Log of OOC Meeting 11/9/13

Moderators: Maeve, Maeve

Post Reply
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:47 pm

Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:12 pm

Kinaed states, "Okay, let's begin. Today's Agenda:

- Staff Updates
- Player Heartbeat
- Player Topics"

Kinaed claims, "I'll start with my update. I've spent the last week hashing out December's Staff Quest, which we think will be a great one. For that, I've finished up a spec and passed all of the code work required to Azarial. On other fronts, we're collecting data on how much RPxp everyone is earning, etc, to determine if we think it's too slow or not now that the new system is arranged."

Kinaed says, "I didn't do anything else. Next week, I intend to review the numbers and send any finalized notes to Az. We're also looking at updating weapon ranges to soften them somewhat."

Kinaed states, "That I hope to have turned in next week also."

Kinaed says, "Nothing else for me. Az, you're up."

Azarial says, "Mostly bug fixes, data collection, and rpxp tweaks for me."

Azarial states, "Trying to figure out where I was at with temi's herbalism spec."

Kinaed states, "Yeah, wow that got derailed. Sorry about that."

Azarial states, "...heir wrangling. >_>"

Kinaed claims, "Herbalism is still our number 1 priority, barring making sure RPxp is functioning properly."

Azarial states, "And looking at some of the remnants of the alst round of magic to see what I can advance."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

Azarial says, "I thikn that;s been my TI busy for this week."

Kinaed claims, "Mady, You're up."

Kinaed nods at Azarial.

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man sits down and rests.

Madyriel states, "I went through about 25 typo board posts, got a bunch of stuff done on the Request board, fixed some leatherworking recipes, and made some progress on updating the website, removing typos and outdated info from the pages."

Kinaed nods at Madyriel.

Kinaed muses to Madyriel, "What's your focus for next week?"

Madyriel says, "More website."

Kinaed nods.

Kinaed queries to Delilah, "Are you in there?"

Kinaed trails off, "Guess not :) Okay, so the last udpate..."

Kinaed states, "Takta has stepped down as our main builder. We've decided not to replace her in the near term."

Kinaed claims, "Temi is moving, so may be a bit scarce."

Kinaed states, "I'm looking to hold the next staff quest from Dec 26th to Jan 8th or so. It'll be the sort of thing that you can log on whenever you want and leave when you want without major impact."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male gives a thumbs up to that.

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Helps us weekend warriors."

Kinaed asks, "And I think that wraps up staff updatse. On to Player Heartbeat. How's RP this week? Any support you guys need from staff?"

Kinaed nods at a flint-eyed Vandagan male.

Delilah has lost link.

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "I haven't been on much, but RP seems... alright? The pirate stuff is interesting. Assuming that's brohood, somehow, so that's good to see."

Arynon von Eclen shakes his head to Kinaed, " Rp has been decent when I can get on, but what was the problem with xp gain? It crawls now."

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "RP's been pretty boss."

Ariel le Orban says, "Lots going on across all alts."

Kinaed states to Arynon von Eclen, "We changed the system to eliminate people dropping out and slowed it down a bit. Reports are that it's too slow, so Az is pulling the data and I'm having a look at the numbers."

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man states, "I've only just started playing today, I used to play on the old Inq when that was up so i'm waiting to see how it matches up, so far I like it :)"

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Welcome to the game/welcome back"

Kinaed smiles at a very haggard and unkept middle aged man.

Kinaed declares to a very haggard and unkept middle aged man, "Welcome back, and we do hope you find you enjoy it!"

Kinaed wonders, "Okay, well, I guess that puts us on to Player Topics (much earlier than usual!). Anything anyone would like to discuss?"

Kinaed says, "Otherwise, we can end early and all go back to our daily RP. :)"

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "One of the questions I have was about the new rpxp system"

Kinaed nods at a lithely built, sun-browned man.

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "RPXP gain was already touched on - Gavin has been poking about a Reeve/Court merger which might be brought up here - and then I had something as well about Orderite theme and theme in general."

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair pontificates, "I wish more people would of showed up last night but other than that good!"

A lithely built, sun-browned man questions, "Does the system measure the amount of rpxp gain per emote or something else?"

Kinaed says, "Sec, writing the numbers down."

Kinaed says, "Er, topics. So we can address 'em all"

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "Oh, whoops"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states, "RPXP, Reeve/Court merge, Reid's Theme Question."

Kinaed says, "Okay, back."

Kinaed says, "Thanks Reid"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "Anytime, bay-bay."

Kinaed states, "Okay, RPXP - what it measures. It measures everything in help RPxp."

Azarial says, "Rpxp is awarded every tick based on the emotes and thinks accumulated during the span to that point."

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "Is it number of emotes? Because if that's the case I feel like the slower rpers, like myself, get penalized >.>"

Kinaed says, "The way it works now is that instead of you walking into a room and it waits for you to emote to put you in RP, then sets up a 20 min cycle and rewards based on tht cycle, it checks if you're in a room with someone, then puts you in rp. It sets a cycle based on the number of people in the room. From start to end of the cycle, it evaluates how much of the stuff on that list you do."

Kinaed claims, "At the end of the cycle, it clears what you did last cycle and sets up a new cycle to evaluate you over."

Kinaed states, "The number of emotes is taken into account only in that you must emote at least once, I think. Not sure."

Kinaed states, "Let me call up the spec."

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair states, "I found out from last night that adding a room emote can be the change between taking you from fair to average"

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "Also, props to Az for working really hard on the rpxp changes. I'd have ragequit within three hours"

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair says, "If your only an emoter/say person that doesnt use the think command much."

Kinaed says, "If you use autowarnings, it will tell you where you missed bonuses, but that can get spammy."

Arynon von Eclen claims to a bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair, "If you type autowarning, whenever it pops up it will tell you what you can do to improve you're rpxp gain."

Azarial claims, "Per emote it is minor. it;s the end of span that is a bit spammy."

Ariel le Orban questions, "I'm wondering how many hours of RP it should take a PC to go from fresh out of chargen to 'established'?"

Kinaed says, "That's set at 10k xp."

Ariel le Orban claims, "In terms of using that as a metric to see if the gains are calibrated."

Kinaed says, "With regards to that, we haven't decided."

Ariel le Orban claims, "Sorry, I mean established as in able to play with the big boys."

Kinaed says, "Historically, the code viewed 300k as a mature character and slowed XP earning at that number."

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "So the amount of emotes within a given timeframe is really only a minor contribution? Alright... I was just worried because within a 20 minute span I usually only get in about five emotes, and they tend to be really big ones."

Ariel le Orban claims to a lithely built, sun-browned man, "5 emotes in 20 mins makes you FAST."

Ariel le Orban states to a lithely built, sun-browned man, "5 emotes in 20 mins makes you FAST."

Ariel le Orban states, "Erk."

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Well, we all know I have an RPXP addiction"

Ariel le Orban grins.

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "So emotes abound"

Kinaed claims, "RPxp won't get higher because you emote more, it just checks that you've emoted enough."

Kinaed claims, "Then you get the emote bonus."

A lithely built, sun-browned man pontificates, "Thanks for the clarification! :D"

Ariel le Orban says, "So since you start at 50k, it's 250k xp from chargen to 'mature'."

Kinaed trails off, "Then it checks if you thought, and if you did, you get the think bonus..."

Kinaed says, "Etc."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "If somebody wants to do the math, it'd be good to find out how much XP it takes to reach adept on three skills, grandmaster one, reach grandmaster on one and capable on four, etc."

Kinaed says, "No, it's a curved system. From 0 to 200k, it's the highest earnings. Over 200k, it slows a bit, over 300k it slows more, over 400k it slows a lot."

Ariel le Orban states, "There's a chart on the forums that can be used to figure that out easily."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "Then we could set it up for a poll and get some actual definitive info about the balance people would like to see."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Unless staff would rather keep that under the hood, which would be good IMO. I hate balance issues -.-"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Just let me RP and play cool characters and I'm happy. I'll find ways to kill people regardless if I need to."

Azarial says, "Not very many reach the 400k stage."

Ariel le Orban claims, "Right. I'm just thinking "how many months of average play is required to get your character mature"."

Azarial states, "Most level off on their spent rpxp before that on their own."

Kinaed states, "I was hoping to review the actual data, then post on the forums after people have gotten a bit more used to the system and aren't as knee-jerky about it not being what they were comfortable with yesterday."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male nods at Kinaed.

Kinaed says, "So, right now, if you RP, at the end of the day, I get a report about how much rpxp people earned, how many minutes they were in RP to earn it, and their average RPxp level"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "That's some good info right there."

Kinaed claims, "I suspect we'll find people are averaging far lower on the RPxp ladder than we expected."

Ariel le Orban states, "The pauses inherent in the spans pull down the averages."

Kinaed claims, "But I'm not sure what it'll tell us overall, so we're gathering it, and then start to form a view."

Azarial states, "I only have a day and....two hours or so of data so far. that is not a large enough sample."

Kinaed says to Ariel le Orban, "We've accounted for that."

Azarial says, "Spans can be back to back. emotes are expiring as they did before I tried to cherry pick the dead ones."

Kinaed states, "I think spans are back to back if it's implemented as specified. It's just that when a span starts, your data from last span has been cleared, so it waits for you to do anything and starts to accumulate your RPxp level once again."

Ariel le Orban nods.

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "So as soon as the span ends, pull a large emote out of your ass. At least, that's what I try to do >.>"

Madyriel asks, "That'd most hurt the people who take 5+ minutes to write an emote or who are waiting on someone who takes that long to post?"

Kinaed states, "Players are awarded RPxp for every tick of the span, so if you start at cleared, but think or set an action, it should bump you up. It'll require that you emote once to trigger the xp reward, however."

Madyriel queries, "Because wouldn't that be 5 minutes getting no XP?"

Azarial claims, "Technically, the time period for the emotes to count is logner than it was before this latest round began."

Madyriel is still wrapping her head around the new system.

Kinaed states, "You might not get xp on any given tick, that's not the new paradigm of RPxp reward."

Kinaed claims, "This is a rewrite of the old RPxp system, it doesn't work the same way."

Kinaed questions, "Anything else people want to know about RPxp? Otherwise, we've got 2 other items?"

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair claims, "Im honestly utterly confused at the new system because it can be fustrating as a player watching your stuff stay at fair when before it use go up, now I gotta change the way I rp to get it to go higher."

Kinaed claims, "The autowarnings should help guide you to know what you need to do."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "I guess I just like being a rebel and not caring."

Kinaed says, "It's simple stuff like setting your action, putting a mood in place, etc."

Shaylei de Roldan wonders, "What autowarnings?"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male parades about his anarchy.

Madyriel states to a flint-eyed Vandagan male, "Says the person who was just talking about balancing and polls."

Madyriel grins at a flint-eyed Vandagan male.

Kinaed claims, "Yes, we installed an autowarning system, which is what had us find bugs in the RPxp system where things weren't counting properly."

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "With the way the time span's been explained, I still feel like the slower emoters/scenes get penalized. I understand that you have to think to get it set back up, but having to emote to get the rpxp awarded to you is going to be an issue when most of the scenes I'm in involve taking turns to emote."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states to Madyriel, "Shush, you."

Kinaed says, "So we went to fix it, but found we couldn't fix many of the items because of how RPxp was designed. So we rewrote it."

Kinaed claims, "We had problems like emotes not being counted the proper number of times and people getting booted out of XP when they were still there."

Azarial claims, "You;ve always had to say/;emote to earn in a scene."

Kinaed states, "Those were existing bugs that everyone had been playing with for a long time, but didn't know about because the RPxp system wasn't transparent until autowarnings came in."

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man is idle.

Ariel le Orban states, "The problem people are bringing up, I think, is more that if you emote at 8:19, span ticks over at 8:20, if you don't have a chance to emote again until 8:25 in a turns scene that's 5 minutes of nothing."

Kinaed states, "For example, autowarnings told us that it only counted people doing 3 emotes in 20 minutes, when in reality they'd done 5, for example."

Azarial states, "A think of sucifient size and length counts as an emote."

Kinaed states to Ariel le Orban, "Even in the old system, that'd be a few minutes of nothing. Except you'd drop out of RP all together."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "A quick fix would be to make everything learn off of use and supplement that with recommends and QPs."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Just, y'know, throwing that one out there."

Kinaed states, "There is no right or guarantee that a player will earn RPxp every tick, the rpxp system is designed to reward people for what they do. It does it consistently across the board, and it is based on spans now."

Kinaed says, "But it's not that different to the previous system, sans bugs."

Madyriel questions, "But before I think we could be in RP a solid 10-15 minutes before we dropped to none, right?"

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair questions, "I guess my curiosity of the point I was trying to bring is why is it harder to get aboce fair/average than it was before?"

Azarial claims, "The bugs actually maek the revamp better."

Azarial claims, "There;s more things you can do to bump it up."

Ariel le Orban says to Madyriel, "Yeah. Pose at 8:19, you're getting XP straight through 8:29, even if a span would hit in the middle. But it WAS buggy, that's true."

Kinaed states to Madyriel, "I don't think so, given people reporting that they were constantly dropping out of RP before."

Madyriel headscratches.

Ariel le Orban says to Kinaed, "That was only after the first changes that that happened."

Ariel le Orban states, "Before the changes people were only dropping if it was more than 10 mins."

Kinaed says, "In any case, no players might not earn RPxp every tick. I don't see that as an issue, however. Games sometimes only award on the hour or on the day for what you did."

Kinaed states, "Some games award only weekly."

Kinaed says, "What matters is that it's consistent and well balanced."

Ariel le Orban says, "Yeah, if rates take the 'dry spells' into account the end result is the same."

Kinaed says, "We view that there may be a balance problem at the moment."

Madyriel nods.

Kinaed states, "Some players have reported RPxp is too slow for comfortable play."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states, "Berb. Need a hot pocket or something."

Kinaed states, "THAT I view as potentially a major problem, but we don't know why it is happening, how many people are experiencing it, if people experiencing it are experiencing it to the same degree or the same reasons."

Azarial says, "Hence data collection."

Kinaed finishes abruptly, "So we're collecting data - yeah :)"

Arynon von Eclen is one of those, " I can only play for a bit during the week, I think I've earned around 400 xp for the rp i've had since tuesday(ish)

Kinaed nods at Arynon von Eclen.

Azarial claims, "To get a decent sample it's going to take a while. so play ass normal."

Kinaed claims, "We'll know shortly how much epople are earning over what period of earning and what level of RPxp people are at of the several levels people can achieve."

Kinaed questions, "Can I ask - has anyone been at 'legendary' rpxp earning? What's the highest you guys have seen? Are you having difficulty bumping up over fair, even when doing things autowarnings are telling you to?"

Madyriel states, "Fair."

Arynon von Eclen hasn't been over fair since the change.

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Good whenever I throw random thinks in there"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes has been transferred in by Kinaed. [OOC]

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "I've never touched legendary, even with cyans in the room"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male trails off, "Ah..."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "I think I got legendary when I was doing the whole riot mini-event."

Ariel le Orban states to a flint-eyed Vandagan male, "That was bfore the big change."

Kinaed claims to a flint-eyed Vandagan male, "I'm not sure if that's been since the last change."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male trails off, "But that was like mood sets, two cyans, actions, my horse's action, my horse's brother's action, the girl across the street's action..."

Ariel le Orban states, "I haven't been over fair."

Madyriel grins at a flint-eyed Vandagan male.

Azarial claims, "Your action only counts once, and only for you."

Kinaed claims, "I'll publish the ranges in the help file so that people can see how far up the ladder they are versus how far up the ladder they can get."

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair says, "So its not just me thats good to know."

Azarial claims, "Which has not changed."

[Action: a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes is sitting on a throne composed of kittens]

Ariel le Orban says, "It's confusing because prompt will read average when you're getting 0, I think."

A lithely built, sun-browned man muses, "Do you have to change an action every so often for it to count?"

Ariel le Orban claims, "So it seems like fair really means low."

Kinaed questions to Azarial, "That means they need to update their action every span to get the action bonus?"

Azarial claims, "No."

Azarial states, "Have your action on, good."

Azarial states, "Have a mood in the room in the appropriate plane, good."

[Action: a lithely built, sun-browned man is in the middle of the street crunking like a bawss]

Kinaed states, "You CAN earn RPxp at average."

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man is no longer idle.

Kinaed says, "Fair is not low and average does NOT mean 0 only."

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "I don't think I've ever earned rpxp at average. And whenever someone walks into the room, you're automatically set to average without having thrown emotes into the scene"

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "Oh wait, no, I've earned at average, nevermind."

Kinaed claims, "That's true, it starts at average and sets the span."

Delilah has reconnected.

Ariel le Orban states, "It'd be nice if none came back for transparency."

Ariel le Orban states, "Since sometimes average is earning but sometimes it's not."

Kinaed says, "Anyway, where we're at is getting data for analysis and review. We're sorry about any problems or discontent we've caused."

Kinaed says, "People were complaining about dropping out of RP."

Kinaed claims, "Seeing 'none' on their prompts seemed to be a problem."

Madyriel claims, "I agree that the average feels misleading, since I'm actually not earning average sometimes. Would rather see none if none is what I'm getting."

Madyriel nods.

Ariel le Orban claims, "But you stll drop out."

Ariel le Orban nods at Madyriel.

Kinaed claims, "In any case, we've got 15 minutes and two more topics."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Well i have to admit that since this whole change.. i have been getting nearly 3/4's the amount of xp i used to from rp.."

Madyriel says, "Happy to move on to the next topic, though."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Reeve/Court merger."

Kinaed muses to a flint-eyed Vandagan male, "Gavin's Reeve/Court merger?"

Ariel le Orban trails off, "Haha, well, the Reeves seemed to all hate it except for me..."

Kinaed claims, "I have to admit, on the surface, that leaves me with a big "???" over my head."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male asks, "It's on the forums. I've changed my vote to no. All in favor of no?"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Aye."

Delilah states, "I personally disagree with that idea.."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes rolls her eyes "Really."

Kinaed says, "There's a reminder to go read the forums. :)"

Ariel le Orban states, "I like it, but not enough to argue. *grin*"

Ariel le Orban says, "Other mergers make more sense to me like Merchant/Physicians."

Kinaed wonders, "Should I turn that into a poll?"

Ariel le Orban says to Kinaed, "People were asking for a poll."

Kinaed says, "Okay, sec."

A lithely built, sun-browned man says, "Does not compute"

A lithely built, sun-browned man's mind asplodes

Delilah grins at a lithely built, sun-browned man.

Arynon von Eclen doesn't think any more mergers need to happen, the guilds seem fine as is.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "I agree with arynon"

[Action: a lithely built, sun-browned man is sprawled on the street, headless]

Kinaed queries, "Vote here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=704"

Ariel le Orban says, "I'm sitll in the 'fewer guilds better' place."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "I'm cancelling my own topic. It's something I can just discuss with Olivia/Loreth/Kin in private."

Kinaed claims, "I guess we could get rid of all the guilds but one."

Ariel le Orban trails off, "...well, maybe not to that extent..."

Kinaed grins.

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man stands up.

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man begins to descend.

Kinaed states, "I think there's a good place to be, and I personally feel like we're there or close to there atm."

A very haggard and unkept middle aged man opens the lower door.
A very haggard and unkept middle aged man leaves down

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes states, "Yeah... i may go on a homicidal rampage at that point.. in my own mind"

Azarial says, "Phys and merchants would maek more sense atm than reeves and court."

Kinaed queries, "Okay, if that coves the guild merger... Order Theme, Reid?"

Kinaed declares, "10 min to go!"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states to Kinaed, "A good place to be would be with 80 more players and the ability to make your own little guild clubs."

Arynon von Eclen asks, "Did that link not work for anyone else?"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims to Kinaed, "With a little luck, though."

Kinaed declares to a flint-eyed Vandagan male, "Something I will gladly discuss at 80 players. Go forth and advertise!"

Kinaed states, "... and please vote, everyone. :)"

Ariel le Orban says to Kinaed, "The thing I was working on for the December quest is mostly done and looks feasible to do exactly as we discussed."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male grin.

Azarial has had plans for a semi-unlimited player run guild system.

Ariel le Orban says, "Sad it got moved later in Dec, though."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states to Azarial, "It's similar to having too big a map at a MUDs startup. Spreads people too thin."

Kinaed says to Ariel le Orban, "Thanks. I covered my end of that stick today, and Az has all the specs. It's just execution according to plan now."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "Psshh.. don't need a system to have my own guild.. vren prime example had a coven of mages that rivaled the manus in numbers.. that was a good day"

Kinaed nods at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

Azarial claims, "That;s why i never advanced it beyod making dual guilding work better."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male nods at az

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "Well, I'm failing today."

Kinaed asks, "Reid, did you want to go over your last topic?"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states, "Nah, I'm good."

Ariel le Orban claims to a flint-eyed Vandagan male, "That's my whole feeling re: guilds. Don't wanna spread folks thin."

Kinaed asks, "Ahh, okay. Anything else anyone wants to talk about for 10 minutes?"

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair asks, "Can I get a trans out please?"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male states, "My big cassock."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "Yeah i do have something"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male pulls the collar up on a crisply pressed black cassock that reaches the ankles.

Arynon von Eclen ponders, " so if there is another guild merge, i can be a knight, a priest, a noble and a reeve?"

Ariel le Orban says to Arynon von Eclen, "...you're not a priest now."

Kinaed claims, "Btw, I can change the RPxp lowest tier to be none. I don't really mind that change."

Madyriel nods at Kinaed.

Ariel le Orban says, "If it's actually ticking at 0, none is nicer."

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "Yeah, seeing AVERAGE give you false hope"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes asks, "When will we get the application note on the announce board back up?"

Ariel le Orban claims, "Ticking at just 1 flat rpxp if you haven't posed yet this cycle but did pose last cycle would be nice, though."

A lithely built, sun-browned man raises a hand asking, "Am I the only one in that department?"

Arynon von Eclen looks to Ariel le Orban, " Shhh! They don't need to know that!"

Ariel le Orban says to a lithely built, sun-browned man, "Nope."

Kinaed wonders, "Application note?"

Ariel le Orban says to Kinaed, "It got taken down by accident"

A bronze skinned Tubori male with black hair has been transferred out by Delilah. [OOC]

Kinaed says, "The thing is ... you're earning RPxp in a span."

Shaylei de Roldan has been transferred out by Kinaed. [OOC]

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "The one will all the open roles available for applications.. like where it said epion and all those"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "With not will"

Ariel le Orban states, "If the span ticks at 8:20, I don't pose til 8:25, I earn zero from 8:20 to 8:25."

Kinaed muses, "So?"

Ariel le Orban says, "But I see average and think I am earning."

Kinaed states, "You're in RP."

Ariel le Orban says, "It's really handy to know when you're earning and when you're not."

Kinaed claims, "The game is saying 'I detect you in RP'."

Kinaed states, "Let me think about how to represent that."

Ariel le Orban states, "It'd be more helpful to know actual gain rate than if we're in RP or not, yeah."

Kinaed asks, "Okay, someone ... Sam? YOu had something>"

Kinaed wonders to Azarial, "Can we make that 'low' maybe?"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes says, "Kinaed i already said my thing."

Arynon von Eclen finishes charging his armor, unplugs it, then flips the switch on his armor to 'Blinding Glory' mode.

Kinaed claims to a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes, "I think I missed it."

Kinaed says, "Oh."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes asks, "The whole open roles application?"

Kinaed says, "I guess there must be nothing open atm."

Ariel le Orban states, "No, there were like 10."

Ariel le Orban claims, "The note just disappeared."

Ariel le Orban claims, "(There were so many because Tris put up tons.)"

Kinaed says, "I have no idea where it went. I know I didn't touch it."

Madyriel claims, "Hrm."

Kinaed says, "I'll ask people to resubmit any application requests to the Request Board."

Arynon von Eclen claims to Kinaed, "There were about half a dozen merch spots, those haven't been filled so shouldn't be closed"

Kinaed nods at Arynon von Eclen.

Ariel le Orban states, "Poet Knight and Epion."

A flint-eyed Vandagan male claims, "Maybe just bag the merch spots under... 'General Merchant'."

Kinaed says, "Like I said, no idea what happened to it, so I'll ask people to resubmit any open roles and repost it."

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes claims, "Well i was merely bringing this up as a reminder since i have had application ready.. just waiting for the note to reappear.. But yeah that is about all you can do"

Kinaed says, "I rather like GLs specifying what it is that they want."

A lithely built, sun-browned man muses, "Hey uh... anybody going to use those coins? If not I'll take 'em"

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes states, "Wait were the coins the ooc gift/thingy thing"

Kinaed nods at a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes.

A fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes mutters: '.o i.ea w..t ..e. are ..t.al.. called'

Kinaed gives a fine-toned woman with bright honey-gold eyes some coins.

A lithely built, sun-browned man begins to count their money.

Kinaed wonders, "Did I miss anyone with the coins?"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says, "Yes. Those dropped coins are mine. Don't touch them."

A lithely built, sun-browned man claims, "I must have missed it in the spam"

A flint-eyed Vandagan male says to Kinaed, "That wasn't in response to your Q."

Kinaed states, "OOC Chat time is over."

A lithely built, sun-browned man states, "It's been fun guys"

Kinaed claims, "Thank you everyone who attended, sorry I couldn't stay longer."

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:51 am

Argider wrote: Ariel le Orban states, "If the span ticks at 8:20, I don't pose til 8:25, I earn zero from 8:20 to 8:25."

Kinaed muses, "So?"

Ariel le Orban says, "But I see average and think I am earning."

Kinaed states, "You're in RP."

Ariel le Orban says, "It's really handy to know when you're earning and when you're not."

Kinaed claims, "The game is saying 'I detect you in RP'."

Kinaed states, "Let me think about how to represent that."

Ariel le Orban states, "It'd be more helpful to know actual gain rate than if we're in RP or not, yeah."
Just wanted to agree with the "show none if it's none" thing. I don't even think you need to represent the RP thing separately.

Is there a non-bug case where whether we think we're in RP and whether the game thinks we're in RP differ? I think, as players, that whether the code thinks we're in RP is only useful because of what it contributes to the XP calculation.

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:55 am

Did tell-invites get sent out for the OOC chat? I was online yesterday, but never got an invite and thought the chat had been canceled. =/.

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:00 pm

It started an hour early, so that might have been it.
Player of: Alexander ab Courtland

Posts: 180
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Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:08 am

Believe I was online then, too. I didn't have OOC on to know anything had changed, though.

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