to split the cask items up, and you can tool each one of the resulting ones

Temi claims, and she says to tell you all that the sewers are now about -half done-.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed states, "Nice work."

Temi claims, "And that's what she told me to let you guys know."

Temi nods.

Kinaed says, "Cool."

Kinaed states to Madyriel, "You're up. :)"

Arynon will one day be making poisons from new herbs in a disguise in the sewers.

Joudan has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Kinaed gives a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings to Joudan.
A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes grins at a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman.

Madyriel states, "Okay! Got all the blacksmithing recipes and components into cedit, just need to fill them all with the appropriate thread strings that folks will see while crafting."

Madyriel states, "And other than that and the usual stuff, been awarding QP for blog posts."

Madyriel declaims, "So don't forget about your blogs!"
Joudan gets Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes questions, "Oh god can you give me QP for updating my real blog? :0"

A dusy man with silvering hair and aqua eyes grins at Madyriel.

Edward has no blog. :\ (OOC Emote)

Joudan studies Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.
Joudan studies Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.

Madyriel says to Kinaed, "That's it for me."

Kinaed says, "Okay, I think that's all staff members."

Arynon hasn't received any, " Is there a number of times a week you have to update?"

Virtue says OOCly, "I'm writing a blog post... right now. :)"
Joudan looks at a book in his hands.

Madyriel claims to Arynon, "Nope. I check roughly once a week and keep a record of the days. If you don't have a theme that shows the date of posting, though, it makes it harder for me."

Joudan says, "This is pretty cool"

Joudan states, "Seems like it would be more useful than descnotes because it would be easier to keep track of"

Kinaed claims, "So, Azarial is probably going to kill me for this, but... I'd like to ask that anyone who can donate this week to TI do so."

Joudan states, "I should probably be shot for asking this"

Edward queries, "Woah, we do donations?"

Kinaed muses to Joudan, "?"

Joudan questions, "But I have to ask, if we donate, is there any incentive other than keeping the game running?

Kinaed claims to Joudan, "No, I'm sorry."

Joudan claims, "I'll probably do it either way, I'm just wondering"

Kinaed states to Joudan, "It's forbidden by our license."

Madyriel says to Edward, "There's a paypal link on the front page of the website."

Kinaed claims, "In any case, all donations this week will go directly to Azarial."

Joudan says, "I see. Sure, Az is great."

Virtue claims, "<3 Az"

Kinaed says, "If you're willing to donate - and no one is required to or expected to, I'd just personally be grateful - the link is here: http://http://ti-legacy.com/"

Kinaed states, "Thank you."

Kinaed states, "Okay, in other news... that wraps up staff updates."

Joudan states, "I missed the important parts."

Joudan wonders, "Can I get a brief rundown?"

IdiotDoctor has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

Joudan wears an elongated, black suede hat with a wide, vermilion ribbon on his head.

Joudan wears a silvery-black silk cloak with embroidered silver designs about his body.
Kinaed asks of Joudan, "Sure, ask Temi in a tell?"

Kinaed claims, "The next thing is staff topics. I think my cnotes one might have been jumped on a bit early because I had the specs in the room already when we started, but I'd like to discuss cnotes briefly."

Kinaed claims, "If you haven't seen or read the spec, please grab one and have a look."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman looks at a book in her hands.

Kinaed says, "The goal of this system is to replace desc notes."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman looks at a book in her hands.

IdiotDoctor gets Cnotes (Character Notes) Spec.
A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman looks at a book in her hands.

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman looks at a book in her hands.

Kinaed claims, "The policies around desc notes, when they need to be kept, etc, will remain the same when they become cnotes."

Temi says, "Except they will be much easier to keep track of, because they'll have nice things like titles."

Kinaed says, "This system is to be a bit similar to the guild gnotes in that you can list cnotes by title, search them, etc.

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Virtue trails off, "I definitely like it. Desc notes can be difficult to keep up with, hard to edit/title..."

Kinaed claims, "And they won't be attached to your characters or pfiles."

IdiotDoctor asks, "May i ask what prompted this change? i mean i myself have found nothing wrong with desc notes"

Temi claims, "Desc notes do the basic job, but they've long been awkward for encouraging people to use them."

Temi says, "Plus... guildnotes has been very popular."

Temi says, "And we can mostly reuse that system, I think."

Edward says, "Lemme just say that guildnotes are unbelievable for the Reeves."

Kinaed states to IdiotDoctor, "Originally, I wanted them in in a format similar to our note boards as their original concept, but we settled for desc notes on the basis that we needed to get them in game as a policy tool."

IdiotDoctor queries, "And what do you mean they won't be attached to our character?"

Kinaed nods at Edward.

Virtue claims, "I agree with Ed there. gnotes are -amazing-"

Kinaed says, "The Reeve uptake of guildnotes has been impressive."

Temi claims to IdiotDoctor, "We don't have to load your character to look at them."

IdiotDoctor claims, "Wished he had gnotes when he was proconsul. and that would make more sense "

Kinaed states, "There are other guilds that are using them, but the Reeves have really, really maximized their potential, and it was a pleasure watching you guys work with them."

Arynon states, "I think knights are getting it, but it's slow growing"

Kinaed nods at Arynon.

Temi says, "The not attached to a character more means differences from staff-side than player. You shouldn't notice."

Edward states, "Oh god, its just... Its -so- good. We can keep track of common files, leave each other reminders... My -only- gripe is that theres no alert when theres more of them."
Kinaed nods at Temi.

Earl is idle.

Kinaed claims, "Ahh, okay. WE can add that to login alerts."

Virtue nods

Earl is no longer idle.
Earl has returned from AFK.

Kinaed states, "I'll make a note for Az."

Temi says, "Helps with dead characters and such too."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says OOCly, "Gnotes mmm. :D "

Edward says to Kinaed, "Yeah, that'd be -amazing.- Other then that, they're great. Love the system so much."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes states, "I like this idea."

Ronnie states, "Is there a way to add general guild notes."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes has gone IAW.

Arynon seconds Edward's suggestion.

Kinaed states to a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes, "Help gnotes :)"

Virtue states, "Sometimes I do wish we could share them with another guild. Like... when a Reeve comes across an incident of stealing or breaking and entering that looks like it involves magic."

Kinaed questions, "Okay, unless anyone has other thoughts on cnotes?"

IdiotDoctor claims, "May i ask if gnotes will eventually delete themselves after a set period of time"

Kinaed claims to Virtue, "We might be able to add that."

IdiotDoctor says, "And this would apply to cnotes as well"

Temi states to IdiotDoctor, "Guildleaders and staff may delete them, but they don't expire."

Kinaed states to IdiotDoctor, "No, right now they need to be archived by a staff member.

Kinaed claims to IdiotDoctor, "No, they'd have to be archived as well."

IdiotDoctor says, "Ok good to know"

Kinaed says, "I've made a note to make it so a guild member can share gnotes to another guild. Also thinking of giving gnotes some of the cnote searching functionality."

Virtue claims to Kinaed, "That would be great if we could. The only thing I've seen is that it limits inter-guild communication.. now that we can easily post reports to the guild, we don't mail others as much.

Kinaed claims, "Right now there's only a small list of notes in any guild, but given that we don't prune 'em, etc, that ability to index and search information will become pertinent as time goes on.

Arynon stand back, " Good God! Inter-guild cooperation!?!? What would Dav think?!"

Edward says, "What Roesia said. And if I have to look up a 'common' case? Bam. Right there. I can call it up whenever I need it. Its gorgeous."

IdiotDoctor states, "Dav will strike us down

Kinaed claims, "I think right now, you can just copy/paste a guildnote into a mail, ledger, paper and give it to another guild - afterall, gnotes are IC files."

Arynon shrugs to IdiotDoctor, " Only if he makes a gnote on it."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman claims, "If Dav's striking us down, we have more problems than communication. We have ZOMBIES."
A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman grins.

Virtue giggles.

Kinaed asks, "Okay, that's it for staff topics - unless another staff member has any?"

Arynon grins to a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman, " We're already all insane, we hardly eat, don't bio, stay awake for ic days, but can craft complicated things in moments, i don't think zombies are too far off."

Temi grins.

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, next agenda item - player heartbeat. How has RP been this last week? "

Virtue says, "Pretty good! A bit quiet, but not at all bad."

Arynon states to Kinaed, "Fun, some sad *will miss being a bard* but alot of good stuff to

Edward claims, "I've really enjoyed it. Missing the Brotherhood scene a bit - but I'm pretty convinced that they're alive. You guys, maybe consider getting together with a few folks and making a plot? Us Reeves are getting a touch bored."

Kinaed states, "Yeah, I've seen a few posts about people travelling on the General Board."

Beth nods at Arynon.
Kinaed states, "Guildlist thieves shows a healthy, active base of BH members."

Edward exclaims, "Good!"

Virtue says, "They're just waiting to strike us all down *nods*"

Kinaed says, "One thing I don't like seeing is their GL inactive, however. :/"

IdiotDoctor claims, "Yes rp this week has been quite good on my end. And kinaed i must agree with you there but alas what can one do."

Edward says, "It stinks when a GL is inactive, because then the guild starts heading that way. But take initiative, Brotherhood members! If you're listening in, theres a goodly amount of stuff you can do to vex us. <3"

Kinaed claims to IdiotDoctor, "They'll get auto-disapprovals for it."

Virtue declaims, "I agree!"

Temi nods.

Temi says, "Tonight even."

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Kinaed queries, "Okay, anything else for Player Heartbeat? If not, we're at Player Topics. What would you guys care to talk about for the next... 24 minutes?"

Arynon points out the PK spot is still open if anyone is interested.

Joudan wonders, "PK spot?"

Joudan states, "Ah."
Kinaed smiles.

Temi states, "Hrm.. I think a few people brought up things I said we should talk about at OOC meeting.. but I don't remember entirely what they were... I think one of them was Maxwell, who isn't here."

Temi ponders.

Joudan muses, "Do we have a merchant GL yet?"

Arynon states, "Yeah poet knight, spot has been open for over a month"

Kinaed wonders, "Any idea what he wanted to talk about?"
IdiotDoctor nods slowly "Well... i have stated my opinion on the whole gl activity bit in the past. And i actually have something that was brought up to me in the ooc chat earlier

Temi states, "How to handle the University"

Kinaed states to Joudan, "Morgen has been around, but he slipped inactive again."

Joudan sighs

Kinaed questions to IdiotDoctor, "What's that?"

Ronnie says, "I had a conversation with him two days ago."

Edward declaims, "Personally I just wanted to apologize for the lack of Rothgar being at Fight Night. The one went well, I was hoping to be at this Fridays and I missed out because of exhaustion. But next week!"

Virtue claims, "Ah, the University... I talked to him a bit about that. I had a bit of an idea on the matter, actually, though I'm not sure if people will like it."

Kinaed says, "Happy to listen."

IdiotDoctor queries, "Well there was mention of how certain people will be effected by spells. The topic really was When does the duration of the spell become ooc nuiscanse?"

Kinead questions to IdiotDoctor, "Can you describe what you mean?"

Temi states, "Basically, it doesn't work purely in staff hands, and we don't really like it as purely ignored unless someone wants to become gentry. Just deciding you want to become gentry should not really be thematic. But the various people who have started RP of it at different times.. can't seem to keep it going."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman claims, "I've also made inquiries about the University."

Kinaed claims to Virtue and Edward, "I'll write down the university thing to talk about next."

Kinaed nods at a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman.

Temi says, "Yeah, and one of the possibilites was a request to roll it into Order hnds."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vanagan woman states, "But then, gallstones."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman grins.

Temi nods at a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman.

Kinaed states, "Hmm. I've got the university and spell durations."

Kinaed says, "Let's do spell durations first, then jump into the university."

Virtue says, "Well, I feel like a great many people go to the university with one guild-ish direction in mind. I know the staff was considering giving it to the Order, but what if, instead, each guild could have people apply to learn 'from' them, so to speak. So if someone wanted to learn cooking/crafting, they'd connect with the Merchants as well as being a university student. Same thing with someone learning law and connecting with the Reeves."

IdiotDoctor asks, "Well Lets say a player is effected by breathbind. 5 hours of it. Would that not limit their rp about it? I mean you can only do so much and some people do not play the game for more than an hour a day"

Virtue claims, "But ignore that until we get to it again"

Kinaed claims to IdiotDoctor, "The problem is, if the duration isn't carried over, people just log out, let it expire, and never even RP it - albeit Breathbind is on the list of spells to be replaced."

Temi nods.

Temi states, "Have to balance fun for the person receiving it and fun for the mage getting results."

Virtue asks, "Didn't Logiel have an idea about breathbind before he headed off?"

Temi nods.

Temi states, "I don't think it really gets to the heart of the issues."

Kinaed says, "I'm not sure, I don't remember. Might have been over-ridden by the knowledge that the spell is due to be replaced."

IdiotDoctor claims, "Well i agree with you on that. I was advocating for the mage since i have played a mage many times in the past. But i simply thought i would bring it up since it was a pretty lively debate on the matter"

Arynon muses, "Could there be ic thinggs we can do(like with herbs, or prayer or maybe locations) that could help the timer go down?"

Arynon says, "Like sleep vs. rest or not resting at all with wounds"

Kinaed claims, "Why shouldn't a character have to suffer the effects of being the target of a mage attack? It's one of the reasons to hate mages."

Madyriel wanders AFK for a beer and a snack but will return shortly to rejoin the conversation.

Temi says, "One suggestion I had previously, when we were talking about magic before is an rpxp countdown, instead of a duration."

Kinaed says, "Perhaps shorten the duration if it's OOCly insane, but in general, it depends on what we're looking for."

Kinaed states to Temi, "Oh, I like that."

Arynon blinks, " That is awesome."

Temi states, "Like you have to earn a certain amount of rpxp before it fades, rather than just wait it out. That way we can set the amount of time needed shorter because we know it's all in rp."

Kinaed says, "I agree, it gets at the heart of the matter completely."

IdiotDoctor states, "That is exactly what i was saying kinaed. If a mage gets to the fifth circle it is there freakin right to have their victim suffer for 5 hours. and i like your idea temi"

Temi claims, "Like treat used to be."

Kinaed says, "An arbitrary length of OOC time that a eprson has a spell effect isnt' really desired."

Kinaed says, "We just want people to carry the mage's activity into RP."

Temi nods at Kinaed.

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman says, "That's a lovely idea, Temi."

Kinaed claims, "Okay, that suggestion is written down, and we'll see about a move in that direction."

IdiotDoctor declares, "Yay!"

Kinaed asks, "Okay, university?

Kinaed wonders, "Btw, is anyone able to take a log of today and post it on the forums?"

Edward states, "IMHO the University is far too much risk for literally no payoff."

Kinaed wonders, "Risk?"

IdiotDoctor says OOCly, "I can see about it kinaed."

Kinaed says OOCly, "Thank you, Seymor, I'll QP you for doing so."

IdiotDoctor says OOCly, "Alright it is being logged.. although i was not here for the first part"

Kinaed says OOCly, "Yeah, it'd be best if I can get someone to log it from the start. :("

Earl is idle.

Kinaed says OOCly, "I might do the post anyway."

Edward states, "Well. It might not be the -first- connection that your brain makes, but I've often found that characters who spend a lot of time at the university often are the first to get targetted by folks when something magely starts happening. Combined with a rather fuzzy sense of techonological standpoints, it usually ends up with someone making a seemingly rather minor mistake that snowballs into a burning or branding or somesuch."

IdiotDoctor says OOCly, "Okey dokey"

Safir says OOCly, "I can scroll back to the start and copy it."

Edward claims, "Of course, that being said, I haven't -tried- to make a scholarly character in a while. For that reason."

Kinaed says OOCly, "That'd be great, Safir. Thanks!"

Temi nods.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes is idle.

Temi states, "To some extent, a connection to the Order would help that."

Kinaed claims, "I'm not fussed by some things being dangerous. Universities and the Church irl have a long history of having a go at each other."

Earl is no longer idle.
Earl has returned from AFK.

Kinaed nods at Temi
Arynon questions to Temi, "Connection to the court too maybe? "

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman nods.
Kinaed states, "I think it comes down a bit to who actively wants it and has plans for it, and I know Olivia does."

Virtue states, "I know the staff was considering giving it to the Order, but what if, instead, each guild could have people apply to learn 'from' them, so to speak. So if someone wanted to learn cooking/crafting, they'd connect with the Merchants as well as being a university student. Same thing with someone learning law and connecting with the Reeves. (repost) Basic idea is to connect your studies to whatever guild is most applicable."

Arynon wants to read Fahrenheit 451 again for some reason no

IdiotDoctor says, "Indeed. universitie's ideals ussually clash with that of a church"
A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman claims to Virtue, "Going back to your suggestion, it is/was part of my IC plan to make the University more of a hub space for all guilds."

Edward claims, "All granted. Danger is a part of its sex appeal. I just think that it gets to be rather pointless when they're also not allowed to make technological developments. For example, we could probably have primitive steam engines by now. Like the greeks."

Safir questions, "What if you want to do university and not be in a guild?"

Safir claims, "I don't like everything being guild only."

Safir claims, "But then, I'm not in one."
A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman claims, "I don't want the university to be guild."

IdiotDoctor says, "I agree with safir"

Edward states, "Same."

Kinaed claims, "I see no problems with the Uni being a guild hub. I'm just not sure what sorts of changes or what is required from staff to facilitate this and change the University's rep."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman states, "I just want guilds to invest in having edumacated members."

Safir claims, "They can use it as part of their training, sure. But then it becomes, well, to be joined, you need to be sponsored by a guild, or whatever, which is less cool."

Virtue muses, "I need to go, unfortunately. Could I have an update on how this conversation went when I get back?"

Temi says, "My main concern is that it doesn't seem to be a driving thing... we'll have someone who wants to do something with it, but not a lot of oomph in the playerbase, and it falls by the wayside..but it still exists enough in the theme that we have to support it, and people just want to just 'get gentrified' and expect the staff to support that."

Edward questions, "Would it be at all possible to consider a change wherin the University distances itself -further- from the Church?"
A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman nods at Temi.

IdiotDoctor holds a degree "I've done been edumacated."

Safir claims, "Well, the rules for the University are complicated as is. I want to RP being in it, since I was thrust in it, but really, with no one running it, until I wait X amount of time and make a book that signifies the final project, there's not a lot to do with it."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman states to Edward, "I'm generally against that for a number of reasons."

Virtue muses, "Could I have a trans out, perhaps?"

Temi states, "We fully expect if someone is going to become gentry through study, they aren't doing it to become gentry. They're becoming educated and filling out that RP and making better of themselves. A big driving RP point, rather than an 'oh by the way'. But the staff can't support that sort of RP for people.. it needs to be among other players that are interested in that."
Virtue has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

Joudan says OOCly, "I gotta go"

Edward questions to a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman, "Well. I think a big part of the reason that the University is suffering is because of lack of creativity. Which is a symptom of being Order-funded. Just IMHO. Whatchu think?"

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman declares, "I admit, I didn't realize so many players were still interested in the area given how it's stalled. I really sort of thought I was picking up a Barbie people forgot about!"

Kinaed claims, "Just a note, we have about 7 minutes until the meeting hour is wrapped up. I'll have to go pretty much on time today because of obligations."

Joudan says OOCly, "Can I get a trans"

Joudan has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

OOC channel is now OFF.

Madyriel stops using a great war axe with a curved blade mounted on an ash shaft

Madyriel eats a great war axe with a curved blade mounted on an ash shaft.

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman states to Edward, "I think that paints the Order in an unfortunately unfavorable light which I'm trying to fix across the board."
Madyriel stops using a brightly colored felt vest decorated with geometric embroidery.

Madyriel eats a brightly colored felt vest decorated with geometric embroidery.

IdiotDoctor says, "I must disagree, The order may fund it but there is really no influence of them in there besides the Oh don't do magery now"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes is no longer idle.
A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes has returned from AFK.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says OOCly, "Sorry about that."

Temi says to a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman, "For the most part, it feels like people do forget about it until people are looking at becoming gentry."

Safir says, "It's not the game's responsibility to make the other institutions in game make the ORder look good."

Temi says, "But if she wants to do things to make the Order look good, that's completely valid."

Edward says to a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman, "But aren't we supposed to have a rather oppressive Order? I mean, we -are- called The Inquisition. Mind, not trying to strike you down. I just... I would think thats the first thing our new players think."

Safir says, "I don't think that's fair. Those debates started several new people to want to join, before its leadership dissolved. I think there is interest, if it's run right. My interest has nothing to do with gentry."
A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman states, "I'd like the chance to do something with it IC, and I don't mind if it fails! But- yes, right. I'd be delighted to shop it around IC more as well, instead of just planting a flag in it."

Temi nods at Safir.

Kinaed states, "I think the way the Order is - oppressive or allowing - is up to Order players to a degree."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Safir muses, "Are you active enough to run the Order and the University? Are there enough Order members to support both? "

IdiotDoctor claims, "Indeed.. We can't allow mages to walk around but we also don't have to be evil folks"

Kinaed states, "Clearly there is a culture they have to work within, and clearly if they give up the idea of the Inquisition completely, it'd be problematic, but overall, it's up to the Order how they want to be and play."

Arynon nods, " The University(in my opinion, no offense to the order) should be separate from the Order, since the order would promote how they see things, and the University would have (possibly) historical documents that prove the order is wrong on some things.

Kinaed states, "The university does not have anything like that."
Maxwell has been transferred in by Temi. [OOC]

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes states, "The thing with the University is that academics are bound to have really eccentric and bizarre ideas. I think that if the Unviersity exists at all it should be separate from the Order as well. "

Safir says, "The University in the past has always vetted things with the Order, i.e., what's publicly available, if it pertains to religion, to make sure it's not heretical. At least, they did when I was Order GL"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes claims, "But getting involved with the academic side of TI has always been instant suspicion for magery."

Temi has created a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings[1]
Temi gives a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings to Maxwell.

Kinaed claims to Maxwell, "Discussing the university."

Temi says, "I think there's definitely been University type RP that's been successful before without burning for magery"

IdiotDoctor says, "I will admit that the only reason the order is taking a more serious view on the university is the fact that the dean position does not have a good rep. "

Temi claims, "There's always some suspicion"
Maxwell claims, "Yesssss."

Maxwell claims, "University."

Maxwell states, "I'm in time for the thing I want."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods at IdiotDoctor.

Arynon questions, "Then maybe attach a note on help university saying people joining the University may be brought under suspicion? like with daravi? let people know what they are getting into"

Safir says, "Because of the last Dean? I only really remember one before Odo, and he didn't have that rep. I thought. "
Kinaed nods at Safir.

Kinaed claims, "To my knowledge, he didn't."

Maxwell claims, "Well, sheesh, I wanna go to university to study law.

Temi states, "But I don't think that the suspicion should necessarily go if the Order has its fingers in it... maybe some reprieve at the highest levels of its general purpose to allow it to continue on despite burning players and such."

Madyriel grins at Maxwell.

Safir states, "The University shouldn't be equal to being from Daravi. For Dav's sake, Daravi were getting instant burned. "

Maxwell wonders, "Does that make me a mage?

Ronnie states, "I had no clue until I saw him use magic."
Maxwell states, "I'm -way- too stupid to be a mage."

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman says to Safir, "Sorry, screen was scrolling! Yes I'm active enough. No there aren't many active Orderites but I don't believe that will prevent us from getting things going."
A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes claims, "The Sable Masque had ties in the University, and they were tied to the Order."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes states, "But with the removal of the Sable Masque,w ell. *shrug* "

Kinaed asks, "Everyone heard that this coming Charity event will have a Sable Masque plot, right?"

Edward claims, "Woah, no."

IdiotDoctor claims, "I did not hear that"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "Omg"

Kinaed claims, "Okay, now you have."

Arynon claims to Maxwell, "You might say you are studying law, but being at the university, you may be exposed to 'other' stuff, which is why the order might get involved."
Temi has created a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings[1].

Temi gives a swashbuckling pirate toy mounted on a pair of strings to IdiotDoctor.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes states, "Don't mind me over here just screeeching in excitement."

Kinaed says, "Please register if you want to be directly included."

Kinaed says, "I need to know who is coming so I can work it out."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes wonders, "Where do I do that? >_>"

Arynon says, "I don't mean that students -will- get burned, but a note saying 'Hey just an fyi, you might be under investigation for attending the school' "

IdiotDoctor states, "You know i am in for it kinaed"

Maxwell claims, "I'll come, if only to be the big spooky guard who makes sure there aren't and badguys."

Maxwell says, "I'll stab the badguys"
Kinaed states to a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes, "Request board "Character X (one of your alts) will be coming.""

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman queries to Arynon, "Sorry, what's that in reference to?"
Arynon states to a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman, "The university"

Safir claims, "He's saying the University help file should be changed so that it's clear that attending the university puts you at risk of death. "

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman says, "I got that much. :P"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes starts writing a note. (This is an OOC action)

Kinaed claims, "Okay, re the university - I think it's somethign we're not yet prepared to open a guild for just yet."

Safir claims, "Aka Daravi"

Maxwell claims, "Wait. Wait a second."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes finishes his note.

Maxwell muses, "If University puts you at risk for death, wouldn't all Gentry be at risk for death?"

Arynon states to Safir, "Not that extreme, but letting a player know you might be under suspicion"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes states, "Everyone in this game is at risk for death. :3"

Kinaed claims, "I'm not sure what other concerns that were raised require staff intervention, so staff probably need mroe direction, and I agree with Safir that I'm not really prepared to put a warning sticker on the university when I don't think the label really fits.

Madyriel grins at a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes.
Kinaed nods at a dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes.


A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman states, "I'm not a fan of that concept myself, and am actually trying to avoid such a thing."

IdiotDoctor states, "Wonder how hard it would be to do a martin luther thing with the order"

Safir states, "You'd be dead inside a week."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes claims, "The way it's been handled in the past is that if you're into the Unviersity and studying something generic like law or maybe language or medicine, that might be okay, but if you get ICLY into things that are weird and it's KNOWN that you are into them, you'd be under suspicion - happened to one of my alts. "

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods in agreement with Safir.

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes states, "We can't have that kind of revolution in game because it changes the gamme entirely."

Kinaed queries, "I think it's completely valid for you guys to have a chat about how the university is perceived, and I'm not against helping Olivia with some RPA maybe kick off some sort of Order intervention, but I'm just not getting a sense of what the staff need to do to better the university... so given our time is up, can we go away, have a think, and come back this coming OOC Chat with some more ideas?

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "Unfortunately."

IdiotDoctor says, "Very true.. but would it be worth it"

Edward asks, "Yeah. Can I get a trans?"

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes may have tried unsuccessfully on alts.

Safir claims, "If you want to try it, try it."

Beth declaims, "Play at the theatre in 1 hour!"

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman wonders, "That works for me. Might I possibly start up a forum thread in the meantime?"

Temi nods at a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman.

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman claims, "Because I'd love to have a more clear proposal available for player consideration."
Kinaed nods at a slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman.

Kinaed says, "Seems a good idea to me."

Madyriel cheers for entertainment!

IdiotDoctor claims, "Trans me oh mighty staff"

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman exclaims, "Much obliged!
Edward has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

IdiotDoctor has been transferred out by Temi. [OOC]

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes claims, "Argh my favourite sweater is pilling"

Safir muses to Kinaed, "Where do you want me to post the log?"

Kinaed claims, "I think putting a 'warning, you might be under suspicion if you join the univeristy' sticker on the help file justifies people being suspicious of them, when I don't think that's really a valid theme."
A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes nods in agreement with Kinaed.

Kinaed muses to Safir, "General Discussion, perhaps?"

Temi says, "Yeah, I think it's not a suspicious thing of its own."
A tall Farin man with ale-brown eyes has been transferred out by Madyriel. [OOC]

A slight, sloe-eyed Vandagan woman claims, "It's just the pentagrams that raise eyebrows."

A dusky man with silvering hair and aqua eyes says, "Temi, Kin, we need to talk about one of my alts once the room is clear, please."
Temi says, "And I don't think you need a warning for 'If you get involved in suspicious RP, people will be suspicious of you'"

Kinaed claims, "Sure, Cad."

Madyriel questions, "Anyone else good for transfer?

Kinaed nods at Temi.

Safir queries, "Can I get trans out?"

Safir has RP ON, type "RP" to toggle it off.
Madyriel has transferred you.


Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:22 pm

I would like to bring up the issue of spell durations for comment. I missed the meeting due to an RL social obligation, but there are a few points I think folks didn't necessarily consider.

Standardized spell durations make everything EASY. They make it possible to predict when the effect will end, and tailor one's RP accordingly. They work very well for spells that won't be cast in an adversarial fashion, such as buff spells - buff spells that decay faster based on RPXP gain would be kind of problematic, really.

So we'd be looking at a change to have two systems side-by-side, standard duration and RPXP-based spell duration, which would likely require some considerable new code to accomplish.

And I think what may be the case here is that the real problem is not adversarial spells, but Breathbinder explicitly. Breathbinder does not provide fun RP fodder as a lasting effect; after 2 hours of 'I can't breathe', everybody's bored out of their skulls. The person has to laze around in bed.

Think about other spells like Nullem Oblivion, which saps memory - both in terms of making new memories and remembering existing folks. This is a much more entertaining state. You could go to a tavern crying for help, run into your friends and not recognize them, do stupid things because you forget they're inadvisable for your PC, etc.
Nullem Oblivion is a spell most folks would be happy to RP for 5 hours, because it's super entertaining.

So I basically feel we may want to think twice about enacting this change due to the cost in effort/coding time - instead, we should ensure all adversarial spells with lasting durations are RP-encouraging.

Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:15 pm

Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:47 am

In regard to The University, I'd rather see the University controlled by the court (The Royal University) or the Guild of Merchants. Crafting rooms already exist within the university, I'd like to see them put to use.

Allow the merchants to control it and use the guild's Master Craftsman (even those that are for the most part inactive and remain in title only) or Craftsman to teach classes. The classes need not be targetted toward other crafters but could also be run as public discussions. "A discussion on the merits of various types of armor" with a Master Leatherworker & Master Blacksmith holding a public discussion / training session.

Etiquette classes could be held by those ennobled or of high society.

Language classes have typically been one-on-one.

I think re-desc'ing some of the University's rooms (get rid of the dorms and replace them with classrooms dedicated to each trade) would be great also. That way the physicians could have one or two rooms for teaching medicine (which could also be used as a backup facility in case of war / damage to the hospital). Reeves could have classrooms for teaching law. Etc. etc..

Give the keys to the various GL's and allow them to have their own areas of the university.

Just my $0.02

Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:27 am

Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:45 am

ICly, the Court and the University have had close ties for a while: the Headmasters have sought out Cellan for funding and patronage, while Cellan has usually appointed some kind of a Royal Librarian in return. I'd be more than happy to continue this Crown-University connection.

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:07 pm

Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:20 am

My two cents, as a previous Dean or Headmaster and a few Professors: the University is a great idea, in theory, but until ten players raise their hands and say "We want to be Hogwarts, Year One," it's best left as this inchoate, vacuous thing that people can associate with their characters, or not.

It's never had the manning necessary to be a guild.

It's been risen from the dead more times than zombie cats (and even more often than the mercenaries).

If someone wants to be a professor, let them; if they want to be a student, let them-- so long as there aren't any formal requirements for advancement tied to the University (we've all been down that road before; it didn't go swimmingly), I'm okay with it. Or, as Brent mentioned, if everyone had shared authorial rights to the University, whether solemnized or not, that'd be neat: so, let them use the classrooms.

So, in sum, I think the Uni would work best with a NPC headmaster and dean that basically bent to whatever other folks' wishes were.

Posts: 180
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 am

Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:00 pm

I'd rather see the Court "manage" it than the Order. And please, please, please, don't tie it down to any or all of the guilds generally (i.e. must be in X guild to take part).

Otherwise, I agree with Gavin. If it's too bothersome for the imms to leave having going through the University as a way for gentry, then just NIX that path to gentry and have it be through wealth and/or standing via influence/lore leaders or something.

Posts: 1089
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:50 pm

Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:06 am

I second Takta's comments. I don't think anyone disputes that Breathbinder needs to have a huge overall if not be scrapped all together, but please don't let Breathbinder be the example spell that changes how all the others works.

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